Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 19 — Creature of the night


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Hours passed, yet Nivalis and her children remained motionless, nestled together for warmth. The sounds of the howling wind outside were muffled by the thick layers of snow that had accumulated, shielding them from the harsh wind. Under layers of blankets and furs, Nivalis held her children close, her arms protectively wrapped around their tiny bodies. She could feel the gentle rise and fall of their chests as they breathed.

Silvia, just five years old and fragile like a snowflake, trembled in her mother's embrace, her limbs quivering from cold and fear. Nivalis held her daughter even tighter. Silvia's voice barely rose above the silence of the shelter when she whispered, "Mommy."

Nivalis responded in a soft, soothing tone.— "Yes, my dear?"

Taking a deep breath, Silvia's voice trembled slightly. "Do you think we'll be okay?"

Nivalis's heart was heavy with worry for her precious child. She inhaled deeply, her fingers tenderly stroking through Silvia's soft, silky hair.— "Yes, honey. We will be okay," Nivalis assured her. Her voice was confident. "We will get through this. I promise."

Silvia's body trembled once more, her uncertainty noticeable in how her muscles tensed and her heart raced. Her lips parted ever so slightly, and then, a soft, muted sob escaped her. "I'm a little bit scared, Mommy," Silvia whimpered.

Nivalis tightened her embrace, her fingers gently interlocking with Silvia's smaller ones.— "Shh, it's okay," she whispered, her voice gentle. "I'm here, and nothing bad will happen. You're safe, and so is your baby brother, Asty." She brushed a strand of Silvia's hair behind her ear and gazed into her innocent, watery eyes. Their eyes adjusted to the darkness enough to see each other's faces.

Silvia nodded, her face burying into her mother's bosom.

Calming her daughter was Nivalis's foremost concern. She tenderly rubbed Silvia's back.— "Would you like me to tell you a story, my dear?" Her words were soft and motherly warm.

Silvia shifted slightly, her tiny body seeking refuge closer to her mother's warmth. "Yes, please, Mommy," she begged, her voice muffled by her mother's bosom.

Nivalis nodded, and her heart warmed. — "Of course, my sweet," she responded. "What would you like to hear?"

She raised her head, and with a spark of anticipation dancing in her young eyes, Silvia locked onto her mother's gaze. "Tell me more about adventurers, please," she murmured, her voice a shy plea. Silvia fidgeted slightly, then added, "Tell me how to become one, Mommy. Maybe some tips, and how can I learn it?" her eyes shining with a child's longing for knowledge.

Nivalis, clearly amused, let out a gentle laugh, a soft, melodic sound that seemed to chase away the chill inside their shelter. Her eyes twinkled with joy, and she brushed an unruly curl of Silvia's hair from her forehead.— "Well, honey, it's a bit more complicated than that."

Silvia's brow furrowed, her face frustrated, as the innocent determination in her eyes was clouded by the world's complexities. "Why, Mommy? I want to become strong. To protect you and Asty. And do great things like saving people."

Nivalis sighed, her heart aching for the purity of Silvia's intentions.— "Oh, my sweet," she murmured, her voice filled with love.

— "Alright, honey," she began, her voice low and comforting, "let's start with the basics. There are two ways to become an adventurer, and one is to be born with what's called a Blessing."

"Blessing?" Silvia's voice rang out, her tone reflecting her genuine curiosity.

— "Yes, love, it's a special ability you're gifted with from birth," Nivalis explained.

She paused, allowing the information to settle into Silvia's eager mind.— "They are known as the Blessed, and there are six types of blessings: fire, water, earth, wind, light, and darkness. The Blessed can manipulate their elements, such as controlling fire, controlling water, and so on. There is also a type of magic that every Blessed one can use that does not fit into any of the categories, called Common magic."

Silvia's eyes shimmered with wonder, and her gaze darted back and forth between her mother's eyes and lips as if she wanted to absorb every piece of information. "That sounds incredible," she breathed, her voice filled with awe.

Nivalis nodded, her smile still gentle, and responded with simple.— "It is, my pumpkin."

Silvia's curiosity burned brighter. "So, am I Blessed, Mommy?" she asked with a touch of hope in her eyes.

Nivalis offered a tender response, and her voice was soft and warm.— "I don't know, honey. You're still very young, and it can take some time for the Blessing to reveal itself."

"Oh," Silvia sighed, her brow furrowing slightly, and she paused momentarily, "Are you Blessed, Mommy?"

Nivalis shook her head gently.— "No, honey. Unfortunately, I am not Blessed. I am just an ordinary elf," Nivalis replied calmly.

She leaned even closer to her mother. "What's the second way, Mommy?" She continued to hang onto every word, her gaze fixated on her mother's.

Nivalis paused as she met her daughter's eyes.— "The other way, my sweet, is to find a small gemstone known as the Blessing Stone, or Soul Stone. It's a special gem that can give you unique powers like the ability to breathe underwater or to become super strong."

Silvia's young heart danced at the idea. "Wow, that sounds so cool, Mommy! Where can I find one?" she asked, her voice filled with the enthusiasm that only a child's imagination could bring.

Nivalis's voice took on a tone of gentle realism as she explained, — "Well, honey, finding one isn't easy. They're very rare, you see. These precious gems come from monsters' bodies, and usually, the stronger the monster, the more powerful the Blessing Stone can be. And it's quite a rare thing, and not all monsters have them, despite their strength. Those are what all adventurers seek. It's very dangerous and difficult to get one, and that's why their profession is so dangerous."

Silvia's expression fell, and she mumbled something. She had been dreaming of being an adventurer, but the idea of facing monsters, let alone obtaining a blessing stone from one, was terrifying.

Nivalis, ever the comforting mother, reassured her daughter.— "Don't worry, sweetie," she said, her voice soothing. "You can also buy a Blessing Stone, but they can be quite expensive."

Silvia's brows furrowed in disappointment as her dreams of adventure clouded. Yet, a spark of curiosity still glimmered in her eyes as she asked, "Mommy, have you ever got a blessing stone?"

Her voice carried a hint of sadness as she replied, — "No, my dear. I haven't," regret weighing on her words.

Silvia's brows knitted in confusion. "Why not, Mommy?" she asked.

Nivalis took a deep breath and explained, her words tinged with melancholy, — "There was a tradition for noble elves, my sweet. Girls were not allowed to absorb stones before marriage because it would stain their purity. It's a rule that has been passed down for generations. Unfortunately, I didn't have one because of it."

Silvia's heart raced, her young mind swirling with questions. "But, Mommy, I'm a girl, too. Does that mean I can't do it either?"

Nivalis shook her head gently, her voice reassuring.— "Those are old traditions, my sweet. We don't need to follow them anymore," Nivalis replied. She gently placed a hand on Silvia's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. She continued, "You can grow up to be whatever you want, my dear."

Silvia let out a breath, her shoulders relaxed in relief. "I see. Thank you, Mommy," she said with a smile. After a moment, she asked, "If you could have any blessing, what power would you like to have, Mommy?" her wide eyes filled with youthful eagerness.

Nivalis considered the question, a fond smile on her face.— "It doesn't matter much what kind of Blessing I get as long as it helps me protect myself and you, my dears. But..." Her voice trailed off, a hint of wistfulness in her words.

"Yes, Mommy?" Silvia urged, her eyes shining like stars on a clear night.

Nivalis's voice was nostalgic as she confessed, — "I've always had a dream, my love. When I was little, I used to dream of becoming a healer, just like my grandmother. She was well-known for her healing skills."

"Blessing Stone can make you a healer?" Silvia asked curiously.

Nivalis nodded.— "Yes, my dear, it can. There are many types of them, and each has different abilities. It probably won't be as effective as someone naturally blessed with Light, but it's better than nothing."

"I think that's a wonderful dream," Silvia said with admiration.

— "Thank you, sweetie," Nivalis smiled. She placed her hand on Silvia's head, gently ruffling her hair. "And what kind of power would you like, my sweet?"

"Hmm..." Silvia hummed, her eyes narrowing as she pondered the question. After a few moments, a bright, mischievous smile lit up her face. "Something cool, something like controlling ice. Can a stone make me like that, Mommy?"

— "I'm sure there are stones that can bless you with that power, so yes, it could," Nivalis replied.

"Yay, that's amazing," Silvia cheered joyfully, her cheeks flushed pink with excitement.

They continued their conversation deep into the night, the gentle murmur of mother and daughter filling the shelter. Eventually, Silvia's eyelids grew heavy, and the day's adventures lulled her into a peaceful slumber in her mother's embrace. But Nivalis couldn't find sleep herself. The relentless howling of the wind outside only seemed to grow stronger, and the icy fingers of winter reached deeper into their fragile sanctuary.

Her eyes shifted to her infant son, Aster, who lay peacefully in her arms. His tiny form, swaddled in warm blankets, was so innocent and vulnerable. Nivalis's heart swelled with love and tenderness as she brushed her trembling fingers over his soft, delicate cheek.

A single thought flashed through her mind: "What will happen to us?"

The snowstorm showed no signs of abating. The cold, the wind, and the snow were relentless and only grew stronger. 

— "Please, let the storm pass," Nivalis murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.


The next few hours passed like a blur for Nivalis. Her thoughts were focused on her children, their safety, and thinking how to keep them warm. She would have given anything to have a fire right now.

Nivalis was tired, her eyelids growing heavier and heavier, and the fatigue was starting to creep in. But she knew that if she allowed herself to fall asleep, they might never wake up again. So, she lay there, her body trembling from the cold, her limbs numb.

She held her son and daughter close, her arms wrapped around their tiny bodies. She could feel their warmth, their breathing, their beating hearts. It was the dead of night, and Nivalis couldn't bear to let her children freeze. She had already done everything she could to keep them warm. She wrapped blankets around them and huddled together. But it was not enough. She needed to do something else, or they would all freeze.

She thought of the trees around them, their branches, and their bark. If she could collect those, get a small campfire started, and use the snow around them to block the wind, it would provide a bit of heat.

But she would have to leave her children and go out in the blizzard. This was probably the last thing in the entire world she wanted to do, but she had to. Her instincts, her determination, and the love she felt for her children pushed her forward.

— "My dear, you need to wake up," Nivalis's voice was gentle, a soft whisper as she tried to wake Silvia.

Silvia stirred, her eyelids heavy with sleep. "What's wrong, Mommy?" she mumbled, her voice a soft, muffled whisper.

Nivalis placed her lips to her daughter's ear, her words a gentle whisper.— "I need you to get up, my love. I'm going to try to make a fire to keep us warm."

"Huh? Why..." Silvia groaned, her eyes still half-closed.

Nivalis gently placed Aster and Silvia together and ensured blankets covered them. Then, she shifted towards the entrance of the shelter.

"Mommy, wait," Silvia said with a trembling voice.

Nivalis stopped.— "Yes, sweetie?" she asked.

"Please don't go. It's too dangerous," Silvia begged, her voice laced with a hint of desperation. The thought of her mother walking into the storm was terrifying.

Nivalis reassured her with a loving smile.— "Don't worry, sweetie, I'll be quick. I promise." Her gaze filled with confidence. "Just stay here and keep our Asty safe, okay?"

Silvia nodded, her face pale, her lips trembling.

Nivalis turned to the entrance once more. She took a deep, steadying breath and gently pushed aside the layers of blankets of their shelter, causing the snow to cascade onto the ground.

She got from their shelter into a world of full white. The moon shoved brightly, the air was cold, and the wind cut through her skin, stinging her flesh. The snow was thick, and the visibility was almost non-existent. She could barely see in front of her.

The snow was piled up high, making walking difficult, and her limbs were heavy and weak, the cold draining her strength. She could feel her heart racing and her lungs burning as she struggled against the storm, pushing through the blizzard. With that, Nivalis began her task. She started to gather branches, pine needles, and anything flammable, carrying it back to their shelter.

She held the knife firmly in her hand, the tip digging into the bark. She pushed hard, and despite the harsh wind and blinding snow, the blade sliced through the branch. It was quite challenging for her weakened, slender body. As she worked amid the loud winds and the blinding swirl of snow, Nivalis's ears captured a strange, distant noise. Her heart raced, her palms growing damp with sweat. She looked around, but she couldn't see anything.

— "Maybe I'm just imagining things," she muttered, trying to calm herself. Returning to her task, her fingers trembled as she gripped the knife, slicing through the branches and gathering them into her arms.

Then, suddenly, the sound grew louder, closer, and unmistakably clearer. It was a terrifying noise — an ominous roar, a guttural growl, an animalistic howl that chilled her to the heart. It was the unmistakable sound of a monster. Nivalis froze and didn't dare to move, her entire being locked in an instinctual response to danger. Her limbs were frozen in place, her blood running cold. Slowly, she turned her head, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

But the snow was thick, and the visibility was low. There was no sign of any creature, no trace of presence. Nivalis swallowed hard, her throat dry. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her pounding heart.— "It was just the wind," she muttered, her voice trembling.

A sudden, flickering movement caught the corner of her eye. She turned her head with agonizing slowness, and then she saw it. Nivalis instinctively leaned back, seeking shelter against a nearby tree, her heart caught in her throat. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was a man, or what had once been a man, but now a rotting, decaying figure, staggering towards her, its eyes empty and lifeless. Its mouth was agape, and a low, guttural groan escaped its mouth that sent shivers down Nivalis's spine.

An image of zombie-like creature.

She was paralyzed with fear, unable to look away as the grotesque figure drew closer. Its movements were jerky and awkward. Her heart pounded, her chest tightening. She knew she had to run, but her limbs refused to obey, and she remained frozen in place.

"No, no, no, no..." Nivalis's thoughts were a mess. Her lips pressed firmly together to suppress any noise that might betray her presence. The creature moved closer, its groans growing louder.

Her body started to tremble uncontrollably despite her desperate efforts to remain still. The fear coursing through her was overwhelming, and tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as her mind struggled to comprehend the horror of the situation.

The creature's raspy breathing, the sound of its footsteps, the squelching sound of its decomposing body — all of it invaded her senses. For some reason, the cold didn't affect this creature in the slightest, and she could see and smell its rotten flesh, the gaping hole in its abdomen, and the maggots wriggling within. As the creature neared, Nivalis couldn't bear it anymore. She closed her eyes. All she could hear was its footsteps drawing closer. She was sure it would be over soon. But, against all odds, the creature continued its dreadful walk without stopping.

The footfalls faded into the distance, the groans growing fainter and fainter. Nivalis waited in agonizing silence for a few tense moments before she dared to open her eyes. Her heart pounded, and her body trembled uncontrollably. Nivalis couldn't believe that she had survived such a terrifying encounter.

With trembling hands, Nivalis released the gathered branches, her legs like lead, her mouth shut by the horrors she had witnessed. Her only option was to crawl on all fours silently back to the shelter.

Once inside, she found Silvia and Aster still lying. She collapsed next to them, covered herself with blankets and furs, and wrapped her arms around their tiny, fragile bodies, her tears flowing freely, but she didn't make a single sound. She buried her face in the soft, silky hair of her daughter, her mind spinning from what had just happened.

Amid her thoughts, a soft, sweet voice pierced the silence. "Mommy?"

Nivalis lifted her tear-streaked face, her voice hoarse and quivering.— "Yes, my love?" she responded.

"Are you okay?" Silvia asked, her tone filled with concern.

— "I am now, sweetie. I am now," Nivalis whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

Silvia frowned, her expression troubled. "You were gone for a long time, Mommy. We were scared," she said.

— "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm sorry," Nivalis apologized, her tone filled with regret.

"You didn't manage to make a fire, Mommy?" Silvia questioned.

Nivalis hesitated, carefully considering her response. She couldn't bring herself to tell what had just happened. Slowly, she nodded, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment.— "Yeah... I didn't," she admitted. "The wind and the snow were too strong."

"It's okay, Mommy. It's not that cold for me. We'll be fine even without it," she reassured, her voice gentle and soothing. "I'm just glad you're safe."

— "Me too, sweetie." a faint smile graced Nivalis's lips.

With that, they settled into a peaceful silence, hidden from the world outside in their small shelter. Mother and her children cuddled together, keeping each other warm. They drifted in and out of sleep despite the cold. The wind continued to howl, and the snow continued to fall, covering the world around them in white.

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