Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 736 Interesting

Elio has experienced many dangers and come into contact with all kinds of enemies.

But no matter what kind of monster she faces, she will go all out and not underestimate any opponent.

"Reconnaissance troops are dispatched to check how many sahuagin there are."

Different from the large mechanical flying dragon, it has a huge body and an amazing style.

The combatants of the reconnaissance team quickly boarded the deck and took out a batch of small metal aircraft as big as a palm.

The staff of the reconnaissance team attaches great importance to this new weapon and equipment, which the lord calls "golem drone".

They first asked the druid members of the team to release a group of specially trained falcons and albatross to drive away the threatening marine birds around them.

Then watch these drones take off for the first actual combat test outside the test site.

The staff saw the images and scenes recorded by the "Golem Drone" through remote images, information, and Golem connection communication devices.

These communication pictures were immediately transmitted to the command center and entered the sight of Alio and Li.

Elio is quite satisfied with the picture effect presented by the Golem Drone.

Compared with Druid, who can only give two or even three brief descriptions through the perspective of a "battle partner", and then analyze and graphically present the information, which is complicated.

The one-time image conversion of the Golem drone is simply not too convenient.

She looked carefully at the sea, which was gradually becoming lively.

Those gray-green and tan sahuagins were eager to emerge from the sea, making bursts of sharp roars, as if they were tasting the smell of blood in the air.

The Gulf Territory had no intention of indulging them, and the 208mm naval gun spewed out destructive flames without hesitation.

Through the footage taken by the drone, Elio saw the fire flying at high speed and accurately hitting the sahuagin drilling on the sea surface.


The flames of the explosion stirred up water columns rising into the sky.

The sahuagin who were very arrogant just now were instantly swallowed up by the violent shock wave.

Yondala, who fired the cannon, waved his fist excitedly, turned to Ruike, who was controlling the golem drone and shouted:

"Haha, it's so handsome. I love this naval gun so much!"

Ruike skillfully found an angle, clicked beautifully, and took a very handsome photo.

In the communication channel, the shooting Zhuyuan of the next cannon was immediately transmitted. Ruike calculated the position to ensure that Yodala completed the adjustment of the artillery.

Investigators activated the life detector on the Golem drone to scan the location of the explosion.

Soon, they got the effects of the explosion and reported to Li.

Li just glanced at the data, didn't take it too seriously, and continued to issue attack orders:

"Enable free fire mode and shoot in rounds at more than 1,000 murlocs within the bombardment range."

The big guy who heard this immediately understood what she meant.

Let everyone try the power of the 208mm naval gun.

Wait for everyone to become familiar with the performance of this weapon and prepare for better use and control in the future.

According to everyone’s understanding of the territory.

Weapons and equipment put into actual combat will be mass-produced and equipped after short adjustments and minor modifications.

If they can master and use it skillfully now, they will be one step ahead in the future.

This is also one of the gains from their participation in this dangerous operation.

A few minutes later.

After the combatants on the deck tried the 208mm naval gun several times, they fell in love with the Wavebreaker even more.

Compared to the second steel battleship that we have to wait for for who knows how long, this one, the Breaking Waves, is the one worth paying attention to right now.

The soldiers excitedly used various weapons and equipment on the Breaker to test the sahuagin who came to their door.

Elio in the command center looked at the sahuagins who were still pursuing them even though they suffered heavy losses and there were all kinds of floating corpses scattered on the sea, with a little curiosity on his face.

"These fishmen are really interesting. Not only are they not afraid of death, but they also hold grudges very much."

"Just go for it, if there are enough of them, it's a good target."

The Gulf Territory never worried about the number of enemies, only the number of enemies was not enough.

Otherwise, it will not be able to meet the combat needs of Gulf Territory soldiers and many Gulf Territory adventurers.

Alona, ​​who had collected a lot of information about the sahuagin, gently shook her head and continued to warn:

"Sahuagin are very dangerous and very territorial."

"Based on the intelligence from the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the information from our detection."

"The bottom of this sea area should be the nest of these sahuagin. The scale is larger than we imagined, maybe tens of millions."

"However, the competition among the sahuagin is very fierce. Even among the same kingdom or tribe, there are clearly defined territories."

"As long as we handle it carefully, we shouldn't provoke too many sahuagins..."

Elio naturally trusts the information and judgment given by professionals.

You know, Alona is one of the pillars of the Gulf Territory Vocational Training College.

Lord Matthew originally didn't want her to come out, but Alio managed to persuade her, and because of Alona's own consent, he allowed the territory to let her go.

Now, nature is making the best use of everything.

Others who heard this naturally began to make corresponding plans based on what Elona said.

Defeating or killing these sahuagins was not the purpose of the Wavebreaker.

Collecting more data and opening up a safe or valuable channel is the reason why the Breaker continues to stay.

Of course, if the sahuagin are willing to cooperate with the Gulf Territory, the Gulf Territory will be happy to include them in the transaction.

But they are cruel and vicious by nature, and they are no less competitive than the Nagas.

Therefore, the Gulf Territory's current attitude towards it is naturally mainly hostile and aggressive.

About three hours passed.

The Wavebreaker stopped moving forward, and the pursuing sahuagin from behind finally stopped their pursuit.

For the sahuagin who had been keeping their distance, the Wavebreaker, which was not firing, put considerable pressure on them.

In the past few hours, they had watched helplessly as their usually very strong companions and opponents fell to the attack of the Wavebreaker.

Unfortunately, they couldn't catch up, and they couldn't put any pressure on the Breaker and couldn't attack.

The more scared they are, the more they want to know about the Wavebreaker.

But the more this happened, the more damage the Wavebreaker caused to them, and the more sahuagin were killed.

The leader of the sahuagin felt that he was trapped in a strange circle.

The more sahuagin warriors were killed or injured, the more they had to pursue them.

Whether it is to obtain some information about the enemy or to figure out the purpose of the Wavebreaker, he can give an explanation for the sahuagin who suffered tens of thousands of casualties.

But the Wave Breaker had no intention of leaving at all, and just waited calmly on the sea.

For this huge steel monster, the sahuagin leader felt unprecedented pressure.

The sahuagin, who have a very keen awareness of war, have already understood the power and terror of the Wave Breaker during these few hours of beatings.

This is just a ship...

Just when the sahuagin leader thought that the Wavebreaker would attack them again, the latter made a loud sound:

"Don't chase me anymore. I've killed you enough."

As soon as the extremely provocative words came out, the sahuagin people who were originally parked on the sea immediately became angry.

They feel that their cold blood has become hot, and their desire to kill is rising.

Seeing that the sahuagin began to pursue again, Elio smiled and said:

"Hey, these words are indeed useful, these sahuagin have broken their defense."

Regarding the sahuagin's "riot" and the commander's happiness, everyone involuntarily shrugged their shoulders.

They were really worried that the sahuagin were showing too much concern for death.

If that were the case, their evaluation of the sahuagin's potential would reach a higher level.

They will also give a higher evaluation to the threat posed by the sahuagin, and then they will weaken it as much as possible at all costs.

After all, since this extremely dangerous race and creature with innate hostility dares to attack the Gulf Territory first, it must be prepared to be killed and eliminated.

Fortunately, the sahuagin are not that "strong".

This time, the Breaking Wave did not conduct test firings and target training strictly, but conducted actual combat simulations.

Various weapons were fired at the same time, and were put into combat one after another according to the procedures that should be used in actual combat.

In this case, the soldiers had a good fight.

Of course, they relied on the powerful crushing force of the Breaker and did not suffer any casualties.

The most dangerous situation was when the magic arrows shot by several sahuagin archers hit the Breaker's protective barrier.

After killing about 5,000 sahuagin, the Wavebreaker did not attack them again, but simply walked away.

Looking at the sea full of mutilated limbs and minced meat, and smelling the bloody smell of his companions, the sahuagin leader didn't feel much distress. He couldn't help but frown as he watched the Breaker of the Waves go away.

It had a vague premonition in its heart that the appearance of the Wavebreaker would break their "peaceful" life.

In the future, great changes will inevitably occur to the sahuagin people.

The outside world is always changing, and if the sahuagin remain the same, they will become weaker and weaker in the future.

The sahuagins who think highly of themselves will never allow this to happen!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A violent explosion shot into the sky.

The terrifying destructive power set off turbulent waves on the sea.

Large tracts of gravel, mixed with muddy sand, kept flying.

"The blasting of the first area is completed. Quickly clean up the debris in this area."

"Prepare for blasting in area 2, we don't have much time!"

"Reconnaissance team reports the situation!"

As soon as the order was given.

The operators on the speedboat began to get busy.

They acted very calmly and did not care about the dangers they might encounter, operating various cleaning machines.

They dived into the water one after another and quickly cleaned up the rubble.

The piles of rubble below were huge, and what the Bay Territory did to them was to turn them into a wider, deeper channel.

Various reconnaissance pictures came from various channels.

In addition to the Golem drone flying in the sky, the researchers accompanying the Breaker also developed a new model that can navigate underwater.

It can be waterproof, camouflage, and take pictures, integrating multiple functions into one.

With its help, the speed of collecting seabed topographic information and data has been further accelerated.

Compared with the busyness of the action team, the members who guard combat weapons also have many things to do.

They not only need to constantly check and become familiar with weapons and equipment, but also need to record and understand more about all the terrain and locations in this area.

For example, mark the nearby sea areas and use various familiar tools such as coordinate images and magic images to record them digitally.

In this case, they can hit any nearby area at the fastest speed to the greatest extent.

They all thought very clearly that similar combat procedures would appear in almost all combat areas in the Gulf Territory.

In the future, similar recording work will become part of their daily routine.

Most soldiers will find this boring, but they will not relax and slack off.

All soldiers know this very well.

Once a battle breaks out, danger will ensue.

And if they are always ready for battle, they can eliminate danger as quickly as possible and win the battle.

Not only do they want to contribute to the territory, but they also hope to survive.

They will live better and be able to contribute more in the future.

Alona is conducting further analysis on the situation in this sea area.

The main purpose is to understand the composition of the seawater in this sea area and to understand the collected information on various organisms.

A lot of important information is often hidden in these seemingly insignificant, but in fact, impossible to hide and deceive clues.

However, Alona can clearly feel it.

The situation in this sea area is completely different from the previous sea area.

All creatures in this sea area, including magical plants and magical creatures, have their own unique composition and structure.

Their bodies are larger, the degree of mutation is higher, and the magic power and magic organization they contain are more unique and distinct.

"To put it simply, the magical plants and creatures here have very high research value."

"If I have enough manpower and a complete enough laboratory, I can find and cultivate a variety of magical creatures that can be promoted on a large scale."

"This is much more profitable than finding a few veins or digging for gold."

When Alona said this, there was a little bit of expectation and joy in her eyes.

Earning more resources and rescuing more half-elves is one of the things Elona wants to do most.

Although her days at the Vocational Training Institute made her feel very comfortable.

The college will meet any reasonable conditions and requirements she has, and it is also a great pleasure to watch the students grow step by step.

However, the half-elves' encounters and plight in the Canterlot Mountains made Elona feel that she should do more.

Of course she would not choose to donate money or materials, such a simple method.

She decided to use the knowledge she had learned to obtain more rewards and benefits.

She also wanted to find more feasible paths for the half-elves in the Canterlot Mountains.

After all, the development of the underground city area in the Canterlot Mountains is in full swing.

Alona feels that it is much more cost-effective to develop various industries there than simple investment and assistance.

Moreover, the academy also strongly supports Alona’s decision.

Even Arnold, the second dean, felt that she had created another path that combined technology and practice.

Not only have many more people been assigned to Erona, but she has also been given a guarantee.

Once a potential project is found, whatever Alona needs, the academy can help her get it done.

It is precisely with the support of the entire academy and the huge goals to pursue.

Alona will not miss any opportunity.

Now, the opportunity has come!

Elio doesn't care about Alona's little thoughts.

She cares more about whether she can complete the task assigned by the lord and help the territory find and develop Dinosaur Island.

Even now, the territory has many development directions.

Whether it’s a dark forest that’s in dire need of development.

A new continent rich in resources.

The eastern sea can provide a lot of magical food.

A growing area where production and area are still increasing.

Even the factory areas that have already demonstrated strong production capabilities are undergoing further expansion and in-depth development.

All require the investment of a lot of manpower, material and many resources.

However, Elio could sense it from the Lord's attitude.

Dinosaur Island is the most important task at the moment.

none of them!

Once you realize this, other problems become non-issues.

She carefully felt the danger coming from the mist in the distance, and turned her gaze to Ruike, who was controlling the golem drone.

This tiefling felt pressure, not only because of Elio's race, but also because of his powerful strength and his status in the Gulf Territory.

In just two or three years, the number of tieflings living in the Gulf Territory has reached one hundred thousand.

And, this year alone, more than 8,000 tiefling babies have been born.

This is an unprecedented number, and it can only be found in an enlightened, stable, and powerful territory like the Gulf Territory.

Tieflings, who have always been discriminated against and always encountered a lot of hostility, can be so happy to have children.

A better life than ever before, a brighter future than ever before.

It can make everyone burst out with unimaginable power.

The same is true for Ruike.

The reason she felt stressed wasn't because Elio scared her.

Instead, he was worried that he was not doing well enough and would affect the tasks and progress of the Gulf Territory.

It is precisely with such enthusiasm and attitude that the Gulf Territory will develop rapidly and well with their dedication.

"The foggy area ahead is still 3 kilometers away."

"According to the current progress, we can successfully pass through the foggy area in about a day and a half."

"No trace of large enemies was found in the foggy area, but there were a large number of medium-sized magical creatures in groups."

"They're very numerous and quite aggressive."

While saying this, Ruike summarized the detected enemy information and handed it to Elio.

Elio looked at these strange-looking giant crocodiles, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

A round head, short paws, a round belly, and a flat tail.

It seems that this crocodile has some pretty features, but it doesn't look like it has much fighting power.

The picture that represents their aggression is chasing some small fish that are just enough to fit between their teeth.

However, although these crocodiles look dull, Elio does not completely judge a fish by its cover.

After all, in this material plane filled with all kinds of extraordinary powers, all kinds of other creatures can exist.

These crocodiles are so ferocious at eating small fish, who knows if they can also be very good at eating people?

In a short time, the elite soldiers of the action force captured two crocodiles and returned.

The targets they selected were relatively universal.

The first crocodile is the largest one.

About two meters long, it is indeed quite a deterrent for ordinary people.

However, as soon as this guy was caught, he just lay down in the corner, not daring to show his teeth at all.

The guards standing ready next to him twitched their mouths involuntarily, and their eyes showed a little bit of weird vigilance.

"Are you really so afraid of death?"

"I have never seen a magical creature so afraid of death..."

"Really, I thought the dragon scale horses bred in our territory were docile enough, but I really didn't expect it!"

"This guy is so interesting. He's obviously a ferocious crocodile, but why does he still look so naive?"

"Pfft, it does look like that."

"No, don't be fooled by its appearance. Everyone, please be careful."

"There was no way to be vigilant at all, and the other one was just pretending to be dead..."

"Haha, these guys look very much like Lao Liu's cousins..."

"Huh? When you put it like that, it really feels like it!"

"Hahaha, this crocodile is so funny. He even opened his eyes to peek..."


Even though everyone was joking, there was still no relaxation in the preparation work.

After all, everyone only verbally relaxed, but in the face of dangerous creatures like magic crocodiles, they still exercised maximum control over them.

A large iron cage made of fine gold.

A meticulous, in-depth inspection from start to finish.

A part of magical food that is rich in nutrients and has anesthetic properties.

A whole set of procedures.

Even the druids who came to check were a little silent.

Alona touched the tip of her nose gently, with a little weirdness and amusement in her eyes.

The curious Elio next to him looked at the two crocodiles, one large and one small, lying motionless, and couldn't help but ask:

"What's wrong? Are they anything special?"

Helplessly shrugging her shoulders, Alona checked it again without giving up, and finally spread her hands and said:

"These crocodiles are indeed special. They clearly have activity and energy reserves no less than those of high-level magical creatures, and are more valuable than giant swamp crocodiles."

"However, their body parts and functions are not at all in the direction of attack or defense..."

"If there is anything commendable about them, it is that their scales are of very good quality and are rich in very rich and peaceful magic power. They are excellent materials for making magic amulets, leather armor, and accessories..."

"It just so happens that these crocodiles are very active. If they have enough food, they can grow very quickly and can shed their skin every few months..."

Alona pulled off a piece of scale, stroked the rough but warm lines on it, handed it to Elio who was a little curious, and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"I'm really curious, how did these crocodiles survive without the fighting power matching their life levels?"

"Does it mean that the survival pressure on Dinosaur Island is not that great? Or that there are not so many dangerous predators?"

After touching the strong scales, Elio narrowed his eyes and asked directly in anticipation:

"In any case, this crocodile can be considered a good harvest since the beginning of our mission."

"Since its breeding value is very high, let's catch more of them."

"Moreover, this crocodile's attack ability is not very strong, but it is more conducive to our large-scale breeding and promotion."

"As for the ecological situation of Dinosaur Island, we will naturally be able to understand it when we collect more information."

Elio didn't get to the bottom of it, he only cared about whether the development of Dinosaur Island went smoothly.

This is not to say that these crocodiles are not valued, but that they have higher-level considerations.

If there are benefits, occupy them first. The biggest advantage is to occupy the entire dinosaur island, and then slowly develop it.

After hearing this, Alona nodded in recognition.

She also thought very clearly that even though this funny little crocodile had high research value, she didn't have much time and energy to take care of it now.

However, the crocodiles' funnyness soon exceeded both of their expectations.

As another large-scale explosion began, a deafening sound spread throughout the surrounding foggy area.

When the combatants were extremely vigilant, dozens of crocodiles "killed" them in a mighty manner.

The patrolling soldiers originally thought that they would launch a direct attack, and they were already prepared to strike first.

Who knew, these guys would dive right to the bottom of the water.

Under everyone's disbelieving gaze, he happily gnawed on the shells and conches on the rubble he had just been bombed by.




Detectors who got very close have even recorded the sounds of them eating.

These little crocodiles, which were no more than three meters long, didn't even mean to attack him. They just happily rummaged through the rubble, looking for food.

As a selected elite, the big guy just felt like his punch had hit the cotton, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

However, this does not prevent everyone from attacking them without mercy.

Of course, it's not a massacre of them, but a big net set up for these seemingly harmless crocodiles.

Before the crocodiles had finished eating, the fallen net had already caught them.

The caught crocodile did not struggle, but remained motionless as if ordered.

As a result, everyone has no sense of accomplishment at all and feels very boring.

On the contrary, Yondala's eyes shone brightly as he watched the crocodiles being hoisted onto the deck, being put into the containers storing magical creatures, and scurrying over happily.

She looked at these cute and cute crocodiles below, feeling their very fresh and strong vitality, and asked curiously:

"Huh? Aren't these crocodiles afraid?"

Rui Ke, who was following, twitched his lips, noticed the words appearing on the container display, shook his head and said:

"These crocodiles are named "silly crocodiles" and they seem to be able to put some dried fish or magic food in there."

"If there are a lot of these crocodiles, you can consider preparing suitable fighting partners for the halflings."

When Yodala heard this, his eyes widened subconsciously. Looking at these harmless, cute and cute crocodiles, he nodded quickly and said:

"You're right, these guys happen to be the same as us halflings!"

"It's not too aggressive, which means that it won't be too difficult to tighten the abdomen, and it will be relatively easy to sign the contract when the time comes."

"The vitality is also relatively strong, which means that the lifespan will be very long and there will be no need for frequent replacement."

"Moreover, these dumb crocodiles know how to swim and swim very fast. They are very suitable for our halfling navy."

Hearing what Yodala said, Ruike suddenly felt that this stupid crocodile, which originally had no advantages, seemed to have all advantages.

She quickly shook her head to get rid of this strange thought. When she saw that Yodala had actually taken out a large bucket of dried fish and was going to feed these stupid crocodiles, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly and she quickly turned her head away.

No, you can't stay with her for too long!

The appearance of the stupid crocodile is just a small episode.

The advance blasting of the reef area is being carried out in an intense and orderly manner.

The elite personnel of the Gulf Territory arranged various tasks in an orderly manner without relaxing their vigilance at all.

Their scene was seen by eyes hidden in the dark.

Azshara, with a little sparkle in her eyes, glanced at the cloaked Cole elf lightly, and said in a seductive voice:

"Oh? Is this what we're dealing with?"

"They look like they are not easy to deal with at all. Even if they are few in number, they are still extremely dangerous."

After hearing Azshara's words, Councilor Caledor nodded with lingering fear. Thinking back to the Wavebreaker's performance just now, he was very grateful for his vigilance and replied in a very sincere tone:

"It's not that Your Majesty the Queen will destroy them. Although you can definitely do it, you just need to delay them."

"The development of the Dinosaur Island ruins is what we need to advance quickly."

Azshara could hear the sincerity in Councilor Caledor's tone, and bursts of curiosity emerged in her heart.

You know, when she met the envoy of the Cole Elf a few decades ago, her attitude was very arrogant and arrogant.

Queen Azshara naturally did not suggest teaching the other party a lesson, but she did not expect that the Cole elf envoy they met this time would have such a "low-level" attitude.

There is only one reason for such a change.

The Gulf Territory brought many surprises to Queen Azshara, and the elite troops they sent!

Queen Azshara couldn't help but chuckle, slowly opened her six hands, and made a hand gesture.

She had a feeling in her heart that there would be something good to watch in the next battle over Dinosaur Island!

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