Everyone’s job change: I am a world-destroying berserker

Chapter 14

A clever person, seeing Su Yi once again put on a charging posture, immediately knelt down in front of Su Yi.

wailing in the hope that Su Yi would spare his life.

It's a pity that Su Yi doesn't want to waste any more time.

He's full now.

Without any hesitation, he kicked the kneeling person in front of him directly into pieces.

When the Chen family saw the man's death, they howled and fled in all directions.

However, even if they tried their best to move as fast as they could, they couldn't compare to Su Yi's sprinting speed!

Some of the people in the Chen family's team were like dogs jumping off the wall.

took out the weapon in the equipment slot, wanting to resist Su Yi's attack.

However, Su Yi, who was already like thunder, just passed by them.

Without exception, all of them were cut off with weapons

! Any resistance was like a joke

! There was no point in escaping!

to the last man left.

By this time he was already in tears of despair and sat down on the ground.

I don't know if Su Yi intentionally or not, this last person is the one in the Chen family's team with a camera.

Su Yi stopped in front of him and slowly walked towards him.

At this moment, Su Yi was already soaked in blood, and warm blood qi escaped from his body.

Out of fear, the last man instinctively twisted his body and stepped back.

"Have you filmed it all? The

man shook like chaff and nodded his head again and again.

Su Yi put away a blade and reached out to pick up the camera in his hand.

For a moment, the entire wasteland fell silent, except for the screams and wails coming from the camera.

The Jiang family's team was already numb, and everyone swallowed their saliva.

His hands trembled uncontrollably.

Li Zongqing felt that something under his feet grabbed his feet.

When he looked down, he saw that it was the half of Zhang Hai

! Because he was the strongest, he lived the longest and died the most painfully!

He whimpered and wanted to say something.

Seeing this, Li Zongqing hurriedly kicked him upside down and flew out!

With a bang, Zhang Hai landed not far away.

That half Zhang Hai shook his arm a few times, but finally struggled to die.

At this time, Su Yi had already finished watching the video, and I have to say that this person's photography skills are good, and he actually filmed almost all of this nightmare.

Su Yi smiled.

Because Su Yi had his back to the sun, the cameraman only felt that this smile was hideous!

"It's a good shot, make your death more comfortable."

Su Yi said lightly.

When the cameraman heard Su Yi's words, the tears that had stopped overflowed from his eyes again.

Screaming and crawling on the ground.

However, as Su Yi's hand rose and fell, the battlefield was quiet again.

Su Yi did not break his promise, this person was cut in half vertically, and he died without pain.

Compared to other people who were cut off by the waist, it was indeed comfortable to die.

Su Yi also withdrew the last abyss blade on his back, turned around and slowly looked at the Jiang family's team.

Although Su Yi's gaze fell on them, the entire Jiang family team suddenly felt a terrifying sense of oppression!

At this moment, the most classic sentence describing the berserker appeared in the minds of everyone in the Jiang family's team.

Berserkers can cut their own people!

Thinking of this, fear spread among the Jiang family's ranks, and everyone felt their heart rate soar.

Su Yi began to slowly approach the Jiang family's team from a distance.

At this moment, he was naked, and the blood formed strange lines on his body.

Every step of Su Yi was like stepping on the heartbeat of everyone in the Jiang family's team.

It was only when Su Yi took the next step that they could feel their hearts beating.

They want to run, but they can't do it because of fear.

It's as if the body is no longer one's own.

Everyone froze in place and watched Su Yi walk towards them step by step!

From the moment Su Yi killed Zhang Hai in an instant.

Everything is incredible.

They watched Su Yi kill Zhang Hai in an instant.

It was discovered that Su Yi had already killed the Chen family's high-end combat power Xian Wei and Xian Mei before.

Then they watched Su Yi kill all the people in the Chen family team who had escaped one by one!

They saw the attempts and struggles of everyone in the Chen family's team.

These attempts and struggles are meaningless in front of Su Yi!

'How can this be...

Li Zongqing thought.

His hands trembled uncontrollably.


It was his whole body that couldn't stop trembling!

The gold wire glasses he usually wore shook unintentionally because of his body.

It has slipped from the bridge of the nose to the side of the mouth.

But he didn't dare raise his hand to push the glasses back into their rightful place.

He was afraid that as long as he moved, then Su Yi would come to him in the next moment.

Then, like the miserable Zhang Hai, he struggled and crawled on the ground with half of his body, wailing.

In the end, he died a miserable and painful death!

Su Yi was actually not far from them, and he was not walking slowly.

But because of fear, everyone in the Jiang family's team felt that every second was like a year, and everything seemed to be slowed down.

Almost the moment before the Jiang family's team was about to collapse, Su Yi finally walked in front of Li Zongqing.

Su Yi stretched out his bloody hand, as if he wanted to shake hands with Li Zongqing.

Looking at Su Yi's bloody hand, Zhang Hai's terrifying death resurfaced in Li Zongqing's mind.

He gasped for breath.

Li Zongqing stretched out his hand tremblingly and had a 'friendly' handshake with Su Yi.

"Uncle Li, I'm going to ask you to help me dispose of the corpse.

Su Yi said to Li Zongqing with a smile, at this moment he seemed to have changed back to the ordinary senior high school student in the past.

Li Zongqing's nod was stiffer than a machine.

Then Su Yi's gaze shifted from Li Zongqing to the men behind him.

Those subordinates who were still insulting Su Yi before setting off lowered their heads one by one after feeling Su Yi's gaze.

They didn't dare to look directly at Su Yi in front of them

! Because their bodies couldn't stop trembling, they couldn't even support themselves to stand firm!

Feeling that it was already time, Su Yi sneered and restrained his breath.

At this moment, all the people in the Jiang family's team felt relieved, and they all fell to the ground and gasped violently.

Just now, they were like walking on the edge of a cliff, and if they took a wrong step, they would end up falling into the abyss!

Li Zongqing barely managed to keep himself from falling, and shouted at his subordinates behind him to hurry up and dispose of the corpses.

Su Yi sat back on the edge of the fire.

At this moment, Li Zongqing really relaxed.

He let out a long breath and pushed back his eyes, which had slid to his lips, with trembling hands.

However, the next moment, his body shook again like a lightning strike.

"Lieber, who asked you to come?

Su Yi asked about Li Zongqing as if nothing happened.

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