Elf: My Ninja Frog can fly Thunder God

Chapter 185

Soon, King Li Gang sent a team of military troops over, and they were also old acquaintances, Major Gu! !

Major Gu smiled when he saw Lin Haoran and said to him:


"It's been a short while since we last met, and you've grown so strong."

"Gym-level trainer You beat them all....”

“You are really young and promising! !”

Major Gu was filled with emotion.

When we were competing in the training camp,

this kid fought hard and made a sneak attack to win. Killed a "spirit" at the early gym level,

but now, not long after,

he actually caught a gym level trainer without any damage, and his level is not low.

This kid is too evil... ......

But Major Gu had no jealousy in his heart, only admiration for Lin Haoran.

He had seen a bright future star rising up,

He believed that one day, Lin Haoran would grow up to be The existence that everyone looks up to.

"Major Gu... Hahaha, you're too kind!"

"It's still the same old formula... relying on sneak attacks."

Lin Haoran touched the back of his head and smiled modestly.

If there is a suspicion of sneak attacks, he When the opponent released the elves, Brother Frog interrupted the "casting" of the worm.

Otherwise, there would still be a fierce battle.......

Major Gu rolled his eyes on the spot when he heard Lin Haoran's words.

He didn't believe Lin Haoran's nonsense,

"By the way... why is the back of this man's neck so swollen!?"

"Who did it... this is too cruel."

Major Gu looked The worm's neck was swollen bigger than his head.

He couldn't help but gasp and exclaimed, asking.


Lin Haoran was speechless for a moment,

his eyelids twitched slightly, and then he said with a smile:

"He was like this... maybe there is something Serious illness."

"What a pitiful man..."

Major Gu nodded slightly, showing a trace of sympathy.

With such a look, it's no wonder he joined a terrorist organization.

Then Major Gu left with the worm. ,

Lin Haoran released Gyarados,

Give Gyarados an antidote and an energy cube,

Gyarados regained his vigor and vitality,

Licking Lin Haoran's cheek with his tongue, as if to express his gratitude Lin Haoran.

"You kid... stop licking, you dragon licker."

Lin Haoran was so itchy that he pushed away Gyarados's dragon head with a smile.

Then Lin Haoran rode Gyarados back.


At the same time,

In a luxurious villa,

a man in a suit sat quietly on the sofa,

who was about 40 years old and had a beard. , with a faint scar at the corner of his eye,

The man lit a cigar,

exhaled a faint puff of smoke,

"Knock, knock..."

There was a crisp knock on the door,

followed by a An old man who looked like a housekeeper came in, bowed slightly to the man, and said:

"Master... the maggot has been caught! !”

The man in the suit paused while smoking a cigar and said in a hoarse voice:

“Gnat! ?”

“The one that was sent out by Dr. Bug King to capture a strange giant bee! ?”

The old housekeeper nodded. , and continued:


"And I just learned that the owner of the giant bee is the top scorer in the college entrance examination this year, breaking the record of all previous college entrance examinations in China."

"It's too late to attack this person at this time. ......."

"I'm afraid China won't agree! !"

The old housekeeper said hesitantly.


The man smoked a cigar, His right hand tapped the table rhythmically, as if he was thinking.

"Let the stinger do it!"

"Bring a secret weapon and tell him that he can't kill people now, he just needs to grab the giant bee."

The man thought for a moment, He said to the old housekeeper calmly.

He knew Dr. Chongkui's character. Once he had research materials that interested him, he would definitely ask for them.

The man was also a little distressed, but Dr. Chongkui was the head of his organization.

Chief scientist,

It is crucial to his plan and cannot afford to make mistakes.

"Yes... Master!!"

The old housekeeper nodded slightly, bowed to the man again, and then left.

The room fell into silence again.


At this time, Lin Haoran had returned home.

The table and the floor at home were full of gifts.

My mother was happily opening the gift boxes.

My father was also sorting them out.

My sister was holding a little Caterpie and watching TV.

"Mom and Dad... I'm back."

Lin Haoran pushed open the door and said to his parents,

"Son... you're back!!"

"Come and take a look. These are all gifts from relatives, your school leaders, and even the leaders of the Linhai Municipal Government."

When my mother saw Lin Haoran coming back, she immediately said to Lin Haoran with a smile on her face.

Lin Haoran saw the room full of gift boxes, and his face twitched slightly. Fortunately, he had foresight and did not stay at home, otherwise he would definitely be annoyed to death by these people.

"I really thank........."

Lin Haoran said speechlessly,

Then Lin Haoran went up to his room on the second floor.


No words all night

Lin Haoran was woken up by Yuwan knocking on the door early in the morning,

The reason was very simple,

Today he had to go back to school to fill in the volunteer application.

After Lin Haoran washed up, he had breakfast with Yuwan at home,

and then went to school.

At this time, the two brothers Wang Sicong, Shangguan Ling'er, and Xue Bo were also in school,

Then several people discussed the schools they applied for in the classroom,

Yuwan applied for a second-tier university: Lingnan University of the Spirit.

Wang Shengxiong applied for a second-tier university: South China University of the Spirit.

Xue Bo applied for a second-tier university: Nanyang University of the Spirit.

Wang Sicong applied for a first-tier university: Elf Polytechnic University.

What surprised Lin Haoran was that Shangguan Ling'er applied for Elf Military University.

Later, he learned that

it was arranged by her family, and Shangguan Ling'er's family held a high position in the military.

Lin Haoran sighed slightly, it turned out that she was a second-generation official.

No wonder she had such a rare elf, Dratini!

It should have evolved into Dragonite now! ?


PS: Thank you all for your gifts!! Woohoo, so touching, the author was so moved that tears wet his eyes and squeezed out a tear of happiness.

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