Easy Tycoon

Chapter 495 The Evil Dragon

Chapter 495 The Evil Dragon
"Guys, except for the stocks of the existing 27 companies listed on my list, which need to be kept and increased as much as possible, all other stocks must be sold before mid-October. All stock index futures Close all positions, I need to raise enough funds before October [-]!"

Yang Jing tapped the table with his right index finger and said in an unquestionable tone.After learning about the operation of the Dragon Fund for the past six months, Yang Jing only gave such an order after contemplating for a moment.

"Why?" Almost in unison, except for Mike Aller and Cesar, the other top executives all spit out this question word with puzzled faces.

As a person with high IQ but low EQ, David Anderson said without hesitation: "Boss, this decision of yours is ill-considered. I think your order should be reconsidered."

Although the other executives didn't say it directly like David Anderson, the expressions on their faces were clearly revealed—all of them agreed with David Anderson's statement.

However, Mike Aller had a calm expression on his face, while Cesar had an excited expression on his face.

Yang Jing knew that David Anderson's EQ should be recharged, so Yang Jing didn't care about his contradicting.

Smiling slightly, Yang Jing said: "It's a very complicated matter to explain this order, and I can't give you a detailed explanation of why, I can only talk about it from a general perspective, I hope you can see something. "

As he spoke, Yang Jing tapped the table with his right index finger habitually, "Actually, whether it's the weakening of the U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen in the past two years, the increase in U.S. inflation, or the seemingly sustained high growth of the U.S. economy, it is actually It is a superficial phenomenon. As senior investment experts, you should have the ability to see through the surface. At present, there is an indiscernible paradox in the United States, whether it is the stock market, the foreign exchange market or the economic level. The U.S. dollar continues to weaken. It is said that gold and oil should be strong, but gold and oil have the same trend as the U.S. dollar, which is weakness. But on the other hand, the continued weakness of the U.S. dollar has not affected the US economy. The manifestation is the fire in the U.S. stock market, and in the case of the fire in the U.S. stock market, inflation has continued to rise. Guys, I don’t believe you can’t see such an obvious paradox.”

Yang Jing's words immediately made Cesar's face show excitement again.

As the leader of the trader team who has followed Yang Jing since he speculated on London gold, Cesar is very aware of the judgment of the boss in front of him.It is no exaggeration to say that Cesar would bet that he has never seen such accurate judgment in his life.

This time, since the BOSS said such a thing, it is clear that he saw the crisis in this good situation, or smelled the smell of huge profits.
Cesar really wants to ask aloud——BOSS, do you smell the coming black swan market again?

As a trader, what they like most is not a bull market or a bear market. The ordinary days of following the big market are too ordinary for people like them, without any stimulation!
What they like is the black swan market. Only the market that is unpredictable, extremely unusual and can trigger a major chain reaction is the favorite market of their group of speculators.

This kind of market usually means getting rich overnight or jumping off the top of a tall building!

But this kind of strongest stimulation is what these speculators like to do most.

As for David Anderson and Henry Williams, they fell into contemplation. Compared to Mike Aller and Amanda Pietrus, they are real investment experts, and they are not like Cesar and the others. Speculators who are real investors.

Although speculation is also a form of investment, there is a huge gap between the two.

Speculation may make you rich overnight and become a darling in the world's financial circles, but most of them are those who jumped from the top of the building.

And the real investment usually takes an unhurried pace, and it will always be a steady investment and a steady return. It may be slow, but it is safe.

In fact, the gap between the two can be seen from those well-known predators in the financial world.

Soros is a recognized speculator in the financial circles all over the world. Although he is very powerful in the global financial market, his status in the financial circle is far inferior to that of Buffett.

Soros can only be resented by others, but Buffett has been praised by the vast majority of financial workers in the world, and even gave Buffett the nickname of "stock god".

Is Buffett less famous than Soros?Or is Buffett's net worth inferior to Soros?

No matter in terms of fame or wealth, Soros is not as good as Buffett.

This is the gap between speculators and investors.

Of course, if someone can combine the ferocity of a speculator with the prudence of an investor at the same time, then this person will inevitably become a financial tycoon far surpassing Buffett.

It's a pity that such a person seems to have never appeared until now.

And Yang Jing, relying on his familiarity with historical financial trends, he can do this.He is from the future
The small office was silent for a long time before Henry Williams asked: "Boss, do you mean that there is a huge crisis hidden under the current booming US stock market?"

Although David Anderson didn't ask, he also showed this expression on his face.

Yang Jing nodded slightly, "There is a very famous saying in the ancient East called 'seek defeat before seeking victory', the meaning of this sentence is actually very simple, that is, I may not win, but I must first ensure that Undefeated. In other words, when we are faced with a great situation, we must be prepared for danger in times of peace, and we must consider how to deal with difficulties when this situation is reversed.”

"That's right, the current U.S. stock market is booming, and it's a little surprising that it's booming. Have you forgotten that a sentence said by an ancient Greek historian is very similar to the form in front of you? If God wants to destroy it, he must first use It’s crazy. The abnormal crazy rise of the U.S. stock market is not like the madness before death? Now, no matter from that angle, the story of the United States should not have such a crazy performance, but the U.S. stock market is like this crazy."

David Anderson nodded, with a bit of seriousness on his face, "So, Boss, you judge that the U.S. stock market is so booming, it should be coming to an end."

"That's right!" Yang Jing nodded with certainty, "If my judgment is correct, I think the crash of the US stock market is very likely to occur during the period from late October to early November. Therefore, We need to make various preparations before the U.S. stock market crashes, sell the stocks that should be sold, and close the stock index futures that should be liquidated. We only need to keep the stocks of the 27 companies that I set. We will not keep anything!"

"Boss, I trust your judgment, how to operate, just leave it to me, and I promise to do everything according to your instructions." Cesar said excitedly.

As one of the people who followed Yang Jing the longest, and as a person who witnessed Yang Jing's two miraculous speculations, Cesar now has absolute reasons to believe in Yang Jing's judgment.Since he said that the U.S. stock market may crash, then the U.S. stock market will definitely crash.

For Yang Jing, Cesar now has a superstition that is almost fanatical.

Yang Jing smiled and nodded to Cesar, and then continued with a straight face: "David, Henry, I have left you nearly forty days, I think within this time period, you should be able to follow What I said is to do everything well. Remember, before October 27, the Dragon Fund will not hold anything except the stocks of the [-] companies that I asked to increase its holdings."

Although Yang Jing didn't speak too thoroughly just now, Yang Jing knew that with Henry and David's keen sense of investment, they could understand these words.

In fact, Yang Jing is also very clear about the current mentality of Henry and David.

That's right, since the end of last year, the U.S. stock market has entered a state of madness. This good state has blinded many people, even Henry and David.After all, the funds on the books are rising in a crazy manner every day, and who can control it from not reducing their holdings?
Such a good opportunity is almost rare in decades, and it is hard to come across it once, so why not grasp it tightly?

Even Henry and David, who have always been steady, were swayed by this madness.

Not to mention them, even Yang Jing himself, if he didn't have information from the future, he would be lost in this madness.

It is precisely because Yang Jing is very clear about the mentality of these people now that he even mentioned the date of "October [-]th".

This is an adventure!

The famous "Black Monday" happened on October [-]th, but I rashly proposed October [-]th. Once the stock market crash broke out, it would be really difficult to explain this date in retrospect.

But it doesn't matter.If the previous hype on the exchange rate of London gold and the US dollar and Japanese yen was to build the foundation for the Dragon Fund, then this global stock market crash is the day that the Dragon Fund will completely become a dragon.

In the beginning, the fund was named "Evil Dragon" not only out of bad taste, but also because Yang Jing wanted to use this fund to truly complete his big plan.Therefore, in the global stock market crash fifty days later, the Dragon Fund will inevitably complete a complete transformation.

The most important thing is that the holy ring clearly gave an indicator that it could make a profit of 700% in that stock market crash.Although there is a profit limit, the holy ring does not limit the amount of investment.

Since this is the case, after deducting the 50 billion US dollars that cannot be used, all the remaining funds will be invested in this stock market crash!

Whether it can be completely transformed into a "dragon" that makes the global financial community tremble, depends on this battle!

(End of this chapter)

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