End Times Dust Light

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Target

Lu Ziming stood on the ruins outside Fangcheng, looking up at the vast night sky, a bright moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the earth in the dusk.

The ancients believed that Chang’e lived on the moon, including the moon palace, white rabbits and laurels. Modern detection shows that the moon is cold, lifeless, without air and water, and is not suitable for human habitation before the transformation of humans.

Mankind’s yearning for the moon can be traced back to the time when there are written records. It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that mankind began to truly explore the planet. On September 14, 1959, the unmanned lander Lunar 2 launched by the former Soviet Union crashed into the surface of the moon, bringing mankind the first photo of the back of the moon. On July 20, 1969, the Apollo 11 manned spacecraft of the United States of America landed on the moon, and Neil Armstrong became the first person in the world to set foot on the moon.

Since then, mankind’s footsteps in exploring the moon have been intermittent, but they have not really understood the Earth’s nearest neighbor.

The moon has left many unsolved mysteries to mankind: the mystery of the origin of the moon; the mystery of the moon’s age; the mystery of the moon’s radiation and so on… Among the many mysteries, some mysteries have been consciously concealed. stand up.

In the process of Apollo’s lunar exploration, an accidental collision made scientists notice the echoes from the inside of the moon, which sounded like the sound of a big bell. For this reason, the United States secretly planned a lunar drilling mission to find the answer to the echo.

It is very difficult to drill holes on the surface of the moon. After analysis of the soil samples, it was found that it contains a large amount of rare earth metal titanium (it is used in supersonic jets and spacecraft); other hard metals, such as zirconium, iridium, and beryllium The content is also very rich. Scientists are puzzled, because these metals only merge with the surrounding rocks at very high temperatures of about 4,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

At the same time, the U.S. government has also discovered the mystery of the mysterious accumulation of matter inside the moon. When spacecraft fly over these structures, due to their huge gravitational force, the spacecraft’s flight will be slightly lower than the prescribed orbit, and when the spacecraft leaves the sky above these structures At time, it will accelerate slightly again, which clearly shows the existence of the focusing structure of this matter and their huge mass.

Countless puzzles point to one answer: the moon does not have a dense iron core like ordinary planets. What is inside the moon has always been fascinating.

People speculate that the inside of the moon is a base for aliens. They have been closely monitoring every move on the earth, subtly changing the process of human development.

No one has ever seen aliens. Officials have never recognized the existence of aliens. Even UFOs that are occasionally discovered are described as natural phenomena, farce, rhapsody, and neurological disorders…

Are there really no aliens? Or is someone hiding something, or aliens don’t want to come into contact with humans at all, and no one knows the answer?


Just when Lu Ziming looked up at the starry sky, his eyes were looking at Lu Ziming, no, it should be looking at everything on the earth, including Lu Ziming.

“The departure of Ahan has caused the Odder family to suffer a huge loss. Now is the time to correct the mistakes.” Simon Odder, the second-in-line heir to the Odder family, cares about the earth. Because of this, I care about the little earth for hundreds of millions of light years.

Simon looks a lot like human beings on the earth. He is more than two meters tall, and his snow-white complexion looks like a geisha with a lot of ****. He looks a little scary, with a broad forehead and two royal blue eyes that look terrifying. Thin lips make people feel mean and arrogant, speaking slowly and deeply.

Shuya stood humbly behind Simon, not daring to face Simon in front of him, pointing his finger at the huge three-dimensional projection in front of him, and said: “Second Your Majesty, the affairs of Ahan have been in the past for many years. When the family members participate, things will get worse and worse by them. We have been monitoring human beings on the earth for hundreds of millions of years, and when it comes to harvesting, the losses are too great now.”

Shua Odder, the watcher of the Odder family on the earth, in order to monitor the earth, the Odder family hollowed out the moon to create a hidden battlestar.

Simon didn’t dare to be interested in the killings that took place on the earth. He ran his fingers across the projection and said: “What we are looking for should be among the 10% of the survivors. For the sake of Ahan’s genes, we lost a small earth and It’s nothing, the Alan family’s power has expanded too fast, and when it has to be contained, what can you find here?”

“The number of human beings on Earth has reached 8 billion after hundreds of thousands of years of reproduction. It is not easy to find Ahan’s genes here, unless he jumps out!”

Simon was obviously dissatisfied with Shuya’s answer, “Billions of years ago, you seemed to say the same.”

Shuya bowed and said: “The Second Highness did not know that the human life on Earth was only about 20 years in the early days. The Ahan gene we are looking for is always floating and will not always be attached to a certain group of humans. Investigation It will take us ten years for the genes of 10,000 people. When we find the clues, Ahan’s genes have been transferred from one place to another. The person who originally carried the Ahan gene is dead.”

“So you have spent hundreds of millions of years to find Ahan’s genes!”

Shuya’s forehead oozes big beads of sweat and said: “Ahan’s genes are bound to the earth. We can’t use drastic means if we are not a last resort, so as to prevent Ahan’s genes from leaving the earth, it will be difficult for us to find Ahan’s genes at that time. Where is the gene of Khan”.

Simon turned and left the projection. A row of dark warriors holding stun guns followed Simon. When Simon stepped up the steps and sat on the throne symbolizing power, the dark warriors quickly formed a semicircular encirclement, protecting Simon. In the middle.

The dark warrior, the most powerful warrior in the galaxy, comes to the planet Benchegoya, where the best warriors in the galaxy are abundant. Each dark warrior is 3 meters tall and weighs more than 200 kilograms. He can easily kill a tiger with his bare hands. . These are not the reasons why the Penchegoya warrior became a dark warrior. The dark warrior must be absolutely loyal and never violate the master’s order, and the Penchegoya warrior perfectly demonstrated this characteristic.

Simon sat on the throne, tapping his fingers on the armrest rhythmically, saying: “The Odd family is very disappointed with your performance over the past hundreds of millions of years. If it weren’t for your commitment to your duty, I won’t be here this time. I’m discussing Ahan’s problem with you. I want to hear your plan again.”

Shuya lowered his body, completely unable to see the expression on Shuya’s face: “Your Majesty, since the outbreak of the virus on the earth, there have been many dark warriors. The earth calls them evolved people, super Homosexuals, these people have been included in the detection targets. As long as the Ahan gene appears, we can grasp it in the first time. I believe it will not take long to find the Ahan gene.”

“Then how much more time do you say?”

“This?” Shuya felt that Simon’s eyes were like ten thousand catties heavy hammers, pressed firmly on his body, so that he did not have the slightest ability to resist: “His Royal Highness, according to the proportion of humans producing dark warriors, 10% Among the survivors, about 5% will evolve into dark warriors. It is estimated that the number of dark warriors is between 20 and 30 million. To find Ahan’s genes in the middle is like finding a needle in a haystack.”

“Then you mean it can’t be found, would you let me bring this result back to the Odd family?” Simon’s voice became cold.

“No, please listen to my words.”

“you say!”

“I only have a map of the Ahan gene in my hand. If you want to know who is the successor of the Ahan gene, you must let the dark warrior show extraordinary abilities, so that we can narrow the scope and find the gene of Ahan”, Shuya has a hard time saying that he does have a map comparison table of the Ahan gene in his hand, but it is like looking for a similar-looking person on the earth with a simple portrait, which is similar to drawing a cat and drawing a tiger.

Because Shuya is not a core member of the Odd family, he does not have complete Ahan gene information in his hands. What is the Ahan gene and why countless people want to get it? The insiders are secretive, and the onlookers look at the flowers in the mist, and Shuya dare not. I asked, even more dare not to let Simon tell myself how Ahan gene should be identified.

“Showing ability?” Simon was furious. If he hadn’t had the right to execute a watcher, Shua’s body would have been cold. “I don’t care what you do. What I want is the result. Ahan Gene must be found as soon as possible, otherwise You don’t need to sit in this position. I will send a team of Rangers to help you right away, so do it yourself.”

Simon walked down from the throne, ready to leave the moon base, this is just a stop outside the Ode family’s patrol circle, and he has to rush to the next planetary destination.

When Simon walked to the door, he seemed to remember something suddenly: “The Alan family doesn’t know that the Ahan gene and the monster disk are here. You must get Ahan’s gene and the monster disk before the Alan family discovers it, otherwise you will become an Austrian. The greatest sinner of the German family”.

Shuya felt that all of her strength was almost exhausted. When Simon disappeared at the door, Shuya finally couldn’t hold her back in the seat, staring dullly at the projection on the wall, and muttered to herself: “I hope Alan The family will never know this secret, otherwise, an interstellar war will be inevitable. The second majesty is playing with fire. Taking the Aud family’s billions of years of luck as a bet, this will be another **** storm. Fight”.

As Simon’s figure disappeared from the moon base, the lights on the entire moon base dimmed, and Shuya’s figure disappeared from the moon base. The real Shuya appeared on the planet Quinson, fifty light-years away from the earth. It is Shuya’s real monitoring station, and the lunar base monitoring station does not exist on the Ode family’s inspection list.

“It seems I’m going to the earth myself, Journeyman!” Shuya smiled bitterly. Journeyman’s name is good, but he was not able to see what he did. He was secretly turned into a rat in a stinking ditch and a lizard in a garbage dump. , This group of people arrives on Earth, really don’t know what they will do.

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