Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 8 Scarlet Moon

"Hiccup~, daddy, Yaya is done eating!"

With a soft and intimate voice, he said something in Matthew's mind, and Yaya, who had just woken up and had a meal, lay down again very comfortably.

Matthew gently picked her up and could clearly feel that she was much heavier than before, weighing at least 25 pounds.

As for where the 20 pounds of dried meat she just ate went, Matthew said, "Don't make random guesses about a dragon's appetite."

He carried Yaya into the carriage to prevent him from being exposed to the moonlight that was about to fall.

Matthew took the thick cloak handed over by the butler Ralph, put it on him skillfully, and looked up at the sky.

Beyond the layers of dark clouds in the distance, a twisted dark red was slowly climbing upwards.

"Be sure to remember not to touch the moonlight with any part of your body, wear your hood and mask, and never take off your gloves."

"Once you find that your companion's clothing or armor is damaged, immediately wrap a cloth bag around him and then tie him up. The target person is not allowed to resist!"

"Don't worry, everyone, even if you are exposed to the moonlight, we carry holy water and cleaning agents with us, which can relieve mild distortions."

"But everyone must be vigilant. The success rate of cleaning is not 100%, and it will be very expensive. Even if you only bear half of the cost, it will definitely cause you great pain."

"Wait a moment, if someone else appears, no matter who they are, they are not allowed to approach at will. The other party is most likely to have been deformed, and they cannot be contacted before being examined..."

"Also remember that all moving creatures are fatally dangerous. Everyone should hold on to their shields and pay attention to protection."

"Only guard soldiers and outpost soldiers can use weapons to avoid accidental injuries..."

The butler Ralph's arrangements were very orderly, and even Matthew nodded secretly and studied secretly.

At the same time, Matthew was silently lamenting that the moon in another world, praised and yearned for by countless poets, has become synonymous with curse and destruction here.

Although we don't know what happened on the moon, the light it emits can have such a terrible impact on the entire material plane. Just thinking about it can make people shudder.

First put on thick gloves, re-tie the trouser legs, check the clothes, and finally put on the mask very skillfully.

Through specially made light-blocking lenses, Matthew can clearly see the movement around him, which is comparable to an enhanced version of night vision goggles from another world.

This is the magic of alchemy and magic!

Ralph carefully checked twice to make sure that there were no flaws in everyone's body, and then checked the condition of the horses. He looked at old John who was checking the condition of the vehicles, and said in a deep voice:

"Let's go home!"

Inexplicable power spread from Ralph's voice, and everyone felt a steady stream of power coming out of their bodies, making them stronger and their movements lighter.

"First-level spell: Inspire!"

Different from the exchanges during the day, the convoy became quiet at night, moving forward on a slightly harder dirt road.

This time, Ralph stood at the front of the team, alertly reminding everyone to pay attention to every puddle and mud puddle on the road.

It took a lot of effort to transport these supplies here. If they were lost this night, it would definitely be extremely sad.

Although he had several night marching experiences, Matthew could clearly feel that the scarlet moon tonight was completely different.

The mist and dark clouds in the sky dispersed.

A huge blood-colored moon hung in the sky.

In the center of the moon, there is a huge dark red spot, like a terrifying eye, lowering its cold and terrifying gaze, transforming everyone it sees.

Even though there was a foreign object and a mask blocking him, Matthew still reacted.

The strong fear, the fear stemming from the instinct of life, reminded Matthew not to touch the moonlight with his body!

The entire misty swamp was red.

Looking around, the churning mist was like a sea of ​​blood, churning with twisting waves of blood.

Everyone in the team breathed much heavier, kept silent, and continued to move forward with their heads down.

"There are enemies!"

Angela looked in the direction of the sound, keenly aware of the enemy's traces, and prepared to draw her bow and nock an arrow.

Matthew raised his hand to stop her, faced her silver mask, and said in a calm voice:

"Your strength is very important. Save your energy first and direct the battle as much as possible."

"Put them over here. We will have to make contact sooner or later. Let everyone get used to fighting first."

Angela put down her long bow, pulled out her long sword, and shouted to the soldiers outside the team:

"Attention, all teams, the enemy is approaching, maintain a shrinking formation."

"Combat force members, be careful of enemies jumping over. Pay attention not only to your eyes, but also to the sky!"

20 warriors, plus several rogue slaves with professional levels, were divided into four parts, front, rear, left and right, to jointly defend the team.

They looked at the red mist with vigilance, and from time to time they could see gray shadows jumping around, and heard shrill howls.

The voice was filled with pain and despair, making people's skin crawl.

What was once a silent misty swamp has turned into a terrifying killing field.

Matthew had seen far more terrifying scenes than this, so he was very calm and thought about it with interest.

"If these immersive horror scenes and dubbing are recorded, they should be able to be referenced and used by many horror movies."

I don’t know whether it was the large number of people in the convoy that brought a deterrent effect, or whether the distortion did not have a complete impact.

The convoy traveled for about half an hour and 1/4 of the way before encountering the first substantial attack.

The rolling blood mist opened a hole, and a figure over one meter tall emerged. The strong smell of blood hit his face.

It was a black wolf covered in blood, a common scavenging predator in the misty swamp, with a challenge level of 2+.

Its abdomen and back were covered with wounds, but the wounds were slowly moving, giving people an extremely terrifying feeling.

It howled and lunged at the butler, Ralph.

A flash of silvery white light flashed past.

The sharp sword pierced the black wolf's cloudy eye sockets and exited from the back of his head.

The shrill howling stopped abruptly.

The strange thing is that the vital part of its head was obviously hit, but its limbs were still struggling, scratching out terrifying claw marks on the soft mud.

The big mouth that was constantly opening and closing was twisted and deformed, and it bit hard at the butler Ralph.

One step forward, Old John slashed with his knife, and the long-handled broadsword "clicked" the black wolf's head off, and then the struggling remains stopped moving.

Butler Ralph skillfully pried open the black wolf's head, his eyes lit up slightly, and he carefully picked out a lump of gray-black flesh and blood with his thin sword.

"Primary flesh and blood essence is polluting. After purification, it can be used to make magic props and weapons. The market value is 10 gold coins."

Familiar information appeared in Matthew's eyes, and the perfect digital prompts gave him a big surprise.

The tenacious vitality of the aberrant black wolf put a lot of pressure on the soldiers, and Matthew naturally saw it.

Seeing the butler Ralph preparing to hand over the primary flesh and blood essence, he shook his hand and said loudly:

"As you can see, although deformed monsters are dangerous, they can be completely killed by just cutting off their heads."

"In addition, some precious magic materials are usually born in the bodies of deformed monsters, and they are valuable."

"For example, the primary flesh and blood essence in front of you is worth 10 gold coins. The contribution of killing is 30%, the contribution of serious injury is 25%, the contribution of participation is 15%, and the remaining 30% is divided equally among all participants."

"Old John gets 3 gold coins and 75 silver coins, the butler Ralph gets 3 gold and 25 silver coins, and the other 25 participants share 1 gold coin and 50 silver coins equally!"

"The seizures in this battle will always be distributed in this way. I hope everyone will fight bravely to kill the enemy, but at the same time, avoid getting hurt!"

As soon as these words came out, the butler Ralph's face was full of anxiety, and he was about to speak to dispel Matthew's absurd thoughts.

"All the gains in the territory belong to the lords. It is enough to reward them with a full meal. Only those who perform well can get the real rewards. How can we distribute all the benefits?"

The other soldiers' eyes widened and their breathing suddenly became heavier, but many people still couldn't believe it.

After all, it’s not like no nobles have gone back on their word!

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