Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 16

Chapter 14 : My child, I am proud of you

Dubian’s destination is the top of the mountain behind the Eunuch Academy. This mountain is not high, with an altitude of less than 500 meters, and it is not very rugged. But when converted into a distance, it is a full 5 miles, which is two thousand five hundred meters. It was all going uphill, and it was really extremely difficult for Du Bian, who had no power to bind the chicken.

Four years ago, Du Bian also took this course. At that time, he fainted on the way, which means that from that time, he completely gave up martial arts practice.

In the early morning moonlight, Du Bian carried two buckets weighing 25 kilograms forward with difficulty. He walked very, very slowly.

The first 100 meters are barely okay. The body at the 200th meter has begun to shake, and the arms at the 300th meter seem to be broken. The bucket in my hand seems to be not 25 kilograms but a thousand kilograms.

When advancing 350 meters, Du Bian’s body reached its limit, with gold stars in his eyes, cold sweat bursting out of his body, and bursts of dizziness and almost fainted.

Li Wei did not say anything ironically, but frowned. He knew that Du Bian’s physical fitness was very poor, but he didn’t expect it to be so bad, it was completely incorrigible.

can no longer move forward, otherwise he will faint and fall down. Du Bian stopped, but did not dare to put down the bucket, still carrying two buckets to rest on the spot, this kind of rest can only be said to be better than nothing.

took a full rest for a quarter of an hour before Du Bian came over slightly, and then moved on.

The second time, he only advanced two hundred meters before reaching the limit, and once again stopped to rest for a quarter of an hour.

Then I started to climb the mountain. Although it was not very steep, it was an uphill road after all, and it was even more difficult for Du Bian. Every step I took was extremely painful, and even every breath of air I breathed seemed to be cutting his lungs with a knife.

But… he still insisted, but gradually took a break at 100 meters, then at 50 meters, at 30 meters, and at 10 meters.

Li Wei found that Du Bian’s eyes were blurred, his face was so pale that he didn’t have the slightest blood, and the veins on his neck were already violent. He was very worried that if he tried forcibly in this way, he might surpass his physical limit and die, so he really wanted to give up.


There are the last five hundred meters.

But at this time, Du Bian was almost unconscious, insisting entirely by his will, as if he would fall down every step of the way.

He walked more and more slowly, shaking more and more severely, and the water in the bucket had already leaked out a quarter, but Li Wei’s whip did not fall. What he wanted was attitude, and now Du Bian’s attitude has proved Everything.

Four hours have passed, the sun has risen, Du Bian has not yet reached the top of the mountain, and there are the last two hundred meters.

Li Wei knew that a normal beginner would climb to the top of the mountain at the slowest one and a half hours, but Du Bian had already spent four hours.

The last two hundred meters is completely hell, even almost a kind of tempering of life. Li Wei has put down his whip and is ready to catch Dubian who fainted and fell to the ground at any time, lest he directly fall down the mountain.

He knew in his heart that Du Bian could no longer complete the task, and he might faint at every step.

However, Dubian is like an ant crawling forward step by step.

150 meters, 100 meters, 80 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters from the top of the mountain…

In the end, Du Bian actually climbed to the top of the mountain, carrying two buckets weighing 25 kilograms to the top of the mountain. Of course, it was two hours before dawn.

In the whole process, Du Bian took 6 hours, which is four times as long as the normal first-year students.

This result was extremely poor, but Li Wei was very excited, because in the first 500 meters, Du Bian almost reached the limit, and he should almost give up at that time. At a thousand meters, Du Bian would faint at any time. He felt that Du Bian would definitely not be able to complete this task, but Du Bian had completed it.

Although his results were very poor, Du Bian’s willpower far surpassed the others. This was a huge victory.

Du Bian stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the sun that had risen quite high to the east, and turned his head and said, “Teacher Li, I’m done.”

Then, he fell straight down, but even if he fainted, he still didn’t drop the bucket in his hand.

Li Wei, who had been prepared a long time ago, immediately rushed forward, holding Du Bian in his arms.


When Du Bian woke up again, his whole body was soaked in the almost boiling herb soup, and Li Wei was applying a kind of oil on his body.

After the human body undergoes extreme trials, the muscles and bones of the body will be damaged. At this time, it is necessary to bathe in the spiritual tonic soup. If the conditions are good, you should use leopard fetal oil to spread the whole body, and if the conditions are better, you should take leopard blood pills.

“Wake up?” Li Wei said, then took out a porcelain bottle and poured out a bright red pill: “Eat it.”

This is Leopard Jin Wan, which is very expensive, at least not something Du Bian can afford.

Du Bian ate it, and suddenly felt his body heat up.

“How do you feel about your body?” Du Bian said, “numb, I don’t feel anything.”

Li Wei frowned suddenly, this is a very bad signal, it means that the muscles and veins are seriously damaged.

But after taking the Leopard Blood Pill, a wave of heat surged in the body, and the feeling of numbness gradually disappeared, replaced by severe pain, the whole body was aching, the muscles seemed to burst, and the veins were about to break.

“I feel pain now, very very painful.” Du Bian said.

Li Weisong breathed out: “It’s good to feel the pain, which means that the muscles and veins are not at least not abolished.”

Then, he returned to his chair and weighed down, took a long breath, wiped his head with sweat and said: “You don’t know how badly your muscles are damaged. You almost have to break it. And it’s all over the whole body. I have saved hundreds of muscles and veins for several hours and used five bottles of leopard fetal oil, and finally rescued you.”

Du changed his way: “Thank you, Teacher Li.”

Li Wei shook his head and said, “You don’t need to thank me, but thank Shanchang if you want to. He asked me to save you at all costs.”

Then Li Wei said: “You are really a lunatic. In fact, you could not complete one-third of the tasks this morning, so you should give up. As a result, you insisted on completely relying on your own willpower, and carried out crazy challenges to the limits of your body. Digging, you almost ruined your veins. If you give up in the middle, I won’t blame you. Instead, I will take the initiative to explain clearly to the head of the mountain.”

Du changed his way: “I have no choice, teacher.”

“I’m proud of you.” Li Wei said with a sincere gaze: “The body is given by my parents, but the will and tenacity are my own. Although it took you 6 hours to complete the first task of training, I I am still proud of you, you are the toughest child I have ever seen.”

“Thank you.” Du changed.

“But…” Li Wei’s eyes became serious and said: “You give up! Your physical fitness is really bad, maybe you are very smart, with very high comprehension, and a genius. But… your physique determines You are not suitable for martial arts. Although you have completed the task today, it is only less than five miles from a 50-jin bucket. Next, there are one hundred catties, two hundred catties, ten miles, twenty miles, and thirty miles. Willpower can be done.”

Li Wei took a towel and wiped the sweat on his body: “Today you almost lost half your life, and your veins were almost completely ruined. According to your current injury, you will have to cultivate for at least seven or eight days, and then you will continue to test. If today’s method is completely dependent on willpower, you will not be as lucky as today. The greatest possibility is that your veins will break, or you will die directly.”

Li Wei is not intimidating Du change, UU reading www.uukanshu. If Com had another trial like today, the probability of Du Bian’s veins being completely destroyed would be 90%, and the probability of sudden death would exceed 60%.

“I respect you and I am proud of you.” Li Wei said, “But for the sake of your life, I can’t let you continue. Don’t worry, Shan Chang also agreed with you to give up. You lose to Shirakawa in the gambling game half a month later. Those twenty whips will be merciful and will not hurt your bones. You will still have a future after you are expelled from the **** academy. We will arrange for you to work in an **** business, and you will be promoted directly to the shopkeeper after one and a half years of apprenticeship. There is no problem with how much power you have, but you can live your life safely and wealthy.”

Du’s eyes became hot, and he wanted to argue.

“This is not a suggestion but an order. An order from Lord Shan Chang, Shan Chang is unwilling to see you become a ruined person.” Li Wei said: “He asked me to tell you that even if you leave the Eunuch Academy, you will We can still shine for the eunuchs, and we can still make contributions to the eunuchs and the empire. We will continue to pay attention to you.”

Du Bian became quiet. Once he said that this was Shan Chang’s order, Du Bian could not argue. He can prove himself with actions, but he will never disobey Li Wenyu’s orders in words.

Li Wei continued: “I will not teach you training courses anymore. You can go home or stay in the academy and wait for half a month for the gambling game with Shirakawa. After you lose, you leave the academy and go to one of our businesses. , Not surprisingly, within a few years you can become the chief treasurer of that firm.”

It may be good to be the big shopkeeper of the business, but it is definitely not what the change wants.

He has only one goal. He won the first place in the graduation exam six months later, and he entered the East Factory and stepped into the fast lane of Feihuang Tengda.


Note: I, Dongchang Dubian, give a recommendation ticket!

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