Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 114 - A cheater of pyramid marketing

Chapter 114: A cheater of pyramid marketing

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

The train is bumping on the track. I look out of the window, the farmland, trees and hills on both sides are galloping back.

It is a little stuffy in the carriage. Especially, the two men are sitting opposite me, one of them simply takes off his shoes, barefoot and folds his legs across the seat. The air smells really bad. This fellow is holding the newspaper in one hand, picks his toes with the other one, and from time to time reaches out to take a sip of tea with the hand was picking feet.

Dorra is leaning on me, with a disgusting expression all her face. Her eyes have stared at the man in the opposite direction for several times, and finally she closes them disgustingly. I just keep looking out the window.

The sun is about to set, and the shadow of the last remaining sun outside is falling on my face. I close the curtains at will. At this time, a dining car is pushed by and I buy a bottle of water. The price is twice that of the outside.

I wake Dorra up and let her eat some bread with water.

She looks funny now. Before boarding, I dragged her to cut the long hair off in a small barber shop. Now her hairs are too short to look like a boy. The girl was a little reluctant, kept muttering her mouth for half a day.

But it must be admitted that after cut her hair and change a new cloth. At a glance, her appearance has really changed. This is a good way to cover up.

I’ve been wearing that cap and a dirty coat. I haven’t shaved my chin for two days. I know that I must look very rustic now. I am haggard and bearded, sitting on the hard seat of a slow train. My ass is numb, drinking cold water and eating bread.

We got on this train at noon today. The destination is GZ city.

In the morning phone call, that guy briefly told me that let us find a way to get to GZ city within two days, and he’ll have a way to help us get out.

He spoke so simply that I didn’t even understand what he meant of “get out”. Find a way to help us escape to somewhere?

Anyway, I don’t expect Juan’s ability can make it done.

The other side said it quickly, the phone hung up quickly, and I didn’t even have time to ask a question. The phone was hung up.I could only laugh bitterly. He’s so sure that I’ll be able to get to the GZ City safe? But on the other hand, I have no other option.

The train is still bumping. We are on a slow train with the green carriages. In the carriage, there are many people who bought stand tickets on the aisle. Even in the corridor of the train, there are many people who have bought no seat tickets. Some people can’t stand any more and take their luggage to sit at the door of the carriage.

The lights in the carriage go out at night. The train will arrive on tomorrow morning. I feel my body is bumping with the train and my heart is somewhat confused about the unknown future. I’ve been thinking too much these two days, and I don’t want to keep thinking about the problems that make me feel headache.

I gently push Dorra, who is napping next to me. She opens her eyes with drowsy eyes. I whisper to her: “I go to smoke. You watch the seat and the luggage.” Then I get up and walk through the crowded corridor. I dare not to go far, just standing at the junction between the two carriages and take out a cigarette from my pocket.

There are also some smokers standing here too. They are from everywhere. I can see it from the different brands of their cigarettes.

“Brother, out from the army?” As soon as I take out a cigarette and light, someone comes to chat with me. I look at him. A young man, in his thirties, is very attractive, very indecent. But I always think his eyes are something wrong. He’s pointing to the cigarette in my hand.

It’s the last pack of the cigarette which Tommy gave me.

The man leans up with a low-browed smile, having an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

“Brother, lend me a fire.”

I take a glance at him, throw him a lighter.

The guy takes a deep smoke after lighting his cigarette. Look at the way he’s smoking, I almost think he is smoking the drugs instead of cigarettes.

Don’t know why, but I’m always feeling that he’s looking at me in a very frivolous way. It’s like the look of the peddler who stops people selling pirated CDs on the road.

“What are you selling?” I frown and say, “I don’t want anything!”

“Nothing!” The man is smiling. His face is furtive, looking around, lowering his voice to say: “Brother, are you down south looking for a job?”

I’m silent. When he sees me not answering, he is simply walking up to me and leaning against the wall, talking to me: “Where are you going?”

“GZ City.” I answer briefly, with a tone and expression showing that I’m not interested in talking to him.

But this fellow doesn’t care about my inpatient at all. He’s immediately smiling affectionately and saying: “I’m going there too! Brother, what are you doing there? Work or do business?” I only said one word, but he’s immediately catching up.

I don’t answer him, just raise my eyelids and staring at him coldly.

He is shrinking slightly from the prick in my eyes, but then he is looking at me with a smiling face again: “Brother, don’t be so vigilant, I’m not a bad man.”

Then he is pulling out a business card, handing it to me: “This is my phone number, just in GZ City, are you interested in a job with more money and less investment? I’m not an agent! How do you think? I do have a good job there. You have to believe me! Just go with me! I won’t charge you a penny!”

I look at him very carefully. Admittedly, he belongs to the kind of people the more you look, the more trivial he becomes. The cheapness on his face makes people want to beat him.

I take the business card and look. It’s done quite delicately, but that gold-stamped font is a bit vulgar. The company name are two large words. The following is his title: Sales consultant.

I’m stunned.

“We Can!” He’s smiling, “In short: WC company!” He’s saying solemnly.

“Oh … WC Company … What kind of business do you do? It’s not selling toilet supplies, is it?” I’m really amused.

Is there something wrong with the boss’s head when he comes to such a company name?

“Of course not!” He’s saying seriously, “Our company has a good reputation, a huge sales network, registered in the Virgin Islands, enjoys all the preferential policies of foreign enterprises in the country, and has the best and most reasonable incentive mechanism and promotion mechanism!”

From the mouth of such fellow dresses like a migrant worker, I suddenly utter such a set of very white-collar words. I’m really stunned.

“Brother, I think you’re very smart. Now there’s a way to make money. Our company is now recruiting sales. Are you interested? Make more money, invest less, and get higher returns!”

I’m laughing. This guy looks just like an exactly liar.

I shake my head: “I’m not interested.” Then I turn back and ready to leave, he stops me: “Don’t hurry, I’m not a bad man! Really!”

Then he is looking around furtively, then taking out a small colorful bag, which is only the size of the bandage, handing it in front of me: “Our company sells this.”

I look up and down carefully for several times before I finally make sure that this is the most familiar thing to me.

A condom!


“This is our company’s main product!” The obscene man is saying softly in his voice, “Everyone is selling for ten dollars! You can get one dollar for each sale.”

“Wait! Ten dollars? Come on, Durex in the store is only sixteen dollars for a box! A box with five! Ten dollars for one for yours?”

“Of course.” The obscene man is laughing very kindly, “Everyone who just join the company are all have such a question, and I can tell you frankly that a condom is really not worth so much money. But we are not just selling a condom, but the membership! If you buy 100 condoms, you can become a bronze member of WC company! You buy 300, you can become a silver member! You buy 500, you can become a crystal member! If you buy 1000, you can become a diamond member! Every time you reach a new level, you can enjoy the level of equality! For example, I am a crystal member, so I can enjoy the treatment of the crystal membership! Every month I can get a variety of magazines like the Playboy provided by the company through special channels! There are legitimate editions and so on. Of course, this is only the crystal level! The diamond level is the top honorable enjoyment! Not only these magazines, electronic entertainment, but also a ten-day Japanese AV tour every year! Company can take you to see the real scene of AV recording, and even experience it for yourself.”

I’m a little tired and stop him: “Why do I buy so many condoms? Am I sick?”

“Well, it’s not asking you to buy it yourself. I mean. You buy it from here and sell it to someone else. You sell to others, and others sell to others. These sales are calculated under your name. This is called offline development! You develop offline, offline develop offline’s offline. You can count on it. You sell it to three people. That’s the pyramid theory! The world’s most scientific economic theory! If this kind of development goes on layer by layer., you can figure it out yourselves! How much money can you make?”

Develop offline… Pyramid theory…

I see. I’ve met a cheater of pyramid marketing!

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