Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 303 Curious 343 (5 more)

The meeting discussion lasted for three full days. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Because there was no requirement to keep it secret, the entire Gulf Territory quickly learned the news.

Most people just enjoyed the discussion and were curious about who would be sent to the village.

"If you ask me, it should be those newly sent refugees who will pass by..."

"I don't think so. They still need someone to guide them. They will definitely choose some experienced people to come over."

"I think so too. With the Lord's style, if you want to do something, you must do your best."

"Yes, I heard from some stewards that those villages will create unprecedented agricultural plans, and they will definitely need elite manpower."

"Then don't I have a chance? There will definitely be higher salary and rewards!"

"I also think it should be like this, otherwise no one would be willing to go."


This was just a rumor a few days ago.

Although everyone is curious about this news, because there is no detailed announcement, this is still in the discussion stage.

Until an announcement appeared:

"Choose a village chief!"

"From now on, all those who have contributed more than 200 and have been engaged in planting, patrolling, and breeding work can participate in the registration."

"Every week, all applicants will be assessed. Those who pass the assessment can learn professional knowledge."

"After a month of study, Butler Ralph will identify those who have outstanding results in the final assessment for the position of village chief."

“All village chiefs will officially manage the newly developed villages!”

As soon as this announcement came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the Gulf Territory.

Almost everyone was getting pretty excited.

Especially those who are engaged in related work, invest more time and energy, strive to make better results, obtain better merits, and meet the assessment requirements.

For most people, being in power is elusive.

Perhaps in their view, becoming the village chief will be the first step towards becoming a noble.

If they insist on thinking so, it is actually not wrong.

If they do well enough, Matthew is generous with rewards.

After all, if you want your horse to run, you must not only feed it grass, but also eggs and concentrates.

What surprises everyone even more is that the territory will send them a booklet for the assessment to those who have the idea to take the assessment.

It records what the village chief, garrison officer and others want to do.

Most people took a look and suddenly found that it didn’t seem difficult at all!

People who were already excited began to work harder, and people who had no such idea at first were also driven by various factors to think about whether I could give it a try.

Then, the big guy who was already working very hard became even busier.

When 343 came to the Gulf Territory, what they saw was such a busy scene.

Everyone in the territory was in a hurry, with a touch of excitement and joy on their faces.

If only one or two people were like this, 343 wouldn't think it was a big deal, but when she saw everyone like this, she would inevitably become a little curious.

As the steward who assists Harley in handling matters related to the territory of Blood Moon City.

343 is very clear and understands that the desires and thoughts of every citizen are completely different.

At first, they may just want to be fed and clothed.

Then, they will want a house of their own.

Then, the pressure of having children will make them crave a higher salary.

Once they are satisfied, their expanded hearts and desires will often make them do other things.

For example, chasing power, satisfying desires, and liking beauty?

The vast majority of people can't get to this point, but they can't seem to escape this pattern.

How did the Gulf Territory make everyone so excited?

If you understand the secret, can you apply it to Blood Moon City?

With this idea in mind, 343 came to the Lord's Mansion and saw Matthew in the study who had just finished the meeting.

"Hey? Where is the beautiful Lord Yaya?"

Hearing 343’s curious question, Matthew had no intention of hiding it:

"She is hibernating and absorbing nutrients to enter the next stage."

The slight flash of red light in his eyes became particularly moving. 343 pursed his lips and consciously did not continue to ask. He just silently remembered in his heart:

"Ya Ya is about to break through the high-level restrictions and grow into an extraordinary level. The dormant time is unknown and the location is the Gulf Territory."

Putting down the registration materials in his hand, Matthew compiled another exam content.

The exam has a wide range of questions and will examine the entire village and face all aspects of various situations.

Although there are restrictions on the rights of village chiefs and others, Matthew is willing to give them higher autonomy in other aspects.

Real talents cannot be cultivated, they must be allowed to venture and hone!

These village chiefs in the Silver Moon River Plain will set foot in the Dark Forest, East Coast Area, Overseas Islands and other places in the future.

What awaits them will be an extremely rich and exciting world!

I hope they won't feel too stressed when the time comes.

"Well, luckily the spell can cure baldness!"

Matthew suddenly said something like this, and 343 subconsciously recorded it. Although she didn't understand it, it didn't stop her from continuing the topic:

"Are the citizens of the Gulf Territory so excited and hard working? Why?"

Matthew glanced at 343 and felt that his phantom clone had more room for improvement.

He had no idea of ​​using digital display to understand it in detail.

At least Matthew would not do such a rash thing in front of his face. He smiled and raised his eyebrows:

"The reason is simple. I gave each of them a piece of cake, which happened to be 80% of the piece they made!"

343 Got it!

But because of this, she felt full of disbelief. She looked at Matthew repeatedly and asked in a somewhat suspicious tone:

"Is this really possible? Where will the money for the territory come from?"

Matthew smiled hoarsely, pointed at himself, and then at her:

"I use my cake, plus 20 percent of everyone else's cake, to make a bigger cake."

343 was shocked!

She even subconsciously squinted her eyes, wondering if Matthew was bluffing her, and said a test sentence:

"I'm not stupid, and I'm very smart!"

Matthew nodded in deep agreement and replied without hesitation:

"Yes, we are all smart, but our hearts are lacking. Everyone wants more, especially the more powerful lords."

Matthew had no intention of continuing to discuss this with 343. He handed over a piece of parchment that had already been written and said softly in a cautious tone:

"This is the research material I wrote. Although I don't know how valuable it is, it should be able to be used as tuition fees."

343 took it, glanced at the confident Matthew, and couldn't help but say:

"You are as confident as the City Lord."

Matthew's smile immediately froze, and he quickly shook his head and said:

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

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