Easy Tycoon

Chapter 504 From the Dragon's Power

Chapter 504 From the Dragon's Power
Yang Jing tapped the table lightly with his fingers, then looked at Amanda, and asked, "Is there any way you can donate more money to the presidential candidate? I mean, the kind of donation that has no upper limit."

Hearing what Yang Jing said, Amanda and several other people who originally wanted to bring the topic to another direction were shocked.Even Mike Aller, who has always been with the Lafayette, stared wide-eyed.

After a long time, Mike Aller asked hesitantly: "Boss, what do you mean?"

Yang Jing raised his eyebrows, nodded and said: "Yes, I want to support George Herbert Walker Bush as the new president of the Federation. I am very optimistic about him and the Republican Party, so I want to support this Mr. Bush. It’s just that I don’t know how to donate to him. It’s better to donate as much as possible.”

There is no need to explain this, several people understand what it means.

There is financial speculation in the financial market. Once the judgment is accurate, it will bring huge benefits to investors.

Not to mention, in the stock market crash that just ended, the Dragon Fund has made huge profits, which is the correct investment.

Likewise, in politics, there is political speculation as well.Once this kind of political speculation is in the right place, the benefits obtained are no less than those obtained by speculating in the financial market, and in some respects even greater.

Obviously, the BOSS, which used to be just financial speculation, is going to start crossing into the political circle this time, and then seek a higher political status for itself by investing in political donations.

But having said that, the Evil Dragon Fund now has such a large asset scale, it also needs a strong enough rectification umbrella to protect the assets of the Evil Dragon Fund.In the United States and the world, the biggest umbrella is the President of the United States.

Now, although the Evil Dragon Fund is not obvious, its economic status is beyond doubt, especially the actions to rescue the market in the stock market disaster have made the KY investment fund under the name of the Evil Dragon Fund famous. It has become one of the largest investment funds in the United States and even in the world.

If the evil dragon fund is given another protective umbrella from the political circle, then the evil dragon fund can rest easy from now on!

Yang Jing is determined to be a real tycoon, and to be a real tycoon, economic status alone is not enough, political and business killing is the kingly way!

"Boss, I have to say that you are very accurate. Mike and I are also optimistic about Mr. Bush." ​​Amanda said.

Henry Williams on the side retorted: "I think Mr. Dukakis has a better chance of winning. After President Carter stepped down and President Reagan took office, then when President Reagan's term expires next year, I think he should It's the Democrats who will succeed the Republicans as the new president, so I'm picking Mr Dukakis."

David from the group shook his head slightly, obviously not agreeing with Henry's words, but he didn't express his opinion. It could be seen that he didn't seem very interested in who could succeed Reagan as the new president.

Yang Jing waved his hands and said in a low voice: "We don't need to argue here, Henry, if you insist on your opinion, we might as well make a bet to see who can win at the end of next year. Well, as for the bet, please come here How about a meal?"

Henry smiled slightly, "No problem boss, I stick to my opinion, Mr. Dukakis will definitely win this presidential election."

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Henry, no matter what you think, I still have to act according to my judgment. Mike, and Amanda, you should have a way to do what I just said, right?"

Both Mike Aller and Amanda nodded. They are both top accountants. It is natural how these political donations should be donated.

Amanda asked: "BOSS, how much do you want to donate? You'd better tell me a number, so that Mike and I can make reasonable arrangements. You may not know that the amount of political donations requires different methods of operation. donated."

Yang Jinglue pondered for a while and said: "The amount is not limited, up to [-] million U.S. dollars! Donate as much as possible according to the situation. I need Mr. Bush to remember the KY investment fund, and I also need him to be dependent on the KY investment fund in the future."

Political donations are not made indiscriminately. First of all, we must be sure that Mr. Bush can become the new president. This may be difficult for others to judge, but it is not a problem for Yang Jing.

Secondly, Yang Jing knew more or less about the amount of donation. More than 100 years ago, the United States only needed 80 U.S. dollars to conduct presidential elections, but since the 21s, the election funds for each U.S. president have exceeded 20 million U.S. dollars, and in the second decade of the [-]st century , The US President's election funds will exceed [-] billion US dollars.

In other words, more than $1 million is enough for the current presidential election.Of course it is impossible for Yang Jing to cover all political donations. He is just an outsider. Behind Mr. Bush, there are many people who are optimistic about him and waiting for donations.

Therefore, Yang Jing, or the KY investment fund must show enough local tyrants to impress Mr. Bush.It is not difficult for KY Investment Fund to achieve this. Among other things, the rescue action during the stock market crash alone is enough to make KY Investment Fund enter the eyes of many American executives.

If there is an appropriate opportunity to donate more political donations to Mr. Bush and the Republican Party behind him, then both Mr. Bush and the Republican Party will regard the KY investment fund as an important source of funds.

In the United States, when you really have great wealth, then you must become a very important person.

"Understood, BOSS, Amanda and I know what to do." Mike Aller said confidently.

"Mike, one more thing to note is that I won't show up. You or Amanda can just show up. Remember, the donation is KY Investment Fund."


Yang Jing is from the future, and he knows best who has served several US presidents.If you invest in Bush Sr. now, you can invest in Mr. Zipperton after four years, and then you can continue to invest in Bush Jr., and then Oheitan after the two-term resignation of Zipperton.
As long as you don't interfere too much in the American political arena, follow the trend, and give the future president the greatest support every time, then at least in the next few decades, the Dragon Fund will be absolutely fine.

Whether it is the Dragon Fund or the KY Investment Fund, it will be completely delivered to "Yang Jing" in the future, so Yang Jing does not want to hand over all the benefits created by the KY Investment Fund to an illusory "Cole Smith" ". The KY investment fund will exist forever, but Cole Smith will definitely disappear completely when the dragon fund is handed over to him.Therefore, no matter how good the reputation of KY Investment Fund is, it is better to leave it to KY Investment Fund.In this way, once he fully inherits the Dragon Fund in the future, these benefits will eventually fall on the head of "Yang Jing".

In the words of ancient China, this can be regarded as the merit of "conglong". How can such a good thing be entrusted to others?

PS: During this period of time, because of Chuangwei in the city, various departments have been inspecting consecutively, making the company a mess and panic.Lao Mo has not been in a good state these days. He often gets stuck while writing, so please forgive me.
(End of this chapter)

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