Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 32]

My goblins might not have been anywhere near as impressive as an ogre when it came to size, in more than one way, but they were fucking a fairy. No matter how much less impressive they might have been, they were fucking a woman who was no larger than my hand. They were still able to cum far, far more than what was possible for any human in reality, and all of that seed was being shot directly into such a tiny woman.

Needless to say, she was more than just a bit inflated by the end of it. She looked less like fairy and more like a water balloon.

“Ayaaaaaa,” Syl whined, holding her arms out to give Akorya grabby hands. “Carry me.”

Akorya didn’t hesitate to pick up the cum-swollen fairy, holding Syl in her cupped hands.

For some reason, the first thought that came to mind was holding a small, fat animal. Except this was a small fairy with a womb so inflated with cum that she couldn’t move on her own now.

It was then that I noticed a debuff on her. Upon further inspection, she was afflicted by a debuff that I never even knew was possible. “Overinflation. I’ve never seen that before,” I said.

Syl turned to look at me with a smug smile. She tried to cross her arms over her chest to look even more proud of herself… but she had difficulty with that due to the sheer amount of inflation going on. “I coded it myself! I thought it’d be hot if it was possible to get so inflated with cum that you can’t even move on your own afterward. It takes cum volume and body size into consideration, so you have to either get inflated by something with the cum capability of a raid boss, or you have to have a really tiny body.”

“So, you coded a debuff that basically stuns you if you get inflated too much, and you purposely chose the smallest race that there is so that it can affect you?”

“Precisely,” Syl said with a thumbs-up and smile. “I also designed fairies.”

“So, you designed fairies and a debuff that is more likely to affect them than anybody else.”

“A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do for her fetishes. It’s not like it’s possible to get anywhere near close to inflated in real life without eating yourself to death or getting knocked up. So, I decided to spoil myself in-game.”

“I’d ask about game balance since that doesn’t really seem balanced, but good luck trying to catch a fairy to inflate her unless she wants to be caught.”

“Exactly. I’m still a professional game developer. Some debuffs might affect fairies more often than other races, but fairies are buffed up enough in other areas to make up for that.”

Akorya stood there, still holding Syl in her hands as cum leaked out onto them. She looked perfectly used to this sort of thing – used to her hands being a throne for an inflated fairy.

“Anyways, what do you think so far?” I asked. “I’m interested in knowing what one of the game developers thinks of my humble abode. Just… keep in mind that I haven’t exactly done much with it yet.”

“It’s pretty nice! Dark, damp… very cave-y,” Syl answered.

“Well, it is a cave.”

“Right. The caviest cave to ever cave. It’s perfect for monsters to steal women to so that they can breed an army using them.”

“I’d rather the women come here willingly to be bred.”

“Oh, yeah. I’ve heard of how consent-focused you are.”

“Consent is the sexiest fetish.”

“No, inflation is, but I respect your opinion.”

While Syl and I were able to talk like best friends right off the bat, Thera sighed before saying, “Why am I not surprised that a developer of this game acts like this?”

“Have you noticed what game you’re playing, Miss Spider? Don’t tell me you’re one of the people who actually play for the story or something.”

“Not quite. I prefer the player-versus-player elements.”

“Oh, nice. So, you use your webs to wrap up your enemies and then pump them full of eggs? Did you unlock the egg variants yet? Personally, I’m a fan of option that gives you fewer but way bigger eggs. Though, the vibrating eggs are pretty nice, too.”


“Oh. Did you use the option to transform your ovipositor into a cock?”


“Oh. Oh. You’re one of those players that actually fights people normally, aren’t you?”


Syl sighed and looked so, so disappointed. “And here I thought I might get some eggs pumped into me before I’m out of here.”

“Sorry,” I said, “but I don’t think I can satisfy that fetish yet. I really should get some monsters or something that can lay eggs, though.”

“It’s okay. Like you said, you’re still working on the place. But seriously… imagine playing this game for anything but the sex. Literally the only reason we added all the other usual stuff is to draw in more players. This way, even if we draw in a bunch of normal and boring people, there’s a chance that we’ll convert some of them. Plus they help spread the game around. The more popular the game, the bigger the playerbase, the more potential fun people.”

“Thera is anything but normal and boring.” Hearing Syl talk about people like Thera made me want to defend my favorite spider. Sure, things would have been more fun if Thera would join in on the perversion and helped me in doing horribly lewd things to everybody and everything, but how she was already gave me tons of fun. Not to mention that her not being a sex fiend was nice at times for when I was all sexed out.

“Fair, I guess. Just know that if you’re not playing this game for the sex… you’re kind of missing the entire point.”

“Despite never partaking in those activities, I would not say that I am missing the point. I have simply found a different point than the typically-accepted one,” Thera said.

“And what would that be?”

“Companionship. It may be possible to find companions whose company I enjoy in other games, but that does not matter. This is the game that I have chosen to play and the companions I have made play this. They are my point.”

I couldn’t help but to feel a little bit warm inside after hearing that. In other words, Thera basically confirmed that she played it for friends.

And given that she spent more time around me than anybody else… well, the implication was clear. “Is that why you put up with so much of my shit?” I teased.

“Part of it,” Thera answered.

Looking back at Syl, I expected her to look disappointed in Thera’s personal point for playing the game. Instead, Syl looked like she was holding back tears. “That’s… a surprising reaction,” I told her.

“What’s surprising about it?” Syl said between sniffling and rubbing her eyes. “I’m a game developer who just heard about how her game is bringing people together and creating friends. That’s one of the highest compliments that an MMO dev could ever hear.”

“To be fair, I do also play it for the PvP,” Thera said. “There are few things better than killing those who expect me to behave like most players in this game. So many poor little boys have seen me and hoped that I would wrap them up in my webs before mounting them. Apparently, there is a stereotype involving ‘spider girls’ and bondage. I have zero interest in such a thing, personally. Seeing the disappointment on others’ faces as I kill them never gets old.”

“Wait, you’re not into bondage?” I asked. I will admit… I fully expected her to be into bondage exactly because she chose the best race for it.

“No, I am not. Are you disappointed, darling?”

“Not at all. Surprised, but not disappointed. That makes you even more unique – special if anything.”

A subtle smile spread across her lips. “Good. As much as I may enjoy disappointing others, I would rather not disappoint you.”

“In that case, can we have sex now?”


“Dang, I’m so disappointed.”

“Such a shame.”

Lily and Akorya found entertainment in my back-and-forth with Thera, each one of them laughing a bit because of it, but Syl looked anything but amused as she rolled her eyes.

Syl loved the idea of her game bringing people together, but she didn’t seem all that interested in actually watching friends being friends.

That… actually kind of bothered me in a way. Both Lily and Akorya were the kind of girls who, while they were undoubtedly wonderfully perverted, actually liked being friends and chatting and laughing and all that. They had off switches, in other words. Things didn’t have to be twenty-four-seven sex with them. But Syl? Syl was doing a good job of making me think that she was the kind of person who seriously only actually cared about being involved with sex. Sure, she might have liked people playing her game and becoming friends through it, but—

“You know what’s better than becoming friends through my game? Becoming sex friends,” Syl said, sounding annoyed that Thera and I didn’t start fucking right in front of her.

—she only actually cared about the sex. She probably would have been perfectly content if nobody ever became friends, instead only fucking each other constantly. She simply recognized that she was doing something right as a traditional MMO developer if she was able to create friendships.

As fun as that kind of person could be, I’ve always made it a strong point to avoid people like that. It might be hypocritical, but only caring about sex and nothing else is a major red flag to me.

Maybe I’m too sentimental. I’d just rather also be normal friends with the people who I fuck instead of only seeing them as valuable for sex. Even now, I still text and check up on some of the people who I’ve shot porn with before.

Syl struck me as the kind of woman who would pretend that somebody doesn’t exist if she’s not horny.

I hate that kind of thing.

But, of course, that was all just an assumption based off of hardly any time spent together. She was still a developer of the game and capable of actually implementing any possible suggestions I might have had, so there was no way that I was going to burn a bridge that was only just put up. Especially not over some assumption based only off of a gut feeling.

At least Thera was there and could tell exactly what I was thinking. Even though neither of us said anything about it, a look into each other’s eyes was all it took for us to confirm that we were on the same page.

“So, you got any other fun boys in here to inflate me?” Syl asked as her womb continued to decrease in size. Soon, she’d actually be able to move around again.

She probably wanted to get fucked and inflated some more before that could happen.

“Right this way,” I said, extending an arm out in Al Capra’s direction.

Syl lit up with excitement.


As soon as we reached Al Capra, she was ready for another round and Al Capra looked… confused. To be fair, if I was him, I probably would have been confused, too, if some girl walked up to me holding a small fairy with some major inflation going on in her hands. And the fairy in question was still leaking cum. How is a normal person supposed to react to something like that?

Of course, Al Capra wasn’t exactly normal. All I had to say was, “She wants your help getting an even fuller womb,” and Al Capra immediately caught on and got hard. “And don’t worry. You can use as much of your dick as you want. Just… put her on your dick and then jack off like normal while holding her in your hand.”

“Got it, boss,” Al Capra confirmed before taking Syl from Akorya’s hands and mounting her on his cock.

Now that Akorya’s hands were freed, she wiped her hands off on her sides and jumped to in front of me with a happy smile spread across her lips. “What’s up?” she asked.

It was a very innocent question. Meanwhile, behind her, Al Capra had Syl literally impaled on his cock. He went in through her pussy and the rest of his shaft came out through her mouth.

Did that make any sense? Absolutely not. Was it realistic? No. Would it probably be extremely painful? Yes. Would it definitely result in the death of anybody experiencing that in real life? Yes.

But this was a game ruled by hentai logic.

“Not much, and thanks for bringing Syl here,” I answered.

“Nyehehe. You know how you can reward me? I totally deserve a reward, don’t I?”

“I guess so. What do you want, Akorya?”

Akorya leaned forward, presenting the top of her head to me. “One head pat, please.”

“Only one?”

“I’ll take as many as you’ll give, but I don’t want to be too selfish.”

Akorya proved what I thought about her. She was a massive, wonderful pervert… but she also liked the cute little things like this. To me, a girl who could be a massive pervert while also sometimes requesting something as innocent as a head pat was much better than somebody who only wanted nonstop sex.

I was more than happy to pet the top of Akorya’s head between those two fluffy ears sticking out from it. I got to see a cute, catlike smile in response to my hand as she nuzzled up against my palm.

Meanwhile, Lily stood there to our side looking kind of confused with blinking eyes.

I forgot that this was the first time they were seeing each other.

“By the way, this is Lily. Lily, this is Akorya,” I said.

“Ni-nice to meet you,” Lily said, still sounding kind of confused.

“Nice to meet you, too! You’re super cute, by the way. I’d totally be down for doing lewd things to you. Or with you. Both work,” Akorya said to Lily.

Lily looked up at me, unsure of how she was supposed to respond.

While I continued petting Akorya’s head, Akorya fangirled over Lily’s body. “The more I look at you, the better you get. You look so soft and cuddly! And your hair looks super cute, and your face makes me want to kiss you all over, and your boobs… I don’t even have to say anything about those because nothing could ever be good enough. Also your thighs look like they would make the best pillows in the whole universe. You’re like, literally perfect.”

Naturally, I nodded along with everything that Akorya had to say. “Right? Lily is perfect. Her personality, her body, her fetishes – Lily is the perfect form of the ideal shy girl who is actually a pervert.”

“Oh man, I wanna see you dick her. Can I watch the next time you guys do something? Like, I need to see it. I don’t even have to join in or anything, I just want to watch.”

“I’m down for it, but Lily has to consent to it, too.”

“Oh, yeah, totally. No pressure, Lil. If you say no it’s okay, I promise.”

Lily looked far more confused than before. She wasn’t expecting some girl she only just met to be so interested in her, and she really didn’t expect said girl to want to watch her get fucked right away.

And the more that Lily blushed and panicked by looking around unsure of how she was supposed to react… the more hungry that Akorya looked.

Akorya looked like she was about to drool and it wasn’t because of my hand petting her head.

Me and Thera were on the same page regarding Syl. Me and Akorya were on the same page regarding Lily.

Both of us thought that Lily was perfect and her flustered reactions made us want to do horribly perverse things to her to corrupt her, not that she wasn’t already corrupted.

Akorya simply wasn’t as good at hiding her thirst for Lily as I was. I didn’t want to behave like some perverted, old man literally drooling at the sight of Lily. Akorya, though, had no such reservations. If anything, with just how intensely focused on Lily Akorya was… I would have thought that Akorya preferred men given her love for monster cocks and the fact that she became a race that specialized in milking cocks for cum, but even GP’s cock didn’t get this sort of reaction out of her. She practically had hearts in her eyes as she looked at Lily.

“I – I… i-it… sounds… nice,” Lily finally answered. “If – if mon maître is okay with it, then…” She covered up her face with her hands and nodded.

Akorya looked up at me as we brought our hands together in one of those dramatic teaming-up handshakes from movies. “I look forward to working with you, boss!” she said, copying Al Capra’s method of addressing me.

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“I’ll dick Lily down as hard as I can to give you a good show,” I said.

We looked into each other’s eyes as a new bond between us was formed.

Meanwhile, Lily’s blush grew even more intense, Thera rubbed her forehead and sighed, and Syl continued being impaled by cock.

All that was missing were some clients to get fucked by the rest of my monsters in the background, but I had plans for that which were going to be put into action soon. First, I really wanted to share my ideas with Syl.

Maybe I should have tried sharing them with her while she was getting fucked to save some time. Then again, it wasn’t like she’d be able to respond.

That tiny fairy body was pretty damn amazing at taking giant cocks.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams

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