Encounters Out There

To Seek More Questions

A team of One Earth First Contact Emergency Representatives interviewed an alien emissary per a pre-defined policy to answer the question, "What if an extraterrestrial contacted us?"

The emissary seemed blissful, smiling with contentment.

"How did you become so happy?" asked a psychologist.

"It's simple. We experience a virtual oasis in a childlike state of mind."

"Go on …"

"We've come to understand there exists a universal affliction for all intelligent lifeforms: the greater one's sentience, the greater the desire for spiritual transcendence while facing the juxtaposition of cold reality."

"So, is it a natural state and unavoidable?" asked the psychologist.

"Yes, we aimed to disassociate ourselves from that primal existential survivalist instinct, an intellectual self-preservation which causes that sense of dread."

"How did you manage that?" asked a sociologist.

"We're cyborgs," the alien pointed toward two antennae attached to its head, "these implants communicate with a central AI, driving us toward the logical and yet giving us direction or purpose."

"And what purpose is that?" asked a philosophical scholar.

"To gather as much knowledge as possible and to seek more questions than we have answers."

"A sort of 'material absurdism,'" interjected the scholar.

"I suppose ..." the alien smiled and shrugged.

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