Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 41]

Despite having other things to do, me and my new slimes went for another hour or so before once of us finally couldn’t last any longer.

And it wasn’t me.

Clearly exhausted, Elizli collapsed onto my chest with her hands on my shoulders as her slime looked as if it was melting off of her in gloopy globs. She tried her absolute best to last longer than me, and she really tried to ride me until I couldn’t bear it any longer… but she didn’t understand just who exactly I was. She was both a low-level monster going up against a max-level player and she was going up against somebody who really, really liked sex and had numerous all-nighters of it under his belt.

Elizli never stood a chance.

“You… you do not even look tired,” Elizli sighed, the side of her face resting against my chest.

“I’ll be honest with you, I’m not even a tiny bit tired, but I did feel amazing. You did a great job,” I replied.

“For the one who took the dominant role only to be outlasted by the one who took the role of the submissive… how shameful of me.”

“Nothing shameful about it at all. It’s just that pretty much nobody and nothing in this world could outlast me.”

“I see. In that case, I hope that my time with you will improve my own capabilities.”

“I’m sure it will. Though, even without getting any better, I don’t think you’ll be in this situation too often. You’ll have plenty of customers coming to you, and I promise that they won’t be able to last anywhere near as long as me.”

“You have quite the ego.”

“What can I say? Our fun put me in an extra confident mood. By the way – the three of you, what’s up with that? Are you… all technically one slime or something?”

“Not quite. We are each our own beings with our own will and desire to serve you but, as a royal slime, I may connect all lesser slimes to me. They are naturally drawn to serve me as well, so our bodies and minds were all linked for you.”

“So, you’re like a temporary or optional hivemind?”

“Something like that.”

“I see. So, how come you can talk but they can’t?”

“That is the way of this world.”

In other words, it was because of game design. There was no good reason for her being able to talk while the others couldn’t aside from the developers’ personal choice. But, as long as Goo and Thicci made their consent clear and enthusiastic, they didn’t really need to talk anyways. If there ever was a time where they really needed to talk for whatever reason, they could have Elizli relay a message for them since she could link to their minds at any time.

More importantly, with Elizli lying on top of me and talking to me like this, I felt as if I was talking to a real person. If I was a customer coming to the dungeon and somebody told me that she was real, I would believe them after experiencing her. That made me realize just how much technology had advanced. What made it all even more impressive was the fact that the developers did everything on their own instead of relying on any sort of pseudo-AI to help them out. In a world where most programmers would sooner develop an AI to make it program the rest of the game for them with such detail that a human could never compare, this game’s developers managed to create NPCs that were as real as the PCs.

I would never be able to fall in love with an NPC, but Elizli helped me understand better how others often did.

“So, I figure that I should probably ask my monsters after spawning them, just in case, if they’re fine with what I want this dungeon to be for. Are you alright with serving customers – and by serving, I mean fucking?” I asked Elizli.

“Of course, master. All three of us are eager to serve you and the dungeon. Whatever you request of us, we will gladly do,” Elizli answered.

“I get that you’ll do whatever I want since you have to,” what with game design and all that, “but do you want to?”

“Do I want to tease more boys such as the one who was here earlier until they can no longer go on? If that is what you mean to ask, then absolutely. I assure you, master, that all three of us are looking forward to serving any ‘customers’ who may come here. We will do our best to earn their return as well.”

“That sounds perfect to me. The three of you will have reign to do what you want with this room. Well, I guess you can’t really do anything to it on your own. If you have any requests for decoration or anything, though, then feel free to ask me or Thera to do it for you.”

I immediately thought that she wouldn’t know who I was talking about when I mentioned Thera, but Elizli reminded me that she was a part of the game’s program with her answer. “I am not sure I understand what you are offering. What does it have to do with the keeper?”

It took me a couple of seconds to realize that nobody probably expected dungeon monsters to be offered decoration permissions before. Everything else that we talked about was pretty standard. We talked about lore regarding how the slimes worked and we talked about sex. Now I tried offering something much more personal and… real. Only a tiny minority of players would ever get their own dungeon in the first place. Among that minority, I was probably the only one to actually tell one of my monsters that she could decorate however she wanted.

That was impossible even if she understood. Without the ability to leave the dungeon, no way to create items on her own, no access to a market board, and most likely without even an inventory, it was impossible for her to decorate. Because of that, she was probably never examined to make sure that she could properly reply to questions regarding such a thing. Sure, she could tell me or Thera what to do, but that would require her knowing how to decorate in the first place. It seemed like she didn’t even understand the concept of decorating since she both sounded and looked thoroughly confused when I made the offer.

“I guess that we’ll be decorating for you then,” I said. “I don’t think I gave you a proper greeting before, so welcome to the dungeon, Elizli. You too, Goo and Thicci.”

Both Goo and Thicc smiled and nodded their heads while Elizli replied with a kiss on my chest. “Thank you for the greeting.”

“So, how do you want to decorate?”

“I am not sure I understand.”

Yeah, figured as much, I thought. Her response confirmed that relying on her to decorate at all was definitely not an option. I would have to figure out how to decorate the room to be perfect for the three slimes, preferably with Thera’s, Lily’s, or Akorya’s help. The help of all three of them together was also an option. If I was left up to the decorating all on my own, I would probably just end up placing a bunch of slime furniture in the room to be as basic as a man possibly could be.

Now, if I were decorating a sex dungeon, I’d be able to do it all on my own. But for a regular room, I’m going to need – wait, this is a sex dungeon, I thought, realizing that I was probably overthinking things. I had a sex dungeon. I had slimes. Clearly, this meant that there had to be slimy sex toys and other slime-related sexual objects. Maybe a pool of slime if that was possible. A pool of slime at one side of my dungeon with the hot springs at the other side.

My sex dungeon is going to turn into a waterpark at this rate, and I don’t mean for people into watersports. I was tempted to use that thought as a joke, but when it wasn’t anywhere near as amusing as I thought t would be, I sighed and relaxed as Elizli continued to kiss and lick all over the upper half of my torso.

I was still probably going to use that as a joke, but only with Lily. Lily was the type of woman who would still find humor in something as stupid and unfunny as that.

Then a few minutes later, it hit me. “I feel like I’m forgetting something,” I said.

“What could you be forgetting?” Elizli asked in response.

“I’m not sure. If I knew, I wouldn’t feel like I’m forgetting something.”

“Very true.”

Looking at Elizli made me feel it the strongest. Was it something to do with monsters?

Forgetting something.


Something to do with monsters…

Most likely, it was something on my list of things to do. I was always notorious for creating to-do lists, doing maybe one or two things on them, and then forgetting the rest as I put together a new list of things to do.

Well, if I forgot, then maybe it wasn’t that important after all.

“Master, do you plan on bringing any more monsters? The more monsters your dungeon has, the stronger it will be, and I am sure that it will bring you more ‘customers’ as well,” Elizli said.

Right! That was what I was supposed to be doing!

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Who would have thought that over an hour of sex, being ridden, and getting pampered would have made a man forget what he was supposed to do?

I leaned up and gave her a pat on the top of her head. “Thanks for reminding me, Elizli. I’ll make sure that you have more customers than you could ever ask for. Then again, since you’re a slime, I guess there’s no such thing as too many customers when they could put their dicks into any part of your body.”

“Having such a body is very convenient for those cases,” Elizli replied with a nod before getting off of me. “However, I am still disappointed in my failure to last longer.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll get plenty of practice to build up how long you can last, and then we can have a rematch. Or we can have a rematch later. Or right now.”

“I thought you had something else to do?”

“Right… right. Alright. Yeah, I need to go and do that. So, instead of a rematch, how about I send in some of the guys for you to practice with? Besides, they’re your coworkers now, so it would be a good bonding exercise.”

“That does sound delightful.”

“Alright. I’ll bring Al Capra and Captain Consentacles in here for you. And the goblins. If you feel like doing anything with Lephacoda, you’ll need to go to him. Oh, right. And there’s Rex and GP now. I’ll just… send them all here.”

“Master… do keep in mind that there are only three of us.”

“Oh? Don’t think that you could handle a gangbang with a bunch of monsters?”

“Not at all. However, I am concerned that I will not get much experience if I am in constant use by them.”

“Would you like to be in constant use by them?”


“Then who cares? Just let them use you as much as you want and tell them to stop when you’re tired of it. You might not get experiencing in dominating from them gangbanging you, but you’ll still get used to lasting longer… maybe.”

“Very well. Send them in at any time.”

“Will do. Have fun with them.”

And with that, I finally left the slimes to go and finish my main goal for the day. I sent all of my monsters except for Lephacoda to go and have some fun with the slimes first, and then I went into an empty part of the dungeon where I could spawn the next monsters to evolve.

The wisp and the metal cube.

They looked just like before when I tamed them… which really wasn’t doing much for me. One was a literal blob of floating spiritual energy and the other was… a metal box that had a fleshy inside.

“Akorya wanted to watch me fuck you two, but she already left,” I said. “I’ll just take her back out someday to fuck wild ones, because you’re both going to be evolved before she’s back. Now,” I looked at the wisp, “I’ll start with you. Do you consent to sex and being treated like a fuck toy and all that?”

I still wanted to ask for consent even if I knew the answer was always going to be a one hundred percent chance yes, and despite them being NPCs and not real people, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to maybe be a bit lazy at times with how I asked.

More importantly, the wisp did its best to nod the front half of its floating form up and down.

Admittedly, Akorya wasn’t going to miss much. There really wasn’t much of a show to be had when it came to fucking a wisp. All I could do was “grab” onto it, and by “grab” I mean place my hands around it and then let it move itself between my hands. I wasn’t able to actually, physically grab it. I could only pretend to and it played along, basically.

Then I brought the wisp to the front of my crotch. From that point on, all I could really do was hold my arms in place to let the wisp know that I wanted it to stay right there, and I thrust my dick through it.

I was humping the air.

Fortunately, there was some feeling received from fucking the wisp. I could feel the warmth of its ghostly blob and the space inside of its body felt tighter, but it was still essentially “tighter” “air” and regular air. Going to the wisp and metal cube after the slimes really wasn’t a good idea. The slimes should have been a grand finale of sorts for the night, but instead I saved the weakest part of the show for last. Of course, that was looking at it purely from the perspective of what felt good for my cock. All my monsters were equally important to me.

And while I might not have felt much by fucking the air that the wisp occupied, I could tell that it was enjoying itself as its ghastly form shuddered and tightened up at times. I assumed that it was having an orgasm whenever it happened.

Then, after about thirty minutes of this and countless orgasms of the wisp without any of my own, I was given the choice to evolve my wisp.

But I didn’t evolve it yet. As tempted as I might have been to evolve my wisp into having a proper hole after that, I didn’t want to end up distracted while leaving the metal cube to the side. So, I more or less did the same exact thing with the metal cube first.

The good news was that the metal cube was actually physical. It had a body that I could pick up, do whatever I wanted with, and I could actually fuck it.

All I had to do was hold it in front of my crotch and the four panels on the front side of it slid away from one another after unlocking to reveal the fleshy inside.

Now, my dick was big enough that it went all the way through the wisp’s body. The metal cube’s body was only a little bit bigger and still small enough for me cock to go all the way through.

However, once bringing the metal cube all the way to my crotch to bury my entire length within it, there was no bulging and no sticking out through the opposing side.

That was one of the other great things about metal cubes. It was as if their creators from lore somehow managed to fit personal black holes inside of their bodies so that no matter how big a cock might have been, it would never cause harm to the metal cube. There was no such thing as too big because the inside of their metallic bodies was infinite in size.

At least I was able to cum from the metal cube. Seeing as how the inside of its body was not only infinite, but designed to be the high-tech sex toy of a fallen civilization, it kept me hard and cumming for most of the time that I spent trying to evolve it.

Then, after both me and the metal cube came with one another a good few times, it was ready to evolve.

My wisp and metal cube got to evolve at the exact same time as each other, and I couldn’t have been happier with what they evolved into.

Alright, now that I've finally hit 1,000 notifications on Scribble Hub, I'm legally obligated to start reading comments and stuff again. 

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