Easy Tycoon

Chapter 477 Bronze "David"

Chapter 477 Bronze "David"

Kuvayevich Antonov left the cause and effect of hiding this treasure on the back of the treasure map, so Yang Jing also knows that the number of this treasure is not very large, and the gold and so on are all hidden by Kolchak The general took it away to attract the attention of the Red Army, and the more precious artwork was taken north by Antonov and hidden.Therefore, after getting the treasure map of the last tsar drawn by Kuvayevich Antonov, Yang Jing realized that the treasures hidden in this treasure must not be simple, but he really did not expect that these treasures would be so precious.

Some antiques need to be rescued and protected after they are unearthed or exposed to water.Even if the treasures of the last tsar were not buried in the ground or placed in a shipwreck for hundreds of years, they have been wrapped in oilcloth and heavy wooden boxes for more than a hundred years. Will cause irreversible damage.

However, for rescue protection, special professional equipment is required, such as argon-filled chambers, nitrogen cabinets and other equipment, which are all very necessary.With these devices, the protection of antiques in these devices can avoid excessive oxidation of antiques and protect antiques best.

But Yang Jing doesn't have these professional equipments at hand now.

But it doesn't matter, his storage space is even better than those professional equipment.Can those professional equipment match the storage space of near vacuum?Moreover, Yang Jing only needs one consciousness to control the antiques in the storage space freely.

That's why Yang Jing didn't let anyone follow him into this cabin, because he needed to use the storage space to see what treasures were inside these big boxes.

Yang Jing first put a slender box nearly two meters high into the storage space, and then with a movement of consciousness, the tightly wrapped wooden box was obediently and completely opened in the storage space.

And when the box was opened to reveal the sculpture inside, Yang Jing's eyes almost popped out!
There are ten recognized sculptures in the world today, among which the recognized number one statue is the one created by Michelangelo Buonarrotti, one of the three great masters of the European Renaissance, in the early sixteenth century. David's marble sculpture.

Even the Venus with Broken Arms, which is familiar to Chinese people, ranks lower than this "David" in the Western art world.

The sculpture of "David" is also called "Human Body of David". You can know what this sculpture is carved by looking at the name.Yes, this famous sculpture depicts a standing nude man.

"David" is based on the fairy tales in the "Old Testament".David is a biblical figure who was king of Israel from 1010 BC to 970 BC.During his reign, he overthrew the rule of the alien Philistines and unified Israel.The hero has a wonderful and moving story when he was young.

At that time, King Saul of Israel was on the throne, and the Philistines invaded Israel.Among the Philistines was a warrior named Goliath. He was eight feet tall, wore a steel helmet and armor, and was extremely powerful.Goliath fought for more than [-] days, but the Israelites did not dare to fight. Even David’s three older brothers went to the front to fight. David was too young to join the battle, so he went to the front to deliver meals to his brothers.

When David reached the front line, he saw the enemy giant Goliath rushing up, and the Israelites were overwhelmed.At this time, David was full of anger and demanded to go to war to shame the nation.King Saul saw that David had great faith, so he gave him his armor.David rejected the armor and was still dressed as a shepherd boy. He led the crowd onto the battlefield and scolded Goliath loudly. Goliath fainted.David rushed forward, drew his sword and cut off Goliath's head, saving Israel.Since then, the young David has become a nationally known hero.

When Michelangelo made "David", he did not follow the previous scene where David defeated the enemy and stomped the enemy's head under his feet. Instead, he chose the state of David when he greeted the battle.

In fact, the creation of "David" began before the birth of Michelangelo. At that time, the inspector of the Works Office of the Florence Cathedral planned to commission a sculptor to make a series of twelve large "Old Testament" statues, placed among the flowers. On the buttresses of the Cathedral of Our Lady.

The first two sculptures were completed at the beginning of the fifteenth century, the terracotta statues of Joshua and Hercules, and later, the famous sculptor Agostino prepared to work on the "David", and made it from a carrara. A suitable piece of marble was found in the quarry, but Agostino only completed the preliminary creation of "David", that is, the general shape of the legs, feet and torso.

Agostino did not continue to create for other reasons, so the marble was forgotten for a full 25 years.Until 1601, Michelangelo, who was only 26 years old, took over the marble and continued to create.

It took Michelangelo two and a half years to finally complete the carving of this piece of marble, which finally formed the now world-famous "David" sculpture.

It can be said that from the beginning to the completion of this sculpture, it has been through the hands of two sculptors, and it has lasted for 40 years!

Perhaps because of too many changes, this statue has finally become a world-famous sculpture.And Michelangelo also relied on this sculpture to become the most prestigious sculptor in the Western world at that time, and was finally named "one of the three post-Renaissance masters" by the Western art world.

"David" occupied the most important position in Michelangelo's life, which is why he became one of the "Three Masters of the Renaissance". It is conceivable how high the artistic value of this sculpture is. .

Perhaps the value of "David" is not as high as "Venus with a Broken Arm", the treasure of the Louvre Museum in Paris, but it is definitely not low. Both are equivalent in terms of artistry and value.

How much is "Venus Broken Arm"?

I'm afraid no one knows this, just like you ask how much the "Mona Lisa Smile" is, there is no definite answer at all, and there is only one answer - priceless.

The statue that appeared in front of him was a "David", a blue and black "David" statue.

This is certainly not the white marble "David" statue collected in the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, nor the two imitations standing in the center of Michelangelo Square and in front of the Florence City Hall. "David" sculpture.

The genuine "David" sculpture is nearly four meters high and weighs six tons.The bronze sculpture in front of me is only about 1.5 meters high. Except for the wrong color and much smaller size, it is no different from the real "David" sculpture in every aspect.

At first, Yang Jing thought that this sculpture was a replica, but after he used his identification skills to identify it, he was ecstatic to learn that this bronze "David" sculpture was also made by Michelangelo. hand!
Items collected by Yang Jing into the storage space, as long as Yang Jing is willing, he can also use identification skills to identify the items without touching them.

It's just that he really never expected that this bronze sculpture was not a replica, but actually made by Michelangelo.This surprise came really unexpectedly!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would have thought that Michelangelo would make such a bronze "David" sculpture, right?Moreover, there is no record of Michelangelo making a bronze "David" sculpture in history. If Yang Jing knew that the identification skills could not be wrong, even he could not believe that this bronze "David" came from Hand of Michelangelo.

However, if you think about it, it is inevitable that "David" is definitely the pinnacle of Michelangelo's work, even though Michelangelo was only 26 years old when he created this sculpture .But who can deny the excellence of "David"?
Faced with such a pinnacle work, how could Michelangelo not like it?

You must know that before Michelangelo carved the stone sculpture of "David", he had carefully made its model. After the colossus of "David" was completed, the model was carefully treasured by Michelangelo. If he didn't really like this sculpture, how could he treasure the model of "David"?
However, after "David" was created, it belonged to Florence, not to him personally, so Michelangelo could only treasure the model of "David".

Since even the model of "David" is treasured, why couldn't Michelangelo make a bronze "David" sculpture by himself?It's definitely possible.

Michelangelo is not only good at stone sculpture, he is also very good at bronze sculpture.

In 2015, the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, UK, once exhibited a pair of bronze sculptures. The pair of bronze sculptures are carved with two handsome and masculine men riding mightily on a ferocious leopard.

This pair of bronze statues was collected by a British collector, and it caused a sensation as soon as it was exhibited.

A Swiss research institute conducted further research using neutron scanning and determined that the bronze sculpture was made in the early 16th century.Peter Abraham, a professor of clinical anatomy at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, pointed out that every detail of the sculpture is a standard Michelangelo—from the strong abdominal muscles to the navel, it is exactly the same as the marble sculpture "David".

In addition, the human body painted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel is quite similar to this sculpture.Ultimately, the pair of bronze sculptures turned out to have been created by Michelangelo between 1506 and 1508, when the artist was 30 years old and desperate for success.

And this pair of bronze sculptures is also recognized as the only pair of Michelangelo's bronze sculptures in the world so far.

But is that pair of bronze sculptures really the only remaining bronze sculptures of Michelangelo in the world?If that pair is the only one left, then what is this bronze sculpture in front of you?
Moreover, after the identification of identification skills just now, this bronze "David" sculpture was created by Michelangelo from 1605 to 1606. From the analysis of this time, the bronze "David" was created before it was created. The pair of bronze warriors riding leopards.

Yang Jing has no doubt that once this bronze "David" sculpture comes out, the sensation it will cause is definitely not comparable to that of the pair of men riding leopards.This is, after all, a bronze David!
The marble "David" sculpture is well known, but have you heard of the bronze "David" also made by Michelangelo?Have you seen it?
PS: Bow to thank "Lonely Dongxin" for the reward of 100.

(End of this chapter)

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