Easy Tycoon

Chapter 464 Wolf Fang

Chapter 464 Wolf Fang
Almost subconsciously, Clark and Kevin stopped arguing, and Clark pulled Yang Jing into his depths, while Kevin raised the gun in a very short time and half knelt on the ground, dark The muzzle of the gun was pointed steadily outside.

A few more gunshots rang out, and Clark and Kevin looked at each other and said, "No, the gunshots should have come from the entrance of this cave. Thor and the others have encountered an enemy!"

Kevin lowered his head to the communicator and started asking, but there was no signal here.Deep here, deep in the belly of a big mountain, there will be no signal here.

"Damn it!" Kevin turned off the communicator and cursed in a low voice, "We need to support Thor and the others. Clark, take the BOSS and look for it to see if there is another exit. Take the BOSS first. Bring out this place, and save people to give it away. I will go to the cave to support Thor and the others."

Clark nodded, pulled Yang Jing and walked out, while Thor, like an agile leopard, began to run quickly in the cave.The gunshots coming over have become more and more intense. Obviously, the people outside have created a lot of pressure on Thor and the others.

When Kevin rushed to the entrance of the cave, he found that his three buddies were relying on the cover of the rock wall at the cave hall with four forked roads, resisting the enemies who wanted to rush in from outside.

Seeing Kevin cat running over, Sean said: "Boss, about 15 minutes ago, a Havoc gunship and a Hippo transport helicopter came outside. There were twelve people on the Hippo, plus The Havoc was circling in the sky, so Thor ordered Sean and I to retreat to the cave and defend on the spot. Outside, with the Havoc, we have no ability to resist."

The Hippo transport helicopter Sean mentioned is the Mi-17 medium transport helicopter, a medium transport helicopter developed and equipped by the former Soviet Union in the 80s.The NATO code name for this helicopter is "Hippo".

"Who are they?" Kevin asked.

Sean and the three of them shook their heads, and Thor suddenly raised his gun and fired a burst of fire outside, and then said: "Looking at the body shape, they all seem to be Russians, but they don't have marks on them, and they don't look like regular Russian soldiers." .Looking at his fighting style, he looks like a mercenary."

Kevin spat bitterly, "How did these guys find us?"

"I don't know, but looking at their actions, they obviously know our location very well, because the location where the hippo landed is the location where we landed just now!" Thor said with great certainty.

"Shet! It seems that our news has been leaked out, or that there are ghosts inside us!" Kevin said with great certainty, "otherwise they would not be able to catch our tails so precisely. Damn it, blue What's the situation on the Whale? Thor, did you contact the Blue Whale just now?"

Thor shook his head and said: "Sorry Kevin, I have been trying to contact the Blue Whale just now, but I have been unable to get in touch there. According to my judgment, the Blue Whale is likely to be suppressed by electromagnetic force, and we cannot contact They, they can't contact the outside world either. These guys came prepared!"

There was another loud Russian shout at the entrance of the cave, and several shadowy figures appeared at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing this, the four of Kevin and the others quickly raised their guns, and shot out a few bursts. Not only did they successfully disperse the guys who were trying to break into the cave, but they also made one of them howl.

The opponent didn't seem to expect Kevin's joining, and was wounded by these few bursts.

Defending in this kind of place is almost a rhythm of one man guarding the gate and one man guarding the gate. As long as there is enough ammunition, almost no one can break through here.

Kevin is obviously aware of this too, "Pay attention to saving ammunition, we need to hold on longer."

As soon as the words fell, Mark, who had been monitoring the entrance of the cave, suddenly yelled——RPG
Almost subconsciously, several people immediately fell to the ground, and the next moment, an RPG rocket with a long flame hanging from the back rushed in from the outside, and hit the wall opposite the cave hall, triggering an explosion. There was a violent explosion.

In such a nearly confined space, the explosion effect of an RPG rocket will be magnified to the limit, not only the lethality of the grenade fragments increases sharply, but also the shock wave when it explodes.

The explosion of this RPG rocket caused almost catastrophic damage to Kevin and the others. Although several people staggered up after a brief dizziness, no matter whether it was the ears, nostrils, or even the corners of the eyes Blood was pouring out everywhere.

The fragments of the grenade did not cause any damage to the four of them, but the shock wave almost killed them.

Seeing a figure flickering at the entrance of the cave, several people took up their guns and fired continuously without hesitation. As for whether they hit the enemy, they didn't know. At this time, their ears had temporarily lost their proper function.

After playing this round, Kevin knew that he couldn't defend here.This cave hall is less than 20 meters away from the entrance of the cave, and it is almost a straight line from the entrance to here. If the opponent can use RPG once, he can use it a second time.But the few of them could no longer withstand the second RPG attack.

Kevin Martin made a few gestures, Thor and the three of them immediately followed Kevin and began to retreat.In this case, it is most appropriate to withdraw from this hall and then lay an ambush in the side road.

At that position, the enemy's RPG could not attack directly, and they could still firmly hold the cave that entered the hall from the outside.

Sure enough, within a few minutes of retreating, several sneaky figures appeared at the entrance of the cave hall. Kevin and the others shot at each other, and two of the five people who tried to enter the cave hall fell down immediately. , the other three immediately shrank back.

Kevin made a gesture, and the four of them retreated immediately. Sure enough, just as they retreated to the next cave hall, there was a violent explosion there.However, Kevin and the others had withdrawn far away, and this RPG attack did not affect them.

As soon as the explosion was over, they immediately returned to the defensive position just now, staring at the entrance of the cave with guns in their hands.

After tossing and tossing like this several times in a row, after dropping four corpses, the outsiders seemed to realize that such an attack would have no effect, but they obviously had no good solution.

At this moment, Yang Jing and Clark touched Kevin and the others.

Seeing that each of Kevin and the four had blood on their faces, Yang Jing was also taken aback, and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

It's a pity that Kevin and the others couldn't hear Yang Jing's question clearly. The first explosion just now had already shattered their eardrums. The fault was not talking loudly in their ears, otherwise they couldn't hear others clearly now Speaker.However, the traumatic rupture of the tympanic membrane caused by the explosion can usually recover on its own after three or four weeks as long as you pay attention to protection.If you can't recover, you need to go to the hospital for tympanic membrane repair surgery.

Although he couldn't hear what Yang Jing asked, the injury to the eardrum didn't affect Kevin's speech.

"Boss, a group of mercenaries are coming outside. We don't know the exact identity. I guess there are ghosts among us, so they can catch our tails so accurately, and according to Thor's analysis, the reason why the Blue Whale contacted No, it’s because there is electromagnetic suppression over there. That is to say, the enemy is now attacking us in two groups, one of which is on the Blue Whale, and the other is here.”

Kevin quickly recounted everything that happened just now in the shortest words, and repelled an enemy attack during the period.

Kevin's words made both Yang Jing and Clark angry. Obviously, there must be an inner ghost among his group of people, otherwise the enemy would not be able to accurately find him in a no-man's land like Siberia.Although the situation on the Blue Whale is not clear yet, considering the current situation here, it must not be easy on the Blue Whale.

Yang Jing is not worried about anything else, what he is most worried about is Ge Ge.If something happens to Ge Ge, he will really go crazy!
And at this moment, a voice from outside came in after being amplified by the electric speaker.

"Kevin Martin, my old buddy, long time no see, I'm Kiryankov, remember me?"

Kevin was naturally unclear about the voice, but Clark's expression changed after hearing it.

"Boss, I think we're in big trouble this time." Clark didn't hide anything, and just said what he knew.

"This Kiriyankov is the number two figure in the Russian 'Bloody Bear Catch' mercenary group, nicknamed 'Spike', and has been following the 'butcher' Kowski's side. The 'Bloody Bear Catch' mercenary group is A mercenary group active in the Middle East and surrounding battlefields around Russia, with about 60 people, is a very fierce mercenary group. If Kilyankov appears here, then the "Bloody Bear Catch" mercenary group The No. [-] character 'The Butcher' is very likely to appear on the Blue Whale. Boss, we must find a way to break through as soon as possible. The Blue Whale needs support. If that guy Kowski falls Blue Whale, I can't imagine what that guy would do to Sophia and Chris."

When Yang Jing heard this, his heart sank suddenly.But before he could think of anything else, Kiryankov's voice sounded again.

"Kevin, my old buddy, although we fought in the Syrian battlefield, I still admire you. So this time I would like to advise you, surrender as soon as possible, I guarantee your personal safety. "

"Also, don't think I can't do anything about you because you're huddled inside. I just don't want to destroy this place. If you continue to provoke me, don't blame me for blowing up this place completely! You should know that I have this ability. "

"I know that this cave is a place where treasures are hidden, so I don't want to use such extreme methods to blow it up. In that case, we have to dig it again. But if you don't surrender, I definitely don't rule out using this method to destroy it. To deal with you. I know that you didn’t bring much supplies when you entered the cave. I just need to blow up the cave entrance and starve you in it for ten days. Surrender the gun, I swear by my nickname 'Spike Fang', I promise I won't hurt you, what I'm interested in is the baby inside! Do you understand? I'll give you 10 minutes to think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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