Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 21 — Animals Within



Silvia looked around the winter forest as the evening set in, and long shadows stretched across the ground. The crisp air brushed against her delicate face, and the wind quietly whispered as it passed through the trees. Today, the weather was much more pleasant compared to the fierce snowstorm that had raged yesterday. Silvia and her mother, Nivalis, had made a humble shelter out of sticks, blankets, pine needles, and whatever materials they could find. It nestled beside a tall pine tree, hidden behind walls of compacted snow, offering additional protection from the biting winds and prying eyes. Above them, a dark blue and purple sky stretched out, with a handful of stars that had just begun to twinkle.

Their campfire burned bright and crackled, casting a warm glow that enveloped the surroundings. The dancing flames illuminated the faces of Nivalis and her daughter Silvia, a short girl, even for her age, cradled her baby brother in her tiny hands.

Nivalis diligently tended to the campfire, occasionally stirring the embers with a long stick and adding more wood to keep the flames alive. Silvia watched her mother's every move with wide, curious eyes.

— "Mommy?" Silvia's soft voice called out, breaking the silence.

Nivalis's attention shifted from the fire to her daughter, who sat just across her, her eyes reflecting love and curiosity. "Yes, my dear?" she responded with a gentle tone.

— "Can you teach me how to cook, please?" Silvia asked, her tone hopeful and enthusiastic.

Nivalis tilted her head, her brows furrowed ever so slightly, as she considered the request. "You want to learn how to cook, sweetie?" she asked, surprised but intrigued by her daughter's sudden interest.

Without hesitation, Silvia nodded, her immature voice filled with an innocent determination.— "Yes."

Nivalis gave her a tender smile. "I see. That's a wonderful idea, sweetie." She said, her gaze fixed on her daughter. "Are you sure you want to learn, though? You always said you didn't like it."

Silvia shook her head, her long silver-white hair swaying as she did so.— "I know, Mommy, but... I want to help you. You've been working so hard. And maybe..." she paused, "I can learn how to cook to help you a bit more."

Nivalis couldn't help but smile at her daughter's words, and her heart filled with warmth. She took a moment to let her gaze wander between Silvia and Aster, her two precious children. "Oh, my sweet," she said tenderly, appreciating her daughter's concern. "That's sweet of you, honey, but it's not that difficult, you know."

Silvia's determination shone through her eyes.— "I want to do it, Mommy. Please?" she insisted.

Nivalis paused for a moment to consider. She let out a soft sigh, and a cloud of hot air escaped her lips. "Very well," she finally agreed. "I suppose I can teach you a thing or two," Nivalis said, gesturing to her daughter. "Come here, my love. Let me show you."

A glowing smile spread across Silvia's face as she eagerly rushed to her mother's side.— "Thank you, Mommy!" she said sincerely, her gratitude shining through her words.

Nivalis chuckled, a warm, joyful sound that seemed to chase away the chill in the air. She reached out, taking her daughter's hand in hers, her slender fingers gently caressing the soft, delicate skin of her child's hand.

Nivalis's attention shifted to her son, Aster, a newborn infant with silver hair and golden eyes. She carefully took the bundle of blankets from Silvia's tiny arms and gently rocked him, his eyelids fluttering shut, and his little mouth opened slightly, revealing his toothless gums.

With tenderness, Nivalis held Aster close, cradling his fragile body in her arms. She slowly opened her coat, revealing her porcelain-white skin. Nivalis carefully placed her son inside her coat, his small form fitting perfectly within her bosom. Aster let out a soft, contented sigh as he snuggled against his mother, his tiny hands reaching out and clutching onto the fabric of her clothes.

With her son safe and warm within her embrace, Nivalis shifted her attention to her daughter, a sparkle in her eyes and a soft smile on her lips. "So, what do you say we start with some basics, hmm? Do you want to try making something simple?"

Silvia nodded eagerly, her silver-white hair gently swaying.

"Let's try a vegetable soup," Nivalis offered. "Would you like to help me with the ingredients?"

Silvia's face lit up, her eyes shining with excitement.— "Yes!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Okay, come with me, sweetie," Nivalis said, standing up.

They stepped outside of their shelter, approached their sled, and gathered a handful of dried herbs, vegetables, and some dried mushrooms that Nivalis had prepared beforehand. They returned to the campfire and settled back into their spot beside the blazing flames.

"The first step is to get a pot of water ready, sweetie. Let's scoop some snow and put it into the pot," Nivalis explained.

Silvia nodded, and without hesitation, she picked up a medium-sized pot from their belongings and filled it with fresh, fluffy snow. She watched as her mother placed the pot above the fire and how the snow melted slowly into the water with a hissing sound.

"While we wait for snow to melt and to boil, we need to wash and cut our vegetables. Can you grab the knife for me from that bag, sweetie?" she gestured at the sack near Silvia.

— "Okay," Silvia nodded eagerly and reached for the bag where their cooking supplies were kept. She reached into the bag and pulled out the small, sharp blade.

Nivalis accepted the knife with a smile. "Thank you, my love. Now, watch me closely, okay?"

Silvia nodded, her gaze fixated on the blade in her mother's hand. She began slicing the vegetables with quick, fluid motions, her hands moving with practiced precision. The blade sliced through the vegetables with ease, leaving behind clean, uniform cuts.

"Now, it's your turn. I'll help you with the knife, okay, sweetie?" Nivalis handed her the knife and gently guided her hands.

Silvia nodded, her face etched with concentration. Her tiny fingers wrapped around the knife handle. She focused on the vegetable, her eyes narrowing and her brow furrowing. With her mother's guidance, she began to slice, her movements slow and careful. She didn't want to hurt herself.

"That's good, my love. Very good. Keep going," Nivalis encouraged.

Silvia's eyes remained fixed on the blade in her hands. Her movements were clumsy and hesitant, and her cuts were uneven and haphazard. But, with her mother's guidance, she slowly improved, and her cuts grew steadier and more confident.

"That's great, sweetie. You're doing a great job," Nivalis praised.

After several minutes, the knife fell from her hands, and her shoulders sagged with exhaustion. Nivalis gently took the knife and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You did wonderfully, my dear. Don't worry. Practice will make you even better," Nivalis assured her, her voice tender and soothing.

Silvia nodded, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and embarrassment.— "Thanks, Mommy," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

As time passed, Nivalis finished preparing the remaining ingredients, and the water in the pot was now boiling. Nivalis then instructed Silvia to place the chopped vegetables into the pot carefully.

Silvia eagerly obeyed, her little hands dropping the colorful vegetables into the hot liquid. Instantly, the soup responded with an excited sizzle and bubbly dance.

"Now, we need some herbs to make it taste better," Nivalis said, grabbing a handful of herbs and throwing them into the pot. She started to swirl the soup thoroughly.

Silvia watched, her eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. The aroma floated in the air, filling the space with its herbal scent.

— "It smells so good," Silvia said, inhaling deeply.

"Mhm," Nivalis nodded, a warm, genuine smile on her face. "That's because you worked hard on it, my sweet."

Silvia smiled brightly, her cheeks flushed.

"You're such a wonderful cook, sweetie," Nivalis complimented, a fond, tender tone in her voice.

— "Do you think so, Mommy?" Silvia asked, her gaze searching her mother's.

"I do. And I'm very proud of you. You did an amazing job," Nivalis replied.

"Here, dear. Taste and tell me what you think." Nivalis held out the wooden spoon, offering Silvia a taste.

Silvia brought the spoon to her lips, blowing on it gently but not quite enough to cool it down.— "It's hot, Mommy!" she exclaimed, her face scrunching up in discomfort.

Nivalis chuckled warmly, shaking her head in amusement. "Of course, it's hot, silly. It's soup," she teased gently.

— "It's delicious, Mommy," Silvia smiled, licking her lips.

Nivalis smiled back. "Good. Now, let's just let it simmer for a while, and it will be done," she said. Then she added, "We can also add some meat to it, but I think we should save that for later," she decided.

— "Okay," Silvia answered, nodding.

Nivalis reached out, her slender fingers brushing away the lock of silvery-white hair from her face."You want to play a game while we wait?" Nivalis asked quietly, looking at her daughter with a tender gaze.

— "Yay, a game! Which one, Mommy?" Silvia squealed, her eyes lighting up.

"Be quiet, my dear," Nivalis gently cautioned. "You'll wake your brother."

"Oops, sorry, Mommy," Silvia apologized, her voice barely above a whisper.

Nivalis chuckled. "Don't worry, sweetie," then thought for a moment. "Hmm, how about... a guessing game?"

The next hour was filled with laughter as they played the guessing game, exchanging clues and giggles. Eventually, the soup was ready, "It's done, sweetie," Nivalis declared, removing the pot from the fire.

Nivalis took two bowls from their belongings and filled them with the hot, steaming liquid. She offered one to her daughter.

"Here you go, my love. Enjoy," she said.

Silvia eagerly accepted the bowl, her eyes shining excitedly, and started to eat, blowing on the soup before taking a bite. Nivalis joined her, sipping from her bowl, savoring the delicious flavor and aroma.

Between bites, Silvia paused to express her gratitude.— "This is amazing, Mommy. Thank you," she said

"You're welcome, my sweet. I had a great assistant that helped me. We make a good team, don't we?" Nivalis smiled, ruffling her daughter's hair affectionately.

Silvia nodded, her eyes twinkling with delight.— "We sure do!" she agreed enthusiastically. "And thank you for teaching me. It was so much fun."

Nivalis leaned forward and placed a kiss on Silvia's forehead. "You're such a wonderful little girl, you know that?" she whispered.

Silvia blushed, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, a shy smile on her face.

They sat together next to the crackling fire, huddled close to one another for warmth. They quietly watched the dancing flames, enjoying each other's presence, their hearty meal filling their bellies. The only sounds that could be heard were the chewing and occasional gulping. Little Aster, now on his mother's lap, was asleep, let out soft snores, and Nivalis gently stroked his cheek.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound that seemed to be coming from the bushes behind them. Nivalis's eyes widened in alarm as she tried to understand what was happening. But before she could even react, she felt a blunt pain at the back of her head that sent her crashing to the ground. Everything went black, and she collapsed unconscious next to her son, who began crying loudly. Silvia stood there, frozen in fear, her hand clutching a bowl tightly as she stared at her mother, lying motionless on the ground.

Her mind raced with questions as she tried to understand what had happened. Then, Silvia turned her head to see two men standing, their figures illuminated by the flickering flames of the fire. The sight sent shivers down Silvia's spine. She dropped the bowl she had been holding, and she let out a terrified, blood-curdling scream that echoed through the night air.

— "S-stay back!" Silvia cried out in panic, her voice trembling as she tried to sound brave, but tears streaming down her face, giving away her fear. Her knees shook as she stepped backward, trying to distance herself from them.

The two men exchanged glances and shrugged indifferently, approaching her without a hint of urgency or concern in their behavior. One of them reached into his backpack, pulled out a rope, and tossed it to his partner.

— "Mommy... MOMMY! WAKE UP!" Silvia screamed at the top of her lungs, desperate to wake her mother from her unconscious state.

As if the shout had awakened something deep within her, Nivalis's body shook, and her eyes snapped open. She slowly rolled to her side, trying to lift herself off the ground. Her vision was blurry, and she blinked repeatedly, struggling to focus. With the last remnants of her consciousness, Nivalis attempted to crawl towards her children, her heart pounding in her chest.

But one of the men reacted quickly. He took a step forward and punched her in the stomach, causing her to crumple in pain. Her body convulsed as she gasped for air, tears streaming down her face as she clutched at her abdomen. Nivalis's strength began to fade, and she could feel herself slipping away into darkness again, though she tried her best to stay conscious.

Odar ordered his companion, "Tie her up." Argo hesitated, his eyes shifting between the man's orders and the helpless mother before him. The sound of children crying pierced the silence, and he realized this was not a situation he had expected. He had never been involved in something like this before.

"Do it. I'm not asking again," Odar stated firmly, his tone commanding. Argo swallowed hard, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. "Y-yes," he replied shakily as he hesitantly approached the helpless mother with a rope in his hands. Argo's expression twisted with guilt and shame as he carefully knelt before her.

The cold, deadly expression in Nivalis's eyes intensified as she swiftly delivered a powerful punch, striking Argo square in the face. The force of her blow caused blood to gush from his nose, staining the ground below.

"You... you fucker!" Odar yelled, his voice filled with fury and concern, as he rushed to his partner's aid. The sight of blood spattering across the ground fueled his anger. Argo staggered back, clutching his bleeding face in pain. He glanced at Nivalis. His expression twisted with a blend of shock and anger.

Wasting no time, Odar delivered a forceful kick, aiming directly at Nivalis's abdomen. The hit was significantly more powerful than before, causing her to tumble over, landing flat on her back. Immediately, Odar moved to secure her wrists, holding them firmly in place as he straddled her hips, ensuring that she remained immobilized.

Odar leaned forward until he was hovering above her, his face just above hers, his expression filled with hatred.

"Listen to me, elf, and listen good," Odar hissed in a low voice. "If you don't want to get hurt, then you'd better be a good girl and do what you're told," he snarled. "Got it?"

"F-Fuck you," Nivalis spat back at him, her face twisted with defiance and fear.

Odar grinned sadistically, the corner of his lips curling upward into an unpleasant smirk. He drew back his hand and, in one swift motion, slapped her across the face with such force that the sound reverberated through the night. Nivalis winced in pain, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clenched her teeth to keep from crying out.

Odar's expression twisted with rage. "Argo, get the fucking rope and tie her up. Now!" he growled, his command leaving no room for hesitation.

Startled by his friend's tone, Argo flinched, his body trembling with nerves. He nodded, paying no mind to the blood still flowing from his nose. With cautious steps, he approached Nivalis, his hands tightly gripping the rope. As he began binding her hands, the rough fibers dug into her soft, delicate flesh, causing grimaces of pain as she squirmed beneath Odar's weight. Desperate, she tried her best to break free, but the weight of Odar kept her firmly pinned to the ground.

"Please... please don't resist. It'll just make things worse," Argo whispered apologetically. "We... we don't want to hurt you."

Odar interrupted him and spat out his words. "Shut up!" he barked with anger. "Just hurry up and finish tying her up already."

"I'm trying! But it's not easy, okay?" Argo defensively replied, his eyes moving back and forth between Nivalis and Odar.

"Oh, quit being such a pussy and..." Odar stopped mid-sentence as he felt a sudden, sharp pain in his throat.

Silvia, a shy and innocent five-year-old girl, had been entirely forgotten by these two men as if she didn't exist. With tear-stained, glistened cheeks, she found the courage to pick up a small knife, the same one she used for chopping vegetables, and bravely used it to save her mother. With trembling hands, she struck, the blade stabbing Odar directly in the neck.

Odar's eyes widened in shock, his hand instinctively rising to his throat. His fingers felt the warmth and wetness of his own blood. Stumbling backward, his legs gave way beneath him, causing him to crumple onto the ground. As Odar's eyes shifted to Silvia, who stood nearby, her tiny hand squeezing the small yet deadly kitchen knife, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. As Odar's throat gurgled with the flow of his blood, he glanced toward his companion, Argo, who was paralyzed with shock.

Nivalis looked at Odar, who was gasping for air, and then shifted her gaze to Argo, who stood there, petrified, his eyes fixed on the dying comrade on the ground. Her eyes widened in shock at what just happened, but she quickly understood that this was her chance as well.

Using his moment of distraction, Nivalis, despite her aching body, used her strength to lift her body just enough to reach Argo, who was still kneeling beside her. With her bound hands, she clutched onto his head, forcefully pulling him closer to her. Utilizing the only weapon available to her, Nivalis sank her teeth into Argo's neck, her legs wrapping tightly around his body. His hands trembled as he attempted to push her away.

But it was too late.

With a sickening crunch, Nivalis tore a sizable chunk of flesh from Argo's neck with her mouth, exposing the intricate network of muscles and tendons beneath. She continued to bite Argo's neck again and again with all the strength she could find in herself.

Argo screamed in agony, his skin tearing under her teeth. He started to punch her ribs, desperate to get her off, but she clung to his neck like an animal, her teeth sinking deeper and deeper into his flesh with each passing second. "Get off me! GET OFF ME!" Argo shouted, his voice hoarse with desperation. He continued to hit her violently, but it didn't help. He was no match for the mad rage of Nivalis. She continued biting him, her teeth sinking deeper and deeper into his neck, his screams echoing throughout the forest. The metallic tang of blood flooded her mouth as she ripped away his flesh.

In less than a minute, Argo was finally dead, and his body was lying motionless on the ground. Nivalis pulled herself off him, her face and her coat covered with blood. With wide eyes, Nivalis stared at the young adventurer's corpse, her chest heaving with each ragged breath. She glanced over at the second man, Odar, who lay on the ground as well, with a puddle of blood rapidly growing larger beneath him. Slowly, she crawled over to him and checked his pulse to confirm he was indeed dead.

Nivalis took a shaky breath and reached out to grab Silvia, who was sobbing uncontrollably in fear and terror. Despite the bloody state her mother was in, Silvia rushed to her embrace, throwing her arms around her as tight as she possibly could. Nivalis, still with her bound hands, enveloped her daughter's small frame, holding her close.

"It's okay, baby. It's okay. Don't cry, my love. Everything's going to be fine." Nivalis soothed her daughter, her voice cracking with emotion. She pulled away from the embrace to look at her daughter, her face stained with tears and blood, luckily not hers. "You were so brave, my sweet," she whispered, wiping the tears and blood from her daughter's face with her fingers. "You saved us."

Nivalis could see the trauma and shock written on Silvia's face, and she knew that this was something that would scar her forever. But at least she was alive.

Silvia shook her head, sniffling loudly, — "No, mommy. I was afraid, I..." her voice trailed off into hiccups.

"Shh..." Nivalis murmured, hushing her daughter gently. Nivalis pulled Silvia into another tender embrace. "Don't worry, sweetie. It's over now." In response, Silvia buried her face into the safety of her mother's chest, tears continuing to flow as Nivalis rocked her back and forth in a tender motion. "It's alright, baby. You did nothing wrong, do you hear me? You did nothing wrong," Nivalis whispered.

The forest grew silent except for the gentle crackle of the campfire and the faint sound of the wind rustling through the trees. Only the sound of Silvia's sobs and her mother's whispers were heard, and Nivalis knew that it would be a long time before either of them would forget the horrors of this night.

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