Eighth Crown

Chapter 1342 - completely forgotten everything

“Lucia, I’m in.”

In the morning, Esdes came to the door of Lucia’s room.

After knocking on the door, without asking the owner of the room for permission, he walked directly into the room on his own.

inside the room.

Lucia was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling silently.

After Esdes walked in, he turned his head and looked at her.

Esdes was slightly stagnant in his heart.

Different from the indifferent or scheming eyes in the past, the look in Liu Xia’s eyes at this moment is only blank, as if he has lost everything.

“Sure enough, have all the memories been forgotten?”

Esdes’ face was ugly, and his expression was annoyed.

Yesterday, two ceremonies came to her, saying that Liu Xia had forgotten all the memories of the past, and she would need her help to take care of it for a while.

So, early this morning, she came over so quickly.

“By the way, why are you naked?”

Estes looked at Lucia with her upper body naked on the bed, her eyes gradually becoming dangerous.

Smelling carefully, there seems to be a strange smell in the air.

Although she has not experienced it, she is not a child and will not lack corresponding theoretical knowledge.

“That woman dared to do this before she left!”

Esdes was furious.

But after thinking about it, she calmed down, and the anger in her heart gradually disappeared.

no way.

Let her come out on top this time, after all, that woman has no future.

“Do you remember your name?”

Esdes came to the bed and sat down, and asked Liu Xia patiently.


Lucia froze silently, then shook her head.

He couldn’t remember who the woman was.

I don’t even know what happened to me and her.

But he instinctively felt that this woman was believable.

“Have I forgotten something?”

He heard Esdes’ muttering just now, so he asked her.

Wake up.

He just froze there.

He didn’t know what he was going to do, and he couldn’t remember why he was here.

I only feel that my heart has become empty and nothing is left.

“Have you even forgotten about forgetting?”

Esdes’ face became more and more ugly.

He has forgotten everything, even the fact that he is forgetting his memory, he has completely forgotten.

Now he is just like a blank sheet of paper, all the colors have disappeared from him.

“Listen, my name is Esdes, the most important person in your next life, even if you are destined to become like this, I don’t believe in any fate, I don’t ask you to remember, but I’ll carve this into your soul!”

Estes declared with his usual strong attitude.

“What strange knowledge did you instill into Liuxia-chan, you ice woman!”

As soon as Musashi came to the door of the room, he heard Esdes running away, and ran in quickly.


Liu Xia nodded, looking at the woman next to her, “What about you? What’s your name? Who is mine? Is my name Liu Xia sauce?”

“Look, Liu Xia-chan won’t be fooled by you!”

Musashi glared at Esdes, and then showed a bright smile, “My name is Musashi, you don’t have to remember it, it doesn’t matter, I will always stay by your side! Also, Sauce is a nickname, your name is Oh Lucia!”

Her drifting quality has been solved by Liu Xia.

From now on, she will no longer disappear or appear suddenly, and can stay by Lucia’s side forever like Esdes.

“Musashi-chan? Estes-chan?”

Liu Xia nodded thoughtfully, looking confused.

Like a babbling baby.

The more this is, the more it shows how bad his current state is.

Not to mention memory, even common sense is gradually being deprived.

“Why am I naked?”

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head again and looked at Esdes.

“Because you did it with that woman.”

Esdes clicked his tongue, still a little upset when he remembered this.

“That woman?”

Lu Xia’s eyes gleamed slightly.

why? He focused subtly when he heard the word.

“Yes, her name is Two Ceremony. Although she is very unwilling, she is indeed the person you love the most.”

Estes curled his lips and stopped talking about this topic.

“Don’t worry, your current state is bad, but you should be able to recover soon.”

When the two ceremonies were mentioned, the smile on Musashi’s face gradually disappeared.

So I’m in a bad state right now?

Lucia thought so in her heart.

He doesn’t know anything, and he doesn’t understand anything, so what they say is what they say.

Ah, but why?

When he heard the name of the two ceremonies, he felt that his empty heart was filled, and it became less empty.

“Isn’t she here?”

Lucia looked at the two of them.

“she is not here.”

Estes shook his head.

“She went back in order to restore you to your past state. It seems that she needs to do some ritual work.”

Specifically, the two ceremonies did not tell her directly.

It’s just that she knew the result of that ceremony.

From now on, there will be no more people named Two Ceremony.



Liu Xia’s heart skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition flooded her heart.

He subconsciously cast his eyes to the lower right corner of his eyes, wanting to give an order to something.

But the eyes fell.

For some reason, it was empty there.

Nothing at all.

Whether it is the spiritual base template or the task template, it does not exist in his field of vision.

Having said that, what is the Lingji template? What is the task template?


What was I going to do just now?

Who are these two women?


His heart became empty again, as if he had lost everything.

Not only that, but he seemed to feel a little anxious.

It was as if something important was about to be lost.

However, he had no choice.

He should have a way, at least be able to catch up.

But the way to catch up, for some reason, no longer exists.

Thinking about it, his eyes became dull again.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of drowsiness surged into his heart, causing him to involuntarily close his eyes and fall asleep.

Seeing this, Esdes and Musashi did not intend to leave. They each found a chair and sat down, staring at each other while looking at the Almighty God on the bed, which was as fragile as porcelain.

in a dream.

When he was in a daze, he felt as if he had come to a pure white space where cherry blossoms were constantly scattered.

Here, he saw a woman in a white kimono with long hair hanging down to the ground, looking at him with tender eyes that almost dripped water.

“You’re here.”

She smiled and greeted him.

“Don’t worry, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, and I won’t do anything to you… It’s just that when I think about it, I won’t have a chance anymore, so I feel that I have to see you no matter what.”

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