Easy Tycoon

Chapter 443 Foul!

Chapter 443 Foul!

When Yang Jing saw Dabai on the west side of Camp Alert, this guy was urinating in front of that big warehouse.

Yes, this guy is doing such a useless thing.

Yang Jing knew that this was something that animals, especially top carnivores, must do every time they go to a new place - pissing and enclosure.Not only do polar bears like Baibai do this, but also arctic wolves, African lions, and Siberian tigers.

As a result, after Dabai pissed out, the dogs who had been barking just now immediately became honest.

As the eldest of the three sled dogs, the Alaskan sled dog is considered big among the dogs, but even the Alaskan sled dogs, more than 60 Alaskan sled dogs, are still just a pair when facing an adult male polar bear. It's just a dish.

As the top predator on land on this planet, there are almost no animals that polar bears cannot eat or dare to eat. Even the most ferocious Siberian tiger basically kneels in front of polar bears.

Even though Siberian tigers can easily hunt and kill brown bears and black bears, can brown bears and black bears compare to polar bears?The two are not on the same level at all.

Among other things, a few days ago Yang Jing witnessed Dabai's feat of fighting eight arctic wolves alone. Although Dabai was also injured in the end, it was eight arctic wolves.

Dabai's fighting power is unquestionable, so even if more than 60 Alaskan sled dogs gathered together, they dare not make a sound under such circumstances.

Dabai obviously didn't come to deal with these Alaskan sled dogs. Just when Yang Jing just showed his head, Dabai had already rushed towards Yang Jing. Jing's face, the intimacy, is almost more like a couple than a couple.

"Hey, hey! Big guy, why did you come here? Didn't you tell you to stay there? Why are you so disobedient?" Yang Jing smiled and dodged Dabai's tongue, stretched out his hand to hug its big head, While kneading vigorously, he said.

Seeing Dabai again, it would be a lie to say that he was unhappy.But Yang Jing knew very well that this was not the time to be soft-hearted. If one was soft-hearted, this big guy would have to be taken away.But this is obviously not what Yang Jing wants.

Dabai belongs to the Arctic, it does not belong to grasslands, nor does it belong to high mountains, nor does it belong to those warm or even hot places in the south.Only here can it live carefree and survive in a healthy way.

Hearing Yang Jing's reprimand, Dabai's head drooped immediately, but then he got down on his stomach, and gently rubbed his big head against Yang Jing's leg, as if acting like a spoiled child.

Yang Jing squatted down, hugged Dabai's big head and said, "Dude, you can't follow me, the place I'm going to is not suitable for you to live in, it's too hot, you won't be able to bear it."

As if feeling that Yang Jing's tone had slowed down, Dabai raised his head and stuck out his big tongue to lick again, Yang Jing pushed the big guy's head away with a smile.

And this scene happened to be seen by Second Lieutenant Rodman who arrived later.

"Oh Maiga! Am I dazzled? Yang actually played with a wild polar bear there?" Rodman was stunned for a moment, and the four Canadian soldiers who ran over with Second Lieutenant Rodman were also dumbfounded. .

They have been stationed in Alert all year round, so they are naturally aware of the ferocity of wild polar bears.It is no exaggeration to say that they would rather face a pack of arctic wolves than a lone polar bear.If the automatic rifles in their hands don't hit the vital parts of this big guy, then they have only one chance to shoot when facing a polar bear that can run at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour in a short-term burst.

Polar bears are an absolutely terrifying predator!
But what the hell is this scene in front of me?Why is this ferocious polar bear acting like a pet to the rich boss there?

A wild polar bear acting coquettishly with humans?

This scene is too inconsistent.This is a foul, don't play like this!

Follow-up people rushed here one after another, and then they all saw this shocking scene.

Dabai didn't care about being watched, perhaps finding Yang Jing was the best thing for it.It doesn't even have time to act like a baby now, so why would it care about those other two-legged monsters?
Gege quietly approached, Dabai just glanced at Gege, and then continued to act like a baby.

A girl with a good relationship with Gege saw this scene, and wanted to follow up to have a closer look at the polar bear, but Dabai took a look at the girl before walking too far, then opened his mouth and roared violently .

The girl was so frightened that her legs gave way and she almost sat on the ground, and retreated in a panic.Gege patted Dabai's head unhappily, "What are you doing? So majestic?"

The big white head shrank, and then moved the big head to please Gege, and gently rubbed Gege's leg, amused Gege.

A group of people looked in amazement.Obviously, this big guy is definitely a beast, and that voice just now is enough to show the vigilance of this big guy.

However, such a ferocious polar bear actually made such a gesture that only pets can do. Apart from showing that the male and female couple in front of them are amazing enough, there is really no other reason.

Yang Jing patted Dabai's head, stood up and walked back, and said loudly as he walked, "Guys, I found this polar bear on the coastline of Coutinil Park National Park a few days ago. Yes, at that time, several of us witnessed the scene of this big guy fighting with eight arctic wolves. Although this big guy finally killed five arctic wolves, he was also injured. I happened to know a little first aid, so I stayed Let’s take a look at this big guy. It’s just that I didn’t expect this big guy to repay his kindness and come here from such a distance.”

When everyone heard Yang Jing say this, they immediately understood why the polar bear was so attached to Yang Jing.Seeing this big guy get up from the ground, follow Yang Jing step by step with his fat body shaking, and rub Gege's body from time to time, the group of people in the Alert camp is really about to have a collective orgasm up.

It is said that many animals know how to repay their gratitude. They did not expect that they could see a ferocious wild polar bear perform a scene of repaying gratitude with a galloping gallop. This is really too shocking for more emotional Canadians.

"Don't worry, everyone, with me here, Dabai won't hurt everyone. I just hope you don't disturb it rashly, it is still a wild beast after all." Yang Jing's voice was still loud and clear, and everyone silently walked away after hearing the words a path.

Some clever people immediately caught Chris and asked them. After all, they all knew that the bodyguard of the rich man followed him a few days ago.Yang Jing, a rich man, is not easy to get in touch with, but Chris and the others should be very clear about what happened that day.

Yang Jing and Gege led Dabai back to their room. Everything went smoothly. For Dabai, finding Yang Jing was the best thing. No matter where Yang Jing led him, he would definitely follow him. .

However, there was a small problem when entering the door. Dabai's overly generous body couldn't squeeze in through the door. In desperation, Yang Jing and Gege could only accompany this big guy outside.

Yang Jing had no doubts, if he dared to walk into the room without this big guy, it would tear down the door without hesitation
Dabai sat outside the door, clutching his stomach and looking at Yang Jing, with a trace of pitifulness in his eyes.Yang Jing rolled his eyes helplessly, and after saying a few words to Gege, he sat down opposite Dabai.

There is an energy connection between Yang Jing and Dabai, so he can clearly feel Dabai's emotions.

At this time Dabai is happy, very happy, but at the same time this big guy is also very hungry.If Dabai could speak, Yang Jing had no doubt that this big guy would roar—quickly bring food to his buddies!In order to find you, buddy, I haven't eaten for four days.
Together with Clark who arrived later, Gege took out several pieces of beef from the camp kitchen, weighing more than 20 kilograms.The beef was originally prepared by the kitchen for grilling at the bonfire dinner, and it was only thawed in the afternoon, but it turned out that it was cheaper for this guy.

Clark put the beef in front of Dabai, Dabai just glanced at it, and didn't move his mouth.Yang Jing slapped the guy angrily and said, "Eat it quickly, this is the best Angus beef, much better than the musk ox meat you eat. Eat it quickly, don't pick and choose , if you don’t eat, you’re going to be hungry!”

Only then did Dabai smell it, then opened his mouth wide and began to tear the beef in front of him.

Although they are all raw meat, compared to arctic wolf meat and musk ox meat, Angus beef is not as top-quality as Australian Wagyu meat, but it is also the main meat commonly used by humans on the North American continent. This kind of beef cattle The taste of the meat is obviously better than the first two, and Dabai may be really hungry, after two bites, he started to eat.

Polar bears are purely carnivorous animals. Nearly 99% of the food in their diet is meat.Although polar bears rarely eat dead animals or carrion, they do eat carrion when they are extremely hungry.

Not to mention that these beef are not rotten meat, they are all fresh meat that has just thawed.

Like an adult male polar bear like Dabai, who eats [-] catties of meat for a meal and plays with him, this guy has been hungry for four days, and now he only has [-] kilos of beef, which at most is just a pad for his stomach.

Forty catties of beef, if Yang Jing were to eat it, he would have to eat it for a month.But it took Dabai less than 10 minutes to eat all the meat, and when he finished eating, he rubbed his head against Yang Jing, which meant clearly——I still want to eat.
Damn, this guy is much better than Xiong Da Xiong Er!
PS: Bow down and thank "Xiaoyi 002" for the reward of 200.

(End of this chapter)

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