Easy Tycoon

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
Ingram Blue Whale.

The 24 fully armed mercenaries from the bloody bear catching mercenary group successfully boarded the Blue Whale in the name of the Russian coast patrol, and at the same time took all the crew members including Captain Andre in one pot. .

In fact, even if the bloody bear and the mercenary group did not do this, the Blue Whale would not be able to resist the attack of these mercenaries who disregarded life and death.The Blue Whale is just a polar scientific research ship. If Yang Jing and the others were not there, there would be only two poor pistols on board, and they were locked in two safes by the captain.

It is strictly forbidden for scientific research ships like them to carry weapons, otherwise, once they are detected by the customs of other countries, the Blue Whale will not only be expelled, but will also be permanently on the blacklist of this country's forbidden entry.

Naturally, the Blue Whale, whose main profit point is commercial scientific research, would not do such a stupid thing.The two pistols on this ship are also registered. Once they enter the port of another country, they must be reported to the other country's customs.

With just these two small pistols, they couldn't resist the attack of these mercenaries equipped with the Russian army's standard rifle AK-12 anyway.

Therefore, within half an hour after the bloody bear catching mercenary group boarded the ship, including the cockpit, helicopter and other important places on the ship, they were all completely controlled by Kowalski's men. In the cabin where Jinghe lived, they also found many gold coins and gold products.

These things are the treasures of Bartholomew that Yang Jing found in Alert. After those treasures were transported back to the Blue Whale, they have been kept in this cabin.Of course, what the smiling Kowalski didn't know was that the most precious items in this batch of treasures were not placed in this room, such as those precious royal escudo gold coins, imperial gold armor, etc. Wait, Yang Jing put all the precious things into the storage space early on.

These boxes are placed in the cabin for the purpose of concealment.

Kowalski squatted in front of these boxes, letting the gold coins in his hands slip through his fingers, with an expression of intoxication on his face, as if the sound of these gold coins colliding with each other was the most beautiful sound in the world.

There was no one else in the most luxurious cabin on the ship, except for Kowalski, who had been in this room for more than 5 minutes.He likes to enjoy the joy of windfall to himself.This belongs to him alone, and he does not allow others to disturb his good mood.

However, his good mood was destined not to last long, and a rhythmic knock on the door broke the good mood of Mr. "Butcher".

Kowalski frowned and said "Come in" in a low voice, the cabin door was opened, and Roman Akarov walked in.

This is a muscular Russian man over two meters tall, with a thick back and a waist. In terms of size alone, he is even a circle bigger than Clark McCann.He came from the remote Chukotka Autonomous District, the most difficult place in all of Russia.The difficult environment has created such a burly man.

"Boss, I have two pieces of news that I must tell you." Although Roman Akarov is very tall, he is cautious at this time. It can be seen that he is very afraid of the mercenary group in front of him. leader.

Kowski stood up, closed the lid of the box casually, walked to the table and bought himself a steaming cup of coffee, and said lightly, "Let's talk."

"Boss, our people found the Chinese bodyguard and his fiancee in the engine room. According to our news, there should be seven bodyguards and the Chinese fiancée in the engine room at this time. But These guys have welded all the hatches leading to the engine room, if we forcibly blast it, it will be a relatively dangerous job, and it may damage the structure of the ship and the equipment in the engine room."

After a pause, Roman Akarov continued: "As for the second news, just now Kiryankov sent back a message that they have blocked the Chinese and his five bodyguards in the treasure chest They are in the cave, but relying on the favorable terrain of the cave, those guys caused a lot of losses to Kiryankov and the others, and four of our brothers have already died in battle."

These two pieces of news raised Kowalski's eyebrows. Obviously, both of them are considered good news. At least as long as he can trap people, more than half of his plan has been completed.

"Yes, yes! Roman, can Kiryankov confirm that the cave is where the treasure is hidden?" Kowalski turned around and asked.

"Boss, Kiryankov said that he is [-]% sure, but they haven't entered yet, so they can't know what's going on inside. But he said that there is only such a hidden cave around there. If Nikolai The second emperor's treasure is really hidden in that area, so that is the only place where the treasure is hidden."

"Well, then you inform him and tell him not to care about the life and death of that Chinese. We need to dig out the treasures in the shortest possible time, and don't waste time on how to eliminate those Yankees. The treasure is the most important thing. "

"Yes, boss."

"Also, tell Klose and the others that the engine room can be used to consume the opponent's ammunition, but it's best not to damage the equipment in the engine room. After we succeed, the ship still needs to travel several hundred kilometers north. , so the engine room cannot be damaged."

"Understood, boss, I will inform them to go."

"Well, tell them to pay attention to their own safety. I don't want to see my brothers die anymore. You go." Kowalski waved his hand, and Roman Akarov immediately turned and walked out.

As the number one fire supporter in the mercenary regiment, and also the third person in the mercenary regiment, Roman Akalov's status seems to be very high, but he still couldn't help it in front of Kowalski. A kind of fear will be born.

It took less than 2 minutes to talk with the boss just now, but when Roman Akalov went out, he still clearly felt that his back was already wet.The murderous aura emanating from this Mr. Butcher is really not something ordinary people can resist.

The news of simultaneous attacks on both sides was quickly passed on by Roman Akarov. Immediately, around the engine room at the stern of the Blue Whale, gunshots rang out. After the only door that could enter the engine room, they started a firefight with Chris in the engine room.

Of course, at the same time as the exchange of fire, dozens of tear gas shots were also fired into the engine room, and the pale yellow smoke soon filled the engine room.

In this case, Chris and the others can only wear gas masks, but the engine room is full of smoke. In order to prevent the enemy from rushing in through the hatch, they can only continuously shoot at the hatch. Consumption is great.

Chris quickly discovered the opponent's tactics. In this case, he could only contact John Bruno in the emergency cabin.

"John, hurry up and take Sophia to open the high sea door. I need you to take Sophia and leave here in a submersible now. The enemy is very cunning, and I'm worried that the engine room won't last long."

"Okay, I'll take Miss Sophia and leave here. Chris, you must take care!"

This is not a time to shirk each other. Since Chris gave the order, John will execute the order unconditionally.

The emergency cabin where John and Grid are located has a seawater emergency door, but this kind of emergency door is not the seawater door used for fire fighting and cooling in the usual sense.The seawater emergency doors on ordinary ships are used to pump seawater to cool the equipment. Although there is a word "door" in it, it cannot let people in and out.

Of course, there are such seawater emergency doors on the Blue Whale, both low-level seawater doors and high-level seawater doors, but those are not emergency doors for escape.It seems that there is a seawater cabin next to the emergency cabin, and there is a high seawater door for absorbing water to cool down the equipment.

The emergency cabin where John and Grid are located has an emergency door specially used for escape. Grid and John only need to wear diving suits, then enter the special seawater cabin of the emergency cabin, and then open it in the seawater cabin filled with seawater. The emergency door eventually swam out from a position near the bottom of the ship.

Outside, a bodyguard is waiting for Grid and John in a submersible.

Accompanied by John, Gege finally managed to enter the submersible from the seawater port at the bottom of the submersible after more than ten minutes. exit.Then the submersible lost one direction in the water and headed straight to the east at a depth of more than ten meters underwater.

If it goes well, the submersible will find a small island that is sufficiently hidden after driving more than ten nautical miles, and then float up. Finally, Grid on the ship will temporarily hide on this small island under the protection of two bodyguards.This was the last means of escape that Chris and the others had prepared for Yang Jing and Grid.But Yang Jing didn't use it, but Ge Ge used it first.

Just as Ge Ge escaped from birth in the submarine, Chris and the others, who were standing firm in the engine room, also ushered in the biggest crisis.Chris and Karl Morris were unfortunately hit by ricochets one after another. The engine room is a confined space after all. The flying bullets hit the steel bulkhead. I don’t know what kind of refraction will happen. Chris and Karl Morris It was in this situation that Reese was hit by a refracted ricochet.

Although the wounds were not in critical parts, being shot was being shot, and this kind of injury was far more serious than stabbing with a knife.

The most urgent thing is that after more than ten minutes of shooting, Chris and the others are running out of ammunition.

Kowalski's tactic of consuming ammunition is very targeted. Although Chris and the others know this tactic, they are helpless.If you don't shoot, people will attack in. If you shoot, you won't be able to hit the enemy and you will waste bullets
In this way, the situation of running out of ammunition and food soon enveloped Chris and the others!

They have nowhere to hide!

(End of this chapter)

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