Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 125 - To break with

Chapter 125: To break with

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I know how fast I can hit. After years of the practices, my reaction and movements are much faster than the average person. Although I just wake up from my sleep and rushing to hit, my wrist was still pinched by Jim. His fingers are like the pincers. I can hardly move and half of my body is numb.

But then I hear his voice, and I’m finally relieved, do not try to struggle: “It’s you?”

He let go of my wrist, still standing in the dark, looking down at me. I get up and say: “When did you come?”

“It’s already been for a while.” His voice is still so cold, “Just watching you sleep and didn’t wake you up.”

Don’t know why, I’m just feeling a little chilly. It’s late, there is no light in the room, so he is just standing there in the dark and talking to me, let me feel a little uncomfortable.

After thinking, I say: “Where’s Juan? Does he come too?”

He does not speak. I say: “Dorra’s in the room inside.”

“Dorra, I’ve taken her away.” Jim’s voice hasn’t any emotion. It sounds so cold.

My heart is sinking: “You’ve taken her away?”

“Yes, when you were sleeping.” He answers lightly.

This answer makes my heart just like sinking to the bottom of the sea!

How complicated is the meaning in his words, I can’t understand it clearly for a moment!

Dorra was picked up while I was sleeping? Joke, who am I? Even I’m sleeping, and I can wake up immediately if there’s any movement around me! But I didn’t realize that there was a person in and out of the room to take the girl away.

What does this mean?

Jim seems to sigh in a slightly unnatural tone: “I’ve used a little trick on you to keep you asleep until now. Dorra should have met her father now.”


The uneasiness in my heart is growing stronger and stronger. Looking at Jim’s outline in the darkness, I keep silent.

“Cha!” A fire is flashing, it’s Jim’s lighter. In the dim light, his face, which never has any expression, is looking at me with a complicated look now.

He lights a cigarette, but doesn’t smoke himself, just hands to me. I hesitate to take it.

“Little 5, you’ve worked very hard.” Suddenly his tone is changing, “I know you’ve suffered these days.”

I smoke and say nothing.

“This thing was nothing to do with you.” Jim’s tone is strangely calm, as if he is talking to himself, and as if he is stating a very simple fact, “From beginning to the end, it’s Dorra, the child’s own ignorance caused the trouble and grabbed you down. If we didn’t entrust you with the care of the girl at the beginning, you would not as miserable as you are now.”

He is speaking slowly and his voice is as cold as a stone.

“Dorra, she…” Suddenly, I understand something, I take a deep breath and ask slowly, “How’s she?”

“Juan will arrange her to go abroad immediately, and she won’t be back for the rest of her life.” Jim is saying lightly, “We found a girl who looks just alike her. After the arrangments, it should be indistinguishable, and then take the body back directly. This thing should be over almostly.”

“Um… But they will continue to chase me. If I am alive for one day, and it’s still not going to an end.” I feel the bitterness in my mouth.

Jim is silent for a moment and does not speak.

I’m suddenly laughing.

Really, I’m really laughing!

I feel It’s just a joke from beginning to end! A huge joke!

I’m laughing so hard that I can hardly breathe.

Jim speaks nothing, just looking at me quietly in the dark.

After laughing for a long time, I just feel that my heart is full of the grievance and indignation. With the madness, I’m saying: “So… I have to die, don’t I?”

Jim still doesn’t speak. He is sitting down slowly beside me. Then he is taking out a cigarette slowly and lights it for himself.

“Little Five… You know, I’ve always admired you.” Jim is sighing. In the darkness, he is saying slowly, “You’re a very good person, but unfortunately you shouldn’t go into this circle. No! Sooner or later, people like you will die in this circle! In this circle, either you eat people or people eat you. You are too kind, not fierce, and a little naive. If people like you don’t die, then this circle will not be this circle anymore.”

Although I have guessed it, I’m still feeling a bit chill is pouring from my spine to the top of my head when I hear Jim’s words. Instantly, my fingertips are cold!

“Juan said… It’s all his faults. He’s so sorry for you. So, he has no face to see you again. Let me see you off.” Jim’s tone is complex, “Your friends will be safe, and your women will not have any accident. It’s all finished for now. This is the last guarantee he can give you.”

I am smoking the cigarette, and the pungent smoke makes me start coughing violently.

The pain in my lungs does not make me feel bad, but my heart is suddenly bursting out with a knife stirring pain!

It really hurts!

“Juan has no idea too. If you don’t die, this won’t be over. If they can’t catch you, they will continue to track down your whereabouts. Sooner or later, they will find Juan. If they find out that you were Juan’s brother, then not only you, Juan, me, but also Dorra, we’re all going to die.” Jim is saying slowly, “Now they only found you were working for Nanny’s company, and have not continued to check your history. But if this thing does not end soon and you still can’t be caught, they may continue to trace your history, Juan will be found for sure then! So, you have to die, and before they trace you back, we just have to get rid of it as soon as possible!”

He is patting me on the shoulder and says: “I know we are really sorry about this. You have your own life, have your own women, had a good job. You could live well. It was Juan asking you to take care of Dorra, and then you got into trouble for her.”

I can’t stop shivering all over, not fear, but a kind of the emotion I can’t describe! It feels like a flood to my heart!

I throw away the cigarette and wipe the corners of my eyes.

Damn it! I’m weeping!

I’m really weeping! Although there is only a drop of tear, but I’m still really weeping!

Then I am laughing and biting my teeth. I feel that my lips have been bitten by myself. There is a slight salty taste in my mouth. Should it be the taste of blood?

“Jim, do you know?” I take a deep breath and laugh with infinite ridicule, “I once thought about how I would die in the future. But it never occurred to me that one day I would die in Juan’s hands.”

Jim is silent for a moment, and he is shaking his head. In the darkness, only the cigarette end between his fingers is shinning.

“Actually, I was hesitant just now. I could finish you up while you’re sleeping. In that case you won’t suffer at all.” Jim is sighing, “But I couldn’t do it. I really couldn’t do it. I think you should know why before you die. Otherwise, it would be too unfair to you.”

I’m almost laughing to weep, pointing him to say: “Ha-ha! Good! Is it fair for me to die after I know it?”

He does not speak.

I try to suppress my mood, then I’m slowly stepping back two steps, staring at him: “Well, now you’re done with what you’re going to say. Are you ready to start?”

He’s still not moving, just smoking blindly.

I feel that I have no strength in my body. I originally want to do the final fight. All of a sudden, my fighting spirit has disappeared.

I have never experienced the feeling of being betrayed by the most trusted people.

And when I am really feeling this now, I realize that it really hurts! It’s the kind of cramp in your heart! A burst of stimulation makes your wholebody strength disappearing slightly! All your thoughts are blasted!

Until finish the cigarette, Jim still doesn’t move. He is whispering suddenly: “OK, I can’t do it now. You go out. The door in the yard is open. You can walk out of the street all the time. But now there are a million dollars have been offered out to buy your life.” He is looking up at me and says, “Little 5, you go. I’ll sit here for an hour. I give you one hour, if you haven’t been killed by the hands outside. I’ll catch up and finish you myself. All I can do is giving you a chance to see if you can escape!”

After that, he is turning around and stops looking at me.

To be honest, my heart is already emptied. It feels that something has hollowed out my whole body from inside to outside. My feet are a little soft. I really want to lie down on the ground with my eyes closed. Just give up!

But just after hesitation, the instinctive desire to survive begins to emerge from the bottom of my heart. I can’t describe that feeling, as if there is a force that driving me step by step to the outside of the door.

Jim is standing behind me, still no any movement.

I don’t even know how I get to the doorway. Only a few short steps, I feel like I have been walking for half my lifetime. When I reach for the cold door handle and open the door, the light from outside is penetrating into the room. The cool wind at night is blowing on my numb face.

In this instant, my wholebody strength seems to be coming back. It is dark outside, but the winds, the lamps, the stars and the whole world suddenly make me recluctant to depart!

The desire to survive is growing strongly in my heart. I’m shivering slightly, looking back deeply at Jim. I feel my voice is hoarsing. I’m saying slowly to him: “Jim, give a word to Juan for me. Over the past few years, I have been taking him as my real eldest brother, even like my father!”

With the light coming in from outside, I can see Jim’s shadow is trembling slightly.

I grit my teeth, close the door, then walking away quickly.

Inside my heart, is determinedly with the broken pieces! I have to go and throw out all of the past!

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