Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 28 — A rabbit


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

It had been three long months since Nivalis and her children had settled in their cave, and though life was tough, they managed to survive thanks to her efforts and dedication. Every day, she'd sit by the riverbank all morning, staring intently into the water and waiting patiently for a fish to swim past her, then use her bow to shoot at it, hoping to strike it with an arrow.

Not always she was as successful as the first time she fished here. But eventually, she figured out a decent strategy, and more often than not, she managed to bring something for dinner. Nivalis was proud of herself. Despite living in a cave in the middle of nowhere, she provided food for her small family. She cared for them every free minute, ensuring her children had everything they needed.

She also practiced archery nearly every day. It was a slow process, but her accuracy gradually improved over time. Her fingers throbbed with pain, her muscles ached from constant physical activity, and yet she kept going. She couldn't afford not to. Three months of eating only fish, no matter how nutritious, was unhealthy, so she was determined to hunt something finally. She needed to provide her daughter with a proper diet so that she would grow up strong and healthy.

During these months, Nivalis also improved her living conditions in their cave. Nothing too fancy, but enough to make their lives less uncomfortable, like making a nice small kitchen counter, a proper fireplace, and even smoothing the rocky floors to make the place safer for her children. The latter one was quite challenging because there were no tools or materials available except what she could find. Still, it was worth all the effort. They make it their home slowly but surely, decorating it with various objects gathered from the surrounding forest. It gave their cave personality, making it seem less barren and depressing.

Despite the difficulties of surviving in the wilderness, Nivalis couldn't help but feel hopeful. Her life was far from what she had once dreamed of when she was younger, times when she was a princess. But now, after everything she had gone through, she is finally free, truly free. Nivalis couldn't be happier; she had her beloved daughter by her side and a son to care for. Even in these harsh conditions, for the first time since the fall of her homeland, Nivalis felt like she was truly alive.

When the days were too cold, they spent them lying in bed, cuddling up under blankets and chatting with Silvia about everything they could think of. Their conversations would go on for hours, exchanging funny stories or sharing silly jokes. Somehow, they always find a topic to talk about, always enjoying each other's company. Nivalis often laughed at Silvia's childish antics while Aster giggled in delight from hearing his older sister's voice. Those peaceful moments usually ended up with Silvia falling asleep while resting on her mother's breasts, her soft breaths tickling her sensitive skin.

Nivalis never bothered to clothe herself anymore in bed — remembering the sleepless nights when Silvia would scream in terror, crying and shaking. The poor child had been through so much, and it was heartbreaking to see her suffer from terrible dreams. If sleeping naked with her mother helped her to get a good night's rest, she saw no reason to refuse her wish. It wasn't like there was anyone around to judge them.

And so, the days flew by peacefully, filled with activity. To pass their time together, they found great joy in crafting toys for little Aster to have something fun to play with when he grew older, a process two girls enjoyed a lot. Every day after their household chores were finished, they would sit down together in the kitchen, crafting various wooden figurines — and even a tiny toy sword for him. Nivalis carved the toy's blade using her knife, polishing its edges carefully until they were smooth enough to prevent cuts.

Nivalis has even made a simple, crude doll for her daughter. It was made out of sticks, leaves, and anything else that caught their eye during her walks through the forest, but nevertheless, it was one of Silvia's most prized possessions, something she held dearly.

Nivalis loved to sit and silently watch rosy-cheeked Silvia play with her doll in front of her little brother, giggling, laughing, and talking to him, while little Aster watched her curiously and listened. It was one of those moments that filled her heart with happiness. Nothing in the world could replace the kind of satisfaction she got from seeing her children enjoy their childhood despite being born in such unfortunate circumstances.



In the early morning hours, before the sun had even touched the horizon, Nivalis sat by the crackling fire within their cave, ensuring that it would burn brightly throughout the entire morning. Her slumbering daughter lay nearby, her small frame curled up into a ball beneath several blankets, wrapped tightly around herself. The only part visible was her cute little face poking out from beneath the pile, sniffing lightly. Nivalis smiled softly as she gazed down at the girl's sleeping figure, gently reaching out to stroke her cheek.

— "Honey, wake up," Nivalis whispered sweetly. She received no response from the girl. Noticing this, she chuckled quietly before continuing to speak, "Darling, wake up."

"Uhhhnn..." Silvia whined pitifully, "Just five more minutes..." The girl mumbled softly under her breath. Nivalis poked her daughter's cheek and waited patiently until Silvia finally opened her eyes with a lazy yawn. "Mommy?" Silvia spoke quietly, her voice slightly raspy from sleepiness, "Is it morning already?" She rubbed her tired golden eyes lazily, blinking several times before glancing towards her mother.

Nivalis smiled gently while brushing Silvia's hair with her fingers, tucking a stray strand of silver hair behind her ear.— "Almost, dear," she answered calmly, "The sun will be rising soon," she whispered lovingly while watching her daughter's adorable face. "Mommy will try to hunt today, so I'm about to leave," Nivalis leaned in, kissing Silvia's forehead gently.

"Are you going far?" Silvia asked her curiously, tilting her head sideways questioningly.

Nivalis shook her head slightly while answering, "Not very."

Silvia yawned cutely and nodded silently before speaking again, "Why so early? Can't you go later?" The girl whined softly, pouting slightly.

Nivalis smiled sweetly.— "Because I want to return before the afternoon, my sweet," she paused. "Remember, when you have a task to do, the sooner you do it, the better," she whispered, kissing Silvia's nose and rubbing her back reassuringly, "I will be back soon. I promise."

Silvia sighed sadly but nodded regardless. "Okay, Mommy. But please, be careful..."

— "I will. Don't worry. I know how to be careful," Nivalis spoke confidently. "Besides, I got plenty of practice so far, haven't I?"

Silvia nodded in response and reluctantly untangled her body from the sheets, crawling out of her comfortable cocoon to cling to her mother's waist, wrapping her arms around it tightly and sniffing her scent deeply.

"Can I come with you?" Silvia asked in a pleading tone.

— "Honey," Nivalis started softly while caressing her daughter's head, "You know how dangerous it is out there. Plus, someone needs to stay here and look after Aster," Nivalis explained calmly. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mommy," Silvia answered quietly as she nodded slowly, "please don't take long."

Nivalis stroked Silvia's silky hair lovingly.— "I won't, my angel. I will return soon with something delicious," she said, taking a moment to look at her beautiful daughter's face. "Now, go back to bed and sleep some more," Nivalis whispered tenderly. "I prepared food for you in the pot over there," Nivalis added while pointing toward a metal pot near the fireplace, "eat it when you wake up, alright?"

Silvia nodded sleepily, "Okay, Mommy." She reluctantly released Nivalis from her embrace, allowing Nivalis to stand up. She snuggled comfortably in her blanket near her brother. "Love you, Mommy."

— "I love you too, darling. Sleep well," Nivalis replied softly, smiling warmly as she watched her daughter crawl back into bed, curling herself up into a ball once again. "Good luck, Mommy," Silvia whispered before yawning, closing her eyes and quickly falling asleep. Nivalis watched her sleeping figure for a moment, admiring how cute and innocent her daughter looked. Then she stood up silently and walked towards the cave's entrance, stopping briefly to look back before stepping out.


The forest was quiet and serene, but even so, Nivalis did not let her guard down for even a second. It was snowing lightly, the ground beneath her feet crunched with every step, and her breath left clouds of vapor in the chilly air as she exhaled. She held her bow firmly in her left hand, gripping it tightly as she advanced forward cautiously through the snowy landscape. Her silver hair was tied into a ponytail, and her icy-blue eyes stared straight ahead of her.

She traveled through the snowy landscape carefully, staying alert to any sounds and movements around her. She crouched lowly as she approached a clearing surrounded by tall pine trees and scanned her surroundings. Then suddenly, Nivalis spotted a full-white rabbit that hopped quickly across the clearing. Its fluffy tail bounced up and down as it darted about.

— "Perfect," Nivalis whispered quietly as she readied her bow and put an arrow against the string. She waited patiently for the creature to stop moving, as she was not skilled enough to hit the moving target from this far. Then, finally, after a few moments, the rabbit froze, sitting in front of a bush with its long ears upright, listening intently to its surroundings. That was the opportunity she was waiting for.

Her fingers trembled slightly due to the cold and excitement as she raised the bow, aiming carefully at the small furry creature. With the animal now motionless, she drew her arrow back, adjusted her aim once again, and fired. The arrow flew swiftly and accurately towards the target, striking the unsuspecting animal in its left leg. Nivalis flinched when she heard a shriek escape from the rabbit's mouth. It jumped up in pain and surprise, desperately trying to run away but failing miserably due to its wounded limb.

Nivalis quickly rushed towards it, her feet sinking deeply into the snow as she sprinted across the open ground. Once she got closer, she saw how it struggled and twitched in pain. She quickly grabbed the wounded creature in her hands, placing her fingers around its neck and snapping it decisively, killing it instantly.

The lifeless animal fell limp, blood spilling from its wounds. Nivalis sighed deeply in relief. Her hands trembled slightly as she lowered herself to the ground, kneeling in front of the corpse. She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again slowly, looking down at the dead animal.

— "Forgive me, my friend," Nivalis spoke softly while staring into the rabbit's eyes. "Your death will be honored by our meal. Your sacrifice will allow us to live another day." She closed her eyes again while holding the bloody rabbit in her hands, bowing respectfully in prayer. This was one of the oldest elven traditions every hunter of her kind had to follow. One did not kill animals thoughtlessly but understood the need for food to survive. Respect for wildlife is an important part of elven culture. They pray for the dead animals, asking forgiveness for ending their lives.

Then, with a deep breath, Nivalis stood up and took her knife out of its sheath and began skinning the creature, cutting off its limbs and slicing open its stomach, removing its innards. She cut the meat carefully, keeping everything edible in her backpack before returning the rest to the forest.

Once finished, Nivalis decided to leave the area immediately, heading back towards their cave. Staying around after a hunt was dangerous; the smell of blood might attract predators. Nivalis wasn't about to take any chances with wolves or bears deciding she was their next meal. She walked through the knee-deep snow as fast as she could, her heart pounding excitedly. She couldn't help but feel victorious. She wanted to share her success with her daughter, and her mind was already filled with images of Silvia's excitement, her lovely smile, and those bright golden eyes.

When she neared their home, anticipation heightened, and she quickened her pace, eager to reach the cave entrance and embrace her daughter once again. The familiar path ahead of her brought a smile to her face and a wave of relief.

— "I'm back," Nivalis announced cheerfully, stepping into the warmth of their cave, her cheeks rosy from the biting cold outside. "My little pumpkin, I hope you're hungry!" she added excitedly as she carefully set aside her hunting gear – bow, arrows, and backpack – near the entrance.

Seated by the fire, Silvia, engrossed in play with Aster, turned her head quickly at her mother's arrival, a big smile on her face. "Welcome back, Mommy!" Silvia said joyfully, rushing to embrace Nivalis. Her little arms wrapped around her mother's thighs as she pressed her face against her belly.

— "I caught a rabbit," Nivalis said proudly, hugging her daughter back and stroking her silvery hair lovingly.

"Really?" Silvia gasped in amazement, looking up at her mother with a broad smile, "That's great, Mommy!" she cheered, "I'm so proud of you!" She continued hugging her mother tightly, standing on tiptoes, her voice muffled against her mother's belly.

— "Thank you, darling," Nivalis replied gently as she enjoyed their shared warmth for a few moments longer before separating themselves. "Now we can eat something different for a change!" She said, her blue eyes sparkling brightly.

Silvia nodded happily in agreement. "Yes, yes, I'm starving! I can't wait to eat something besides fish!" Silvia released her mother and excitedly clapped her hands repeatedly before adding with enthusiasm, "Can we cook it now?" she asked, looking at Nivalis, shifting from foot to foot impatiently as she awaited her answer. "Please?" She added hopefully.

Nivalis smiled warmly and answered,— "Of course, my little star, we'll start preparing the meal right away." Nivalis laughed and nodded happily. "Let's go. I'll teach you how to cook it." She lifted the backpack from the ground.

Silvia grinned broadly. "Yay!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing in her excitement. They walked towards the fire, Nivalis leading the way while holding her daughter's tiny hand in her own. Silvia followed her closely, her little feet shuffling as she tried to keep up.

I'm back!😎

Instead of doing huge time skips, I decided to create a series of short stories about their everyday life to give readers a glimpse into it, gradually skipping time doing so. I believe that these small moments can sometimes reveal so much more about a person than any grand event. So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Thank you for your attention.🙌

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