Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 117 - Skillful

Chapter 117: Skillful

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

Phoenix’s appearance has changed a lot, but I still recognize her at a glance. She’s a little thinner, her skin a little darker, but she looks more energetic, and her eyes have a lot of momentum. In one word, she looks deceptive.

She puts the book and the folder on the desk, pulling a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of her nose, saying softly: “Hello, everyone, I am the trainer who is lecturing to you today. You are welcome. Now that you are here, we are all brothers and sisters. You don’t have to call me Miss. Lau. It’s too polite. Just call me Phoenix.”

After that, she gives out a sweet smile. There’re several men sitting in the front row seem to be half hooked at once.

She looks like a normal woman now, but she is still keeping the haunting eyes. Then she grabs a chalk, turns to write a line on the small whiteboard behind her.

“The path to wealth!”

I have to admit that her handwriting is much better than before. At least when she signed the bills in nightclub to send the wine and fruits to guests, her handwriting was liking the ghost pictures.

Her handwriting is better now, but a woman, who hasn’t graduated from junior high school, is wearing the glasses and professional suits to pretend a marketing expert from abroad. These cheaters are bold enough!

“How to earn the greatest wealth!” With a powerful wave of her hand and a look of longing on her face, she is saying loudly, “Everyone comes down to work, to seek gold, in order to be prominent! But no matter you are employed or do business on your own. What do we lack the most? It’s the right theory! No one can earn money without the brain! The era of brute force without theory has long passed! Today I’m going to introduce to you the most advanced pyramid marketing theory in the world!”

Subsequently, a series of terms, kind of offline, ROI, sales chain extra extra are jumping out of her mouth skillfully.

I have to say that this speech is very inspiring. I am sure that this kind of enchanting speech is absolutely not what she can say. She must have recited the manuscript. However, this woman who have experienced numerous nightclub scenes are absolutely first-class in acting! Her speech is full of humanistic color!

Usually, this kind of illegal pyramid sales system, in fact, advocates upgrading the system of return. That is to say, you buy products online and sell them to the offline at a higher price. The more you buy, the more offlines you develop, the more you earn! At the same time, your offlines must be further developed.

Actually, most of the so-called “commodities” in pyramid sales do not have market value or market competitiveness, and their prices are often several times or even tens of times higher than the prices of similar commodities in the market. Because they are only a cover for manipulating the operation to cheat money. Many people stock up a lot of goods in order to reach the sales target. They think that if they may find the offlines quickly, they can make more money and get faster promotion opportunities. As a result, a large number of goods can not be sold because they can’t find enough offlines, so the losses would be huge!

What makes me sick most is that these cheaters have openly bewitched the lamps to start from your friends and relatives to develop offlines.

“Do you have any friends? Do you have classmates? Do you have brothers and sisters? Have you uncles and nieces?”

Yes! You can develop your offline from them and sell them your products! Then tell them the theory! Let them join the family! You have to change your mind! You have to understand that this is to help them again! Because they can also develop offline in this way! Then they can make a lot of money too!

So, just join!

Phoenix, after all, is a beautiful woman. With a red face, sweating on the forehead, she’s simply raising her hands and shouting: “Success is in front of us, is right under our feet! Now follow me and shout! Shout out your hearts together! I want to make a fortune! I want to succeed! I want to be rich! Come along! Come along! I want to make a fortune! I want to succeed! I want to be rich!”

At first the lamps are still hesitating, but the cheaters next to them immediately are shouting louder and louder one by one.

At the same time, those unemployed men, private bosses and other cheaters are coming out again and again to publicize their successful experiences and sharing their successful results, showing off their achievements. The whole room is full of fanaticism.

Human psychology is a kind of delicate “blind conformity” strange psychology, when the surrounding environment is identifying with a thing, even if you have a little doubt, but in the atmosphere of environmental fanaticism, you can easily be assimilated and mobilized.

I’m just hiding behind the crowd and looking around calmly because I have already prepared for it. I find some cheaters are looking at me doubtfully. I don’t want to be too conspicuous, so I’m also shouting a couple of words in a low voice, so they turn their eyes away.

These cheaters, I’m sure, were also the lamps not long ago. They were tricked here to accept this kind of brainwashing, then turned into cheaters and come out to cheat others!

Finally, Phoenix magically pulls out several certificates from the folder she has brought to prove the company’s authority and legitimacy.

In particular, a certificate from a health care certification organization makes me fell both funny and annoying. Now the cheaters are still really thoughtful!

I can assure you that this certificate is true! Absolutely true! And this health care organization is absolutely true!


Let me say a simple example: those toothpaste advertisements that are often shown on TV mention often that they are recommended by the National Dental Prevention Group. Do you feel authoritative?

It’s all fucking bullshit! What “National Dental Prevention Group” is simply false! This organization is not a national one, but a private one. Civilian run! That is to say, it’s a private registered!

Ordinary people do not know this. When they hear the “National Dental Prevention Group”, feel it’s authoritative. In fact, the well-known National Dental Defense Group, the office is actually a small broken room, one table, a total of two people!

So, in fact, it is not difficult to organize and certify health care products by these illegal pyramid selling cheats.

Whatever you sell, as long as you are willing to spend money, hire two pseudo experts to register and set up a certification organization, then find a warehouse as the office location, register, and then you can advertise to boast!

Can’t be registered domestic? Never mind! Just register abroad! It’s simple! There are such intermediaries in foreign countries that specialize in helping people register purse companies. If you want to register any companies, call them to explain and pay a sum of money to them, they will do all the formalities for you. And absolutely legal!

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who do believe in this kind of fraud.

At least when Phoenix takes out with these certificates, some of the doubtful lamps around her are convinced!

I quietly lead Dorra back silently, while the crowds are rushing to the front to see the certificates. Phoenix doesn’t notice us. She just takes those certificates away and hurrying out. Next, the obscene man begins to announce: “If you want to join the company on the spot, you can become new members. As long as you immediately take out money to buy the products, and then according to the theory of training efforts to develop offline, as long as you develop enough offline, you can become rich.”

At this time, cheaters mixed in the lamps are jumping out immediately, some are shouting to buy, some are rushing to pay, and some are rushing to fill in the form immediately.

Man is often this kind of animal, even if you might have thought in your heart: “Will there be a false?” But when you see the people around you acting. Soon, another thought will come to your mind: “So many people are doing this, is everyone deceived? It’s impossible for everyone to be fooled. I’m the only one who’s smart? Seems like I’m wrong! Crowds are right for sure!”

What’s next?

Lamps just wait for the knife!

I immediately want to leave in disorder, but the obscene man’s words leave me behind.

“Brothers and sisters, new members, please come back after registration. We will arrange the dormitory for you! The company is a big family. We will arrange the dormitory for you!”

I think about it. It seems to be a good idea to hide here.

At least, it’s much safer than outside!

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