Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 745 Get to the point

All kinds of battle signals gathered densely.

Dazzling dark green lights were revealed one after another on the center screen of the combat command center.

The combat commanders quickly processed various reports, and the combat staff teams who assigned their respective tasks immediately gave corresponding processing suggestions.

At this time, it is impossible for them to give detailed command orders, delegating more autonomy to the hands of front-line combat commanders.

Soon, the front-line combat commanders who received the order arranged the real combat order based on the instructions and information they received.

The combatants quickly completed the corresponding tasks according to their orders.

The movements are skillful, orderly and well-trained.

Various long-range weapons, according to their adjustment and control, burst out various attacks.

Roaring artillery.

Surges of magic.

Speeding crossbow arrows.

Falling bombs.

The enemy army was attacked in various places.

Thousands of enemies fell.

Fishmen and Japanese pirates with fragile bodies were killed and injured in large numbers in an instant.

The huge sea monsters also suffered heavy losses, and the rich blood dyed the sea water red.

Even the flying snakes hovering in the sky were hit hard by many heavy crossbow arrows and fell down screaming.

On the contrary, those huge Hydras rushed over because of their strong defense and tenacious recovery ability.

For these extremely powerful super peak monsters, the Gulf Territory naturally sent corresponding combat units.

A series of burly and huge steel golems, led by Dragoon Golem No. 1, set up a standard defensive formation.

However, although they are strong and have good defensive capabilities, they are unable to fight against super-class combat units.

Therefore, they are merely basic combat units.

What is really used to deal with these hydras and giant water elements is the silver-white combat puppet that bravely steps into the battlefield under the spotlight - Dragoon No. 2 Golem!

They are enlarged versions of Dragoon No. 1 Golem, but they are a bit more robust, as if they are wearing thick but form-fitting metal armor.

The shimmering outer layer gives people a dazzling beauty.

Under their feet, red, blue, and green haloes unfolded in sequence, wrapping hundreds of meters around them.

A strong attack aura that increases attack power and attack speed!

A strong aura that improves defense and combat morale!

A firm aura that improves willpower and ability judgment!

This is not all the capabilities of Dragoon 2 Golem.

Quite an anthropomorphic head.

Wearing an auxiliary combat helmet gives you higher combat intelligence and reactions.

The eyes are like rubies, with extremely fast attack speed and strong penetrating power, and are specially designed to deal with scorching rays against agile enemies.

The mouth that can speak freely can spray cone-shaped ultra-high temperature flames or non-lethal paralyzing gas.

The torso is shimmering with magical aura armor.

Engraved with a small elemental absorption array, it can be replenished with energy at any time, greatly extending its standby and combat time, and greatly reducing the consumption of use and maintenance.

Contains a halo generator, including but not limited to combat halo, auxiliary halo, unfathomable halo, etc.

It has a built-in protective energy core and is replaced with Bay collar's simplified super element polymerization engine.

Its energy output is only 1/10 of the genuine product, but it can maintain stable operation for a long time.

The arms are very thick and powerful at first glance.

There are protective armor plates attached to them. They are very good consumables and can reduce the cost of repairing the golem.

The fingers of both hands are all present and very flexible.

It can use a variety of weapons and has excellent combat skills.

They will attempt to "master" various combat skills and feats.

The weapons they used this time were a thick shield and a spear that was more than six meters long.

It was flashing with complicated magical auras, and it was obviously a super-level magic weapon.

Following the Bay Leader's style of striving for excellence, Dragoon No. 2 Golem showed its peak strength as soon as it appeared on the stage.

Their strength, attack ability, and protective ability have all reached the level of the super peak.

Even the powerful Hydra is completely unable to break through the defense line formed by their team.

The battle at the edge of the beach reached a stalemate.

The battle on the sea did not achieve the ideal results imagined by the three attacking parties.

The smaller number of naval guns is indeed unable to cover the entire sea surface with the killing range covered by firepower.

However, the Leviathans hiding under the sea are rejoicing at the arrival of these monsters.

They manipulate the water flow and use it as the most dangerous weapon, which can easily crush or tear apart the fish-men's bodies.

They would also kill larger sea monsters without hesitation.

They swim extremely fast, and when they attack, the sea monsters are basically unable to react.

Leviathan's huge size and powerful lethality suppress these dangerous sea monsters and prevent them from approaching.

If it were in the past, Leviathan would not hesitate to swallow the nutritious parts of these monsters to obtain food and nutrients for growth.

However, because of the various dangers and distortion factors contained in the sea monster's body, even Leviathan's powerful stomach will take a long time to eliminate all dangers.

So most of them just kill the enemy or throw away most of the loot.

But after cooperating with the Gulf Territory, the Leviathans can launch attacks more easily.

The reason is simple. After killing various sea monsters, they can directly put the enemy's corpse into the storage space.

When the battle is over or the storage space is full, you can give the loot to the Gulf Leader, which can be exchanged for clean, nutritious, and special food.

They can also use the huge achievements and gold coins they have accumulated to purchase some weapons and equipment.

Many island cities and ports in the Gulf Territory developed based on transactions with Leviathan.

Leviathan can bring a lot of sea monster materials, and can even discover many very valuable resource points and various seabed metal veins with the assistance of the Gulf Territory staff.

Therefore, in order to give Leviathan more motivation, we further deepen our cooperation with them.

There are already multiple research centers and production factories in the island area of ​​the Gulf Territory.

Specially researched and produced for Leviathan, weapons and equipment they can use or like.

For example, Xingchen, who is rushing at the front, wears a thick metal helmet that is close to his skin.

There are seven or eight impact angles of different sizes on the helmet, which blend in with the color of the surrounding seawater.

Quite inconspicuous, but extremely deadly.

Whenever the stars collide, the fatal collision angle will directly penetrate into the body of the sea monster.

The huge gap, combined with the violent impact, can often easily take away the lives of sea monsters.

Xingchen, who was quite cheerful, was trying hard to adapt to his new weapon, and kept thinking in his heart:

"When I go back, I will definitely be able to buy Feiyun a lot of delicious food."

The Leviathans following Xingchen also began to attack.

Their weapons and equipment are all kinds of tricks and absolutely bizarre.

Some people like to wear eye patches.

Some prepared a set of iron teeth.

Some have spikes and serrations on their tails.

Some were wrapped in cloth bags that allowed them to become invisible and accelerate.

Without exception, these weapons and equipment are of extremely high quality and huge specifications.

Their refining was successful and produced good results, which represented the progress of the Gulf Territory's production capacity.

It was with the help of these Leviathan that the Gulf Territory was temporarily supported by the more difficult-to-defend sea surface.

However, the number of monsters surrounded by the three parties was too huge, as many as 300,000.

Even if these five Leviathans are extremely powerful and invincible on the seabed, they can only barely protect them for a while.

Once these Leviathans consume too much energy or become exhausted, they will no longer be able to maintain their defense line.

Under this circumstance, the staff in the Gulf Territory were not afraid, but instead stepped up the layout of the battlefield and the delivery of supplies.

The second large teleportation array platform was quickly established.

More and more Gulf Territory staff and combat personnel, carrying a large amount of supplies and engineering equipment, entered the battlefield without hesitation.

The piers and turret walls on the beach are constantly expanding, and more and more long-range weapons and defense facilities are being quickly built.

In order to deal with the countless murlocs and sea monsters at sea, a large number of long-range weapons and flamethrowers were built.

At the same time, Quanquan's clone also took root on the beach.

The emerald green halo of life spread to the surroundings, and all the combat units in the Gulf Territory, which had consumed a lot of physical and mental energy, immediately felt their state recover and their spirits clear.

Immediately afterwards, an elemental energy pool that had been prepared long ago was installed and activated in the center of the dock.

Mordenkainen, who was leading the team, raised his head excitedly, exuding surging mana fluctuations, and shouted to his assistants and disciples:

"In preparation for testing and data collection, we need to make improvements to more war spells."

Ma Youfu, who was deeply impressed by his true heritage, nodded expectantly.

On his robe that shimmered with strong magical aura, many preparatory magic circles had been activated.

More than 10 arcanists also took out their staffs, feeling the abundant magic power emanating from the elemental energy pool and making final preparations before the battle.

Half an hour later.

The Leviathans, who were killing everyone, tightened their defense lines.

They attacked with all their strength, and their physical strength and life energy were consumed a lot.

They had just retreated to the vicinity of the Breaker, and on the bay speedboat that had been prepared, the combat personnel and druids immediately communicated with them.

After learning the latest intelligence, it was sent back to the combat command center, and magic food was immediately released to the Leviathans.

The Leviathans ate quite happily, quickly recovering their strength while waiting for the Gulf Territory to come up with countermeasures against the enemy.

On the deck of the Breaker, the 208 naval gun, which had completed about 30 rounds of continuous fire, was undergoing repairs.

The combatants were busy making quick inspections of weapons, equipment and combat supplies.

Below the waterline, many launch ports are opened.

Elio from the combat headquarters looked at the many red dots on the enemy radar and said without thinking:

"Aim at 18 combat areas 1,500 meters away and launch underwater torpedoes!"

puff! puff! puff!

The rotating torpedoes flew out, leaving white lines on the seabed.

The tail that was spitting out tail flames swayed left and right to adjust the shooting direction.

The densely packed murlocs and sea monsters did not realize the terror and danger of torpedoes, and could not stop these strange "enemies" that moved extremely fast.

In the display of magical images.

The blue light spot representing the torpedo has arrived at the set position.

Under the expectant gaze of all combatants, a violent display of energy instantly occupied a large space in that area.

The densely packed red dots disappeared in pieces, leaving only an irregular round hole.

This basically means that a large area of ​​enemies was completely wiped out in the explosion of the torpedo.

Violent vibrations came from underwater, causing the Breaker to shake a bit.

However, everyone's face was filled with joy and excitement.

Under Elio's order, they had no time to get excited and cheer before they began to engage in the next round of blows and attacks.

Elio, with red and green images reflected in his eyes, issued a new battle order:

"Remark the attack area to scan for more threatening enemies and targets."

"Prepare propelled torpedoes!"

30 seconds later.

More than 30 torpedoes flew into the distance with surging water lines.

Seeing this scene, Leviathan's eyes widened in anticipation, staring at these weapons that shocked and intrigued them.

I saw the torpedo flying past and crashing into the sea 1,700 meters away from the Breaker.

Groups of shining and dazzling fire suddenly exploded on the bottom of the sea.

Those tiny fishmen disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Larger sea monsters were also swallowed up by the impact of flames and violent currents.

The water column soared into the sky and soared hundreds of meters high before falling down with a crash.

The entire seabed was muddied by the terrifying impact.

Even though they were nearly 2 kilometers away, the spreading aftermath of the impact still made the Leviathans feel palpitations while they were digesting their food.

Chewing the dried fish blankly, Xingchen blinked, looked at the turbid sea, hesitated for a while and then said:

"Oh, so many sea monsters were all blown to pieces. What a pity!"

The other Leviathans, who thought he would say something, all rolled their eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to this joke.

Apart from making money and flying clouds, he has nothing else on his mind.

However, the Leviathans are also very curious. Can the underwater long-range attack technology mastered by the Gulf Territory be able to withstand this attack?

Also, where did Menglan and the others go?

He swung his sword to kill the last super sea monster, feeling his body full of energy and greedily absorbing the nutrient solution.

Matthew felt an indescribable amount of energy emerging from his body, which was constantly sending out various "signals."

"We can continue to fight!"

"Very hungry, want more!"

"Kill, kill these bugs!"

"It hurts, it hurts like hell!"


Matthew, who was aware of this situation, raised his eyebrows subconsciously and decisively activated the fatal halo he carried with him.

Sure enough, all kinds of distracting thoughts disappeared immediately, and some abnormal movements in the body also calmed down.

However, Matthew noticed what was about to happen on Dinosaur Island through this subtle "strangeness".

He looked at the city wall defense line that was gradually stabilizing, and faced countless eyes as he entered the city wall.

He walked inside the elemental energy pool and activated the charging recovery of the Thunder Magic Armor.

The other Thunder Warriors have already arrived and are completing charging and repairing the Thunder Magic Armor one after another.

Elona, ​​who walked to Matthew's side and turned a little pale, stared enviously at the dragon warriors who had quickly recovered, and looked curiously at the Caledor Senator in the sky. After hesitating for a while, she asked:

"The battlefield here has reached a stalemate. At least for a short period of time, they have been unable to achieve their goals. Why does he still stay here?"

Matthew wiped the flowing Sword of Destruction, sprinkled it with the nourishing sword oil again, and answered calmly:

"He wants to keep an eye on me and prevent me from returning to support the Wavebreaker."

Alona, ​​who realized that the Wavebreaker might be in danger, felt anxious in her heart.

But seeing Matthew's calm expression, she felt a little relieved and asked curiously:

"How is the situation over there? Have you been able to sustain the opponent's offensive?"

According to the style of the Gulf Territory, as long as the war situation remains stalemate, the balance of victory will gradually tilt towards one's own side.

Matthew did not answer, but instead looked up at the sky and said very calmly:

"This is just expected. As long as the opponent doesn't go all out, we can at most introduce some new technologies."

"The price they have to pay is often much higher."

"He wants to contain me here. In fact, I have the same idea!"

After hearing this, Alona nodded expectantly.

She vaguely understood that everything was still under the Lord's calculation.

Seemingly noticing Matthew's gaze, Senator Caledor in the sky always felt a little uneasy.

He controlled the flying dragon commander and raised his altitude again to avoid a possible surprise attack from Matthew.

He also ordered the flying dragon knight guards who were following him to quickly explore the surroundings to avoid being surrounded by the bay leader's flying dragon knight troops.

There is nothing strange or dangerous about the various information that can be returned.

Information about the Breaking Waves and the battlefield on the beach were also sent back one after another.

Even though the battle situation was at a stalemate, Councilor Caledor was still not too disappointed.

Instead, he felt sincerely delighted at the various weapons displayed by the Gulf Territory.

After all, he changed his mind early and was already connected with Laura again.

It is far better to develop your own territory, increase the power you have, and complete the tasks assigned to you than to think randomly.

When the time comes, he will always have more strength to deal with various changes.

However, Councilor Caledo's worries are not less.

He frowned. He carefully thought about Matthew's arrangement and the appearance of the bay collar, and couldn't help but think about it in his heart.

"The Dragon Knights of Bay Ridge did not appear on the beach battlefield, nor did they support this side."

"Then where did they go?"

East of Dinosaur Island.

The thick fog is a bit thinner than that to the west.

The visibility increased from about a hundred meters to three to four hundred meters away.

Hundreds of Japanese pirate warships are making final preparations for battle.

The Japanese pirates on the boat looked fierce and kept shouting.

They are about to divide their troops into two groups and surround the island to the west.

They want to completely block the Breaker's escape route, and at the same time ambush the Gulf Territory, which will definitely come to support the maritime fleet.

The warships of these Japanese pirates were at least medium-sized warships with more than five masts.

There are even more than 30 large magic steel warships, all of which are "support" from the Elf Kingdom of Cole.

At this moment, a roaring sound broke through the air from above.

Many Japanese pirates raised their heads blankly and stared above in surprise.

The bombs carrying death screamed "hello" to them!

"Good evening, you bastards!"

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