Easy Tycoon

Chapter 474 Practicing and growing a beard......

Chapter 474 Practice and grow a beard.
"Are you okay?" Yang Jing was really worried about Grid.

Grid shook her head, "I'm fine, John and Jackson protected me very well." There was a hint of excitement on her face, and she even felt a little disappointed, as if she was dissatisfied with something.

Yang Jing's observation skills are amazing, and he naturally noticed the look on his fiancée's face, so he asked, "What's wrong with you? Why do I feel that you seem a little unhappy?"

Grid hesitated for a moment, and finally shrugged his shoulders and said: "Well, it's a little bit. This is mainly because I didn't see you killing all directions on the boat with my own eyes. If I knew you were so powerful, I wouldn't run in a submersible. I really want to accompany you to deal with those mercenaries, well, give me a few grenades and I can kill a bunch of mercenaries."

These words made Yang Jing completely speechless—this girl is usually very quiet, but she never thought that under her quiet and beautiful appearance, there is actually a restless heart hidden.
Now Yang Jing didn't dare to tell her how to deal with those mercenaries. If this girl became interested, would he let him lead her to counterattack to the headquarters of the bloody bear catching mercenary group?
Looking at her like that, it seems that there is such a possibility!There are a lot of violent factors hidden in this girl's body!

But Yang Jing didn't want to say it, but Gege wanted to ask, and like a curious child, once he asked, he would be at the level of "One Hundred Thousand Whys".

"Hey Yang Jing, how did you blow up those mercenaries outside the cave?"

"Yang Jing, can you tell me how you climbed into our bathroom? It's more than ten meters high."

"Yang Jing, isn't it fun to shoot with Minigun? How can you use such a powerful weapon?"

"Yang Jing, is your marksmanship really so accurate? Headshots! Can you teach me?"

In the process of walking from the deck to the cabin on the fourth floor, Gege asked more than a dozen questions in one breath, and if he wanted to explain these questions, the existence of the holy ring would inevitably be exposed, which almost made Yang Jing's head explode.

And when Gege saw the cabin that Yang Jing had made into a honeycomb by using miniature hills, a strong brilliance burst out in his eyes, and he pulled Yang Jing's arm coquettishly, "Yang Jing, after you go back, you must let me I used minigun to get addicted, otherwise I would ignore you."

Yang Jing wished he could look up to the sky and scream, praying for a thunderstorm to wake up this lost girl
In the end, Yang Jing could only grab Gege's shoulders with both hands, staring at her eyes, and said very seriously: "Daughter-in-law, you should know that my medical skills are very good, right?"

"Ok, I know."

"Then have you ever wondered why I come from a commoner family, but I have such powerful medical skills?"

"I know this, you told me, didn't you meet an old Taoist priest when you were studying in England, and your medical skills were taught by that old Taoist priest?"

"That's right! In fact, the old Taoist not only taught me medical skills, he also taught me a lot of things, the most important of which is internal strength, which is also the basis of everything I have learned. For example, when I prick needles, The basis for recuperating the body of others is internal force, not just ordinary acupuncture. For example, my current strength is very strong, and it has a lot to do with the great achievement of internal force.”

"I understand what you mean." Gege interrupted Yang Jing, "You are like the star boy in "Kung Fu" filmed by Zhou Xingxing. He seemed to be fooled when he was a child, but he turned out to be very talented. , and finally became a peerless magic skill! Wow, Yang Jing, did you also practice the peerless magic skill under such circumstances? Yang Jing, if you want to teach me, I will learn too."

Yang Jing rolled his eyes helplessly, he really wanted to peel off the girl's head at this moment, to see how the girl's brain circuit grew.

But having said that, this girl's nonsense has the same effect as the theory I want to fool.

"Daughter-in-law, the facts are similar to what you guessed. It's just that if others want to learn it, they may not be able to learn it. Just like what you said just now, if you want to learn this set of exercises, you have to be very talented. Therefore, the fact that I can learn it in just two years does not mean that this set of exercises is easy to learn, and others can learn it too. Especially "Yang Jin looked deeply at the hopeful Gege, gritted his teeth secretly and said: "The old Taoist priest also said this exercise, women can't practice it, otherwise they will become a female man with five big and three rough"

Yang Jing's words startled Gege, and then he looked at Yang Jing suspiciously, "Are you fooling me? Is it because the old Taoist who taught you doesn't allow you to teach this set of exercises outside, you don't want to make me unhappy That's why you said that?"

Yang Jing's heart skipped a beat. Sometimes this woman's intuition is really terrifying, but he said without changing his face: "How is it possible? This set of exercises has strict requirements for selecting candidates, and it really cannot be taught to women."

"Why? This is sexism!" Ge Geli said confidently.

"Please, this is Taoist Kungfu. Our Chinese Taoists have always paid attention to the harmony of yin and yang, and the mutual assistance of yin and yang. Each set of exercises has its own special conditions for cultivation. It seems that this set of exercises I practice is specially for men. Cultivation. After a man cultivates, he can truly help each other between yin and yang, fight with dragons and tigers, and finally achieve great success. But if it is replaced by your female cultivation, then the yin and yang will be out of balance. Even if you are successful in cultivation, you will eventually Become as strong as me and have a man's body and appearance, and even, maybe even grow a beard." As he spoke, Yang Jing stretched out his hand to punch the bulkhead and punched the bulkhead immediately. A deep fist mark was left on the steel bulkhead.

"Do you also want to be this kind of violent female man?"

Gege swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a "gudong" and shook his head very simply
Obviously, Ge Ge was completely shocked by Yang Jing's last sentence "It is possible to grow a beard"-how can I grow a beard, a big beauty like a flower and jade?It would be better to die!

But, but if I practice magic skills, wouldn't I be able to laugh proudly with Yang Jing?What a chic thing to do!

Greg was very confused.

The arrival of Captain Andre diverted Grid's attention again. Captain Andre's big beard made her no longer entangled in this matter.It's wonderful to gallop freely with the one you love, but if you have a beard like Captain Andre's on your face
Gege couldn't help but shuddered.

"Albert, thank you very much for saving us." Captain Andre was very happy.He is a victim. Kowalski's punch once made Andre feel completely desperate.

Andre is a veteran of the rivers and lakes. He has traveled all over the world in a serious manner. He has been to the Antarctic and the North Pole. How can this not be counted as traveling?Therefore, Captain Andre developed a pair of sharp eyesight for people early on.

He felt a strong murderous aura from Kowalski.As a Russian, how could Captain Andre not know who this murderous intent was aimed at?Therefore, when he was locked in the cabin below the deck, he realized that his group and even the ship might not be able to keep.

Andri is well aware of the ferocity of these Russian mercenaries.

But what he never expected was that he and the crew were rescued.And that group of vicious mercenaries were all taken away by this bold and generous money lord.

There is nothing more gracious than life-saving!So in any case, Captain Andre must express his gratitude in person.

Yang Jing smiled and waved his hands and said: "Captain, we are people on the same boat in the true sense. According to an old Chinese saying, we should help each other in the same boat. And those mercenaries seem to be targeting me. You followed me and suffered an innocent disaster, so I have the responsibility to save you. Therefore, you don’t need to thank me for this matter, we are partners.”

As he said that, Yang Jing pointed to the luxurious cabin that had been turned into a hornet's nest, and said with a bitter face: "When I was destroying those mercenaries, I accidentally made this place like this, and now I am worried about how to explain this to you." thing."

Except for the engine room of the Blue Whale, generally speaking, there is no damage, and the engine room is much better than here. After all, the people who captured the mercenary group did not use up the ammunition of Chris and the others. Storming the engine room did not cause any damage to the equipment in the engine room.

It's just that the most luxurious cabin on the entire ship is completely finished.The most important thing is that more than a dozen people died in this cabin, even if they were intact, Yang Jing and Gege would not live here anymore.

Andre also looked at the dilapidated cabin with a wry smile, "Albert, let's stop talking about this, it's nothing important. You made this place like this to save us. I will go back and report the truth to Ingram's board of directors. I don't think those guys will make it difficult for you. Besides, this ship has high insurance. After returning to the port, these things The insurance company will take care of it."

After a pause, Captain Andre continued: "What I want to say now is, since such a serious incident has occurred, should we call the police?"

Yang Jing shook his head slowly and said: "Don't call the police, it's too troublesome. I'm a person who doesn't like trouble. As for the repair of the Blue Whale, you don't have to hand it over to the insurance company. If you don't call the police, the insurance company will You will not be compensated. I will pay the money! As for leaving, I need the Blue Whale to wait another day, and we will sail home tomorrow night."

This matter must not be reported to the police. Once the police are called, let alone the two helicopters, even the treasure of the last tsar may be lost.That cave has been completely opened now, if someone enters there and finds the treasure, wouldn't it be useless for me?
Therefore, this matter cannot be reported to the police.As for the funds for repairing the Blue Whale, if you can get the treasure of the last tsar, what is that money?
The most important thing is that my group of people are all Americans. In terms of the current relationship between the United States and Russia, if the Russian police know that they have killed 45 people here, they are still Russians, even if the bloody bear catches them. The mercenary group is for robbery, I am afraid that the Russian police will let him sit in prison.

That's not how self-defense works!No matter how legitimate your defense is, you will be powerless in the face of 45 lives!

So, never call the police!

(End of this chapter)

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