Elf Master

Page 607

Although the Three Sacred Bird Riots will not really destroy the world, it is not much different.The islands where the three sacred birds are located are due to their special geographical locations. There is a deep ocean current passing through the ocean around the island. This ocean current controls the weather of the entire world. Once this ocean current is affected, the weather of the entire world will change. Heavy rain and drought are bound to become everywhere, which seriously threatens the security of the world, which is why Duan Chen and others and Lugia must stop it.

In order to restore the sanity of the three holy birds, one must complete the sacrificial ceremony left by the ancients and place three different treasures on the altar.

So, without any rest, Duan Chen released the wind speed dog, and rode the wind speed dog towards the shrine where the festival was held.

In the sky, the three holy birds were constantly intertwined and attacking, and the sea and even the ice layer below were affected, and the trend began to intensify.

At this moment, Rogia rushed not far from the three holy birds, and then plunged directly into the sea.

Rogia's body, which entered the sea, spun rapidly, driving a large amount of seawater around it to form a waterspout, breaking through the sea surface 373 and attacking the three holy birds in the sky.

Facing the sudden waterspout, the three holy birds were all hit, and while they were in a state of embarrassment for a while, the tyranny in their eyes became more full, and they glared at Rogia one after another.

The three holy birds were awed by Rogia for a moment, and began to resist the next moment. Energy beams of three attributes shot at Rogia from three different angles at the same time.

Rogia was extremely fast in the air, and his huge body began to become erratic, sensitively shuttled between various energy beams, avoiding all attacks.

Rogia's body rotated and flew into the sky. Due to Rogia's threat, the three holy birds temporarily reached a settlement, turning Rogia into a class enemy, and chasing Rogia into the sky.

Compared with the rioting three holy birds, Rogia looked quite calm. He twisted his body nimbly at high altitude, and slid from high to low to the nearby ice surface. The rows of black protrusions on his back suddenly shrank. When he got up, the friction between his smooth body and the wind brought up a layer of static electricity, and he rushed into the water again from a high altitude.

After losing Rogia's figure, the Three Holy Birds immediately bombarded the surface of the sea where it disappeared. The energies of three different attributes wreaked havoc. Unfortunately, this was all useless work, and it was useless to Rogia in the sea. make an impact.

Rogia's body spun rapidly in the sea again, driving the surrounding sea water to form a huge waterspout again, breaking through the sea in the same way and rushing towards the three god birds.

Sanshengniao had been exposed to this move before, but this time, he showed no signs of panic, carefully dodging in the air.

At this moment, the freezing bird uttered a cry, and opened its mouth to spray out a freezing light. The blue-white light was so powerful that it froze the waterspout into an iceberg in the blink of an eye.

"Lugia!" Duan Chen, who was rushing towards this side, saw this situation, although he knew that Lugia would be fine, he was still worried.

The next moment, a burst of dazzling white light emanated from the center of the iceberg, and Rogia quickly broke free from the shackles of the iceberg, and immediately countless shards of ice flew in all directions, creating a spectacular scene.

In the sky, Rogia glanced at Duan Chen who was rushing towards this side, and while avoiding the repeated bombing of the three holy birds, he consciously took the three holy birds and flew towards one of the directions.

Duan Chen, who is riding a wind speed dog, is very clear about Rogia's thoughts. It wants to use this to distract the three holy birds, so as to give Duan Chen a chance.

Seeing Lugia and Sanshengniao rushing in another direction, Duan Chen couldn't help feeling a little worried.Although Rogia's strength is very strong, it is not facing the ordinary three holy birds, but the three holy birds guarding the vital points of the center.

Coupled with the fact that Rogia will not kill, Duan Chen judges that Rogia is likely to lose.

However, the strength revealed by the four innate beasts also made Duan Chen quite envious. No matter who saw this kind of scene, they wanted to obtain such powerful power, including Duan Chen.

However, Duan Chen knew in his heart that although this kind of power was very attractive, even if he forcibly subdued the severely wounded beast, he would not be able to control it with his current power.

If you want to drive the beast, you must have the ability to make the beast look at you seriously, otherwise the arrogant beast will not ignore you, especially now Duan Chen is still a casual character in their eyes.

Duan Chen shook his head and cut off the thoughts in his heart.

Due to the raging of the three holy birds, the terrain ahead has changed a lot. There are broken ice of different sizes everywhere, and there are also small icebergs.

Without hesitation, the wind speed dog did not slow down at all, its sharp eyes watched the scene ahead, its limbs nimbly stepped on the fair-sized broken ice, and continued to rush towards the shrine.

Perhaps it was the inexplicable influence of the three treasures getting closer to the shrine, which caused the three holy birds who were chasing Lugia to sense it, immediately dropped Lugia, and rushed towards Duan Chen's direction again.

The three treasures have been guarded by the three holy birds, and they can easily sense the breath leaking out of them, so they can naturally lock Duan Chen's position immediately.

Seeing this situation, Lugia, who was carrying the three holy birds, immediately realized that something was wrong. He turned around sensitively in the air, uttered a loud and clear cry, and opened his mouth to shoot out a very thick beam of energy light.

This is an air blast of the flying type, and it is easy to launch a knowing blow.In order to stop the three holy birds, Rogia had to use more powerful skills.Otherwise, if the ceremony fails, the consequences will be quite serious.

In the sky, when Rogia used air blasting, the three holy birds all sensed it, but the speed of reaction was different.

The Lightning Bird was the fastest and avoided it sensitively; the Frozen Bird moved gracefully to the side, and the energy beam passed by; the Flame Bird's reaction was a bit slower. Although it made an evasive action, it was still directly hit by the blast in the air .

Under the huge damage, the flame bird let out a long mournful cry, and fell from the air to the ice.

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After enduring Rogia's aerial blast, even if the flame bird activated the origin of the profound meaning of fire, it still lost a lot of physical strength.

After the Flame Bird fell to the ground, Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird continued to rush towards Duan Chen without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, Rogia could only turn into a phantom, chasing the two divine birds.

Although the individual strength of the three sacred birds is not as good as that of Rogia, their flying speed is not much slower than that of Rogia, and they are about to rush to Duan Chen~ first.

At the critical moment, Kona's Tropical Dragon hit the Lightning Bird, knocking the Lightning Bird aside.

Yuji drove the fast dragon and used the dragon's fury with fixed damage, aiming at the freezing bird.

A flash of contempt flashed in the eyes of the angry Frozen Bird. Although Yuji's Kuailong was good, it was far behind the Frozen Bird.

The Frozen Bird suffered the Dragon's Wrath head-on, even if the Dragon's Wrath was a fixed damage, it was a drop in the bucket for the long-strength Frozen Bird.

Without a pause, the Frozen Bird opened its mouth and spewed out a large amount of blue and white light, rushing towards the wind speed dog below.

"Hurry up and rush!" Duan Chen kept staring at the sky, and at the moment the frozen bird opened its mouth, he hurriedly began to direct the wind speed dog.

As Duan Chen's voice sounded, the wind speed dog began to explode, appearing tens of meters ahead in the blink of an eye.

The freezing light of the freezing bird is so powerful that it directly forms a small iceberg after falling on the ice.

Throw flames!

After successfully avoiding the freezing light, the wind speed dog turned around and sprayed out a thick flame column, directly hitting the freezing bird who was not prepared for it.

In the blazing flames, the Frozen Bird uttered a slightly painful cry. Although the strength of the Wind Speed ​​Dog was not far behind it, it had comprehended the existence of the Profound Truth.In addition, fire-type skills can cause twice the damage to it, even the Frozen Bird has lost some stamina.

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