Easy Tycoon

Chapter 485 Chapter Family

Chapter 485
"Oh, you brat, do you still know how to come back? Why don't you stay outside for two more years?" After returning home, Yang Jing was naturally greeted by Yang's mother's endless chatter, which made Yang Jing go crazy. Human brains have become dog brains.

But this old mother is very partial, obviously your son went out with your daughter-in-law, but why do you always catch your son and talk to me?Why are you so nice to your daughter-in-law?It's both hush cold and warm, I'm your own son, okay?

"Oh, Gege, hurry up and eat some of this. This is the old hen soup that my aunt specially made for you. The chicken was specially bought by your uncle from the countryside. It is rare to see this kind of free-range chicken in the city now."

"Look at you, you don't know how to eat more when you go out, I see that your face is getting smaller, come on, eat more of this tonic."

Yang Jing's eyes are hot.Who the hell said you forgot your mother when you have a daughter-in-law, stand up and let your buddies see, and my buddies promise not to scold you to death!It's clear that you have a daughter-in-law and forget your son, okay?

"Come on, son, have a drink with Dad. Well, eat some of this. This is a wild rabbit that I bought along the way when I went to the countryside to buy chicken yesterday. The people in the village caught it under the pretense and braised it for you today."

Yang Jing was so touched that he couldn't be more moved, it's still my father
Gege watched and covered her mouth and laughed, but still told Yang's mother and father about some interesting things that happened in the North Pole from time to time.

"Ah? That brat Yang Jing even took a polar bear as a pet? What about that polar bear? I've never seen a polar bear when I grow up!" Yang's mother was a little anxious when she heard Dabai's news, and Yang's father also Putting down his chopsticks, he was obviously very interested in Dabai.

"Mom, Dabai is a wild polar bear. It cannot be brought back. The climate here is not suitable for Dabai. I left him in Siberia."

"Oh..." Mama Yang sighed, and Papa Yang grabbed the chopsticks and continued to pick up peanuts. "Our family is rich now, the worst thing is to build a cold storage for Dabai and let him stay in it, no problem."

"Mom, do you really want to see an unfettered polar bear trapped in a palm-sized cold storage? Siberia's vast ice sheet is the most suitable place for Dabai to grow. In fact, I am also reluctant to let Dabai grow, but we can't be so selfish." , Keep a wild polar bear alive in captivity for your own selfishness?"

Mama Yang was speechless.

Father Yang put down his chopsticks and said, "I said, Li Ping, can you calm down? My son is right. He lives well in the wild. If you insist on raising him in captivity, it's called wickedness. Son, you are right. , Dad supports you."

Gege said from the side: "Auntie, uncle, next summer, if you have time, let's go to Siberia to see, maybe we can find Dabai."

Yang Jing also nodded and said, "Well, let's go there next summer to avoid the heat, so that you two can live comfortably. You have to wear down jackets when it's the hottest over there, and you don't need to turn on the air conditioner at night, let alone turn on the heater. I was panicked by the cold, absolutely comfortable”

Yang's mother gave her son an angry look, "You kid did it on purpose, right? Your father and I are the same age, can we bear this trouble?"

"Hey, Mom, you and my dad's bodies are absolutely fine. Don't just have a 30-year-old body and a 60-year-old mind. You should have a 30-year-old body and a right mind."

"Stinky boy" Yang's mother smiled and gave her son a look, and picked a piece of rabbit meat for him.

Father Yang and Yang Jing clinked their wine glasses and took a sip, "Son, during the two months you've been away, the demolition work on the west bank of the canal has basically been done, and the city attaches great importance to it. The demolition work on the side, and the demolition price you gave is quite high, but there are no nail households. The foreign design company you are looking for has already produced all the design drawings of the leisure park, I think it is good , let the engineering team lay the foundation at the predetermined location to prepare the villa. Now the wine cellar next to the villa has been completed. I have arranged for your old wine to be put into the wine cellar. Now you don’t have to worry about it. gone."

Yang Jing knew what Father Yang said. During his time at sea, he would contact his family through satellite phone every day. He also saw the design plan of the Grand Canal Leisure Park by fax and was very satisfied.

Yang Jing’s renovation project of the Grand Canal was designated as the “Grand Canal Leisure Park” project, because once the project of this system is completed, it will form a complex integrating museums, playgrounds, public leisure squares, artificial lakes and rivers, and botanical gardens. Large-scale three-dimensional public leisure and entertainment venues, where the surrounding residents play and relax, whether it is a playground or a museum, all are free.

That's why this project was designated by Yang Jing as the "Grand Canal Leisure Park" project.

"Hey, Dad, it's really hard for you this time."

Yang's mother gave the father and son an angry look, "Yang Jing, you have found a good job for your father this time, and your father is now nesting on the construction site all day long, not even going to the shop. I think Hey, your father is still not giving up on the project. And your father wanders around the construction site when he has nothing to do. If he finds any problems, he directly raises them to the higher-ups of the construction party. I said, Lao Yang, you are not afraid of those below. beat you alive?"

Father Yang took a sip of wine leisurely and said, "What do you know? You old man, I have been working in engineering all my life. I can tell how well I do any job. Besides, the Grand Canal Leisure Park is Our son funded the construction, and we have to complete this leisure park with quality and quantity. To put it bluntly, even though those supervisors are from a large supervision company in the provincial capital, I really can’t believe those guys. Anyway, there are so many in the store now. There are a lot of people busy working, and I have nothing to do when I go there, so it’s better to supervise their work on the construction site. I just watch, and I don’t direct them to work, what can they do to me?”

"But don't talk nonsense!"

"Am I talking nonsense? This project belongs to our son. Of course, as a father, I have the right to point out those things that are not done properly. I am checking for our son."

Mama Yang shook her head helplessly.

Yang Jing picked up the wine glass with a smile and said, "Dad, I would like to respect you, thank you for helping my son check the quality. With you here, I am really relieved. But Dad, you are always wandering around the construction site like this, you should It is only right to have an official identity. How about this, I will tell Party A later to apply for a suitable identity for you, um, how about being called the chief supervisory engineer? At that time, you will hang around the construction site without a problem Go around, and you can point out what is inappropriate when you see it. If any of the construction workers of Party B dares to be disobedient, you will stop his work immediately! How about it, Dad, isn't this status awesome?"

Yang's mother rolled her eyes helplessly. Although Yang's father didn't say anything, the unconcealable smile on his face proved that he was really satisfied.

Yang Jing knew very well that his father had been doing earthworks all his life, whether it was digging rivers and embankments, building roads and bridges, or other projects, his father had done a lot in his life.Although my father has never worked as a project manager in his life, he really loves this line of work.

In fact, Yang Jing also thought about some things, such as calling his father back from Fuxin, although on the surface it seemed to save his father a lot, but in fact?Among other things, just listening to my mother say that my father has been wandering around the construction site these days is enough to prove that my father has not let go of this in his heart.

Since this is the case, it is better to let Dad regain this piece in the best possible way.Anyway, the store doesn't point at him now, there are so many employees, it doesn't matter whether he goes or not.

Dad is in his 50s now. Since he has never supervised others in his life, let him arrange such a position.In any case, as long as you make Dad happy, that's better than anything else.

Although the Grand Canal Leisure Park project is not a national-level project, it is still a large-scale project with an investment of several billion yuan. In terms of investment scale alone, it is enough for a large-scale project.

If Dad can personally supervise the completion of such a big project, it is estimated that even if Dad retires immediately, he will at least have no regrets.

What?You say someone objected?Just kidding, except for my mother's objection, who would dare to object?

Those construction parties on the construction site?That would be even more of a joke!Do you really think that Lao Tzu poured in real money and billions of national coins just for fun?Do you really think I dare not stop your work?

This is Lao Tzu's Lao Tzu, who dares to object, I don't need my Lao Tzu to say, I can stop you right away!
Although Party A of the Grand Canal Leisure Park Project is the Tianqu Municipal Government, we are serious investors, much better than Party A!

Um!That's it!Hurry up tomorrow, if you say anything, you have to give the old man a special status!The manager of Party A has to be honest when he sees it
Well, there is one more point. Dad just said that the wine cellar has been built, so that would be even better.

My dad doesn't have any other messy hobbies in his life, one wine, one cigarette and one tea, these are the biggest hobbies of dad in this life.

Tobacco is easy to say, if you have money, you can buy any famous cigarette in the world.As for the tea, I have to trouble Gege, her home is in Jinling, surrounded by places where Huaxia tea is produced, and at that time, the big deal is to entrust Gege's uncle to charge more famous tea in the local area.

As for the wine, that's even better.Not to mention the hundreds of jars of Erguotou old wine left at home, just the old wine bought by Lao Na in Yanjing in the 80s, as long as he brings back some, it is enough to satisfy the wine bug in his stomach.

"Dad, do you like to drink old wine from the 80s or even earlier? I don't mean those Erguotou old wines, but old wines like Moutai, Wuliangye, and Jiannanchun from the 80s."

When his son asked this, Father Yang's eyes lit up, "Son, do you still have this kind of old wine? These are all good things. Although your father and I like Erguotou, I prefer to drink this kind of old wine .”

"Hey, it's fine if you like it. I'll go to Yanjing in two days. A friend of mine has a lot of this kind of old wine. I'll bring you back some. It's enough for you to drink for several years."

"Haha, it's a good relationship! Look at Malu and the others bragging now!"

Yang's mother said angrily: "I just know that I miss your father, but where is your mother?"

Yang Jing laughed and said with a smile: "Isn't there still a daughter-in-law? Mom, how can you forget your things? Your daughter-in-law is all prepared for you."

(End of this chapter)

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