Entertainment Domestic entertainment is full of negative energy, so I go abroad to sing war hymns

Chapter 83

On the other end of the phone.

After Chester heard Su Yan's answer.

Cheers with excitement!

"Oh! OK! Su, I'll tell them right now that you accepted the invitation!"

"OMG, today is a day to celebrate!"

As for Chester, he was not sure whether Su Yan would agree to the invitation to the charity event.

After all,

Su Yan now has no shortage of exposure.

Working hard to make money is the most important thing.

He didn't expect it.

Su Yan was able to agree to his invitation.

This was enough to make him excited.

On the other end of the phone,

Su Yan's face was very calm.

Indeed, the monetary benefits of charity activities are very small.

However, the benefits in other aspects, But it's far greater than money.

Just like the NBA spends a lot of marketing expenses every year to promote the NBA to hold various anti-war activities and affirmative action.

The greater Su Yan's current traffic.

The more attention he needs to pay attention to the consequences of this aspect. Affected.

The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

"Honey? Are you going to a charity event?"

The lounge was very quiet.

Although Su Yan did not turn on the speakerphone

, Chester's loud voice made the entire lounge hear their conversation.

Fortunately, besides Su Yan, there was only Shakira in the lounge.

Put on makeup. Teachers all left here knowingly.

"yes dear"

"It's a pity that you have to tour with the crew of"Zootopia" next"

"Otherwise I really want to take you with me."

Su Yan said with a smile. What he said was true.

The main reason is that Shakira has blond hair. If she has black hair, it will be very interesting to cosplay as Catwoman!


Shakira kissed Su Yan on the cheek.

Then she called the makeup artist in and continued to remove makeup for both of them.

…… on social platforms.

Su Yan and Shakira perform at Disneyland.

Successfully listed on the hot search.

It once became the topic of most concern to everyone!

Shakira Su's new song"try/everything" and the latest promotional video for the Disney movie"Zootopia"!

Express delivery! Disney releases Shakira's solo version!

"my God! It was so exciting when Sue and Shakira sang!"

"This kind of city only exists in dreams!"

"Although Su's singing is also good, Shakira's personal singing version is also very good, right?"

"Sue and Disney are creating our dreams together"

"I want to live in a city like this! It looks like a utopia!"

Except the foreign Internet.


Under the promotion of Huaguo Film Group, the popularity is also overwhelming!

Su Yan's new song"try/everything"!

A new Disney movie will be introduced in China!"Zootopia"!


Again Is it an announcement from the Huaguo Film Group?

This is already the second time.

Does the announcement from the Huaguo Film Group include the song sung by Su Yan?

"Everyone understands what official means, right?"

"If there is one there are two, if there are two there are countless times!"

"Brother Su is still awesome, and he became a superstar abroad on his own!"

"I think I was sweating profusely! Brother Su has been off the air on Douyin for a long time!"

"When this movie is released, I must watch it!"

Netizens left enthusiastic messages


But the excitement has nothing to do with Su Yan.

After a sweaty night.

Two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Su Yan changed into looser clothes.

Went to the studio.

Chester returned a call last night.

Tomorrow he will go to Su Yan's studio with the producer Julia and the director Dana who are in charge of shooting this documentary.

For Julia.

Su Yan still understood.

When she was young, she starred in the movie"Pretty Woman" and she was very stunning on the screen.

However... the name of this movie was later censored by domestic entertainment companies. leading to a long period of time.

Su Yan couldn't look directly at the name"Pretty Woman"...

She was a little older now.

I plan to work hard to become a producer.


The sound of the elevator arriving sounded.

Su Yan arrived at the studio one step ahead of Chester and the others.

So he greeted them at the door.

When the elevator door opened, a very capable woman with curly black hair appeared in front of Su Yan. line of sight.

This woman is none other than Julia.

Su Yan can still see the shadow of her youth in her.

But that has passed.

The crow's feet at the corners of her eyes have revealed her age. Standing next to her.

Chester, and another woman wearing black-rimmed glasses and a little baby fat.

This must be the director Dana

"Hello Sue! Nice to meet you~."

Julia took the initiative to walk towards Su Yan.

Shake hands with Su Yan

"Hello Julia! I am glad to meet you too"

"This is Dana, documentary filmmaker"

"I don’t think I need to introduce the other one."

Julia said with a smile.

Her smile was full of confidence.

"certainly! Chester! haven't seen you for a long time!"

Su Yan opened his arms and said

"Man, if a few days ago counts as a long time."

After the two people hugged,

Su Yan took them to the recording studio.


Monitoring room.

After the staff served me a few cups of coffee.

The two parties started chatting

"Ms. Julia, I would like to know about this charity activity. What is its specific content?"

"During my phone call with Chester yesterday, he did not tell me in detail."

The words fell.

Julia motioned to Dana and asked her to take out a few documents from her bag.

They contained all the information about this event.

But in order for Su Yan to understand it faster,

Julia sat down with Su Yan. Beside Yan.

While flipping through the information, he introduced it to him.

"This little boy named Miles"

"He was diagnosed with leukemia when he was one and a half years old"

"However, he is brave"

"I have been fighting the disease for more than three years."

"His biggest wish is to play Batman for a while……"

"So a charity organization took this opportunity to contact DC, and they planned to help Miles realize his dream in San Francisco."

After listening to Julia's general introduction,

Su Yan nodded, and then asked

"So, what do I need to do?"

Julia quickly replied

"Sue, we need you to help us make a song"

"We want more people to know about Miles"

"And, we'd like to invite you to perform the song at an event in San Francisco."

Speaking of this,

Julia paused for a moment.

Then continued

"Sue, I thought Chester told you ahead of time"

"This is a charity event, so the remuneration that can be given to you is very limited.……"

Julia looked at Chester.

Waiting for him to say a few words for me

"Remuneration is not an issue, the main thing is that I also want to do something for little Miles"

"I want to encourage my fans through songs."

Su Yan didn't participate in this event for money.

When he spoke, he naturally wanted to fill up the situation.

"Oh, Sue, I think Miles will be very happy."

Julia shook hands with Su Yan very excitedly.

She was not only happy for Miles.

She was also happy for herself.

Because Su Yan represented traffic.

With Su Yan joining, she produced documentary.

It will definitely become famous all over the world!

This has a very critical influence on her transformation into a producer!

Seeing Julia's expression,

Su Yan can certainly see her thoughts.

Since this is a traffic Carnival.

Everyone should eat together

"But I need help."

Su Yan's words made the listening room extremely quiet.

"You know, performing outdoors in such an empty square"

"If you want to stimulate everyone's atmosphere, you need a band to play on site"


"I plan to invite LinkinPark to participate in this event"

"Chester, is that okay?"

Su Yan's voice fell.

Chester nodded directly. He had no problem.

LinkinPark itself is committed to charity activities.

They will also donate the ticket money for the concert.

As for Su Yan's invitation,

Chester didn't care at all. He hesitated for a moment.

Then Su Yan looked at Julia.

She also nodded.

The reason why Su Yan asked Chester for his opinion first was because he was sure that Julia would not have any objections. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Afterwards, the group had a brief chat, and then called the lawyer to sign the contract.

Facts have proved that the remuneration was indeed not much.

It only paid for Su Yan's portrait rights and songs for appearing in the documentary. The copyright was about 3.5 million U.S. dollars.

There was no remuneration for the performance in San Francisco.

After the two parties finished talking, they sent Julia and Dana away, while Chester stayed.

"thank you sue"

"To be able to invite me to collaborate with you."

In the recording studio,"

Chester said.

Su Yan waved his hand, saying you're welcome.

"I'm going to make the accompaniment now"

"The style may not be a good match for your band."

Chaster opened his eyes wide, pursed his lips and nodded.

He knew Su Yan's creative ability.[]

He had seen the scene of Su Yan's creation! but!

Every time he experiences this strength personally.

He will be shocked

…… soon.

The day came when I agreed to meet with Julia.

In these few days.

After Shakira stayed with Su Yan for three days, she started the"Zootopia" movie tour.

Of course, Disney will calculate the remuneration for Shakira separately.

Taylor and Katie would call from time to time to report on the progress of the villa.

Villa 1426 is a fully designed and fully decorated villa before handover. but!

Two women are going to make a small change.

So that’s until now. but.

After Su Yan finished this charity event.

The minor modifications to the villa are complete.

He could fly directly from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

On the Internet, these few miles!

San Francisco native on Twitter.

I don’t know who initiated the discussion.


Everyone is talking about Miles

"Oh, this kid is so brave!"

"I have been fighting the disease for more than three years. Oh my God, I almost shed tears."

"I think we should do something for Miles?"

"Dude! what can we do?"

"Maybe we can protect children’s dreams like Disney did!"


A request for help issued by San Francisco officials appeared on Twitter.

San Francisco: In order to protect Miles' dream!

San Francisco officials plan to turn San Francisco into Gotham on Sunday!

We need every A citizen’s active participation!

At the same time, Yan Su’s LinkinPark’s help is also needed!

Because of the previous warm-up.

Coupled with Su Yan’s traffic, this incident.

Not surprisingly, it directly caused a huge stir on Twitter. discussion!

"`.Waterfa? Turn San Francisco into Gotham?"

"Gotham is obviously a contract break!"

"my God! What was blown up in the"Gotham" TV series was the Golden Gate Bridge! That's obviously San Francisco!"

"Man, who are they trying to help make their dream come true? Who is Miles?"

"Su actually participated in this event! my God! I can see Sue!"

Netizens are discussing it overwhelmingly.

Some netizens have already figured out what is going on.

They even booked a flight to Los Angeles!

After all, it is human nature to love to join in the fun.


"After we meet tomorrow"

"Everything we did after that was done live"

"CNN Fox, cbs, ABC, The Times and more"

"Oh, there are also Chinese Douyin and Penguin, etc."

"In short, every move we make will attract the attention of countless people."

In a suite at the Beachfront Hotel in San Francisco.

Director Julia and Dana were discussing the details of tomorrow's event with Chester.

"This house is the Miles house. We need to surprise him here tomorrow."

"Sue, one of the sessions requires you to wear Batman's jacket."

"Then give Miles his suit."

"Then you need to carry him……"

To put it simply... it's to be a driver.

Because, after delivering Miles’ clothes.

Su Yan drove Miles to various places in the Batmobile throughout the whole process.

In general.

It's still relatively simple.

As for the route.

It's not a problem that Su Yan needs to worry about.

Because there is a guide car

"Chester, you might want to play the Riddler."

"《The most classic villain in Gotham!"

Chester nodded.

There was no problem (Qian Zhaohao))

"Of course, there are officials from San Francisco who will send people to speak."

"These are after your performance"

"Su, let me tell you a piece of news quietly. Congressman George from San Francisco really likes the song you wrote."

"He plans to do whatever he can for you"

"Maybe some rewards or something"

"But I can't reveal it to you in advance."

Julia pretended to be mysterious.

After hearing this,

Su Yan shrugged helplessly.

The Riddler really needs to get out of Gotham!

After confirming the process for the last time,

Julia closed the document in her hand and said

"I hope everything goes well tomorrow"

…… the next day!

The Sun Also Rises!

When the sun disperses the mist between San Francisco and San Francisco.

Enthusiastic San Francisco citizens took to the streets.

They dress weirdly!

There’s one dressed as the Penguin, and there’s one dressed as a young Bruce Wayne.

There are even hordes of Catwomen. and Alfred, the British gentleman.

Of course, there are also many Riddlers.

Although most people.

They are all playing characters in Gotham.

There are also some people wearing Superman costumes! but.

But no one is wearing a Batman suit.

Because they know!

Today's hero will be Miles.

The goodwill in their hearts made them want to give Miles the opportunity to play Batman.

Starting at nine o'clock in the morning.

All major media platforms.

Then he started live broadcasting this grand event in San Francisco through his own channel.

"my God! Everyone looks so in love!"

"The whole street was filled with people, tens of thousands of people!"

"Dude, your math doesn't look good, that's at least nearly 100,000 people!"

"Oh, they're all here for Miles!"

"I really can't believe there are so many people coming to protect Miles!"

Thousands of messages.

They all conveyed the audience's sigh for this grand occasion!

In Douyin's live broadcast room!

The audience also sighed!


Post a picture of Julia as a young girl..

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