Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 25 - The night of desire

Chapter 25: The night of desire

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

Frankly speaking, I’d like to go out with Juan and meet Vivi Young again.

I don’t know why, she seems to be attracting to me. Not only her beautiful, but also there seems to be something makes me want to get close and watch her closely. There’s a glimmer of cunning intelligence between her eyebrows with the cold but confident smile, and, of course, her pretty face, are all attracting me.

I have seen many beautiful women, but I seldom see such a beauty like her.

But Juan doesn’t mean to go out again.

He just smiles at me, then waves and let Jim come in and take me out.

“You can have a good rest tonight, and I’ll take you for a walk tomorrow during the daytime.”

Juan does not say anything more. Maybe he feels he has said many enough to me tonight. He should give me some time to digest it.

When I walk out, I don’t see Vivi Young again. She is probably in one of the VIP lounges.

Until later, I heard that she had won 10 million dollars that night, but then she lost it on purpose. She probably did this just to express her dissatisfaction.

There are gambling masters in the casino, but Juan didn’t let them go. And Vivi Young’s two attendants are all good players in Las Vegas.

But I don’t know these things that time. Jim takes me into the elevator, then down to the eighth floor, and leads me to a room.

“Come in and have a good rest, and I’ll come to pick you up tomorrow morning.” Jim’s tone doesn’t fluctuate. He pushes the door open to let me in, then left.

This is a very luxurious suite, walk in, foot is soft carpet, step on very comfortable. Outside is a very spacious living room, sofa is leather, the shape is elegant. There’s a big LCD TV on the wall. When I entered the room, a crystal light on the ceiling slowly lit up, the light is gradually strengthened, very soft. And I realize that I haven’t pressed any button, and it probably has some sensors.

The furniture in the living room is exquisite, and the whole room is heavily colored, as if it is champagne after precipitation. There is also a wine bar in the living room, and I take a closer look at it. There are a row of various wines, and a row of crystal glasses hang on the next floor.

I take a deep breath, even if I have never been to a place like this, I can still see its high level!

In front of the bar is a house-style minibar, from which I find a small bartender. I pour myself a glass of whisky. I find the refrigerator below, and I take out the ice maker. I put two ice cubes in the wine, and swallow in one gulp.

Liquor is running down from my esophagus into my stomach, and the heat seems to be burning my chest and abdomen. I feel a little comfortable, and I can’t help getting a thrill and take a long sigh of relief.

I’m a little confused, or, to put it another way, I am somewhat curious about tomorrow.

What’s Juan’s big plan? What’s he going to let me do?

And, of course, the most exciting thing about what has happened tonight.

How much was it on earth?!

Thinking of the number that I count, at this moment, when I am sitting at the bar in the room to drink, upstairs casino is also non-stop grabbing and making money!

The chips, a stroke of dollars, are thrown out by those people at will.

What a fucking luxury!

I admit, when I threw out those chips, although my face pretended not to move, but my heart was really beating very hard!

I didn’t know what I was thinking when I threw the ten thousand dollars in my hand away in less than an hour.

That’s ten thousand dollars after all! It’s a number that most ordinary people can’t even earn in a year!

Perhaps until today, I just find out that my original life is so pure!

I do the job in a high level nightnightclub, but tonight I have learned that such high level is just to the ordinary people. The amount of expenses in a single night is only a few thousand. The girls there, as long as you are willing to throw out several thousands, at any time they are willing to take off the cloths!

Compare with here, I even saw some gamblers casually threw a few chips to the beauty around when they won, their eyelids without any blink!

And I happened to see a pretty girl in the casino with her guests. She was wearing an expansive evening dress.


I’m afraid I can’t afford such dress for my half a year’s income!

And the watch on her wrist, worth tens of thousands of dollars, a Cartier!

These guests were throwing thousands of chips at random, within the indifferent expressions, holding beautiful women whom ordinary people might not see for a whole year, carrying the cup of wine which equals ordinary people’s weekly income.

Are these so-called upper class society?

I take another sip of whisky.

I must say that I am full of conflicting ideas. On the one hand, I am shocked by what I have seen and heard tonight. I do have some expectations for tomorrow.

I have to admit, tonight, when I was throwing a lot of money, my heart was also feeling more of cool feelings than lost!

After drinking two cups of whisky, my head begins to hurt a little. Gently pressing the temple, I remember the warning from Wood that I should not drink.

I look up at my own reflection on the glass of the wine cabinet, sometimes vague, and sometimes clear.

When I was injured, in order to deal with the wound, the hospital shaved off my hair in the middle of the head. For beauty, I simply found a place to shave all my hair short. Now, although it looks awkward, it is not too abrupt.

The face on the glass, there are some red, and a sparkling light in my eyes.

Is that me?

I smile at the glass, with a wry smile at the corners of my mouth. Thinking of Juan’s words.

“This circle, if you come in, then you won’t be able to get out!”

But what strikes me even more is the other word from Juan:” If you enter this circle, you may get fortune, money, position that you can’t imagine! You can get what an ordinary person dreams of!”

I admit my heart is really moved!

I really feel enchanted!

I myself am also a young man and have ambitious too. I also hope to get ahead one day!

Shaking my head, I sit down with a glass of whisky on the soft carpet on the floor.

Just then, I suddenly hear that the bedroom door in the suite open gently.

A slender & soft figure appears half way out of the door, and by the soft light of the room I see a fair pretty face facing me, bleary-eyed, half-clothed, revealing a white, pink shoulder; let the heartbeat rise under the cloth let a man’s heart bulge.

I am startled for a while, but before I could react, the figure seems to be startled either. Utters a short exclamation, then quickly escape.


But then the door opens a little, and this time the figure comes out softly, as if she is hesitant and afraid of me.

I see clearly that it is one of the two beautiful twin girls who came in when I was bathing with Juan in the evening.

She seems just woken up, her long hair drapes over her shoulders, her face somewhat flushes and languid, and she is wearing only a snow-white shirt, under which, by the dim light, there seems to be only one piece of underwear. Under the shirt, is a pair of round and sturdy long legs, under the light, looks delicate and smooth. I feel dizzy while seeing such a scene.

The girl seems timid, takes a few steps closer, and hesitates to stop there, as if not knowing whether to come over. Her long, slender legs so completely exposed to my view, which close together, straight, with her delicate feet on the carpet. I can feel she’s trembling.

I realize at once that she has been arranged to wait for me here.

Thinking of this, I suddenly smile, and then look at the girl. So we are looking at each other for a few seconds, I say: “You. Are you the elder or the younger?”

She calms down, seems to remember her purpose here. Her face is showing some tension, biting her lip, carefully walking to my side, hands seems to be trying to pull me up.

I grab her small hands. Her palms are cold, but very soft, is the feeling I like. Then I pull harder, and the girl let out a low cry and falls into my arms. I lean over and sniff at her shivering neck.

It smells good!

“Don’t you know talk? Are you the elder or the younger?” I smile, trying to keep my expression mild.

“The elder.” I finally hear her voice. Not surprisingly, it’s as soft as a rabbit. It is a little sharp, but euphony.

I am a little surprised when I see that the fluster in her eyes is not disguised. She is really afraid of me, and now that we are so close together. I am holding her wrists. I can feel her pulse is beating fast.

I know what she does, and frankly, she’s here to serve me. I think that’s what she does for a living.

Some professional girls will deliberately pretend to a simple posture, or bird dependent look, to please the guests. But I can see that her expression is not faked, but real.

`You’re afraid?”.

She nods, but then her face is turning pale and she shakes her head immediately.

“Are you afraid or not?” I’m more curious.

This time the girl doesn’t even dare to move her head. She’s just lookinat me straight with her eyes and dares not blink her eyelids.

I feel kind of funny. Looking at this girl who is as frightened as a rabbit, I suddenly feel something evil in my heart. I slowly put out a hand and almost naturally slip through her shirt.

The maiden’s silky skin is as tender as a slip. My hand glides slowly along her soft waist and climbs up to a full bud in her bosom.

“Umm!” The girl’s body suddenly stiffens, but then softens down, looking at my eyes with something strange.

As if to accept fate, she gives me a faint look, and then slowly closes her eyes.

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