Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 105 - To escape

Chapter 105: To escape

I drive all the way back to her house in the city. Coming here again, I still carry her upstairs and get into the door as I did last time. But the difference is that this time I am so angry that I throw her heavily on the sofa, then turn to the kitchen and pour a glass of cold water back, spill on her face all of a sudden.

She’s humming, her head and face are all wet with the cold water. The water is dropping slowly down from her neck. She’s just leaning on the sofa, shivering. Her eyes are still in a trance.

I’m so angry that I run back to the kitchen, pick up a basin of cold water and pour on her head.

“Ah!” She’s finally responding, screaming, jumping up, and then falling down. She’s choking by the water and coughing hard. Her wet hairs are hanging on her forehead in pinches, and the water is trickling down from her head.

The weather is cold, and her clothes are soaked through, and she can’t help holding her arms and shivering.

“Are you sober?” I’m taking the basin and looking at her coldly.

Her face was originally made up. At the moment, the foundation and eyeshadows are all washed up by the water, and the whole person looks poor.

“I’m asking you! Are you sober?” I grab her and throw her away again.

“Ah!” she’s screaming, head is hitting on the arm of the sofa. But I don’t pity her, so I’m just standing and looking at her coldly.

My heart is very hurt, for her absurdity, for her lack of self-love!

She’s finally sobering up a little, raising her eyelids and looking at me for a moment, then beginning to cry.

“Cry! Do you just know cry?!” I’m yelling angrily, “If I didn’t come in time today! You’ve finished!” I take out the camera which I have taken back, throw it on the sofa and say angrily, “Look what this is! Do you want to be raped and photographed? Is it funny? Is it fucking brilliant?!”

I raise my hand, point my index finger at her and question her: “What have you promised me? What have you promised me?!”

She’s still crying. I lift her chin forcefully: “Just speak! Are you silly? Have the courage to go to that place, why don’t you dare to talk now?! Now all you can do is crying?!”

She’s looking up at me with a pitiful, frightened look in her eyes, like a frightened rabbit.

I take a deep breath. Then I sit down at the tea table in front of her, take out a cigarette and light it. I take a deep breath and ask: “OK, stop crying! I have a few questions to ask you now. It’s very important!”

She is still sobbing, which upset me. I can’t help shouting: “Stop crying!”

She’s startled and looking at me foolishly. But finally, she dares not to cry anymore.

I think about it, take out a cigarette and light it for her. I try to say in a calm voice: “Now, I want to ask you a few questions. You answer it carefully, you know, tonight. I’m afraid we’re in trouble. Do you understand?”

“Under… Understand…” As soon as she’s speaking, she’s choking and her voice is trembling.

“Well, take a smoke of your cigarette…” I understand that I can’t just always getting angry. I try to calm down a little, “Let me ask you first, why did you go there today? Do you remember what you promised me?”

“… Remember.” There are some panics in her eyes.

“So, there must be a reason you were in that place, right?”

“I… I didn’t want to…” She’s answering with trepidation, “Yesterday afternoon… In the afternoon, my classmates said that they would go out to play in the evening. I couldn’t say that… Chen Yang… I really didn’t mean to. They went out and ask me to go with them these two days. I didn’t go to… I promised you to be good, I know…”

I’m sighing when I see the panicked expression on this girl’s face. She also suffered a lot of grievances and frightens tonight, and I can not bear to be too rude to her. So, the tone of the voice softens a bit: “And then?”

“And then… She said that this evening was not going outside, but a friend she had recently met was going to take us to a party at home. I hesitated. But they said it should be funny. I thought about it for a while and felt that… Anyway, it’s not going to those messy outdoor places, just go to a family party. It shouldn’t be a big deal. So, I just went with them.”


“…” She take a glance at me, still shivering, “Then… When we got there, I felt quite normal at the beginning. Those people were rich. At first, they didn’t play crazily. They were just drinking, dancing and so on. I… I didn’t feel anything. Later, my classmate said that a man who wanted to know me would come and talk to me. Then a man came and said he is the host of that place…”

I think and ask: “How many of you went there?”

“Three. Three girls went together.” She’s grieving as if she is about to shed tears.

I sigh: “You know, you’re only sixteen years old now… Girls of this age should not drink! And you shouldn’t go to such a party at night…” Looking at she’s trying to say something, I just ignore and keep saying, “OK, even if you don’t know what the essence of the party is… But don’t you know when you go to such a party, it must be drinking, carnivaling, and dancing? Is it interesting to get drunk and dancing with a bunch of people?”

I look at her, eyes are full of the disappointment: “Dorra, I can believe you, you are not a drug addict, do not take drugs. If you knew that the party would be liking this, I believe you would not go. You haven’t fallen to that level. But I’m still disappointed… I’m disappointed of… Are you so fond of play? How do you like going to these occasions?”

She’s wiping her tears: “I said no… But they dragged me to… They also said that I’ve become too honest lately and that I’m very rustic…”

I’m so angry that I’m laughing: “Then you went? How old are you? Who are they? A bunch of bullies! A bunch of ignorant fools! When they said they want you to go, you just go? Your legs grow on your own body! If you didn’t want to go yourself, can they still knock you out and take you forcibly? To put it bluntly, it was you who couldn’t bear to go out and play!”

“But they said…” She still wants to argue.

“You have no opinion on your own?” I ask her lightly, “Do you have to listen to what they say? If they want you to die, will you follow them?”

I continue saying coldly: “You know when I was saving you tonight, what did I see outside? I tell you that I’ve seen your two classmates! The first one was in the garage. If I wasn’t there, she would have been gang raped by two men! Another girl, in the lobby, has taken psychedelic drugs. When I came out, I saw two men were tearing her clothes.”

Every time I say a word, her body is trembling once.

She can’t help crying again: “I didn’t want to… In the evening, when those people took out the drugs, I was frightened and scared. Zoe also said she wanted to leave. But Lily refused to leave. She said she had played several times and said it was fun.”

“Lily? Is that the girl with many rings on her face?” I’m sneering, “She asked you and the other girl to go there, right?”

Dorra is nodding.

I hum and say nothing.

The girl names Lily. It seems to have played a very disgraceful role in tonight’s event. Generally speaking, there are men and women in this kind of party. For a long time, the organizers always try their best to grab some new girls into the water. This Lily must have taken advantage of the host and let her bring some female classmates from school to there. I’ve heard a lot about this before.

Such a thing is almost the same like the guy I broke his leg in the club who had pulled a waitress into the water in order to please a client, in partnership with a mummy.

As soon as sheding tears, she’s carefully repeating what have happened at night. Sure enough, it’s similar to what I have guessed.

Dorra is not really a bad girl after all, although she is a bit of a rebel, it is just adolescent rebellion. She refused to attend such a scene of collective drug abuse and prostitution. But since she was taken to that place, how could she escape?

So, her classmate, that Lily, sold her two companions completely. The owner of the villa, that man who was beaten by me later in the room, took a fancy to Dorra. He’s probably interested in this young girl. Seeing that she refused to obey, he simply used coercive means to her.

Dorra called me on the phone and ran to the bathroom, but before she could finish, the door of the bathroom was knocked open. She was young, a girl, and had no resistance. As a result, she was caught in the owner’s room. As for aother female classmate, she had no choice but to follow them. But she was thrown into the garage by those people because of her first medication and allergic reaction, which happened to be met by me.

The man seemed to be a little psychopathic. After he caught Dorra in the room, he found another woman, who was going to have a 3P game. First, he filled Dorra with some alcoholic with psychedelic drugs. After highed himself, he has started with the other woman first.

I wonder whether he’s a little bit exhibitionism? Some people have this kind of abnormal psychology. When they’re having sex, if someone is watching, they will be more excited. He was probably going to save Dorra for later, and I arrived in time.

“Do you know the identity of that man?” After listening to her story, I find a blanket from the room and come out to put it on her. She is a little overwhelmed by the cold and shivering all the time.

In fact, it is not my intention to punish her, but to pour cold water on her head to make her sober in the efficacy of the drugs as soon as possible, which is the best way I can think of.

“No, I don’t know.” She’s shuddering and saying, “He looks like very rich, and, besides, there’re two men always with him.”

I sigh and it seems that she really didn’t understand. The organizer lives in such a luxurious villa, has such a high-end car, and can hold such a party, without a strong background, who dares?

I think about it, pinch the cigarette end in the ashtray and stand up: “Listen, this matter, I’m afraid it has caused trouble! Now you go into the room and change your clothes, right now! Then take something nessesary and leave with me right away! Don’t go to school these days. I’m afraid those people will go to school to trouble you…”

If that man is not an ordinary person, he will surely retaliate. At least last night, that classmate Lily, who took Dorra to the party still stayed there. They could easily follow this line to school or find Dorra’s home address.

I pull Dorra up and push her into the room: “You change a suit of dry cloths quickly. Bring all your certificates and some daily necessities you may need.”

She’s freezing: “What’s wrong? Are we going to run away? Haven’t you had already saved me?”

I look at her and shake my head helplessly: “Who do you think I am? Since I can save you, won’t they retaliate? You think it’s already OK to run away from there today? You really not know the immensity of heaven and earth!”

Pushing her into the room, I’m sitting outside and waiting for her. I check the time from time to time, with a little anxious. Finally, I can’t help knocking on her door and urging her to hurry up.

After a long time before she comes out of the room, dressing in clean clothes and carrying her bag.

“All packed?”

“Yes.” Her face is pale and her eyes are frightened, “Where are we going?”

I shake my head: “Let’s talk about it on the way. At least you can’t stay here. I’m afraid they’ll find here very soon.”

Looking at the bag in her hand, I say: “Where’s your ID card? Just bring all your money. And you don’t have to take too much clothes.”

She seems to be a little distracted. Looking at her, she seems to want to bring a towel toothbrush or something like that. I frown: “It’s not a trip! Take as little as you can and as much as you need!”

I take her bag and open. There’s a big pack of clothes stuffing in it. I can’t help but say: “You don’t have to take these. You can buy clothes or others at outside anytime.”

This time she is surprisingly stubborn: “No, I want this…” She glances at me and lowers her voice, “This is the last time you bought for me.”

I just let go of that and say nothing, then check her ID and other things. After that, I take her out and go downstairs to the car.

I don’t hesitate to drive directly to my home.

Now things are different. As for the contradiction between Amy and me, it doesn’t matter anymore.

On the way, I hesitate for a moment and call Yumi.

I don’t know whether I should call her, but I remember Yumi told me to call her when I am in trouble. So, although I hesitate for a while. I still decide to dial her number.

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