Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 44

The time came on March 16, 1998.

Philadelphia. in a certain crew

"Tsk tsk tsk, unbelievable, really unbelievable, Martin, how did you guess the box office trend of this film?"

The fat and big-headed Harvey Weinstar looked at the newspaper and smacked his lips in surprise, and looked at Martin in surprise.

Martin shrugged his shoulders,"Intuition! Harvey put down the newspaper and said with a smile:"It seems that after our movie is finished, we should ask you to predict the box office. Maybe the box office of our movie will be according to your prediction." They all say that your mouth has been kissed by God, and you have half of the credit for the box office of this big ship!"

Although Martin knew this was just a compliment from Harvey, he secretly shouted in his heart: Actually, I can really do it!

Harvey looked out the window, it was raining continuously, but the whole city seemed gloomy, and he couldn't help but sigh. The tone said:

"Seriously, why did you set the story in Philadelphia in your script? Wouldn't it be better to set it in Los Angeles? Martin also looked at the light rain outside the window and said lightly:

"The city has a somber quality that suits the tone of the film, something that sunny Los Angeles lacks. I actually wanted to set the story in London, but considering the cost, I finally chose Philadelphia."

"Well, you have a point."

Harvey Weinstein, who has not yet started to expand, is indeed a very easy-to-talk person.


Old houses, old streets, gloomy skies, and a few withered yellow leaves inadvertently falling from the trees on both sides of the street...

Although it is already early spring, there is still a hint of coolness in Philadelphia.

It gives people a desolate feeling, like a yellowed old photo

M·Night Shyamalan stood at the end of the street, looked at the viewfinder in front of him, and nodded slightly. It felt good here.

M·Night Shyamalan is an Indian-American, screenwriter, and producer.

M. Night Shyamalan was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India on August 6, 1970. He immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was young and grew up in Payne Valley, a wealthy area on the outskirts of Philadelphia.

When Shyamalan was eight years old, after watching"Raiders of the Lost Ark", he idolized Steven Spielberg and determined to be a director.

That same year, his father gave him an eight-millimeter camera as a birthday gift.

By the time he was fifteen, he had shot forty-five short films with this camera and was beginning to write feature screenplays.

In 1989, Shyamalan was admitted to the film department of New York University.

In 1992, after completing his film studies at New York University, Shyamalan made his first film"Angry Prayer" with US$750,000 sponsored by his family, describing his return to India to visit his birthplace.

After that, Shyamalan joined Hollywood and began his hard working life in this world's movie mecca.

After directing two independent films, his abilities were quickly appreciated by studios.

Well, of course, the financial support from his family is also indispensable.

Well, maybe the latter is the main thing.

In 1996, Shyamalan's first theatrical film,"Little Devils," was released. The film tells the story of a Catholic student trying to track down the cause of his grandfather's death.

The film's reputation is acceptable, but as for its box office success, it's hard to say.

From the title, this film seems to be a happy comedy like"Home Alone", but it is actually a philosophical film. Although it has some comedy elements, there are too many personal things that Shyamalan included in the film. As a result, the finished film seems a bit nondescript.

In the end, the box office of this movie was only US$258,000, and the investment in the movie was US$5.5 million, but most of it was the investment of the Shyamalan family.

The failure of this movie almost made Shyamalan think that his career as a Hollywood director was coming to an end. Unexpectedly, he suddenly received a call from the boss of Miramax, who wanted to give him, a loser, a new job.

But when he saw the script for the movie, he was absolutely shocked.

The content of this script is so similar to the inspiration he had when filming"Little Ghosts", a suspenseful ghost film with family ethics and affection!

The author of the script is none other than Martin Meyers, one of the most popular young geniuses in America today.

Of course, he did not suspect Martin of plagiarism, because the inspiration was still in his mind and had not yet been put on paper.

He just chalked it up to a crash of inspiration.

At the same time, I also felt that I might have a secret connection with this story.

Why else would Martin assign himself, a loser, to direct this movie?

Of course Martin would look for him, because M. Night Shyamalan was the screenwriter and director of this movie in the original timeline.

Using the original cast is the only choice to ensure the movie is as successful as possible.

For example, as the leading actor in the movie, Martin recommended Bruce Willis.

At the time, Harvey Weinstein was still hesitant about whether it would be a drama to use an action star like Bruce Willis to play such a tender character, but he compromised at Martin's insistence.

Fortunately, Bruce Willis's performance during filming was satisfactory

"Okay, this is it, this is the angle, let's get the actors in place."

M·Nate Shyamalan shouted.

This shot was of the psychiatrist Malcolm, played by Bruce Willis, walking down the street.

Although it was just a simple walk, it allowed people to see what actor-level acting skills are. After just a few simple test shots, Bruce Willis quickly found his form.

Bruce Willis's acting skills are definitely underestimated. Perhaps it's because he often plays tough guy roles, which hides his delicate acting skills under his tough appearance. Especially this one's eyes are very dramatic.

《The"Die Hard" series both made Bruce Willis and limited him.

Following the film's release, leading actor Bruce Willis' acting - was criticized for"lack of resilience""、"bland"、""Only suitable for TV dramas" etc.

The above is to be considered polite.

The most harsh criticism is,"Bruce Willis takes off his undershirt and all his acting skills are on display.""

But in fact, Bruce Willis's acting skills are definitely Oscar-level, as shown in"Pulp Fiction"》、《You can see it in"Twelve Monkeys".

Of course, it also includes this"The Sixth Sense"》

"cut! very good!"

M·Night Shyamalan clapped his hands vigorously and looked at the close-up of Bruce Willis in the camera. The bleak and gloomy look in his eyes was very satisfying to him.

"Rest for ten minutes."

Although the spring in Philadelphia still retains the coolness of winter, Bruce Willis's coat + scarf style still made him sweat after the filming was completed.

"Good job, little genius."Bruce Willis gave Martin an encouraging high-five as he passed him

"Nice job, big guy."Martin replied with a compliment.

The relationship between the two on the set is very good.

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)

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