Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Turncoat’s Gambit
The Titans Tower common room was a war-torn shell, the Christmas lights dangling in shredded loops, the tree a splintered wreck amid cracked concrete and bloodstains. Nightwing paced near the rift's scorched scar, escrima sticks clenched tight—his suit hung in tatters, a fresh cut bleeding through a bandage on his arm, his jaw set with a fury that barely masked the guilt gnawing at him. "He's gone," he snapped, voice raw, kicking a fallen ornament—glass shattered, glinting in the dim emergency lights. "Eclipso took him—right under our noses!"
Raven knelt by the rift's edge, hands trembling over the scorched floor—shadows flickered around her, weak but probing, her face pale with blood-streaked cuts from Aeloria's fight. "I felt him," she said, voice tight, eyes glowing faintly. "He's alive—hurt, but fighting. The Grid's still with him—I can trace it." Her glow flared, then dimmed—she winced, clutching her bandaged arm, blood seeping through.
"Trace how?" Donna demanded, leaning on a salvaged chair—her ankle brace creaked, her staff propped against the wall, braid unraveling into a sweaty mess. "We're battered—Slade's a traitor, League's chasing ghosts, and Kai's a walking Grid bomb. We're out of moves!"
"We're not," Gar cut in, slumping on a crate—green skin bruised purple, his shirt torn where Eadric's claws had raked him, but his eyes burned with stubborn fire. "Dude's one of us—he took on that knight freak for us. We don't ditch him." He shifted to hawk form, flapping up—"I'll scout—something's gotta show."
Nightwing stopped pacing, hands flexing— "Raven's right. If the Grid's active, we can track it—Carter!"—he turned to Dr. Elise Carter, huddled by a console, tablet trembling in her grip, glasses fogged with panic. "Your Resonator data—can we ping Kai's morpher?"
Carter fumbled, tapping frantically— "Y-Yes, maybe—its signature's unique. Tower's sensors are fried, but I've got a backup drive—give me a sec!"—she plugged it in, screens flickering—green spikes pulsed, erratic but alive. "There! Blüdhaven docks—strong signal, but it's fading fast."
"Fading?" Raven asked, standing—her cloak dragged, torn at the hem, but her voice sharpened, cutting through the haze.
"Means he's hurt—bad," Carter said, voice small. "The morpher's tied to his vitals—if it drops…"
"Then we move—now!" Nightwing barked, grabbing his sticks— "Donna, Gar, with me—Raven, you're our link—stay sharp."—he glanced at the door—"League's tied up with Slade—we're on our own."
A shadow loomed—boots thudded—Deathstroke stepped in, trench coat bloodied, sword sheathed, pistol holstered—his one-eyed glare swept the room, cool and unreadable. "Not quite," he said, voice smooth—Nightwing lunged, sticks sparking—"You bastard!"—but Slade sidestepped, raising a hand—"Save it, Grayson—I'm not here to fight."
"Bull!" Donna snapped, staff swinging—Slade parried with his forearm, metal clanking, unshaken—"You shot him!"—Gar growled, shifting to bear, claws flexing.
"I grazed him," Slade corrected, voice icy. "Eclipso's got him—I tracked the rift. Docks, old warehouse—Seekers are swarming. You need me—hate me later."
"Why help?" Raven asked, shadows coiling—her glow flared, probing—Slade didn't flinch, meeting her stare.
"Eclipso double-crossed me—stole a contract I'd locked. I don't play second fiddle," he said, smirk faint. "Kid's a pain, but he's your pain—I'll get him out."
Nightwing's jaw tightened—"You're a liar"—but Raven cut in—"He's not. I feel it—truth, cold but real. We don't have time—Kai's fading."
"Fine," Nightwing growled—"You're with us—step out of line, you're done."—Slade nodded, sharp— "Lead on."
The Titans piled into a battered van—Nightwing drove, tires screeching—Gar perched on the roof, hawk eyes scanning—Donna braced beside Raven, staff ready—Slade rode shotgun, silent, pistol drawn. Blüdhaven's docks sprawled under a stormy sky, cranes clawing at the clouds, warehouses hulking in the dark—Carter's signal pulsed on a handheld, guiding them to a rusted hulk near the water's edge.
"Seekers—ten, maybe more," Gar cawed, swooping back— "Big rig inside—Grid vibes!"—Nightwing skidded to a stop, van rocking—"Hit hard—Raven, find him!"
They burst out—Nightwing flipped over a crate, sticks sparking—two Seekers fell, visors cracked—Donna charged, staff smashing—three crumpled, armor splintering—Gar shifted to gorilla, roaring—claws raked, Seekers flew—Slade moved like a ghost—sword flashed, pistol barked—four dropped, blood pooling—Raven's shadows lashed—doors blasted open, rift light spilling out.
Inside—chaos—Seekers swarmed—Kai lay sprawled, blood-soaked, morpher dim—green chains bound him, Grid tap pulsing red-green—a dozen guards spun, rifles barking—Nightwing dodged, sticks cracking—Donna parried, staff splintering—Gar tackled—Slade slashed—Raven blasted—shadows cleared a path—"Kai!"
Kai stirred—eyes fluttered—"Raven…"—voice weak—morpher buzzed—"Host critical—shift viable!"—green surged—tiger form roared—chains snapped—he slashed—Seekers fell—blood sprayed—Slade flanked—"Move, kid!"—sword cleaved—Nightwing covered—"Out, now!"
Eclipso's laugh echoed—rift flared—he stepped through—shard blazing—"Too late!"—dark energy blasted—Raven shielded, cracking—Kai lunged—claws raked—Eclipso parried—"Weak!"—shard pulsed—rift widened—green tendrils snared—Kai fought—"No!"—but Slade grabbed him—"Go!"—dragging him back—Nightwing tossed a smoke grenade—grey clouded—Seekers coughed—Titans bolted—Raven's dome sealed the rift—"Run!"
They piled in—van roared—Eclipso's blast grazed—metal groaned—Nightwing floored it—docks blurred—Kai slumped—armor gone—blood pooled—"Stay with me!" Raven pleaded, hands glowing—Slade watched, silent—"He's tougher than he looks,"—voice low, almost soft.
Tower loomed—med bay doors hissed—Kai hit the cot—Carter rushed—"Pulse weak—stitches torn!"—Raven pressed his wounds—"Hold on!"—Nightwing gripped his hand—"You're home"—Gar hovered—"Dude, don't…"—Donna braced—"He's a fighter."
Kai's vision swam—green flared—Grid's void pulsed—Kaelric stood—"You held—again"—sword glowed—"They're coming"—Eclipso's shard flashed—red pulsed—Kai gasped—"He's not done!"—darkness crept—Raven's voice faded—"Kai…"—the morpher dimmed—he slipped under, a red heartbeat echoing.