Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 116

Chapter 114: (First Update)

Seriously rubbing the texture of the cloth in his hands, he tentatively picked up the little fox and walked towards the police car.

Walking, he suddenly paused, holding the little fox in one hand and passing the cloth under his nose with the other.

After sniffing carefully, she pointed the cloth strip at the corner of her clothes.

It perfectly matched the corner of the clothes, and the serious expression suddenly became cold.

He quickly got into the car, put the little fox under the co-pilot, pressed the walkie-talkie, and asked Xu Heng to drive to the border line quickly.

At the same time, explain the existing situation to the police station.

“There are hostages in the hands of the poaching gang. Judging from the shirts delivered to us, the hostages are injured.”

The serious voice was deep, “Why did the poaching gang take the hostages? They must have seen each other’s faces. Why did they take the hostages with them to escape the border? I can only think of one right now. reason.”


The car and the walkie-talkie fell into silence at the same time.

For a long time, a deep voice came from there, “Old Yan, can you be sure?”

Serious brow wrinkled into a pimple, “The cloth for help should be torn from a certain piece of clothing, and the blood on the clothing is human blood. Except for the three letters of sos…”

He looked at the letters dw and squinted.

The little fox hopped anxiously under the seat.

Some regrets why Xi Ye insisted on writing gps at that time, who saw that dw could immediately think of positioning it!

“There are also two letters in lowercase dw, director, you can also guess what this letter means. In short, according to the clues I have now, the other party has Eighty percent of the practice of taking hostages is to destroy the corpses.”

The vast majority of those who engage in poaching at the border are desperadoes, and no one has taken a few lives in their hands, which is the reason for such serious speculation.

The walkie-talkie was silent for a while, “I will contact the Border PLA immediately. If you have any news from your side, please contact me.”

“The SWAT team also sent two teams over, be careful on the road.”

Seriously just cut off the walkie-talkie, Xu Heng said, “Master, help me search for the navigation to the border line, I remember there is a faster trail from here to the border line.”

Seriously, he didn’t speak, he entered the destination on the navigation screen, and the mechanical female voice resounded through the carriage.

“GPS positioning is turned on and the best route has been selected for you.”

Xu Heng took a moment to glance at it, and just as he was about to choose the fastest route, the little fox suddenly jumped on his solemn legs, pointing at the navigation screen and calling.

Seriously frowned, “What do you want to say?”

“Boom!” Positioning! Positioning!

Seeing that neither of them understood, the little fox vomited blood and felt the pain of being unable to speak again.

The little paw grabbed the cloth strip in Serenity’s hand, pointed to the cloth strip and pointed to the guide.

“Beeeeeeee!” Location!

Probably the little fox has the potential to learn to speak, so he just made a syllable.

Two four tones are quite accurate.

Serious pupils widened, picked up the cloth strip and took a look.

“dw…is positioning?!”

Congratulations! Finally guessed it!

The little fox was about to cry with joy.

Xu Heng’s car had an ‘s” shape.

“Positioning? The little fox actually knows the meaning of positioning?”

Seriously, he didn’t speak, his thoughts turned around, and he suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the Forestry Bureau.

The bell picked up quickly, “Officer Yan is just right, we just found something to tell you.”

“Please speak.”

“No one of the staff of the Forestry Bureau is missing, but there has been a film crew on the plateau for the past two months, which is shooting documentaries, and there are records here and at the Forestry Police Department. ”

“The film crew consists of three people, named Xi Ye, Deng Bo, and Zhang Yaoyang.”

Seriously touched the cloth and did not speak for a while.

He looked at the little fox, rubbed the two letters dw on the cloth and asked, “Sister Qin, is there anything on the three people who can track the location? Or on which animals in the mountains? Is there a location?”

Sister Qin instantly thought of what she was going to do seriously, and hurriedly left a sentence and left.

Coming back a few minutes later, the voice was raspy.

“Yes! The three film crews have locators on them, and we can track their positions here!”

Sister Qin urged her men to hurry up.

A few minutes later, there was an exclamation on the other end of the phone.

“Yes! The positioning of the three people shows that they are heading towards the border at a constant speed!”

“Also! There is also a snow leopard located with them, it should be the animal they poached!”

The news from Sister Qin eased the atmosphere in the carriage for a moment.

Xu Heng let out a breath and sounded the siren.

The police car whizzed towards the border.

However, the relaxed atmosphere did not last long.

There was a sudden gasp on the other end of the phone.

“They turned, and instead of going to the border, they turned to some… mountain road leading to a remote mountain village.”

There was a big question mark on the little fox’s head, and his heartbeat suddenly thumped.

He had a bad feeling.

From the previously overheard conversation, it can be determined that this group of poachers is in a hurry. They must arrive at the border within the specified time, otherwise the smuggling line will be closed.

The longer they stay in the country, the higher the danger.

However, why would you suddenly turn to a remote mountain village in such an emergency?

Is that the smuggling line?

Xu Heng proposed this guess, but was rejected by the staff on the other end of the phone.

“They are still far from the border line. The final destination of this mountain road is a remote mountain village. At the end of the mountain village is a big mountain. Walking entirely on their legs, they would waste at least two days.”

This doesn’t make sense, what else could be the reason?

The two guessed and guessed, and the final result all pointed to the three hostages.

Maybe something went wrong among them, and the poachers discovered it, so they were eager to deal with them on the road.

This guess made everyone’s heart sink.

Seriously tell Sister Qin not to hang up the communication, and always exchange the other party’s latest address.

Then contact the police station and explain the current situation.

“The three hostages got off the Wuming Road when they were on the Tibet-Antian Line. After the Wuming Road, they entered a fork in a mountain village. The mountain village is called Yaoshang Village.”

“Perhaps you can first use the sky’s eye to check which cars were off the road at that time, and then conduct an investigation to determine the identity of the poaching gang.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the little fox on his lap jumped up again and paused solemnly.

The little fox stretched out his paw and pointed at a black pickup truck coming from the window.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; “嘤 嘤!” Is this color pickup truck! Exactly the same!

Serious frown.

“The car the poaching gang drives may be… a black pickup.”

The little fox nodded his head heavily, his eyes full of relief.

Communication with smart people is a pleasure.


He motioned Xu Heng to stop the pickup.

The little fox controls the urge to give a thumbs up.

Looking at Xu Heng, who was beside him with a dazed face, he sighed.

Sure enough, the old policeman is the old policeman.

The pickup was checked and there was no abnormality, and the police car continued on the road.

Now that all the clues are clear, the Forestry Bureau will report the tension of tracking and positioning to the three parties in real time.

About 20 minutes, the forestry bureau and the forest police came back to the plateau to check.

Two news, one good news and one bad news.

“The bad news is that it has been confirmed that all three of the film crew have been kidnapped, and our people have found a lot of blood at their station.”

“I have asked the doctor I know well that such a large amount of bleeding will cause the injured person to lose too much blood and go into shock.”

The situation has escalated again.

Whether it was on the phone, in the car, or on the walkie-talkie, the three parties held their breath.

In silence, he asked seriously, “What about the good news?”

“The good news is that the camera crew photographed each other’s face and poaching process, which can be submitted to the police as evidence.”

This is really good news.

After another half an hour, Shen Qiu and the others were already driving on the Zangan Line, and they were about to turn around and turn into Wuming Road.

News from the Forestry Bureau.

“The location of the snow leopard has changed, but the three film crew were left in Yaoshang Village.”

Serious frowned, “Which direction is the snow leopard positioned?”

“Tiangan Line.”

Xu Heng stepped on the brakes.


“Stop the car, turn the car around and drive back, and don’t let the police car appear in the sight of the group.”

Xu Heng pursed his lips and turned the steering wheel to step on the accelerator.

“Come out! They continue to the border!”

The Forest Service employee said again.

These words confirmed Serenity’s guess, and when the snow leopards have traveled at least two kilometers forward, it is certain that they will not return.

Shenzhen and a team of special police hurried off the Tibet-Antian Line to Yaoshang Village.

The second team of special police will cooperate with the frontier PLA to block the poaching gangs on the tail of the Tibet-Antian Line.

The police car was driving fast on the unnamed road, but Shen Qiu’s heartbeat could not stop.

He has an inexplicable intuition that the three of Xi and Ye will not be sent to a strange village for no reason.

There are many forks along the Zang-An line. Why did the poachers choose to leave Xiye and the others in Yaoshang Village?

Because of remoteness? But there are many remote mountain villages nearby, not only Yaoshang Village.

The most important thing is, what did the poachers find? They want to leave Xiye and the others here. From the beginning of the conversation, it was clear that the group planned to take Xiye directly out of the border. A good lesson.

I change my mind halfway through, and what I find is not trivial.

Location found? Or what did Xiye and the others do in the middle?

The little fox’s brows furrowed, looking at the fast-reversing scenery by the roadside, his mind quickly revolved.

What is it…

Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and the little fox snorted.

Sounds at the same time.


Xu Heng braked suddenly, and the special police car behind him also stopped.

“What’s wrong with Master?”

Seriously, he did not speak, but quickly pressed the intercom.

“Director, I need to know if there is any record of hunting wild animals before Yaoshang Village!”

I thought of going with Shen Qiu!

The little fox gasped for breath, frightened for a while.

He finally understood why he felt uneasy before.

Poaching gangs must have their reasons for choosing Yaoshang Village, or they have already killed people and left them to Yaoshang Village for disposal.

Either people didn’t have time to kill, but handed it over to Yaoshang Village for them to deal with.

There must be some kind of transaction between the two, otherwise, it is really impossible to say why poachers choose to detour this way to Yaoshang Village.

Even if the location is found, just drop the location…

Throw it away! ?

The little fox’s pupils tightened for a while, and suddenly grabbed seriousness.

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