Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 719 Mozi, the ancestor of the Mohist family

Chapter 719 The Ancestral Spirit of the Mohist Family—Mozi

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Rows upon rows of impacting figures collided with the Knight Titan one after another.

The agile Thunder Warrior has been able to dodge most of the Knight Titan's attacks after receiving combat training against Fang One.

What's more, there are many Thunder Warriors and their defense is extremely strong. They can even withstand the attack of the Knight Titan in a short period of time.

With the most powerful thunder warriors attracting them in front, the dragon warriors, swordsmen, and monks can naturally attack without restraint.

Without the cover of the renegade machinery, the Knight Titan is naturally even less likely to receive energy replenishment from the rechargeable renegade machinery.

Because these renegade machines that lack strength are no longer able to support the Knight Titans who are getting further and further away from the mobile city.

As soon as they appear on the battlefield, they will be shot from a distance by the soldiers of the Gulf Territory.

Under this situation, the Knight Titan received less and less help, suffered more and more pressure, and its energy consumption increased rapidly, and it soon became unsustainable.

The 2nd Knight Titan fell.

Soon there will be a 3rd and 4th station.

The longer they hold on to the Knight Titans at the back, the faster their energy is consumed, and the body of the trophy obtained by the Gulf Territory becomes more and more complete.

Matthew is very sharp in this regard and strikes very quickly, not giving Guilty Spark a chance to go back on his word.

The surrounding combat troops continued to use the ruins as bunkers to continuously suppress the mobile cities and bases with firepower.

They did not continue to advance and carefully controlled the pace of the impact.

Everyone is very cautious and understands that in the next battle, only by obeying orders can they be qualified to continue participating in the battle.

This is the only restriction on cooperation with the Gulf Territory.

However, all combatants are well aware of the benefits.

They understand very well that the longer they persist in the battle, the greater the result will be.

No matter what your purpose is, you are here to participate in this battle.

They are all satisfied with the rewards and rewards provided by Bayland!

All the Knight Titans have fallen!

The next attack will fall entirely on the mobile cities and bases undergoing emergency construction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A violent explosion fell on the mobile city wall.

Terrible shocks spread one after another.

A large number of rebel machines and a large number of defense facilities were destroyed.

The Gulf Territory's attacks continued to increase, their destructive power continued to increase, and they quickly covered other areas of the mobile city.

The battle had only lasted two hours, and Guilin Spark, who was sweating profusely, looked at the battlefield where fire and smoke were rising everywhere.

He felt various feedbacks and continued to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

However, the speed at which the battle situation collapsed was far beyond his imagination.

The rebel machinery produced was destroyed by the incoming artillery fire before it even reached the city wall.

Those defense facilities cost a lot of rare metals, a lot of resources, and were even forced to abandon the Knight Titan to build the completed defense facilities.

Even if it can carry out shooting and protective operations independently, it will soon be covered by large-scale artillery fire because of insufficient maintenance and protection.

The defense facilities in the outer area have been destroyed during continuous repairs and construction.

Sensing the evil spark, he did not hesitate to use large-scale combat defense facilities.

Huge artillery, automatic crossbows that shoot continuously, bombing platforms that automatically release scorching sun explosions, and protective areas equipped with various mechanisms and traps.

These dangerous and deadly protective facilities are perfect for dealing with incoming enemies.

However, the Gulf Territory soldiers who destroyed the outer defense line did not choose to continue the assault.

What followed was a huge army of mechanical flying dragons.

Extremely destructive aerial bombs fell one after another, splashing up small mushroom clouds one after another.

They have been modified by Gulf Territory researchers and have multiple effects such as accelerated propulsion, armor-piercing breakthrough, and concussive explosion.

These aerial bombs, called ground-penetrating bombs, successfully broke through the ground protection of the mobile city.

They easily broke through the steel structure and exploded with a bang.

The terrifying explosion force spread quickly, and the surrounding structures and steel buildings were immediately destroyed.

Compared with the previous carpet bombing, the mechanical flying dragon's bombing accuracy has been greatly improved.

They have obtained data on the key areas of the mobile city, as well as the information previously obtained by the Gulf Territory from the loot of the mobile city for reference.

When the target cannot move, such a simple data calculation, whether it is the adjustment of the impact point of the aerial bomb or the preview bombing of the spell, can cause effective and fatal damage.

Guilty Spark, who has extremely rich combat experience, immediately realized the power of flying units and bomb bombing attacks.

"If you can get the exact production technology, do it quickly."

"You can immediately create a large number of air units that can fly and have considerable combat effectiveness."

The various technological improvements emerging one after another in the Gulf Territory make Guilty Spark both excited and fearful.

A strange thought suddenly came to his mind.

"Maybe let the Gulf Territory continue to develop for a while and keep putting pressure on it."

"Perhaps, with the accumulation and development of technology, we can improve faster."

However, Guilty Spark felt deeply wary of the development and combat capabilities of the Gulf Territory.

He had a vague premonition in his heart that the Gulf Territory, which had once again won a battle, was about to usher in further rapid development.

Just when Guilty Spark was in a dilemma, Bay Leader helped him make up his mind.

A large number of Thunder Warriors rushed to the front line and further destroyed the protective facilities that had suffered huge damage.

Their way of advancing was swift and direct.

The teleportation beacon flew ahead, scanned the surrounding data, and ensured basic safety. Then the powerful Thunder Warriors appeared.

The Thunder Warriors, who use squads as combat units, can basically defeat mechanical defense equipment that seems dangerous but is full of loopholes and weaknesses.

Large numbers of automatic protection facilities failed.

The renegade mech that went for repairs was destroyed.

The supposedly impeccable defense line did not last long before it was killed directly.

Under this situation, the Gulf Territory has gradually taken control of the mobile city's outer defense line and began to build attack bases in various areas to shoot from inside.

All kinds of information are continuously reported to the combat command center through word-of-mouth communication devices.

The fast and busy commander of the Gulf Territory relies on his rich combat experience.

According to your own mission, you can deploy corresponding combat missions according to the characteristics and status of combat units.

The order to attack was given.

The frontline combat commander in the Gulf Territory can arrange specific tasks as quickly as possible according to the characteristics of the target.

After the task is arranged.

The commander of the action force completed the final combat order based on his own combat experience, daily training, and enemy information.

The combatants quickly completed the final battle according to the orders they received.

The entire transfer process is extremely fast.

The effect presented is extremely amazing.

Very nervous combatants can often get simple and familiar combat orders.

After completing it step by step, I had an inexplicable feeling that the battle was over unknowingly.

They successfully won again!

Although there will be some casualties and dangers, for the vast majority of combatants.

This level of casualties and pressure will not only fail to make them retreat, but will in fact stimulate their enthusiasm for fighting even more.

The outer defense lines of various bases and mobile cities were destroyed.

There were long-range attacks one after another, aimed at the inside from the city wall.

The defense line is lost!

There are artillery in the distance!

There is bombing in the sky!

Even under such circumstances, Mobile City is still producing a steady stream of rebellious machines, tenaciously resisting pressure from all directions.

The astonishing amount of various data feedbacks, as well as the situation where the renegade machines were out of control, made Guilty Spark feel unspeakable frustration.

His reactions and the most familiar fighting methods were completely under the control of the enemy.

The opponent's battle and destruction through layers of pressure gradually disintegrated his troop control.

Guilty Spark control troop battles are becoming increasingly difficult.

More often than not, He could no longer think carefully and would give orders immediately.

As for whether these commands are truly effective and can work in a timely manner, it is no longer a question that Guilty Spark can think about.

There was already a larger amount of battle information coming from all directions, requiring him to process it quickly.

This kind of reaction, judgment and control brings considerable energy consumption.

This energy consumption happened silently, even catching Guilty Spark off guard.

But even though He had tried his best to intervene, he even ended up personally.

Many key facilities and parts of mobile cities and bases are being destroyed one after another, or are rapidly losing control.

Guilty Spark has fewer and fewer troops in its hands, and the effective combat power it can control is rapidly decreasing.

But even in this situation, Yaya and Matthew, who had been showing off their prowess, still had no intention of attacking Guilty Spark.

Even in the area where the Knight Titan controlled by Guilty Spark is located, the attack strength will drop a lot.

The Gulf Territory only maintains basic fire coverage and destruction to interfere with his command.

It seems that he has no intention of keeping an eye on Him!

But the more this happened, the more uneasy the Guilty Spark became.

There are still three hours until reinforcements arrive.

The entire outer wall of the mobile city was lost.

The mobile city's renegade machinery production is all on strike.

The operational base fell silent.

Yaya's tall body flew down again and arrived at the battlefield filled with artillery fire.

This time, her destructive power was fully demonstrated.

All defense facilities that try to attack her will be torn apart immediately by Yaya's ruthless iron hand.

It won't be long before the entire mobile city's interior becomes riddled with holes.

There were cracks in the ground, and the entire mobile city was in a huge crisis.

Sensing this, Guilty Spark retreated without hesitation.

He could feel that the fangs wreaking havoc were always staring at his position.

Matthew, who was hiding, was even more watching.

"It's a pity that the Gulf Territory succeeded..."

"This time you bet correctly!"

Guilty Spark looked up at Fang who was flying over, and without hesitation gave up control of the Knight Titan's body, quickly flying out with a burst of dazzling red light.

He escaped!

This time it was very straightforward!

However, when the spark of sin escapes.

He specifically focused on the mechanical flying dragon flying in the sky.

He did not bother to attack the mechanical flying dragon, but took the initiative to "explore" the unique flying structure device of the mechanical flying dragon and the newly developed ground-penetrating bombs developed by the Gulf Territory.

As long as they obtain the technology of these weapons and equipment, Guilty Spark will be confident that they will gain enough advantages in the next battle.

With the departure of the Spark of Sin, the entire Western Front battlefield soon became one-sided.

The remaining mobile cities and rebel mechanical base control cores are completely unable to fight against the Gulf Territory's combat forces.

Within half an hour.

Energy center connections are broken.

after an hour.

The control center was captured.

In order to escape smoothly this time, Guilty Spark even gave up destroying the core device.

There was a vague expectation in his heart.

If the Gulf Territory continues to quickly learn and use various trophies and technologies as before.

Then, they will quickly exploit the control core.

Guilty Spark was absolutely convinced that once the Gulf Territory used the Control Core, they would never be able to do without this "good thing".

Faster production speed.

Fully automatic production without any worries.

Production changes that can save a lot of manpower and material resources.

No force can refuse such a "harvest".

The Bay Territory certainly can’t refuse!

"Who can say no to a good and intact control core?"

Matthew lightly shrugged his shoulders and continued without thinking:

"The Gulf Territory cannot refuse. We need to hand over many repetitive labor and work tasks to the control core."

"Other workers can further study and improve, and learn as they grow old."

Matthew seemed to be aware of everyone's worried eyes, smiled and comforted them and said:

"Don't worry, the Mo family has already given a solution."

"In exchange, they want a complete Knight Titan."

"It's the one that the ancient evil thing - the Spark of Sin, once manipulated and controlled."

Meng Qingqing stood up, met everyone's curious eyes, and said firmly and expectantly:

"We need this Knight Titan. To be precise, our ancestral spirit - Mozi needs it!"

Ancestral spirits!


Everyone looked over subconsciously, with a little surprise in their eyes.

The reason is very simple, in everyone’s impression.

Most ancestral spirits are extremely dangerous existences.

Just like the major ancestral spirits that caused the trolls to fall apart.

Another example is what everyone heard and encountered in the Eastern Islands.

Only the accompanying old swordsman raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

"Old acquaintance?"

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