Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.62 New Plans

Remember I posted two chapters again! Don't accidentally skip the previous!



“Not yet,” Velariah answered. “We don’t even know if it's male or female.”


“Let’s check that at home, then. It would be slightly awkward to check that out here in the middle of the guild hall.” I replied.


“Maybe Elly knows a good name too.” Velariah turned back to the table, quest in hand.


“She will likely be spending the most time with it anyway.” I finished our conversation and walked to the table.


Velariah sat down and I placed the pup on her lap. I heard shouting coming from the kitchen and saw quite a few heads turn to the sound. Not long after, the waiter walked out of the kitchen and went from table to table, ours last, to apologize for the inconvenience. Apparently, the food would take longer than expected.


He offered a drink on the house as an apology. He was as polite as always.


“Well, in that case,” Velariah said as she opened her pack and took out the Yahtzee materials after the waiter walked back to the kitchen. “Where were we?”


Velariah really knew how to take my mind off of things.


Not long after starting a round, the waiter returned with our drinks. I doubted I’d ever get enough of these kingberry juice smoothies.


During our round, I saw Nira glance at the pup on Velariah’s lap more than a few times. It wasn’t too obvious, but it was enough for me to notice.


“You wanna hold it, Nira?” I asked her while Draco rolled the dice.


“Huh?” She asked in surprise.


I don’t think she knew that I noticed.


I rolled my eyes to the pup, clear enough for her to see.


“If it’s okay.” She said softly.


Velariah responded by picking it up and planting it on Nira’s lap next to her. The harpy started petting the pup who seemed all too content at all the attention it was getting.


I could see she had a huge smile on her face by the time Seralyn rolled the dice.


“Any plans for the rest of the day?” Draco asked. “There’s still plenty of time.”

“I am finally getting myself a better bow,” Seralyn said. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while and, now that I evolved my inherity, I am dying to see what a better bow would do. You wouldn’t mind providing me with some silk, would you, Elania?”


She was quite polite with her question. I was wondering if she had ulterior motives for asking that, but I doubted she would joke about something such as this. Seralyn had always been serious and reliable when it came to combat.


“Uhm...” I started. “I was planning on creating some more after lunch to sell. I don’t think helping out will be an issue. I doubt we would miss the small amount you need.”


“Thanks a bunch.” She replied with a neutral expression.


It was quite interesting to see that she could be so calm. It didn’t last, however. Soon, she started losing, and losing badly. Her neutral expression quickly turned into one of anger. She cursed when her luck seemed to have all but disappeared. Eventually, she’d had enough.


“Velariah, do you mind handing the mushrooms to me? I’m going to finish this quest. You guys play on without me, this round is scuffed for me, anyway.”


Velariah searched through her pack and pulled out two pouches. She handed both to Seralyn who was off to see the Lore keeper.


“What’s in the other pouch?” I asked curiously.


“Hobgoblin ears. I imagined it would be a good idea to take some with us.”


That didn’t sound like a terrible idea. It would also add some more credibility to our quest completion.

“You think we should have taken some of that wolf creature with us to show as well?”


“That would be unwise.” Draco filled in. “We are not aware of what that creature was and if it could be dangerous to take parts from it. Nira said the creature was venomous, so I decided against the idea of carving a trophy.”


“Fair enough. The thing is, how do we convince the guild such a creature existed in the first place?” I asked.


“Five witnesses,” Velariah said. “That, and our reputation is clean. As much as I don’t like using my lineage as an excuse, in this case, it does prove to be useful.” She paused for a second. “And even if they don't believe me, my father will. Also...” She pointed at my arm.


Oh, there was that.

The circles where the creature’s fangs pierced my flesh were still there.

“I doubt the guild has anything on record that can explain those.”


“So you’re saying it was a good thing I got bitten?” I half-smiled.


“Perhaps.” She grinned.


“Why, thank you.”


“Yahtzee!” Draco shouted.


I turned back to the dice to see five fours on the table.


“I didn’t see it. You’re cheating!” Velariah accused him.


Nira shook her head. “It’s legit.”


“Argh,” Velariah replied in anger. “And I was doing so well!”




Her reaction was gold to see.


Even Nira smiled at Velariah’s antics.


Seralyn returned with coins in her hand and sat down before laying the gold coins on the table, one in front of each party member. Velariah took ours and put them somewhere in her pack.


The wolf pup made its presence known as well. It had its paws placed on the edge of the table and was looking at the dice and gold coins with its adorable curiosity.


“Seems gold has its interest,” Seralyn commented. “Maybe you can train it to fetch gold? That would be quite something.”


“I am no expert in teaching animals tricks,” I admitted.


“Heh.” Seralyn simply chuckled. “How about you, Nira, Draco, did you guys have any plans?” She asked, continuing the conversation from earlier.


“I’ll be restocking first,” Draco said. “I’ll be looking around to see if there are more… unconventional weapons that could be useful in combat. I took my inspiration from Elania.”


“Oh?” Seralyn said with a frown. “What happened?”

“Would you like to explain?” Draco asked me.


“Oh, can I, can I?” Velariah jumped in the conversation.


“Go for it.” I said.


“A while ago, we cleared that spider nest, you know, where we found the dungeon? Well, there was this huge spider, a copy of the one that Elania talked to. You’re not going to believe this next part.” Velariah built up the suspense with the typical clickbait headline.


“We were given an incendiary crystal to burn the nest.” Velariah laughed for a second, unable to contain it. “Instead of burning the nest, Elania strapped it to a fucking spear, triggered it, and shoved it up the massive hellspider’s maw. The beast then got fried from the inside. It was disgusting but glorious!”


Velariah’s storytelling had a certain charm. I couldn’t help but chuckle.


Seralyn burst into laughter. “That’s amazing! Shame I wasn’t there to see it.”


Where have I heard that before?


Nira was too busy observing a certain puppy to care. Velariah had to poke her when it was her turn to roll the dice.


“Oh, sorry.” She said softly.


She rolled the dice, but her mind was on a certain ball of fluff. Not that it mattered much, anyway, it was already quite clear that Draco was winning this game by a landslide.


Food arrived just after we’d finished our round. I may have shoved a few smaller pieces of meat to the side of the table. They disappeared soon after, I wonder why?


I was probably spoiling this animal too much, I’d have to teach it not to beg later on. Maybe it wouldn’t be me that would have to complete that task.


“You think Elly will be overburdened if we leave this little fella in her care?” I asked the white-haired elf.


Velariah shrugged. “I doubt she’d mind. You’re worried about walking it, aren’t you?”


I nodded.


“Nah, she won’t mind doing that. In fact, I think she will be thankful for it. It will give her something to do outside of work.”


“She has a key right?” I asked.


“Of course. I’ve got a key as well, but I hardly use it. Besides that, I don’t take it with me when I go out on adventures.” She paused for a second. “I also need her to help out with my armor anyway, so there’s little use for it.”

“Sounds like you may have to take it with you soon,” I grinned.


“Not when we’re away from the village. I’d rather wait for her to return, than risk it falling into the wrong hands.”


“Seems reasonable,” Draco said.


I nodded in affirmation while I continued with my food.


“You have any plans, Nira?” I asked after a while.


She shook her head. “Not really. I might look for some other quest. I don’t know yet.”


“Hm. Well, I didn’t really find anything interesting on the quest board, but then again, I don’t know your preferences.” I turned to the others. “Do you guys want to visit the dungeon again tomorrow?”


“Any specific reason?” Seralyn asked.

“I was just thinking.” I lowered my voice so I was certain others wouldn’t be able to hear what I was about to say. “Since I am able to communicate with the dungeon, we could use that to build a relationship with it. I imagine having a dungeon as an ally could be invaluable. He said he was weak and that he just woke up. If we supply him mana, he could provide us with more info, Corium and perhaps, materials?” I said the last sentence as if it were a question.


“It is unheard of,” Draco said. “It could be a valuable ally indeed, but how do we know it’s not going to abuse our trust?”


“No idea...” I spoke honestly. “Do you think we’ll be alright if it decides to turn on us?”


“It’s a fairly weak dungeon,” Draco spoke. “That’s all I know. I do not have enough dungeon experience to be considered knowledgeable.”


“You’re the first person that can interact with a dungeon. How stupid would it be of them to kill you?” Seralyn interjected into the conversation.


“That’s true as well,” Velariah said. “And we could always run. We know the layout and it’s not much. And…” She looked at each of us.


“Maybe it has answers to what is going on in the forest.”


“That… could be the thing we need most right now,” I said. “Any info we can gather would be welcome. Even if there is nothing special going on, we could ask it about the goblins as well.” I concluded.


I finished eating. I was the last to finish, as was common nowadays. Velariah then made her way to the Lore keeper to inform the guild of the things that happened during our quest. She was lost in talk for a few minutes and at some point pointed towards me. She then beckoned me over.


“Elania, do you mind showing your wound?”


“I don’t.” I held out my arm that got bit on during the fight and saw the Lore keeper eye it very closely.


“A wolf that looked as if it had been dead for weeks?” She inquired.


I nodded. “That would be the best way to describe it. It literally had bones showing through its skin.”


“Interesting. I’ve not heard of such a thing. I’ll inform the guild leader. I assume you’ll be informing General Valtheril yourselves?”


Velariah nodded. “We will do that. Do you think the treemenders need to be made aware as well?”


“I’ll make sure that’s done.” The Lore keeper answered.


Velariah thanked her and we moved back to the table with our companions. Velariah paid the waiter for the meal and soon we were outside the guild hall, making arrangements for the next day. Nira handed me the leash with the wolf pup on the other end of it. The pup in question seemed all too eager to be outside again, and started running circles around one of my legs, getting the thread all tangled up around it.


I sighed. This little doggy had a lot to learn.


“Well, you guys have fun teaching your new little monster.” Seralyn giggled before she departed.


“So, tomorrow morning, guild hall?” I questioned.


Draco and Nira both nodded in agreement. “I’d be interested in this dungeon for sure,” Draco said. “I never imagined I would experience anything like this.”


“Neither did I,” I answered. “Trust me.”


Velariah grinned and Nira looked at us in confusion. When we didn’t elaborate, she knelt to give the puppy one last pet. It responded by jumping at her feathers, earning a giggle from the harpy.


Nira seemed to be an animal lover.


Then again, look at its little eyes!


How could anyone not fall for that?


“We’ll see you tomorrow. Take care.” Velariah said.


Nira walked back into the guild hall, likely to check out the available quests, while Draco walked in the direction of the general store.


I was curious what items he would bring on our next adventure. I imagined some of those incendiary crystals could be insanely useful. I was looking forward to seeing what other things he would come up with.


“The little rascal really seems to like you.” The elf said while looking at what was going on beneath me. “Can’t blame it though.”


“Vel!” I said with a blush.


“Tee-hee. I love teasing you, El. Let’s head home and see if we can come up with a proper name for your new pet.”


Walking with the leash and the blades on my gloves turned out to be a tricky affair. I gave the leash to Velariah and held the blades in front of me in an X-formation, so as to not accidentally slice the curious animal.


We arrived at the mansion and Velariah knocked.

“You want me to ask Elly to prepare dinner in the evening? I mean, considering you planned on selling more silk.”


I nodded. “Probably best to do that, yeah. Do you have spools?”


Velariah nodded. “Got a bunch upstairs. My mother used to dabble in clothesmaking...” She said the last bit while looking at the floor.


Poor Vel. I could still feel the pain she felt at the loss of her mother. It must be harsh to expect long lives and then having them cut short like that.


Elly opened the slider and then opened both doors. The first thing she noticed was the puppy who came running and sniffed her legs. We stepped inside as Elly seemed to be too occupied looking at and petting the little thing.


I knew it would steal her heart as well.


“Who is this?” She asked.


“A wolf that Elania saved. We found it out on a quest, it seemed to have lost its parents.”


“How sad,” Elly replied.


“We were thinking you’d be able to take care of it when we’re out,” Velariah added.


“Sure, I’d love to!” Elly said with glee, not taking her eyes off the small animal.


“Told you.” Velariah grinned while looking at me.


I shrugged with a smile as I carefully took off my weapons and armor and put them in the corner. Elly was holding the leash at the moment and I doubt she’d let her newfound companion hurt itself on my blades.


Elly was too infatuated with my new pet. I helped Velariah with the straps of her armor and took it off. Velariah simply smiled at her maid.


“Seems you two are going to have a great time together.” She said.


Elly looked up with shock. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”


The white-haired elf laughed. “It’s fine. Elania already helped me. You have fun with the lil’ guy. By the way, could you cook some dinner tonight?”


“Not a problem.”


“Don’t keep it all for yourself.” I joked. “I found it.”


“I wouldn’t dare, Miss Elania!” Elly took a bow.


“Relax, I was kidding,” I assured the elf. “Also, we need a name.”


“Is it male or female?” Elly asked.


“Dunno yet. Haven’t checked.” I replied.


Elly turned the pup around and observed its belly.


“It’s a male.” She said.


“Alright,” Velariah said as she finished taking her armor off. “See if you can think of some names for him then. I heard Elania sucks at naming things.”


She looked at me and I could literally see what she was thinking. She had added ‘Including herself’ to that line in her head.


“I’ll try to come up with some. You can see for yourselves if you like them.” Elly said as she opened the doors to the dining area.


We followed her and closed the doors. “Can I unleash him?” Elly added.


“Fine by me,” Velariah said.


“We should get him a bowl of water,” I suggested. “And we should buy him some kind of bed,” I added. “We can’t leave him to sleep on the stone floor.”


“You’re really going to pamper it, aren’t you, El?”


Elly overheard us and walked to the kitchen after taking the leash off. The animal started running around and sniffing random things, a chair, a table leg, a door, my legs…


“Well,” Velariah continued. “We were planning on getting some silk to sell. Do you think you can make a dog bed while you’re at it?”


I wasn’t quite expecting that suggestion.


“Uh, I guess I might as well do that. You think silk will be comfortable?”


“I’m sure it will be.” The elf replied. “Let me just go upstairs and grab the spools.”


I sighed and walked into the bathroom. I put my tag in the sink and the wolf pet followed and jumped into the pile of pillows.


Time to teach this dog some manners, I guess.


“Get out of there,” I said. “That’s my bed. Well, and Vel’s, I guess. We will get you one of your own.”


I made sure to make my intention clear in the tone of my voice. I heard it was very important to let pets know you were angry with your voice. I then walked over to it and grabbed it out of the pillows.


I put it on the floor and it instantly jumped back in the pile.


“No!” I almost shouted, earning a confused look.


I pulled it out of the pillows once more and it seemed to get the idea.


I sighed again. We, or rather, Elly was going to have quite a handful with this new resident.


Velariah entered the room and closed the doors. She held a spool in one hand.


“Shall we get to work?”

As always, thanks for the support


A special shoutout to my new Patrons <3



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