Easy Tycoon

Chapter 492 Inheriting Skills 3

Chapter 492 Inheritance Skill Three
The process of extracting skills is already familiar. When the skill tree in the holy ring lights up again, an intermediate skill is extracted.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the third inheritance skill set!"

Accompanied by this sound, two skills in the skill tree were highlighted. Yang Jing looked carefully, but found that this combination of inherited skills was a bit strange.

After inquiring about Shengjie, Shengjie gave the answer very happily: "Inheritance skill combination three mainly includes two commonly used skills of Taoism, the first is geomancy, and the second is body protection."

"The art of geomancy? Shengjie, is this art of geomantic omen the art of geomantic omen?"

"Yes, but it's not limited to feng shui. The feng shui art given by the deity includes feng shui kanyu, but there are also some other skills. For example, skills such as physiognomy and qi-watching. Generally speaking, the host draws this The skills include the most important mystical arts of Taoism. If used in conjunction with the Sky Eye skill, you can not only look up at the wind and clouds, look down at the mountains and rivers, and see all living beings in the middle, but also search for dragons and acupoints, and explore the nine secluded worlds."

Yang Jing couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard Shengjie's godlike explanation.

Please, this is an urban novel, not a fantasy novel, okay?How could he even have such skills as Feng Shui Kanyu and Xunlong acupuncture?You can also explore Jiuyou.Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, buddy, after learning this skill, can he transform himself into a master of physiognomy immediately?

The holy ring is parasitic in Yang Jing's spiritual consciousness, what Yang Jing thinks, the holy ring is naturally very clear.

"The host, please don't underestimate this skill. This skill contains all kinds of profound arts developed by Chinese Taoism for thousands of years. It is one of the indispensable inheritances of Taoism. The host may not be interested in this skill, nor will it I’m willing to use it, but I ask the host to respect this inheritance. Of course, if the host has learned this skill seriously, then when you encounter something very strange or something that cannot be explained by common sense and you have no clue, this skill Maybe it will lead you to a path that solves the problem directly."

"The host, please remember that the deity's skills are not useless, it depends on how you use the host."

All right!I was wrong
Hearing the seriousness of what Shengjie said, Yang Jing couldn't refute it, so he simply admitted his mistake.

"I said holy ring, what is this body protection technique?"

"Body protection, as the name suggests, is the skill of protecting the body. In ancient times, Taoists often helped the world and saved people. Many Taoists knew medical skills, but medical skills cannot be separated from medicinal materials, so many Taoists traveled mountains and rivers all year round to find various medicinal materials. In the process of searching for medicinal materials or helping the world and saving people, it is inevitable to encounter various dangers. For this reason, my Taoists have researched various self-protection techniques, such as various national arts, various obstacle Skills such as eye art can protect oneself in times of crisis. After all, if you want to save others, you must first ensure your own safety. This inherited skill is a combination of the self-defense techniques of Taoism in the past, and it is the foundation for the host to ensure your own safety. If this If the skill is used in conjunction with the feedback skill, the effect will be surprisingly good, and the host should pay attention to this skill."

Hearing Shengjie's explanation, Yang Jing showed a smile on his face, this is the skill he needs most at present.

Now I have the ability to feed back, and my strength is so strong that it can be called non-human.But it's a pity that because there is no combat skill to match this strength, it turns out that this strength can't play much role.

If this situation is normal, it doesn't matter, but once a crisis occurs, this shortcoming will be infinitely magnified.

Just like the crisis encountered in Siberia a few days ago, if he had strong enough combat skills at that time, it should be easier to deal with those mercenaries, and he would not have to force all his cards. And killed so many people.

If he had used some powerful enough combat skills at that time, then with the back-feeding skills, he would be able to kill all those mercenaries without even using a gun, and there was a great possibility that he would not kill a single person!
Don't think that killing people is such a good thing, no matter what the reason, killing people will shorten your life.In the words of Buddhism, as long as you kill someone, you will be contaminated with karma that cannot be washed away
Now that he has the body protection technique, combined with the strange power provided by the back-feeding skill, then when he encounters a situation like the Siberia crisis in the future, he will be able to deal with those thugs with ease, and then subdue them one by one.

Thinking of this, Yang Jing stretched out his hand and clicked on this inheritance skill combination. In an instant, a lot of things appeared in his mind. At the same time, Yang Jing also felt that some subtle changes seemed to have taken place in his body. Those things have been familiar to my body for more than 20 years.
Opening his eyes, Yang Jing got out of bed excitedly, and punched a small area in front of his bed.

The name of this set of boxing is the famous Taijiquan, but the Taijiquan inherited from the holy ring is very different from the Taijiquan played by those old men and women in the park in the morning, and it is also different from the Taijiquan performed by those so-called Taijiquan masters on the stage. big difference.

This set of Taijiquan I played was fast and slow, and the tricks were different. Even if Yang Jing didn't use the back-feeding skills to match this boxing technique, after this set of Taijiquan, Yang Jing felt inexplicably comfortable all over.

The most important thing is that when Yang Jing looked down at the bottom of his feet after punching this set of punches, he was surprised to find that there was a faint trace of Tai Chi Yin Yang fish left on the smooth floor tiles—this was rubbed with the soles of his shoes. come out traces
magic!It's amazing!

This is the real Tai Chi!It's not the kind of Tai Chi that is performed on stage, nor is it the kind of Tai Chi that old men and women exercise. This is Tai Chi that can definitely kill people!
This is the real Tai Chi martial arts!

If combined with the back-feeding skill, Yang Jing couldn't even imagine what kind of power this boxing technique would exert.
In addition to Taijiquan, there are other boxing techniques, stick techniques, sword techniques, and body techniques. In short, this set of body protection techniques really contains too many national skills.

The real martial arts is not the kind of skill used to strengthen the body, the real martial arts is used to kill people.Just like this set of Taijiquan, it looks fast and slow, but Yang Jing can clearly feel that once this set of martial arts is combined with the energy provided by the back-feeding skills, then every move and every style can be used to kill people!
The kind of Taijiquan played by the old men and women in the park is weak, and it is used for fitness.The Tai Chi boxing performed by the so-called Tai Chi masters on the stage is weak and weak, and it is for performance.

And the real martial art is powerful and powerful, this is the skill of killing people!
After Yang Jing finished punching, the Holy Ring spoke again: "Please pay attention to the host, the body protection technique inherited by this deity is a very sharp attack technique, the host should be able to feel it just now, once this body protection technique Combined with the back-feeding skill, it is a very terrifying killing technique. So, please think more about the host when using the body protection technique."

Yang Jing asked strangely: "Taoists don't advocate killing people. I know this, but why did they develop such a killing technique?"

"Hehe, neither Taoism nor Buddhism advocates killing people. But Buddhism still has Wrathful King Kong and Tianlong Babu to protect the Dharma. My Taoism also has Dharma guardian gods. Whether it's Taoism or Buddhism, if you don't advocate murder, it's against The vast majority of the general public. But once you meet that kind of truly evil person, that kind of person whose crime is unforgivable, no matter if it is Taoist or Buddhist, they will do justice for the heavens!"

"Self-protection is just a skill, the key is to look at the character of the person who possesses the self-defense."

Hearing Sheng Jie's words, Yang Jing couldn't help but nodded silently.The mud figurine still smells like earth. If people really ride on their necks to shit and pee, let alone ordinary people, I am afraid even Buddha or Tianzun can't bear it!

As the saying goes, do it when it's time to do it, isn't that what you're talking about?
I don't bully people, but others had better not bully me.The old master Confucius once said, "How to repay virtue? Repay grievances with honesty, and repay virtue with virtue!" Such classic words are actually explaining the same truth to the general public - if no one offends me, I will not offend others!
Yang Jing understands very well that this body protection technique is a good skill, but it is best to think about it before using it.
Although today's extraction skill extracted a seemingly useless "Knowledge Art", but obtained a very good "Body Protection Art", Yang Jing was still very satisfied.

But Yang Jing also knew that the seemingly useless "Knowledge Art" was not as bad as he imagined, but he was not interested in things like Fengshui, so he felt a little weak.But in fact, this kind of skill is still very powerful. After all, it is a combination of mysteries summed up by Chinese Taoists for thousands of years. How could it be useless?Maybe it will come in handy at some point.

Anyway, today's skill extraction is still very good, at least I have two more magical abilities.

Excited for most of the night, Yang Jing didn't fall asleep until three o'clock in the morning.

After getting up in the morning, as usual, I went back to my grandparents' house to see the two old people, and then drove to the temporary workshop.

As the students of the four masters came here to help in large numbers, Yang Jing has nothing to do with the preservation of the treasures of the last tsar. These treasures will be sent to the underground vault of Tianqu Industrial and Commercial Bank immediately after being kept. , Wait until Yang Jing's private museum is built, and then move into the museum.

Gege went back to Yanjing to continue her classes, and the work of cultural relics was not as important as Yang Jing's. Dad was at home on the construction site, and his mother and aunts and aunts were doing a good job in the car dealership. I have nothing to do with myself.

Since it's all right, let's go back to the United States to have a look. After all, the stock market crash that happened once in decades is still waiting for me to make a fortune!
PS: Bow down and thank "Xiao Yuer 62" for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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