Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 3 - Days in nightclub (2)

Chapter 3: Days in nightclub (2)

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

There are 4 chief managers in Golden Paradise. I am the youngest but I have been working here for the longest time. I was on 18 when I came here. Started from the boy serve the plates, then be a waiter, then a manager. Finally I am a chief manager now.

I do have some clients on hands. The commission from them is more than the salary I get.

John is another chief manager on duty with me. He is over 30 and much older than me. He has a white face flirting eyes. He always has very strong lust. He was flirting with another mummy Phoenix when I had walked to the back kitchen.

Phoenix is the No.1 mummy in our nightclub. Although she hasn’t girls as many as Mary has. But she has 2 Top-tier Girls. These two girls are all the absolutely beauties. They are the precious of Golden Paradise nightclub.

Don’t look down on these girls. They won’t go out with clients often.


It’s simple.

Human nature is, the best thing is what you want but you can’t get easily. Basically, if any guest come to the nightclub and want to take out a girl, she would say no. If he is so easy to get, he will lose his interest very soon. How can we earn the long term money in that case?

Normally, if you go to the nightclub, if you want to go out with a girl you like. She would refuse you several times. Only when she feels that already earns enough money on you. She would agree with you then.

Of course, if you want to pay quite a lot of money to make it quick. It will be your freedom. It’s the money business.

Sometimes girl will ask for free of charge for once. It’s more because she values the potential and hope to keep the client coming.

There are some handsome clients who do know how to make fun with the girls. In that case, girls are also willing to go out with them. But this situation is very rarely. I did see such a tough guy that he brought a very pretty girl out only at the first night come. They ate midnight snack together and open a room in hotel that night. She paid all the charges even included the taxi fee. And she did miss him for quite a long time and wish to see him again.

You must know, these girls are the same human being with all the beautiful romantic dreams they should have. Handsome guest by chance could meet their fantasy imaginations which are deep hiding in their hearts.

But things like that never happen on the Top-tier Girls. It’s impossible to ask them going out with you at the first time. Actually it’s never easy to ask them go out. If they agree, it must be one reason that you do pay a big number.

I sat down and greeted to John and Phoenix. Phoenix sat toward with obsequious smile. Her looking is totally different with Mary. She is kind of small size girl. But her eyes are really charming. She’s shrewd and do has some means. Otherwise she can’t control the two top-tier girls.

“5, what makes you so late?” John handed a cigarette to me. He smiled and showed his white teeth. It is said that he used to work in one of famous nightclub when he was young. But he is a bit too old to do that. So he come to Golden Paradise to be a chief manager now.

I’m not so much like him. He can be here not because of his ability, but for someone behind. It is said that there are two shareholders of this nightclub. One is our boss and another one is a rich woman who brought John here.

I always think John need a spanking. Not only me, many people here feel the same. They call him gigolo on the back.

Phoenix held my neck. “Hey 5, I heard that Boss Mark will come tonight again. He is the old friend of you. Pls do ask my girls to provide service for him.”

I noticed John was a bit upset when Phoenix had held me. So I broke out from here by lighting the cigarette. I am not afraid of him but it’s no need to offend a colleague by such small things.

“Phoenix, you have enough to earn with your two Top-tier girls What you need to do is counting the number every day.” I sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from the cigarette and chose food from the table menus.

She looked a bit unnatural. “We still need you to look after us anyway.”

A thought suddenly came to my mind: Is there something wrong between she with two top-tier girls?

But it’s not my business. I finished my food quickly and left the table. I need to take a shower.

Behind my back, these two guys were still sneaking and discussing something.

Everyone here knows they have affairs. Mummy usually won’t keep a long-term relationship with a chief manager. But they are not in this column. But I guess in my mind whether he is interesting on the top-tier girls on her hands?

Most of the girls need to please the chief managers and mummies. Only chief managers are pleased, they will let you have more chances to approach the big client, mummy will arrange a good position for you. You know, all the girls form a line in front of the guest to be chosen. The best positions are the front & central ones. If you are arranged the side position, you are hard to be seen. You might be block up by other girls. In that case, you have very few chances to be chosen no matter how pretty you are.

Top-tier girl is very different with the average girls. They don’t need to please anyone. They are so popular and have their own old clients. They don’t have to fight for the position with other girls. They are the golden goose so that mummies take good care of them. Chief mangers may put upon on common girls but not work from Top-tiers.

In our nightclub, there are four top-tier girls. Two of them are the super beauty. One of them used to be an actress and did play some characters in some movies. She come just because of easy money. Comparatively speaking, show business competition is much harder than here.

After a 20 minutes hot water shower, I felt all my energy come back. A waiter there came to me. “Brother 5, do you need a massage?”

It’s the real massage without sexy. I never touch the girls here. You know, they will touch so many men here days by days and month by month.

I will not say no in normal day. Massage service here is really good. But it’s a bit late today. About working now. I let him took a bottle of water. Finish it and walk to the door.

19:00 pm, nightclub is opening on time.

A line of waitresses who wears cheongsam are standing behind the door. Once a guest comes in, they will make a profound reverence and say. “Hello Boss!”

These waitresses are so called room-princess who provides service in VIP room. They are not like the girls. Their responsibilities are tea & wine pouring things. Guest can’t too close or touch them. When finished the party, guest will also give them some tips.

John and I wear the interphones with headset. We walk around all the rooms Sometimes we greet with the guests no matter familiar or not, sometimes we enter the room to chat and drink a cup of wine with the guests.

If you please the clients, clients pay the bills willingly.

Business tonight is pretty good. All the rooms are full by 21:00 pm. After drank several glasses with Boss Mark, I sneak out and back to the rest room. I feel a bit drunk due to drink too fast.

A soft body closes to me as soon as I am sitting down. I know she’s Mary just by the smell. Her face is pink, possibly a bit drank too. She gives me a wet wipe and ask me with the sweet voice.

“5, what brings you back here alone?”

I sigh. She will not look for me for no reason. I clean my face and take a glance at her.

“What’s wrong, Mary?”

She sit down too and hold me tighter.

“Why I can’t just want to chat with you by nothing?”

I hold her waist and hand keep going down. She does not dodge, on the contrary, look like alluring me. I am not a rookie. I have already known her intention. I stroke her thighs, her skin has a fine texture and tighten muscle. I heard that she takes cold shower everyday. Seems it’s the truth. Her body is as young as the teenagers.

Mary giggles and looks like defending my hands. But these behaviors performs like encourage me to go further steps. I knows immediately and my right hand go straight to her left breast.

“You are flirting me by heart, aren’t you?”

She hit my hand away with charming smiles. “Thank you so much for tonight!” What she mentions is I arrange two big clients for her just now. Phoenix was beside me then but I don’t care. Phoenix is closer to John,I have no reason to take more care of her.

“Let’s have a later supper together. Bothe me and my girls are all appreciating you.”

“So many beauties? I can’t handle. I even hardly to handle one person like you.” I joke to her.

Mary giggles again. “5,don’t play with me any more. We all know your have kongfu. You are so strong, your woman will be so lucky!”

I feel lost suddenly and just release her. “my woman? Doing this job, there won’t any good woman willing to be with me.”

She realized that she said the wrong words. “OK OK! How about I go with you tonight?”

I am alert. Mary is sexy indeed but never let us take advantage of her. What’s wrong with her tonight? Why she is trying to please me so hard? She could if send one of her girl.

“5, I want you know this thing first that two girls of Phoenix want to hop to me. You know her and she will give you face. Would you mind say good words for me?”

Her face closes to my face and slightly chewing my right ear. One of her hand caresses my dick and pinches. Her chest rubs my chest. I feel a fire is burning from my body. But she escaped while I am trying to hold her in my arm.

“Not for now! I need to back for work. But…”

A special light is glared from her eyes. She go to close the door and back to me, crouch down, undone my zipper, and open her mouth.

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