Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.80 Do You Even Lift, Draco?


Single chapter today to quench the curiosity of those who want to know who would win a weightlifting competition xd






Seralyn didn’t seem to have any issues lifting the weights. She lifted the barbell to her hips before putting it down again.


“Let’s go, Draco,” Velariah beckoned the lizardman over with her hand.


Draco didn’t reply. He simply walked to the weights and lifted them all too easily. He even flexed and lifted it with a single hand before putting them down.




“Nira?” Velariah continued.


“Wha?” The harpy looked at Velariah, then at the barbell.


She didn’t seem to like any of this but tried nonetheless. She started lifting the weight and struggled, hard. She managed to get the barbell up to her knees before dropping them, panting.


She really wasn’t built on strength. It made me nervous.


“Elania?” Velariah’s voice only made me more nervous.


I walked over to her and lifted, only using two arms as I was told. I managed to lift it but I could feel it being fairly heavy already. I didn’t know how much more weight I would be able to handle.


“Let’s add some more weight to it,” The elf spoke.


“How about you?” Seralyn asked.


“This is nothing,” She said. “I can get to 170 pounds with ease.”




That was over four times this. There was no way I was going to make that…


Maybe with my second pair of arms…?


“Eighty next?” Velariah asked. Without even waiting for replies, she started adding weight.


I started sweating already. The way she was talking about it as if it was nothing…


I had a long way to go…


Velariah lifted without any issues and beckoned Seralyn over. The archer could still lift this much without issues either. Draco still lifted with one hand.


Next up was my turn. Yikes.


I decided to lift with my legs. I knew it was a cliché thing, but there had to be a way for me to lift more. I gripped the barbell as I lowered my body to the floor and then lifted it.

I was surprised to see myself lift this world’s version of eighty pounds. I managed to do it with only minor strain on my arms, too.


“One twenty?” She said while adding more weights.


She then lifted again, a bit of strain on her face. She still got the barbell up above her waist before putting it down once more.


This is where Seralyn started to visibly struggle. A bit more and I imagined she’d be at her limit.


Draco started lifting with two hands but still didn’t have any issues whatsoever. I started to feel he might win this little ‘contest’ without too many issues.


Would his black-scaled form be considered cheating too?


I tried again and didn’t manage to lift it as far as before. This was getting to my breaking point. I could still get it a bit above the ground, but I couldn’t keep it there for long. My legs really were not the issue. The issue was my arms. I imagined if I used four, this would still be perfectly doable.


“One sixty, let’s go.” Velariah seemed to get excited.


She went ahead and tried to show off to the rest of us, but she started to visibly strain herself this time. I thought she said 170 would be no problem?


Draco still didn’t appear to have any issues. I wondered how far he could go.


Seralyn managed, but with extreme difficulty.


“Yeap, that’s my limit.” She admitted, before putting the barbell down.


“El?” Velariah smiled.


Here goes nothing.


I tried lifting and…




I was not going to get this off the ground. My arms were simply too weak. I hated having to admit it, but I had to be honest with myself here.


I decided to cheat and use four arms to see how far I could go.


That seemed to be a world of difference. I was suddenly able to manage without too much strain. Did that mean I could get to two hundred forty pounds?


Did it work that way?


“That is cheating...” Velariah started with a smile. “But I am curious to see how far you can go that way...”


She got two more weight plates and added them.


“Right.” She said. “Two hundred. This used to be my limit before, but I’m a bit out of shape. Let’s see how far we can push this, shall we?”


She tried lifting it and did get it off the ground, but she had to release it quickly. 


“Yeap, way out of shape.” She admitted.


Draco attempted and still managed without issues. Just how overpowered was he?


He didn’t even seem to be trying.


I tried again with four arms. I managed, but this would be the absolute highest I could go. It seemed four arms didn’t simply double the amount I could lift.


“Right. Draco, seems you’re the only one left. Whatcha say, two eighty?”


“Should be alright.” He said, seemingly unimpressed.


This guy…


Velariah added the weights before Draco lifted them again. He seemed to have to put in at least a bit of effort this time, but he managed just fine.


“Can I try something?” I asked.


“Go ahead, Miss Elania,” Draco said as he stepped aside.


I placed my four hands on the bar, joined by my two pedipalps. Their small claws seemed barely large enough to grip around the bar and I tried lifting.


I lifted…?


I’d actually lifted it up, without too much of a hassle even. What the actual fuck?


Just how strong were these limbs? This was insane.


What was even worse (or better, depending on how you looked at it) I still had more limbs that could assist me. I knew my front two sets of legs should be able to reach this far without issues.


Could I beat Draco?

Surely there was no way.


“Hot damn, Elania. I had no idea. I knew they were strong, but this is excessive.” Velariah commented.


I scratched my head after putting the barbell down. “I am quite amazed at it myself. Though, I guess I haven’t ever truly tested what I could do, pure strength-wise.”


“Well, from what I could see when you fought, your spidery limbs really aren’t the issue, not strength-wise at least.”


Even without having to fight, it should be quite obvious they are quite powerful. I was able to climb a wall with ‘I don’t know how many hundreds of pounds’ dangling behind me, while still holding on just fine.


Knowing I had this ace up my sleeve, I started to get excited myself. I wanted to beat Draco. He’s been far too smug about this…


It was very unlike him and I wanted to put him in his place.


Was I evil?


“Three forty?” Velariah asked rhetorically.


She added the weights and made way for Draco, who was eager to test his strength.


I laughed inwardly as I saw him trying to lift the heavy weights. To no avail; he didn’t manage to get them off the floor. It seemed he’d finally found his limit.


It seemed Draco was no stranger to cheating, either. Moments after realizing he wouldn’t be able to lift it, he transformed into his larger, black version of himself. He tried again, and managed to lift the barbell with some effort.


“That’s cheating too!” Seralyn called out the lizardman.


“I know, I know,” Velariah said. “But let’s see...”


She added another forty pounds, bringing the total to three hundred and eighty pounds. Draco went ahead and tried to lift it. He struggled at first, but eventually managed to get the barbell to his knees with the utmost effort.


“That’s it for me,” He panted as he transformed back into his normal self.




That meant that if I did this, I’d be considered the weightlifting champion.


And I still had plenty of legs to throw into the battle.


There was no way I was going to lose this.


I placed my hands and my pedipalps on the bar and lifted. A lot of effort was needed, even from my two spider limbs, but I did manage to get it slightly off the ground. When I added two legs to help lift, I managed to get it off the ground without issues.


Yes! I’d actually done it!


I was cheering in my mind, a wide smile on my face.


Velariah added yet more weights bringing the total to four hundred and sixty pounds. Four legs, four arms, and two pedipalps did the trick, and I still didn’t feel like this was my limit.


“This is getting ridiculous,” Seralyn said.


“Ridiculous, maybe,” Velariah replied. “But hella fun.”


This had to be over two hundred kilos I was lifting right now. These legs sure were powerful.


We continued doing this for a while, to find my limit at about five hundred and eighty pounds when using this many limbs. Draco even clapped after I finished.


“That’s impressive,” He mentioned.


I shrugged. “Yeah, but as Velariah mentioned, I’ll have to work on my human arms. My strength and reflexes with those will be a huge part of my success in combat.”


“By the way, Vel, how much can your dad lift?” I asked.


“I dunno, these are his old weights. His are too heavy for me to carry down here.”


I would have to remember to ask. I was actually curious.


Elly and Nira had been quiet for the entire time we held this little show. Halfway through, Elly went to make dinner.


She exited the kitchen to notify us it was almost ready, a heavenly smell entering the room when she opened the door.


“Just strap a bunch of knives to your legs,” Seralyn said, continuing on my most recent statement.


“Honestly? I’ve thought about it.” I replied. “I planned to look into that, and several other things, after the ritual. There’s a bunch of items on my to-do list after that.”


I sighed. “I’m gonna go broke, and then some.”


“Stop complaining,” The archer continued. “You have it better than any of us. You have insane ways to make easy money, and if what you’re telling me is true, you’ll be rich from this coffee business in no time as well.”


Why did she have to put it that way?

She was right, and I hated it.


I didn’t reply to it.


Technically, we’d still need another seven gold for the ritual and summoning fees. We were at fifty-three right now. I was going to take care of that with Velariah later tonight. I hoped Elly cooked up quite a bit to fuel my production.


I stood at my place at the table and started mentally reciting the things I’d look for when I had money to spend again. I was going to need vambraces for all four arms. I should probably get the saddle thing finalized. A helmet wouldn’t be a luxury either. Those were the necessities. Beyond those, I could start looking into properly weaponizing, and maybe armoring, my legs.


I kind of wanted to get some new equipment for Velariah, too. She’d thrown in her own money for my ritual costs. It would only be fair to repay the favor.


That, and I wanted her protected as best as possible in combat…


Elly brought in dinner. A wide variety of vegetables, steamed potatoes, and plenty of meat was placed in the middle of the table. The scent had Gray all excited. He’d been sleeping in a corner but it seemed that the smell of food had awoken him.


I’d probably wake up for Elly’s cooking too.


Unfortunately, that meant that I had to teach him not to beg. It hurt my heart, but he’d have to learn his place. He’d get dinner of his own after we were done.


“So,” Velariah said, as I was eating. “Tomorrow, we’ll start your strength training. There are some dumbbells upstairs as well. I reckon those will be the easiest for you to use.”


I simply nodded.


“Would you be up for a spar a bit after dinner, Miss Elania?” Draco asked.


I nodded again and swallowed. “Yeah, sounds good to me.”


I guess I was postponing the silk creation to later tonight.


We finished dinner and Elly prepared some food and more water for Gray. In the meantime, Velariah brought out the jar of grasshoppers again and made her way over to the crate which housed the jumping spider. 


I looked over her shoulder, safe and sound behind her, into the enclosure. It seemed they had gotten the spider some objects such as branches and leaves to hide in. It wasn’t anywhere close to a proper terrarium, but it was no longer a mere crate.


I couldn’t see the spider. Velariah dropped a grasshopper into the enclosure before closing the glass panel lid again. I followed the grasshopper and soon found the spider. Or rather, the spider found the grasshopper.


Within the blink of an eye, Minia was on top of her prey and delivered venom to the insect.




How could she name such a creature after me?


The spider held her prey in her pedipalps and looked at me with her large eyes. She appeared to have a look of pride in her eyes.


What did this spider have with me?


I’d have to check with Endomir still. He would probably know how spiders eat. Who knows if it can help me?


I knew myself that I could be quite forgetful at times, as much as I hated admitting it. I started to get quite a few things on my list, and so I decided to actually make just that — a list.


I had the white-haired elf gather some stationery and started writing out the things I planned to do in the next couple of days.


A helmet, vambraces, leg armor, leg weapons, a saddle, a talk with Endomir were all added to the list. I imagined I should probably ask Valtheril about the whole goblin situation and now this new occurrence as well. 


“Quite the planner, aren’t you?” The elf asked as I tapped the pencil’s butt end to my chin.


“Vel, the number of things I forgot to do and ask ever since coming to this world justify me doing this.”


I thought back to my first meeting with Valtheril. Even though I’d provided him with exceedingly rare items, I still found it fairly odd he’d allowed me to live in his mansion so easily. He’d never been openly inquisitive of me besides his very first remark. Was that just to scare me and keep me honest?


He’d never seen anything like me before. I started to get the feeling there was something else…


I simply added ‘Valtheril’ to the list.


“Any reason you’re writing my father’s name down?”


“There’s something I need to ask him,” I said.


“Alright,” Velariah stated as she walked over to the far end of the table and took a few of the books from next to the spider crate.


“I’ll just start cleaning up a bit here.”


She started taking them upstairs, leaving me behind with Draco, Seralyn, and Nira. 


Nira’s gaze seemed to be locked on Gray.


Seralyn’s and Draco’s were on me.


“You know, I really admire you, Elania,” Seralyn said.


“Huh?” I let out, confused as to why she would say such a thing.


“You seem to have a plan for what you’re doing. Can’t say I have the same.”


“I really don’t have a plan. This is fairly short-term stuff.”


“The whole chocolate thing doesn’t seem to be a short-term plan, though. Then there’s the dungeon-exploring in between as well. You are one of the more serious adventurers I’ve seen.” She continued.


“I’m trying to live, Seralyn. As far as I am aware, there are two major parts of survival for a somewhat outsider in the form of me: money and power. In addition to those two, there’s the wealth of the village as a whole. Happy people don’t kill as fast as angry people, you know.”


It may sound stupid, but that didn’t make it any less true.


“I see,” She said.


“So yes. Those are the things I am fixated on right now.”


“And then there’s Velariah.” She smiled.


I had a smile on my face before I knew it.


“She’s really got to you, hasn’t she?”


I nodded without speaking. 


What was I to say? She knew I loved the knight.


The elf in question entered the room again and deposited two dumbbells on the table before taking some more books and ascending the stairs again.


“I’m happy for the two of you,” Draco said. “You’re a lucky woman, Elania.”


I smiled even broader. “I guess I am, huh? It’s funny how I thought the complete opposite when I first came here.”


“Anyone willing to look past your lower half would agree with me,” The lizardman continued.


“Heh,” Seralyn chuckled. “And even that lower half is hella useful in combat.”


There was no denying that.


“And for money,” I added with a chuckle. “Speaking of, how are you guys in your finances?”


“I’m fine,” Draco said.


“Same here. Besides, with this new bow and arrows, I’m sure we can take on more rewarding quests.” Seralyn commented.


“I paid my debt,” Nira said. “I’m working towards some new accessories now.”


She sat to my left with Gray in her lap. The puppy’s attention was on me, and I just had to pet it.


“Any specific reason you’re asking?” Draco asked.


“When we head out to Zerdania, I’d like to get the best possible items we can get before we leave. If there’s anything that you’re close to purchasing, but can’t quite get by the time, I’d be happy to help out.”


“That’s very noble of you, but there’s no reason to think about that yet.”

I’d probably take some time to create silk each day. It didn’t cost me much to do, besides maybe burdening Elly some more when it came to cooking. I should probably buy her some gift sometime soon as thanks for all the effort and wonderful meals she’s been making.


I scribbled ‘Elly’ on the piece of paper quickly, without giving anyone the time to actually read it.


Velariah entered the room again, putting two more dumbbells on the table before grabbing more books to take upstairs.


“Let me lend you a hand,” Draco said.


“Well, can’t slack behind now, can I?” Seralyn said, the moment Draco stood up.


They both took the last books and followed Velariah upstairs. 


Now it was just me and Nira... and Gray.


We petted him together, causing a complete cuteness overload. His reactions were the best. I knew dogs’ (and probably wolves’) emotions may not be as obvious as they appear to be, but I knew he enjoyed being here.


So did I, truly.

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