Elysia in Another World

Ch6 The Royal Council, P2

Chapter 6: The Royal Council (2)



“I would like to hear the details of that Aether Drive spell they used,” said Ginchiyo Tachibana.

“I second that,” Hatsumi Akari said. “The performance shown with that was impressive to say the least.”

“Personally, I find it difficult to believe those two were able to fight at all in that battle, much less one fight a hoard of beasts up to A-rank, and the other not only fight, but defeat an S-rank,” said Charles Barrett. His eyes left nothing to be desire of his mixed seriousness and curiosity. “So a detailed explanation would be helpful.”

Allison nodded and stood up. “I have prepared a statement regarding Aether Drive.” Allison described the change in the aura and eyes as well as the massive power boost. “Kye stated, ‘Aether Drive is dangerous and should not be used under most circumstances. It increases compression significantly. My usage of it was a boost of five hundred times. ’ She prefaced that as a simplified explanation, and I can attest to the boost. She successfully casted multiple high-tier spells, including Detonation, several binding spells that restrained an S-rank beast, and a previously unknown spell called ‘Heaven’s Fall’. Alethea casted another previously unknown spell called ‘Swords of Light’. I assure you these feats were performed with no no outside help.”

Several nodded, accepting her explanation. Others were skeptical, but most stayed quiet. Alexandra Romanov wanted more information. “They have white mana, significant mana capacities, invented spells, and invented aethersteel. Moreover, both of them have extraordinary combat skills, enough to earn praise from even Allison and Astarte.”

“Correct on all accounts,” Allison said.

“Yes,” Astarte added. “I’ve had the pleasure of training Alethea and I admit she has been the easiest trainee I’ve ever had, since...” she trailed off. “She progresses phenomenally fast in everything as if she already knows what to do.”

“There’s clearly a deeper secret here,” Alexandra said. “These two are not just abnormal, they are outright anomalies.”

“Hold on, Alexandra, we need to approach this-” Edward said.

“Do not misunderstand me. I am not suggesting they are threats or that this is bad in any way. I want to understand them properly and use that understanding for world advancement.”

“Well said,” Adalric Knight added, others echoing the sentiment.

“Layla, Atalante, would it be possible to summon them here?” Ginchiyo asked. “I feel it may be best to have them speak for themselves, given their track record.”

“I agree,” Atalante said. “Alethea will be more than happy to speak for herself.”

“Kye as well,” Layla said. “They are both at the academy right now. It would be no issue to bring them here. Does anyone disagree with this course?” None spoke up in the following thirty seconds. “Very well. I will-”

“I will go retrieve them,” Astarte said before vanishing.


After lunch, Kye and company moved to Louise’s lab. Kye examined Louise’s latest enchanting failures, still unsure what to make of the metal dust, while the others discussed the primary topic.

Louise’s questions revolved around what type of mana was used for it and what it felt like to channel it. What they discovered was that it wasn’t fueled specifically by dark mana like what was originally thought when it was named “Shadow Magic,” partly because Alethea was able to use void magic with dark, light, neutral, and white mana. Aliana and Alethea described it as feeling like channeling mana when teleporting.

“It’s clearly not a subtype of dark mana,” Louise said. “Subtypes are unique to a specific mana. Teleportation has been used for a long time, but I suspect...” She paused, falling deep in thought for a moment. “Here’s what I think. Teleportation, gravity magic, and this void magic are all from a seventh elemental mana type, elemental because all the alignments work with it. I believe it would be prudent to refer to that mana as spatial mana.”

Well, how about that? She figured it out. The system should update now.

“That would explain why some people have so much difficulty learning to teleport,” Liliana said. “The people who pick it up easily must have an affinity for it.”

“Yes, and I believe it would be accurate to say that there exists a subtype under spatial mana we should refer to as void mana. Since Alethea can use it, but Aliana has certain abilities under this classification that are still unique to her, I believe she has not only an affinity for void mana but an unusually strong affinity. There have been cases where some people are - for lack of a better phrase - naturals at specific mana types.”

It probably helps that she has used that magic in every life I’ve shared with her. It’s second nature to her even if she doesn’t remember. And they’re on the right track for the system to recognize a discover for this world’s archive.

“Yes,” Liliana said. “She has been able to manipulate visibility and tangibility since we were very young. I think-” She stopped suddenly and turned to Kye. “You have received a summons, Princess.”

“A summons?” Kye asked. “For what?”

A knock came at the door before Liliana could respond. Louise answered the door. “I am Louise Chevalier. I am currently with guests. Would you like to schedule an appointment at a later time?”

“No need. I am only here to retrieve your guests.” That voice sent a chill up Alethea’s spine.

“Alethea?” Kye said.

Alethea looked as though the blood drained from her face. “That’s Astarte. I’m in trouble. I’m in trouble, but what did I do? What didn’t I do? I don’t know what to do!” Kye placed a hand on Alethea’s shoulders and said to Louise, “Let her in. May as well get this over with, whatever it is.”

Louise nodded, opened the door, and stepped aside.

“Kye Akari and Alethea Atlantis,” Astarte said. “The Royal Council wishes to speak with you. I have come to escort you.”

Louise’s jaw dropped open, Liliana and Aliana were taken aback, but Kye was not surprised.

“I can’t say I’m surprised.” Kye shrugged. “I assumed we’d be summoned before them eventually. Alethea, relax, it’s not about you... specifically. It’s both of us.”

“A-A-Asta-Astarte, wh-what are-?” Alethea stuttered so much she couldn’t finish her sentence.

“Alethea!” Astarte suddenly raised her voice and Alethea stood at attention in an instant. “You’re not in trouble.”

Kye sighed, shrugged, and asked Louise about returning when they were done if she would still be there. Louise was determined to over-enchant and confirmed she would be in the lab all day. Once they were set, the group departed. Astarte led the group to Layla’s lab in the basement where a magic circle was inscribed on the floor. Astarte channeled aether into the circle and the five disappeared.


“Welcome to the Royal Council,” Astarte said as they approached the large table where everyone was seated.

Kye held a hand to her head for a moment, feeling slightly dizzy.

Why do I feel dizzy? I’m clearly out of sorts. Perhaps it’s because of the battle. I woke up sore, and have been feeling pain when reaching for things. Maybe I just need more rest.

Alethea noticed Kye, but remained silent. Astarte took her seat between her sisters. The table was made of manasteel and was enlarged to allow space for Kye and Alethea. They sat between Allison and Atalante while Liliana and Aliana stood behind them.”

“Now that we have the two in question,” Ginchiyo said, “let’s continue.”

“Wait,” said Leonardo I. “Liliana, Aliana, you two should wait outside.”

“There’s no need for that,” James said, earning a shocked look from half the council.

“Everything spoken here is sensitive information!”

Kye quickly grew annoyed and started to explain, but James cut in instead. “Kye’s attendants know more of their secrets than anyone here, even their respective guardians.” He gestured at himself, Layla, and Allison, then at the Atlantis sisters. “Nothing she says will be new to them, and nothing we say will be held from them. Am I wrong, Kye?”

“You are correct.”

“There you have it.” James said, then geastured at Alexandra. “Shall we begin?”

She nodded, and a hologram appeared over the table that replayed the events of the battle. Once Kye had Aether Drive active, Alexandra paused the playback and zoomed in on her. “The topic is this Aether Drive ability. We would like to hear directly from the source an explanation on what this does.”

“Yes,” said Adalrich Knight. “What you have accomplished in your short eighteen years is nothing short of extraordinary, but your feats yesterday are beyond the capabilities of most adult royals.”

“I’ve observed Kye and Alethea for the past ten years as one of their guardians, and their growth is not only tremendous, but also meticulously planned. Everything they do in daily life has an aspect of growth. Even right now, both of them and even their attendants are quietly channeling mana for the purpose of enhancing endurance,” Astraia said. “I would go as far to say Kye could rival or outright win against some elder royals.”

When they say “adult” royals, they’re referring to the ones that have lived for at minimum thousands of years. But here I am, eighteen years old being told I just pulled off something that even an elder would have trouble doing. An elder is one that has seven digits or more in their age.

“Your praise is misplaced,” she replied. Now is as good a time as any, I suppose, to reveal what I am to the council. “I am older than I appear. Older than all of you combined a thousand times over.”

Around the table, eyes widened. Even their guardians, since they didn’t know how old the immortals were.


Revision: 11-30-2023

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