Even a Scoundrel Gets Tired

chapter 25

24 – Party Application (2)

“To what purpose do you come?”

Her voice made no attempt to hide her displeasure

as she questioned us about our business, and I, unfazed, stated our purpose.

“We are here to request a party application. With her.”

I glanced over to Lianna, and

Sophia turned to regard me, a question blooming in her eyes.

“You… and this girl?”

“Yes. Is there a problem?”

“No formal problem. If both parties are in agreement…”

She shifted her gaze to Lianna.

“Cadet Lianna, are you truly willing

to be partnered with this man?”


“Right, so that’s this side’s opinion…excuse me?”

She looked as if she suspected a problem with her hearing,

while a slight curve touched my own lips.

“Did I mishear? Cadet Lianna?”

“Huh? Oh…I said I’m partnering with him…?”

“…Really? With *him*?”

The finger she used to indicate me trembled slightly,

as if she couldn’t quite grasp the situation,

but I ignored it and stepped further forward.

“Since she said yes, would you kindly process the application?

I’ve been rather busy lately, you see.”

“…What have you done *now*?”

What had I done?

Had I done something to Lianna?

I didn’t think I’d even approached her recently.

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean?”

“..Normally you’d be getting angry, questioning my suspicions, but

you’re reacting like this, which is unexpected.”

“I am not such an unreasonable person.”

She looked at me again as if I were some lunatic,

but I ignored her gaze and tried to proceed with the partner application.

“So, how does one apply for partnership?”

“…Here’s the form. Write your name and Lianna’s name here,

and it will be automatically processed.”

“Thank you.”

Sophia looked as if she would try to persuade Lianna one more time,

but I pulled her and quickly filled out the form,

so she had no choice but to take the application with a sigh.

“..Well, do your best.”


“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I wasn’t expecting the president to cheer me on…”

It was the truth.

She, too, seemed to believe the rumors circulating through the Academy,

so I’d assumed she simply disliked me.

“It’s not as though I was particularly rooting for *you*.”

“Rianna is in your group, you see.

I was rooting for *her*.”

“And lately, there’s another rumor going around…

I thought I might give *that* one some credence.”

Another rumor?

What could it be, that she would believe it?

She, who claims to trust no rumor without firm proof,

judging only by what her own eyes have seen.

“What rumor are you speaking of?”

“…You truly don’t know?”

“Am I *supposed* to?”

“It’s a rumor about you. Shouldn’t you be a little aware?”

A rumor about me.

Weren’t all rumors about me slander, in the end?

I wasn’t so interested that I’d bother finding out.

“I have no interest in hearing slander about myself.”

“..What are you talking about?”

“Isn’t it usually that I’m mad or an idiot?

I wouldn’t want to wound my delicate sensibilities by listening to such things.”

“I’ve heard some crazy talk, but this… It’s another rumor entirely.”

“Another rumor, you say?”

“Yes, truly unaware?”

Had something happened that would spark another rumor about me?

No matter how much I thought, I hadn’t committed any further incidents

that would cause worse rumors or odd stories to spread.

I looked at Rianna, but she only avoided my gaze,

offering no answers in return.

Try as I might, nothing came to mind,

so I asked her what rumor was circulating.

“I truly didn’t expect you wouldn’t know.

Are you simply uninterested in yourself?”

“So what rumor has you so worked up?”

“That you’ve…changed, shall we say.”



“What in the world does *that* mean…?”

“Don’t you recall, you used to be terribly weak?”


“Isn’t it noteworthy in itself that someone like you suddenly trampled Leon, a mid-tier cadet, and has been quietly keeping to himself?”

“So, the crux is that people became interested because I grew stronger?”

“Also, it seems like your crazy antics have decreased lately, so quite a few people think perhaps you’ve turned a new leaf.”

So, then…

The rumor started because others saw me try to pummel that b*stard and were surprised by my strength.

And lately, I haven’t been bullying anyone.

These opinions, layered upon layered, suggesting that I’ve changed…

That’s how these rumors have spread.

“And to be sure, you’ve changed somehow.

So, I don’t intend to meddle needlessly.”

“…What has changed?”

I was curious.

She wasn’t the type to offer trust simply because my behavior had shifted.

So, I wanted to know.

What aspect of me had conveyed confidence to her?

“Something…seeing the former you was unpleasant.”

“I felt that way even as I watched you act like a complete delinquent.”

“It was like…watching someone wear an ill-fitting mask and putting on an act.”

“That kind of play makes even the audience feel sick.”

“But now…something is different.”

“If the past was closer to disgust…now it’s pity.”

“Pity for what is driving him to this extent.”

“I don’t know what you did in the dorm for those 50 days.”

“But as long as it doesn’t head in the wrong direction,

I have no intention of restraining you.”

“It is also my role to prevent it from happening.”

“Rather, if you wished to move in the right direction,

I have the confidence to properly support you.”


It’s not that I’ve never been comforted.

Rather, there were people who would pounce on me the moment they sensed I was even slightly upset.

But this is different.

It was different from the solace offered by those who saw only ambition or the backdrop of my family name.

These words, spoken to me now, when I possessed nothing.

No support, no title, no wealth.

Warmth extended to any student, perhaps.

Yet a warmth I could only receive having abandoned everything from the highest point,

having descended on my own accord.

A small, potent joy bloomed, threatening to overwhelm my heart,

and before I knew it, tears streamed down my face.

They, in turn, panicked at the sight, rushing to comfort me.

“Master Jenison, are you alright? Are you ill?”

“No, just a moment! Why is a grown man crying?!”

The very child I had tormented, the person who had disliked me,

was now the one offering me comfort.

The absurdity of it struck me, and a humorless chuckle escaped my lips.

Abruptly, I became a fool, weeping one moment and laughing the next, lifting my head to meet their gazes.

The sight of it must have been quite striking.

Lianna stared, eyes wide and mouth agape.

Even the president seemed taken aback, her lips slightly parted in surprise.

“…Is something the matter? Both of you.”

“…You, you’ve certainly hidden your true face until now.”

“…It seems that way, Master Jenison…”

They spoke such unknowable words, perhaps my expression was that strange.

In any case, Sofia accepted our team application,

and we bowed our farewells before leaving the room.

Only after stepping outside did Lianna seem to release the tension,

letting out what sounded like a sigh of relief as she briefly slumped down.

‘…Still, we should probably formulate some kind of plan.’

If I were alone, I wouldn’t care what happened to me,

but now she was involved.

My performance was directly linked to hers,

so I intended to put in the effort.

In the first place, to fully receive the magical artifacts,

I needed to achieve excellent grades.

And considering Lianna’s grades, it wouldn’t be right to do anything half-heartedly.

With that, we made plans to meet again,

before returning to our respective dormitories.


A room filled with silent air.

The only sound is the scratching of a pen.

Within, a near-perfectly sealed room, barely touched by light.

Inside, a form moved its hand.

“Kill… kill… kill…”

Around the form, darkness so palpable it seemed to ripple,

and every word it uttered dripped with murderous intent.

It scribbled with the pen, incessantly writing,

never ceasing to record something, even when the pen snapped from the strength of its grip, only to be replaced with another.

Then, the space beside it warped,

and from within emerged a man.


He watched its actions for a moment,

before speaking to it, seemingly pleased.

“Things appear to be progressing nicely?”

“..Is that you?”

“Do you loathe him that much?”

“..Because of that wretch…!! I’ve been reduced to this state!!!”

Seeing it incapable of admitting even a speck of blame,

devoid of any remorse whatsoever,

he inwardly scoffed, though his outward demeanor remained placid.

After all, this was merely a diversion,

welcomed if it worked, inconsequential if it didn’t—a simple amusement.

“If you hate him that much, then hasten the completion of your task.”

“For then you might have the chance to kill him.”

“..I get it, so stop annoying me and get out of here…”

Shedding the image of the arrogant man branded in its mind,

the man donned a smile once more and vanished, as if understanding,

leaving only the sound of scratching to fill the room again.

“This midterm… I will kill only… you…”


That thing,

that *it*, hardly worthy of being called *he*,

if one were to ignore the incessant muttering.

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