Easy Tycoon

Chapter 449 Death Forbidden

Chapter 449 Death Forbidden
At this time, when everyone looked at the female bear again, there was a trace of admiration in their eyes.

The polar bear is actually a very smart animal, otherwise this animal would not occupy the top position of the food chain.On this planet, all animals that can stand at the top of the food chain, including humans, have no brains, otherwise this animal will never become the top predator.

Although there are reports of polar bears attacking humans every year around the world, in fact, most of the polar bears attacking humans happen in autumn and winter, and most of them are extremely hungry polar bears.Polar bears who are full will not attack humans, and sometimes, polar bears will get along very happily with humans.

Just like the she-bear Binny that Mickey mentioned just now, although I don't know why she ran to the small town to call for help, it is undeniable that her behavior won her the respect of the residents of the small town, and then incidentally The only benefit is that Binnie can spend that winter safely.

Perhaps Binnie, like the five extremely hungry polar bears, did not get enough energy and fat throughout the summer due to climate warming, and she also faced the harsh situation of being starved to death in winter.

But Binnie chose another path in this situation. Instead of attacking humans with her companions, she helped humans.Although this kind of practice seems to be a kind of "bear rape" in the eyes of polar bears, anyway, because Binnie saved old Oss and twelve children, the residents of Longyearbyen were able to let the residents of She feeds her, and in this way, she survived the harsh winter that year, and passed the second winter safely, and successfully became a mother this year.

No one could say that what Binnie did was wrong.

In the face of survival, there is no right or wrong!

Yang Jing and the others obviously wanted to understand this truth, but no matter what, Binny did save Old Oss and his party, and she also passed through two harsh winters safely, which shows that Binny's approach was correct .

If Binnie hadn't done this the previous year, there was a great possibility that she wouldn't survive that winter, let alone have a cute cub this year.

"Wow, that baby bear is so cute and cute! Sophia, why don't you adopt that baby bear too." Lisa, who was beside Gege, held Gege's arm and said in a low voice, her tone full of envy and longing .Lisa is the medical staff on the Blue Whale, and she has a very good relationship with Gege these days. This time she was resupplying in Longyearbyen, and she also disembarked for fun.

Lisa's words are true, even though adult polar bears don't look very good, especially the pair of small eyes are very deductive for polar bears, but cubs are the same as most animal babies in the world. It's cute and stupid.

It's like this little bear cub, who is not as tall as Old Oss's knees, has a furry body, and a neck that's not that long. At first glance, he looks like a puppy.Coupled with its pure white hair and its cuteness, it can definitely kill most women in an instant.

Anyway, Lisa couldn't bear it anymore.

Gege smiled and patted his friend's shoulder, "No, this baby bear still has a mother. And it hasn't been weaned yet. If we adopt it, who will feed it?" Gege looked at Li Li Shana's full breasts leaned close to her ear and said in a low voice, "Why don't you come and feed that baby bear?"

Lisa suddenly laughed, and the two women quickly began to toss.

Yang Jing didn't care much about that bear cub, just after listening to the story told by Mickey, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart, so he sighed and said: "I remember a very famous saying in the North Pole—the life of the North Pole and death are forever intertwined."

Mickey smiled and gave Yang Jing a thumbs up, "Yes, this sentence is very famous here. Life and death, this is a very serious issue, so it is forbidden to discuss this topic in Longyearbyen, because In this city, both life and death are illegal. That is to say, both birth and death are prohibited in this city."

"Ah? How is this possible? How can the city's government department have the right to make such a decision? This is a power that only God can exercise." Lin Dan, who was on the side, obviously didn't know the situation here, and directly refuted it.

Yang Jing and the others who have never been to Longyearbyen also nodded in the same way.Just kidding, it's kind of ridiculous for a city to ban birth and death.

This kind of thing is like the old saying in China, if you control the sky, you can still control other people's shit and fart!
However, Mickey's answer was so incomprehensible. "Yes, here, in this city, both birth and death are forbidden! This is the only city in the world where death is illegal. And this ban has been enforced for many years."

Yang Jing was also puzzled, "How is this possible? What if someone is terminally ill or simply has an emergency such as myocardial infarction and dies here?"

Mickey shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's very simple. Here, unless it is a sudden death, people who are seriously ill or terminally ill must be sent to a hospital in Norway for treatment or to wait for death. It is impossible to stay here. .Because the hospital in the small town only has eight beds, which are only used for first aid. As for giving birth, it’s easier. Pregnant women will be sent out of the city one month before giving birth, and the child will not be born here.”

As he spoke, Mickey pointed to the crowd walking on the street, "Did you see that? Most of the people living here are young and strong, and the elderly are rare. Old Oss is only 60 years old this year, but he is already The oldest person in the town. In Longyearbyen, you don't see old people, you only have young and strong young people here."

Yang Jing shook his head, "This is a violation of human rights."

Mickey shrugged his shoulders and said: "No way, we don't want to do this, but because of the natural conditions of Longyearbyen, we have to do this. The temperature here is too low, it's all permafrost, people die After being buried in the ground, the corpse will not decompose for hundreds of years. Therefore, once the dead person carries a well-known virus, these viruses will also remain for hundreds of years or even longer. In 1918, the epidemic that ravaged Europe at that time The 'Spanish flu' reached Longyearbyen, where seven young miners were buried. Eighty years later, in 80, scientists extracted precious virus samples from their remains in the permafrost."

When Mickey said this, the faces of the people around showed horror.

"So." Miki pointed to the faintly visible cemetery on the hillside in the distance, "As early as 70 years ago, it was forbidden to bury the dead here. That is to say, even if it is a sudden death, the body will be transported Returning to the Norwegian mainland."

Everyone looked in the direction that Mickey pointed, and they could vaguely see dozens of white crosses on the mountainside. Needless to say, it must be the former public cemetery of the small town.

At this time, everyone understood why there was such an unreasonable law here.This is all for the sake of the living here!

Everyone followed Mickey around the city and then turned back. Mickey will take everyone to appreciate another world-famous place in Longyearbyen, which is the "Bank of Doom" nicknamed "Doomsday Bank". Doomsday Seed Vault".

This seed bank, which bears the last hope of the world, is located on the Svalbard Mountain opposite the Svalbard Airport in the north of Longyearbyen Port. It is an obvious building that can be seen from a long distance.

"Have you all seen the American disaster movie "2009" released in 2012? In that movie, in order to prevent the end of the world due to a major flood, causing the extinction of humans and other species on the earth, humans built The huge square vessel 'Noah's Ark' was built to help humans and other creatures on the earth continue to survive on the day when the doomsday comes. In fact, the prototype of this story comes from the "Hebrew Bible. Genesis". In the original story, humans spent It took 120 years to build the 'Noah's Ark', and thanks to the protection of the 'Noah's Ark', mankind escaped." Mickey asked as he walked.

Yang Jing and the others nodded. That movie was really thrilling. The two most profound disaster movies in Yang Jing's memory, one is "2012" and the other is "The Day After Tomorrow".The former is the sun showing its power and bringing a big reshuffle to the earth.Although the latter is not as powerful as the former, but because of human beings' own death and global warming, the entire northern hemisphere has entered an ice age.

Coincidentally, both films were produced by the same master of disaster films, Roland Emmerich.

"In fact, the idea of ​​this seed bank was earlier than the movie "2012". The original idea of ​​the seed bank was born in the International Convention on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in 2004. In June 2005, the Norwegian government formally proposed the 'Norwegian Asia Ark World Seed Project', this project is supported by the Food and Agriculture Program of the United Nations. The Norwegian government is responsible for financing, funded by the Global Crop Diversity Trust of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Italian International Biodiversity Academic Group. The Global Crop Diversity Trust Help manage the seeds and take care of the day-to-day operations. The initial construction cost is about 6 million US dollars, the annual operating cost is 300 to 10 US dollars, and the official ground was broken in June 20."

"In the end, the total construction cost of this seed bank was more than 900 million US dollars, all funded by the Norwegian government, and the ownership belongs to the Norwegian government, but the ownership of the seeds stored in it belongs to the country where the seeds are stored. It's like a bank. Same. Since the establishment of the seed bank ten years ago on February 2008, 2, it has stored about 26 species of seeds from more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and the storage capacity has exceeded 82.5 million seeds .”

Yang Jing said with emotion: "It's so powerful!"

"Yes, this seed bank is so powerful. In fact, most countries in the world have set up their own seed banks. At present, there are more than 1400 seed banks in the world. But the reason why this place is known as the "seed of the end of the earth" Bank', because this seed bank is the 'absolute back-up' of more than 1400 other seed banks. This seed bank is designed to store up to 300 million seeds, and can store up to 15 billion different seeds."

PS: Bow down and thank "Ziyan Tianjiao" for the reward of 100.

(End of this chapter)

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