Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 756 The Last Legacy

The huge, twisted and ugly shadow was pulled into Matthew's body by lightning and was tightly bound.

The continuously burning soul flame quickly ignited Matthew's ocean of consciousness and moved towards this ferocious and twisted monster.


Unlike being protected by a soul shield just now, the Thousand Faced Soul Eater was now surrounded by fire from all directions.

He realized that he could not compete with Matthew to control those souls, and decisively began to shrink his power.

By doing this, He could not completely absorb the power from the soul fragments, but he could still recover a little more.

It was better than being purified all the way by Matthew and then transformed into the power to attack Him.

Several conscious bodies that sensed the threat greedily contracted their power and devoured the soul fragments that had become one with them.

But soon, the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater became frightened.

Under the dual consumption of soul flames and their active extraction, thousands of soul fragments were quickly stripped from their bloated bodies.

This scene is like brilliant fireworks, constantly flashing and blooming in the sky, surrounding the entire night.

Although the broken soul fragments cannot provide Matthew with complete power of destiny and mana recovery, they can still maintain the consumption of soul flames.

It continuously accumulates huge fire power, constantly tempering the sparkling and translucent arcane fire.

The arcane fire absorbed these flames that should have been fleeting and quickly grew stronger.

In the constantly flashing arcane sparks, there are mysterious spell models, which can change anytime and anywhere.

The more important point is that during the burning process, it continuously absorbs various forces around it.

The faster the Thousand Faced Soul Eater gives up, the brighter the arcane fire burns.

What makes Matthew feel inexplicably amazed is that the constantly burning arcane fire is not only tempering the soul and the ocean of consciousness, but also gradually tempering the body.

The special tempering of arcane fire has a very good effect on arcane masters with low physical attributes.

It can not only gradually improve various basic attributes, but also delay aging and increase life span.

Many aging super arcane masters, after various life-extending methods have failed, will choose to fight to the death to condense the arcane fire that can extend their lifespan.

The most important thing is that arcane fire plays a considerable assisting role in the research of various spells, power, and knowledge.

To put it simply, the reason why the great arcanists are able to learn and cast spells quickly is precisely because of the time saved and the increase of arcane fire.

In addition to these basic functions, Arcane Fire also has a crucial function - domain.

The field with Arcane Fire as its core is equivalent to the personal magic network controlled by Matthew.

It allows Matthew to cast spells or fight independently from the entire magic network of the material plane.

It also allows Matthew to travel to other planes, even if he has not adapted to its magic network or energy system, he can still rely on the reserves of the magic network to fight.

Now, the arcane fire is connected to the huge magic power and has mastered the temporary soul power.

Through the increasingly dazzling lightning chain, the Thousand-faced Soul Eater is further sealed and imprisoned as it squeezes and shrinks.

Matthew could clearly "see" that the total power of the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater was declining rapidly, and after a while it had dropped to around 3,000.

However, as the Thousand Faced Soul Eater completely gave up on those undigested soul individuals, he had shrunk into a translucent black ball.

Occasionally, sporadic arcane fire touched it, but it did not cause any damage to him.

Only a huge phantom opened its mouth and "bited" the Thousand-faced Soul Eater tightly when he tried to fight back.

It was only at this time that Thousand Faced Soul Eater, who was able to start observing the situation outside, made a shocking discovery.

He was "bitten" in a big mouth!

And the huge shadow biting "him" was suddenly closely connected to the entire ocean of consciousness.

The one-eyed candle dragon entwining its body was looking at Matthew, whose figure was revealed.

Immediately afterwards, under the unspeakable panic gaze of the Thousand Faced Soul Eater, Matthew's pale golden soul consciousness came closer, trying to merge with the candle dragon that he tightly controlled.

Use your body as a prisoner!

Feng Xie!

After completing this step, Matthew glanced at the dinosaur body with dull eyes and no reaction, and took out a bottle of bright silver potion that looked like liquid metal.

The complex arrays imprinted inside the Thunder Magic Armor are constantly shining with a translucent luster.

As Matthew drank the "Demon Sealing" potion, fine and special metal lines spread from his abdomen to the surrounding area.

Bright silver metal thin lines appeared on the surface of Matthew's skin with the help of the magic sealing array.

During this process, some panicked Thousand Faced Soul Eaters kept trying to release their power.

He wanted to gradually assimilate Matthew's soul and consciousness just like he controlled and polluted other souls.

As soon as his power left, the chains controlling his body were transmitted to the arcane fire.

The blazing arcane fire spread along these powers, and before the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater had time to shrink its power, it burned a circle on his surface.

The maximum HP of Thousand Faced Soul Eater has been reduced by 5 points, which represents a real loss of power.

Feeling the arcane fire and reluctantly "leaving", the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater truly felt the horror of this seal.

Once he takes action, the original power will be consumed and it will inevitably decline.

If He didn't take action, it would be equivalent to being completely imprisoned.

Once Matthew's strength increases again, and the destructive power of the arcane fire increases, it may pose a fatal threat to him.

Under this situation, Thousand Faced Soul Eater naturally felt an unprecedented panic.

All kinds of consciousness and thoughts are vying for the first place.

But faced with seemingly not much strength, but quite suffocating pressure, it was natural that they could not reach a consensus.

At this time, a small channel filled with soul power suddenly appeared in the area representing the ocean of consciousness.

Those silver channels can withstand the burning of arcane fire, but are not affected in any way.

Aware of this, the Thousand Faced Soul Eater happily came into contact with him.

Then, the Thousand-faced Soul Eater followed the rich soul power and quickly released its tentacles.

He was even surprised to find that even if these power channels carried his power, they could still remain hidden and strong, transporting his power to all parts of Matthew's body.

“If I can’t pollute your soul, can’t I solve your body?”

With this thought in mind, the various consciousnesses of the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater "attacked" from the four or five hanging passages.

Then, they all tasted the "sweetness" and tasted the extremely sweet and pure soul power.

These soul powers are very pure and do not carry any consciousness or thoughts, allowing them to absorb them without any burden and enhance their subjective consciousness.

Judging from the effect, the demon-sealing potion seems to have only benefits and no harm to the soul in front of it. It not only enhances its power, but also makes its thinking and will clearer.

But this is exactly what Matthew wants!

Because the current Thousand Faced Soul Eater no longer has unified thoughts and will.

Its huge and strange soul power can never be gathered in one place again when every thought and will are clear enough.

And when the soul power was evacuated, it quickly connected to the channel and passed to the surface of Matthew's skin.

The sealing array flashing outside condensed and took shape at an extremely fast speed, converging into a substantial whole.

The Thousand-Faced Soul Eater's will quickly sensed something was wrong and tried to take back its power and tentacles.

But they soon discovered that the small channel that had been exuding pure soul power was gradually draining their power and used it to strengthen the entire channel, making it stronger and more stable.

This transformation process caused a certain degree of pressure and force on the flesh and blood tissue connected to the small channels.

The long-awaited arcane fire quietly appeared around the passage, "burning" it neatly.

All tissues and flesh and blood immediately returned to normal, and the effect of the purification power was extremely significant.

The power conveyed by the Thousand-faced Soul Eater was completely out of their control and became part of the entire passage.

The upper limit of blood volume of Thousand Faced Soul Eater has dropped by a full 200 points!

Thousand-faced Soul Eater quickly stopped withdrawing his power, feeling that a large amount of power was being controlled outside, and suddenly felt unspeakable panic.

Fortunately, the whole process did not continue to change.

The ocean of consciousness that caused the huge commotion also fell silent.

The Thousand-faced Soul Eater, who suffered heavy losses, stared blankly at the ocean of consciousness that gradually fell silent.

His desire to peek into Matthew's thoughts and thoughts came to naught.

What is even more difficult for the Thousand Faced Soul Eater to accept is that the constantly burning arcane fire is still emitting a charming and dangerous light.

The flame, which seemed extremely terrifying to them, was gradually getting bigger and stronger.

"Arcane Fire Proficiency +1, current proficiency is LV1 (15/100)!"

Matthew is not in a hurry to upgrade the level of Arcane Fire, which requires the accumulation of support and practice.

Only power in your hands is truly powerful.

He quickly processed the remaining consciousness and memories in his mind, and only after confirming that they could no longer affect his thoughts and will, he began to pay attention to his physical condition.

"Ding, the demon sealing ceremony is completed!"

"The demon sealing ceremony is 100% complete!"

"Ding, congratulations on your success in taking up the legendary profession - Demon Sealing Swordsman!"

On the familiar panel representing the profession column, the pale golden Demon-Sealed Swordsman replaced the original warrior profession, which also represented Matthew's smooth entry into the legend.

The speed at which the melee profession came first made Matthew a legendary professional.

Surging life force emerged from Matthew's body.

They were very lively, constantly stimulating various parts of Matthew's body, making him more active.

The sword energy stored in the body quickly absorbed these life forces and grew rapidly.

Whether it is the explosion of life breath or the change of solidified sword energy, the surrounding flesh and blood tissue is impacted and tempered round after round.

The special tempering process seems like thousands of sharp swords, shuttling throughout the body.

The horrific pain was comparable to being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, and it was no less painful than the torment of allowing the Thousand Faced Soul Eater to enter the ocean of consciousness just now.

Everywhere on Matthew's body began to glow with bright red gashes.

However, Matthew was well prepared for this. He remained calm and clear-headed in the severe pain like a storm, and activated the emergency rescue procedure of the Thunder Magic Armor.

6 bottles of high-concentration nutrient solution and 4 bottles of life potion were injected into his body.

Matthew completed the energy replenishment in an understatement, and the cracks that had just been cracked were quickly healed.

The healed flesh and blood tissue is more solid and stronger than before.

Under the guidance of special tempering, they nourished a purer vitality, and merged into the stronger and sharper sword energy.

The rapidly becoming stronger sword energy continues to "temper" every part of the body, completing another round of strengthening cycle.

"Ding, after arduous training, your physique is +1."

"The current physical attribute is: 36 points!"

The sweet reminder sound made Matthew, who was originally full of pain, suddenly reveal a bright smile.

"Sure enough, the old swordsman didn't lie!"

"Ten million points of destiny power are not in vain!"

The reason why Matthew chose to become the Demon-Sealed Swordsman was to complete his physical training.

To further improve Yaya's physical fitness and climb to the top, he made a bold experiment.

Matthew had already focused on ancient evil objects.

Whether it's a being transformed from the remains of a god, or an additional surprise like the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater.

He has only one purpose, to find the ancient evil object with godhead and "seal" it!

And to seal the ancient evil objects, in addition to arranging super large magic circles and sealing areas, there is also a secret technique provided by the swordsmen - the demon sealing ceremony.

The Demon Sealing Ceremony is one of the strongest means for swordsmen to enhance their strength and kill and imprison evil creatures.

At the same time, the Demon-Sealing Ceremony is also a prerequisite for becoming a Demon-Sealing Swordsman.

However, it is very difficult to hold a demon sealing ceremony.

First of all, not only must you master the swordsman's combat expertise and possess an iron will, but you must also have a physical constitution of at least 28 points.

If you are not a legendary professional, even a super-level swordsman can only reach this point after going through countless hardships and taking risks to practice some secret skills.

Then, you have to look for suitable evil objects and monsters.

Moreover, it must be weakened to a certain extent to avoid too much backlash and damage to the body and soul.

Monsters and evil things are inherently dangerous, and killing and destroying them is already difficult.

It is even more difficult to weaken it to the point where it is unable to resist and still persist until the entire ritual is completed.

The early preparations are very cumbersome, and the battle process is even more dangerous.

Even for the legendary demon-sealing swordsman, every time a demon-sealing ceremony is held, it is a terrifying test of life and death.

Even though Matthew's attributes are maxed out, various combat skills and expertise have been raised to their upper limits early on.

I still don’t have much “certainty” about the Demon Sealing Ceremony.

Matthew's way of judging certainty is "simple".

Just use the choice of destiny and see how much more power of destiny you have to consume.

If the gap is too large, even if the ritual is completed, the effect that satisfies Matthew will not be achieved.

However, the old swordsmen naturally have other methods.

He informed Matthew of the entire demon-sealing ritual, and helped to create a very expensive demon-sealing potion.

At the same time, the old swordsman also said firmly:

"If it is really the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater, then a more complete and secure plan can be made."

Have a “good trip” Matthew.

He gave up contact with the dragon-headed monster and the dragon's remains, and came here for the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater.

This is the first time that Matthew has made full use of his memory to solve a super-high-value goal.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, it also consumed a huge amount of energy and resources.

Matthew managed to take down the Thousand Faced Soul Eater smoothly.

Now is the time to test the harvest.

The fruits of victory are very sweet!

"Ding, after arduous training, your perception attribute is +1!"

"The current perception attribute is: 31 points!"

The improvement in perception attributes made Matthew's tolerance for pain even higher.

As a concrete manifestation of will, it always gives Matthew greater surprises.

The whole process lasted 10 minutes.

Matthew provided nutritional supplements again and again to make the entire tempering and strengthening process work harder to last longer.

The total value of nutritional potions and life potions consumed for this purpose exceeded 5 million gold coins.

However, this deal is a very good deal.


Challenge Level: 25+ (Legendary-Boss)

Legendary career:

Demon Sealed Swordsman Level 1


Arcanist—Level 20

Psion—Level 18

Strength: 35→38

Agility: 35→36

Physique: 35→40

Intelligence: 40

Perception: 30→33

Charm: 28→30

Luck: +4

Demigod body LV2 → LV4.

Godhead: 4



Attack: Legend Peak

Defense: Legendary High

Evaluation: A big boss who can be the mastermind behind the scenes!

Matthew was particularly pleased with the improvement of many attributes.

Especially the increase in physical fitness to the upper limit of demigod level of 40 points gave Matthew more confidence.

Whether it is taking up the post of Grand Arcanist or completing the next work of digesting the "Thousand-Faced Soul Eater", it can all proceed more smoothly.

After completely stabilizing his physical condition, Matthew found his energy and observed the situation around him.

Many special devices caught Matthew's attention.

He looked at the console that was somewhat similar to the Titan mechanical control room, and noticed that it was full of goblin-style decorations and buttons, and various information was displayed in front of him:

"Main console of Dinosaur Island Proving Ground!"

Is this the main console?

Matthew walked over, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the dinosaur body lying on the ground, sleeping soundly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Is this stupid?

Or has it recovered?

Putting aside the non-threatening dinosaur body for the time being, Matthew looked at the main console carefully, noticing several consciousness connection devices, and a hint of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

After Matthew confirmed that there was no danger, he first tried to connect his consciousness to the connector.

Soon, numerous images of the situation on Dinosaur Island and the breath of life appeared in front of Matthew's eyes.

"Experimental subjects in the surface experimental area are dying on a large scale, please deal with it immediately."

"3,165 underground laboratories were destroyed, 2,372 underground laboratories were sealed, 587 underground laboratories needed maintenance, and 1,375 underground laboratories were in good condition."

"The underground living area has been invaded by enemies, please deal with it as soon as possible."

"The storage capacity of materials in the warehouse area is 85%, please replenish it in time."

"Living Area……"


"There is abnormal movement in the thunder demiplane detection, please investigate."

"Threatening legendary organism detected: 6th place!"

Matthew's eyes showed a little wonder, admiring the goblin's technology and equipment.

He had never entered the underground laboratory of Dinosaur Island before, but had only learned about Dinosaur Island and the Thousand-Faced Soul Eater.

For the last legacy left by the Goblin Empire.

Matthew naturally smiled and accepted it.

"Hey, archeology is so cool!" (End of chapter)

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