Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 750 Who Made the Dinosaurs?

Traces of fine machining can be faintly seen on the clear metal barrel.

In the flickering light of the fire, the flying metal warheads also showed sufficient lethality.

The scattering of flying warhead fragments further illustrates the passion of these dinosaurians for range attacks.

They then ran into Gulf Territory special forces armed with more sophisticated long-range fire weapons.

The roar and roar of the bolter immediately stunned these dinosaur men.

The black warheads blasted holes in their limbs.

These dinosaurs fell down screaming, roaring and roaring in various ways.

The powerful swordsmen and monks surrounded them and disarmed them with three strikes.

Listening to the roars of these people, Leon, who was leading the team, raised his eyebrows in surprise.

On the combat auxiliary helmet, there are weird hints in the language of these dinosaurs.

"40% Common, 30% Goblin, 20% Draconic, 10% unknown language."

No wonder they couldn't understand what these dinosaurs were calling. It turned out that their pronunciation came from a mixture of various languages.

Leon took the testing instrument handed over by the monk and carefully looked at the body detection status of these dinosaurs.

It was beyond Leon's expectation.

These dinosaurs are very healthy.

Not only is it rich in vitality, but it is also not lacking in various elements and nutrients suitable for its growth.

Although he was in such a strange and dangerous environment, there was no more than 1% of the abnormal tissue in his body.

Its body structure is also roughly similar to that of the dinosaurs outside, except that it has some extra active organs.

According to Leon's understanding of body modification technology, either these dinosaurs used the body samples of those outside as blueprints to further strengthen and transform them.

Either these dinosaurs went to the outside environment to survive and reproduce, and then a series of dinosaurs on Dinosaur Island were born.

Even if these dinosaurs attack first, Leon has no intention of killing them completely.

He just controlled them first and treated their injuries.

Looking at the cooperation and fighting of these dinosaurs, there is still some order.

The Gulf Territory is not afraid of the enemy being fierce or evil. It is just worried that the enemy is stupid.

Obviously the matter has not developed to the most dangerous point, but it has left both parties with no way out.

"When facing fierce forces, you have to show your muscles, show your strength, and hit them hard."

“Don’t hold back when you strike cruelly, and think more carefully when you strike cruelly.”

"Once they understand the difference and know their strengths and weaknesses, they can relax a little and communicate with them."

"At that time, all the fair trade conditions we set out will basically pass smoothly..."

Leon asked several team members to "communicate" with these dinosaurs in various languages ​​such as Common, Goblin, and Dragonic.

"What's your name?"

"What do you eat?"

"Where do you live?"

"How old are you this year?"

"How old?"

"Sleep standing up, or lie down?"


These dinosaur people had little understanding of what the team members said, and they talked a lot.

Although the team members didn't understand anything, they still nodded "kindly".

They treated the wounds of these dinosaurs and collected some samples quietly.

For those dinosaurs who are willing to speak, provide some specially prepared food, or use magic potions to restore their injuries.

Feeling their "goodwill", the frightened dinosaur people were naturally not so afraid.

These dinosaur people still don't know that communication and contact with the Gulf Territory can be addictive and addictive!

While collecting data around him, Leon used his magic watch to collect the characteristics of dinosaur languages, collect and decipher the data.

He is not in a hurry now, but is carefully calculating the scale and role of this laboratory.

Judging from the fact that it has always been able to operate and provided weapons, equipment, and better living conditions for the dinosaur people.

This laboratory requires a lot of energy, resources, knowledge and technology inheritance, a considerable population and other conditions as a hard support.

Before the enemy's true situation is discovered, various reasonable analyzes and bold guesses can allow the special team to be more "prepared."

At this moment, bursts of sharp roars came from the narrow passage in the distance.

The dinosaurs who were curious about tasting the food from the Bay Territory suddenly showed a very frightened expression on their faces. They couldn't help but struggled and yelled randomly.

Seeing that the information was almost collected, Leon winked at a vigilant swordsman.

The calm-looking swordsman did not take the initiative to explore the distant cave. Instead, he activated the newly developed language translator of the Gulf Territory.

This thing comes from the Goblin Research Institute, mainly to help goblins in the cyborg plane quickly integrate into the life and work of the Gulf Territory.

The reason why I didn't use it just now was to collect more information about the dinosaur people and avoid setbacks when various devices were destroyed.

That's one thing about bay collars, there's always a backup plan.

After using the magic translator, the cries of these dinosaur people were quickly transmitted to everyone's ears in the common language that everyone was most familiar with.

"The evil spirit is coming!"

"Run! These are evil spirits, they will take our bodies!"

"Tell them quickly, we need to retreat immediately!"

"Get back to the fortress quickly!"

"It's over. We can't run away. There are too many of them."


For these panic words, the magic translator and the watch that has collected enough information are interpreting them more and more accurately, and can even reveal their fear between the lines.

The calm-looking swordsman looked at these dinosaurs who were almost stunned by fright, then turned to stare into the cave in the distance.

Tiny red figures were running towards this side "joyfully".

The swordsmen and monks with enhanced vision could clearly see the terrifying appearance of these tiny figures.

A skinless red figure, no bigger than a tanuki, with slender limbs and a head that takes up half of its body.

Their twisted heads have no mouths, only a pair of large bloodshot eyes.

A gap opened in the chest, revealing a large mouth filled with dense fangs.

All the ribs turned into spike-like arms, allowing it to quickly climb and jump on the top of the rock wall.

Based on a summary of the descriptions of these dinosaurians.

The most dangerous thing about these little monsters, called dinosaur evil spirits, is their pointed and long tails.

The tail is very sharp and strong, and can easily tear through the dinosaur's defensive armor and strong body.

Moreover, the tail also contains "fatal" toxins. Once the dinosaurs are hit and injured, they will immediately fall into hallucinations.

They were fast, roaring, and emitting strange fluctuations.

They are quickly approaching the special operations forces and the dinosaurs.

When these huge dinosaurs saw these evil dinosaur spirits that were less than the size of their palms.

Every member of the Gulf Territory Special Operations Team could feel the trembling fear in their eyes and bodies.

At first, Leon was puzzled by the dinosaur man's reaction.

But when he saw the evil dinosaur spirits making dense and sharp roars, they quickly surrounded him.

The strong dinosaur man's body began to become abnormally stiff, and his whole body was trembling involuntarily.

Then he understood that these seemingly inconspicuous "little things" in front of him were indeed the "natural enemies" of these dinosaur people.

"Under attack from the power of sound waves, souls, and halos, the energy value of the psychic protection field is damaged by -2. The current energy value is 998/1000..."

After hearing this, Leon immediately understood the "shortcomings" of these dinosaur people.

The perception attribute is weak, the psychic protection ability is too weak, and the willpower is too poor.

It can also be said in simpler terms.

Their souls are not strong to begin with, and they have to control bodies that are much stronger than their souls, so they will become particularly vulnerable to this type of attack.

Without external influence and professional equipment.

In this relatively closed experimental area of ​​Ten Thousand Beasts Park.

These numerous and fast-moving dinosaur evil spirits are indeed the natural enemies of these dinosaur people.

Leon, who noticed this scene, looked at the protection value that only dropped by 2 points each time he was attacked. After confirming that enough data had been collected, he immediately shouted:

"Go ahead and get rid of them."

When the magic translator made a sound that made the dinosaurs feel slightly familiar and dry.

All the dinosaur people looked over in shock.

The swordsmen and monks who were standing beside them suddenly raised the weapons that had wounded them just now.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The flickering firelight illuminated the darkness of the area.

The flying warheads accurately hit the dinosaur evil spirits that flew towards them.

These monsters, which were extremely dangerous and terrifying in the eyes of the dinosaur people, exploded instantly and turned into countless flying pieces of meat.

The dense firelight was like a terrifying monster, eating them dry and wiping them clean.

Amidst the violent crackling sounds, the frightened dinosaur people were very surprised to find out.

They were not controlled and devoured by these dangerous dinosaur evil spirits as they had seen before.

Instead, they were cleanly cleared away by these terrifying enemies.

Hundreds of dinosaur-human evil spirits seem like a lot.

But for 40 special force members who have at least advanced shooting expertise and can ignore the opponent's attack and impact.

It only took a relatively simple target shooting to easily solve the "nightmare" of these dinosaur people.


clatter! clatter! clatter!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The members skillfully changed the ammunition, checked the shooting weapons in batches, and then pulled the triggers without hesitation against the dinosaur evil spirits that were still moving on the ground.

The last few twisted dinosaur evil spirits turned into several exploding masses of blood under the gaze of the dinosaur people.

The whole picture is quite exciting for these dinosaur people.

It took them a while to react. They touched their arms and legs and found that they could indeed control their bodies. What they saw in front of them was not an illusion. Then they were excited and relieved.

However, Leon did not give them much chance to rest, and said directly:

"More evil spirits are coming. There are so many of them that it's difficult for us to get rid of them."

"If you want to survive, take us to your fortress!"

"We brought some supplies and equipment and wanted to find someone to trade with and choose a suitable partner."

After finishing speaking, Leon handed a magic wristband to the strongest dinosaur man. In its disbelieving eyes, he smiled and said:

"Take this thing back and don't try to escape, or you will be killed by the thing you fear most."

While Leon was speaking, he casually walked to the body of a dinosaur evil spirit and put it in the sealed box under the gaze of all the dinosaurs.

"Gulu" swallowed, the dinosaur captain grasped the wrist guard in his hand, nodded quickly and said:

"No problem, everyone is welcome. We have long hoped that intelligent creatures would come to save us."


Leon nodded calmly and turned his head quickly, somewhat understanding the dinosaur man's current "situation".

However, Leon did not relax his vigilance and led a team of 5 people ahead to escort the dinosaur leader.

Others continued to follow the exploration formation, carefully avoiding dangerous laboratory areas.

Even if they have gradually figured out this place, the team members will still be more cautious and careful.

They must prevent any accidents!

Smooth sailing for them.

After taking a short rest and gathering enough information, Matthew was naturally happy to see their performance and plan.

He looked at the corpses of the evil dinosaur spirits and walked in the opposite direction to the team.

Matthew naturally wants to know the deeper secrets about Dinosaur Island than their contact and collection tasks.

The reason is simple. The possible cooperation between the Cole Elf Kingdom and the Storm Dragon King may mean that Matthew and Yaya may lose the easily accessible fragments of their godhead.

Matthew has never been the kind of person to swallow his anger. Faced with the possible "table overturning" behavior of Cole's elf god clone and the Storm Dragon King who broke through the seal.

He has not lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight!

Arrange for others to retreat first to minimize losses.

Then, collect as many magical creatures and materials as possible on Dinosaur Island.

The Gulf Territory can fail to open up wasteland, but it must not gain nothing.

Then, seize the opportunity to hone the combat effectiveness of your elite troops.

Let them gradually get used to this level of combat and show them higher difficulties and objectives.

"Previous opponents are nothing!"

"Demigods and ancient evil beings are our ultimate goal!"

"Everyone is not that strong now, but the goal is there, to break through to the legend!"

This is not only the goal of Thunder Warriors and Dragon Warriors, but also the goal of special operations members and super-level professionals in the army!

Matthew looked forward to them.

I also hope to see them continue to accumulate in the next battle until they break through.

At the same time, Matthew can finally free up his hands to create the strongest legendary road for himself and Ya Ya that he has been preparing for!

Matthew thought very clearly that the territory as the foundation was the confidence for him and Yaya to climb to the top.

The territory continuously provides various materials, collects and summarizes a lot of knowledge, and produces and builds various weapons and equipment.

It will definitely take more time for Matthew and Yaya to do these by themselves, and many of them may even be impossible to complete.

This is what territory is for!

Let Matthew and Yaya climb to the top with peace of mind!

Matthew originally thought that he still had "time".

"Now it seems that we definitely can't wait for the next time!"

"It must succeed this time!"

"Maybe this is the only chance!"

After quickly adjusting his mental state, Matthew contacted Yaya who was killing everyone.

The latter had already killed two legendary sea monsters and turned the Naga team upside down.

Although Yaya suffered some injuries, she quickly left the battle and was waiting to recover in the sky.

Yaya also has her own little plans and thoughts. She wants the Naga team to "open the door" first.

Really good things, even if these Nagas can find them, Yaya will not let them take them away easily!

"My money is all my money!"

Listening to Yaya's muttering, Matthew smiled knowingly.

He expertly clicked on the battle music and listened to the songs composed by the Gulf Territory musicians.

He hummed a tune softly as he strode into the dark cave.

This is a special area, and Matthew can clearly feel the breath of life flowing on the stone walls and in the air.

This situation is somewhat similar to the core areas of the Tree of Wisdom and the Tree of Life.

Living in such an area, even without corresponding exercise and training.

Attributes, qualifications, and even lifespan will continue to improve.

Similar areas in the Gulf Territory are already being gradually cultivated and constructed.

primary users of these areas.

They are the wounded in the newly built large-scale hospital in the Gulf Territory.

Pregnant women preparing to give birth.

It is suitable for all kindergarten children in Bay Area to grow up healthily.

Students at the Vocational Training Institute.

and some underground users.

When professionals and soldiers in the Gulf Territory are about to break through the shackles of strength, they can also apply for a similar environment and achieve a higher success rate.

Matthew studied it carefully and soon discovered part of its interesting mystery.

The breath of life that permeates here is inseparable from the super large magic circle arranged in the entire underground area.

It can slowly and implicitly absorb the vitality of the entire dinosaur island.

Living creatures are basically unaffected, and dead individuals are also responsible for providing the breath of life.

The reason why Matthew knows is that Alona got this "secret" after communicating with the two dinosaur leaders, Zhucheng and Duanjiao.

In fact, Matthew also verified this secret from the dead bodies in the laboratory area just now.

It is indeed true!

Thinking that the breath of life around him had the same virtue as distortion and transformation, Matthew made up his mind quite decisively.

The utilization and control of this technology must be maximized.

He has always used the worst malice to speculate on those who try to take shortcuts and benefit themselves at the expense of others!

Therefore, he hopes that there will be fewer idiots and the damage caused by them will be smaller.

As Matthew went deeper down, he saw many horrific scenes one after another.

One after another abandoned or semi-abandoned laboratories.

The corpses of various abandoned or transformed horrific monsters.

There are tens of thousands of things that Matthew has seen alone, and as for those that he has not explored, there should be quite a large area.

Some special monsters survived tenaciously, feeding on other creatures and various carrion.

Matthew didn't clean them up, he just cast concealment spells and recorded their basic attributes, expertise, talents, etc.

After improving his database, Matthew left very calmly.

What really caught Matthew's attention was not these special monsters with huge sizes and various shapes.

But the most numerous, like rats, are the dinosaurian evil spirits wandering in this huge ruins and tombs.

Matthew was carefully observing these dinosaur evil spirits and found that they were really as tough as mice.

Not only are they numerous, but their teeth are also very good.

By observing its nest and breeding and feeding process, Matthew confirmed that it has quite good reproductive and survival abilities.

However, the unstable genes of the dinosaur evil spirits will cause them to die suddenly.

This is not the most deadly!

The most deadly thing is that the evil dinosaur spirits will degenerate during the reproduction process.

Once this happens, the newborns become quite fragile and only a very small number survive.

Various reasons such as inbreeding, scarcity of genetic individuals and samples, and lack of food can lead to this situation.

Once it reaches this point, if it is impossible to leave this environment, use larger-scale reproduction methods, introduce new fresh blood and other methods to improve.

The extinction of the species is right before our eyes!


What Matthew saw next gave him a glimpse into the deeper secrets hidden on Dinosaur Island.

When this happens, the evil dinosaur spirits will go to areas where dinosaur corpses are regularly dropped.

By devouring the bodies and tissues of these dinosaurs, they can reproduce normally.

And some of the "controlled" dinosaurs have created a small "dinosaur breeding" base.

Specifically providing a steady stream of dinosaurian flesh and blood to the evil dinosaurian spirits under their control.

Such a terrifying and special situation really opened Matthew's eyes.

"The evil spirit of the Dinosaur Man should have been created by the Dinosaur Man."

"Their existence is to prevent the dinosaurs from going out and escaping."

"However, the evil dinosaur spirits found their way out in an unknown amount of time."

"This is a weird process, a painful process, and an unimaginable process of breaking free."

"This is the instinct of a species to survive and continue!"

"Their hidden power has reached the edge of losing control."

"They are preparing to launch a final counterattack against the Creator at that time!"

"They are the retribution of the dinosaur people!"

After Matthew collected all the information about the evil dinosaur spirits, there was only one last question left in his mind:

"So, who created the dinosaurs?"

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