Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 36]

In case you don't follow my profile on here (which you should totally do), I took last week off for Easter + mental health.

Apparently, it was impossible for us to stop at only tail sex while cuddling. We both got way more into it and Akorya ended up riding me right where we were in the middle of the forest, not that I was going to complain about that.

The only thing that would have made it better was if I was a monster during it. I really needed to find a find monster race to evolve into or something so that I wasn’t reliant on temporary transformations for it anymore, but one thing at a time. We had monsters to tame.

Walking through the forest was more difficult than before, though, due to just how much clingier our little fuck session made Akorya. My left arm essentially no longer belonged to me going by how tightly she was hugging it against her chest.

Fortunately, since I was only looking for a regular slime now, it wouldn’t take too long to find one seeing as how they were pretty much everywhere. In all honesty, we had already walked by a few of them. Maybe I was looking for one that really stuck out to me… despite them all being the same, or maybe I was simply procrastinating and enjoying walking through the forest with Akorya stuck to my arm.

And then a group of big slimes spawned out of thin air directly in front of us. About twenty of them in total, each one roughly three times bigger than the regular slimes and only slightly higher leveled than them – they spawned and immediately bounced their way toward the west.

I looked at my minimap to confirm what I suspected… and turned out to be right. Directly to the west was a small questing hub for new players, and the hub came under attack every few hours by a large group of oversized slimes. It was one of those repeating quests to make the world feel more alive.

There was one more thing that I wanted to confirm.

After targeting one of the big slimes, I noticed that my Tame Monster skill was still available. It would become greyed out when trying to use it on monsters unavailable to be tamed, but something like these quest slimes were available. Then again, these slimes weren’t exactly anything special. They could be found commonly in the very next zone.

Now, if a regular slime could be turned into a slime girl by fucking it enough, what about the big slimes? And what about mega slimes? Could these two evolutions turn into girls, or could only the basic slime turn into them? The guide didn’t say if it was possible, but I was still interested in trying it out myself.

“Come on, Akorya. Let’s go save the day from a bunch of slimes,” I teased.

“Nyehe, got it, chief!” Akorya replied.

“I thought it was officer now?”


“Good enough.”

And so, the two of us rushed over to where the slimes were attacking. The poor NPCs defending the quest hub were only able to hold the slimes off but not do anywhere near enough damage to actually kill them. Meanwhile, a few slimes with perverted grins on their cartoonish faces chased around some rather busty women.

Supposedly, if the event failed, the slimes would capture the women and take them back into the forest. Soon after, another event would spawn where a huge amount of regular slimes would invade. There were certain implications with that which I really wasn’t a fan of. Now, if the women were to consensually head off into the forest to birth an army of slimes, that’d be great. Instead, the game developers just had to make it nonconsensual.

I took the bow off my back and shot an arrow into one of the slimes chasing the women around, instantly killing it.

“Ooh, nice shot!” Akorya said.

“A built-in aim assist has that effect,” I said.

It’s not like the game actually expected people to know how to shoot bows and swing swords all on their own. Some games might not have had any sort of assist mechanics to make combat easier, but this game cared more about skills and strategy than personal combat skill. The only personal skill it really cared about was fucking skill.

“Wait,” I said, looking at the group of women being chased. Something seemed different about them.

“Something wrong?” Akorya asked.

“The women being chased – one of them definitely isn’t an NPC.”

“Oh, yeah, the blondie. She’s too small and cute looking. All the women NPCs here have like red hair, freckles, and huge boobs.”

“I’m not sure how I didn’t notice her sooner. However… why’s she running away?”

“Maybe she’s afraid of getting captured by the slimes?”

“Does the quest do that? Take any female players if they fail?”

“I dunno, I’ve never seen this quest fail before. If even one player is here then it’s supposed to be really easy to beat.”

“Unless you’re afraid of slimes, apparently. Well, how about you thin these numbers out and I’ll go save her? Make sure to leave a few of them alive so that I can tame one.”

“Got it, Officer-Chief!”

“You said it backwards.”

“Same thing. Also, you totally owe me a kiss for the good job once we’re done!”

“I’ll give you as many as you want.”


Akorya flew toward the guards to help them out while I went for the women being chased by slimes.

Most games that had quests like these – the “living world” variety where they happened whether players were around or not to make the world feel more alive, would usually downscale players to a more appropriate level for the quest. However, this game didn’t do that. It simply allowed even max level players to come into starter zones and breeze through these quests as if they were nothing.

Back when I first started playing, these big slimes would have taken me at least five hits each from my sword to kill. Now, without even being near the maximum level on my monster tamer class, I could easily kill them all with one normal arrow each. I didn’t even need to use any skills.

One slime, two slimes, three slimes, and done. Effortlessly firing arrows at each of the slimes killed them and gave the group of women some time to relax before the next wave came.

The blonde player fell onto her rear and took some heavy breaths. “I – I thought I was going to die,” she said. “Or – or be taken away and bred… I’m so not into mpreg.”

That was when I noticed that something was off.

“She” said that she was not into mpreg, thus implying that she was afraid of it happening to her if the slimes caught her, thus implying that she was not a she so much as they were a he, yet they looked very much like a she. Then again, upon closer inspection, I realized just how wrong I was.

While they did have a very feminine face and some of the most beautiful, long and blonde hair that I had ever seen, they also had a perfectly flat chest underneath their white blouse and then, because of how they were sitting on the ground, their skirt was lifted up to reveal the panties underneath… and one massive bulge.

The kind of bulge that even a straight man would simply be incapable of looking away from due to the shocking size of it.

They noticed where my eyes were glued to and asked, “Oi, don’t you know it’s rude to stare?”

“Yeah, sorry,” I said before offering a helping hand.

“Heh, don’t worry about it. I sat like that just to get a reaction out of you, so you did what I was hoping for.”

“I mean, if getting me to stare is what you want, I can stare even harder at it.”

“I’ll pass. I only wanted to surprise you, not seduce you.”

Part of me was disappointed. “Fair enough. Anyways, you won’t have to worry about mpreg or anything. That’s not possible unless you go through some pretty extreme lengths later on to unlock that.”

“Oh, that’s good to know. But man… if these slimes were girls at least then I’d totally let them catch me. I want to be dominated by a bunch of slime girls so bad.”

“I might be able to help you out with that.”

“Woah, seriously?! Are you like, a really good person or something?!”

“Well, I don’t know if I’d say that. I’m just a degenerate who wants to help out other degenerates. Before I can help you, though, I’ve got to get back over there to help my friend.”

“Good luck with that.”

“You could help us out, too.”

“Sorry, no can do. I read that it’s possible to go through the game without ever actually fighting normally, instead only using sex to beat enemies. I’m trying to do that. I have to reach max level without ever attacking anything.”

“Oh, you’re going for that challenge. Good luck. You get an achievement and some pretty nice pleasure boosts if you accomplish it. And a massive cock size buff, optionally.”

“Thanks. So uh, you go kill those slimes and I’ll wait here.”

“I saved you only to get bossed around, huh? I see how it is.”

“Look, I only want to use my ultimate weapon on girls.”

“So boring.”

I called them out on that despite not having had sex with anything but girls for quite a while myself.

After regrouping with Akorya, I used Tame Monster one of the weakened big slimes… and instantly tamed it. They really were weak. Anyways, this one instantly got transferred to my dungeon so that I could summon big slimes there. “Alright, that’s that. We can kill the rest,” I told Akorya.

“Got it, Offchief!” Akorya replied.

“You got it back—wait, that’s not even backwards.”


The rest of the quest was easy. A couple more waves of big slimes spawned that we promptly killed before they could even reach the village’s guards, and then the quest finished. I got a trivial amount of money and experience for it. However, I did hear the sound of somebody leveling up.

And looking behind me, the blondie had that golden glow around them to signify that they were the one who leveled up. They looked at me with a proud smile and a thumbs-up despite not having done anything in the quest to even earn credit.

But before I could really question that, the ground rumbled and a couple of trees were knocked down.

The generic boss theme began to plan as a new quest popped up within my vision that read, “Emergency Quest! The Slime Monarch!”

Slowly bouncing its way out from behind the trees was none other than a massive slime far bigger than we were with a golden crown atop its head and a mischievous smile on its face. Several tentacles shot out from its body and flew over our heads to wrap around the village’s NPC women, lifting them up into the air and coiling around their bodies to make it look like a tentacle fanservice scene from anime.

The tentacles didn’t go any farther than that, thankfully. They were simply holding the women up in the air.

Too bad I can’t tame something like this. I wonder if it’d turn into a giantess slime girl or just a really busty slime girl, I thought to myself before looking at my skill bar only to see that Tame Monster was still available.

I was able to tame the slime monarch after all.

“Ooh, this quest is really rare, right?” Akorya asked.

“Yeah, it only has a small chance of happening after the last one. I think like… a five percent chance or so. Usually, when this event pops up, somebody goes to the city to let everybody know so that they can come and join in for the achievement. But I have a better idea,” I answered. “I’m going to tame it.”

“Nice! Should I weaken it?”

“As much as you can without killing it.”

“Got it, Chieficer!”

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I shot an arrow at the slime monarch and Akorya shot one of her tail’s spikes at it… and we took a pretty large chunk of health out of it just by that. After all, this monster was meant to be tackled by a bunch of noobs working together. Akorya, meanwhile, was max level and I was around halfway there myself. This monster stood no chance between us.

“Wait,” I told Akorya. “I’ll shoot a few more arrows at it to weaken it, then use your paralysis spike skill or whatever it is. Then I’ll try using Tame Monster.”

“Got it!” Akorya said again.

“You’re not going to hybridize my title again?”

“I ran out of ideas.”

“Fair enough.”

I proceeded to shoot a few more arrows at the slime monarch. Once its health was below twenty percent, I gave Akorya the signal and she shot another one of her tail spikes at the slime monarch to apply a temporary stun to it. All that was left was for me to use Tame Monster.

I did feel a little bit bad about hurting these monsters to tame them, which I tried to avoid doing before, but they were just slimes. They couldn’t feel pain according to the game’s lore, so it wasn’t like I was actually beating them into submission or anything.

Regardless, I used Tame Monster.

And it failed.

A heavy sigh left my lips as I suspected that this was going to take a few tries. Fortunately, on the second try as soon as the cooldown was done, it worked.

The slime monarch was officially my monster and the quest was cleared. The bad news was that, since I turned the massive slime monarch into a personal pet… it shrunk down in size. A lot. It went from being a few times bigger than me to only about half as big as me in the blink of an eye.

At least it was still bigger than the big slimes.

I transferred the slime to my dungeon and looked at my rewards for the quest.

Some experience, some money, and… a new achievement, “Slimy Crown Slayer.” It was rewarded for defeating the ruler of slimes in the starting zone and the achievement itself gave two rewards: a title that was named after the achievement itself and a unique piece of headwear.

I equipped my new piece of gear and looked at Akorya. “How’s it look?” I asked her as a slime with a crown on it wobbled around atop my head.

“Looking sexy! How’s mine?” Akorya asked, equipping the exact same thing.

“Yours looks even sexier.”


“Oh, sweet, I got it, too,” the feminine voice from earlier said, now standing next to us with the exact same piece of gear on their head.

They didn’t even do anything yet they managed to get credit for both quests.

If I actually cared about taking the non-sexual side of the game seriously, I might have been disappointed from how unfair that was. Instead, I only chose to tease them about it. “It’s to reward you for all your hard work.”

“Yeah, I really broke a sweat during that. By the way,” they blondie paused to look Akorya up and down, “the name’s Dare, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” They then reached out for Akorya’s hand while already puckering their lips for a kiss… only for Akorya to cling to my arm once more.

Akorya might not have attacked Dare, but she still killed them on the inside.

Master,” Akorya said, obviously using the most intimate title that she could think of for me in front of Dare, “is this really the same girl you saved from slimes?”

“I’m a boy, thank you very much,” Dare said, clearing up his gender for me.

“What? Seriously? But you’re so – cute!”

Dare grabbed the bottom of his skirt and lifted it up, revealing that ridiculous panty bulge.

“Oh, that explains it,” Akorya said. “Master’s is bigger.”

Dare was killed again as soon as he was resurrected.

“A-anyways,” Dare said, “thanks for helping me out again. I just started a few hours ago and don’t really know much yet.”

“You didn’t study or anything?” I asked. “I mean, usually the people who try challenges like this one study as much as they possibly can before starting, or they’re veterans trying it out on alts.”

“Nah, I figured things would work out on their own somehow.”

“Bold, but I approve. Anyways, I’m Damian. And this is,” I paused, looking at Akorya to let her finish for me.

“Master’s,” Akorya answered.

“I get it, you’re off limits,” Dare said with a sigh. “I know when to give up, don’t worry. You don’t have to keep stabbing me in the heart.”

Akorya stuck her tongue out at him while clinging even more tightly to my arm.

“Anyways,” I said, “you wanted to be fucked by slime girls. Since you’re a noobie, I’ve got an offer for you. Fuck my slimes until they become slime girls and I’ll let you experience your very own harem of slime girls.”

“Deal,” Dare was quick to say. “Wait, I have to fuck them before they’re slime girls?”

“It’ll be consensual. Just think of them as living, consenting sex toys to get off with.”

“I… deal.”

Dare and I shook hands, and it was the beginning of a new friendship.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44

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