Easy Tycoon

Chapter 438 The Cunning "Sea Snake"

Chapter 438 The Cunning "Sea Snake"

Greg was picked up by Chris in a helicopter.Ge Ge has been playing crazy in the Alert camp these days, even Yang Jing dragged her out to hunt for treasure and she was unwilling to follow her out, which made Yang Jing very depressed.

What's the fun in a ratty alert?Yang Jing really couldn't understand this.

But Ge Ge also said that if the treasure can be found, it must be opened in front of her.So, after subduing Dabai, Yang Jing asked Chris to run over and pulled Grid over.

"Boss, the proprietress seems to be obsessed with sea fishing. The temperature in Alert has risen rapidly these days, and there is no ice on the shore. The proprietress is going fishing in the sea in an assault boat."

Looking at the smiling Gege, Yang Jing could only shake his head helplessly.You said you are not good at sea fishing, you have to go to this kind of place for sea fishing
"Yang Jing, is this big guy really subdued by you?" Gege is very smart, she has already realized this since seeing Dabai so honest, but she is not sure yet.

"Well, this is Dabai. When we came, this guy was fighting with eight arctic wolves. He killed five arctic wolves by himself, but was also injured and ran back to his old den. I found him in this cave. It cleaned up the wound, and then this guy would follow me no matter what. I think this guy is very smart, that's why he obeyed me so much." Yang Jing explained briefly.

"Wow, so powerful? Can I touch it now?"

Yang Jing nodded, "Of course it's no problem. Dabai, stand up and shake hands with this beautiful lady."

Hearing this, Dabai immediately stood upright. With a height of nearly three meters and that huge figure, Gege immediately took two steps back involuntarily.

Yang Jing took Gege's hand, and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of? Dabai is very docile. He wants to shake hands with you."

Grid asked with an uncertain look on his face, "It won't bite me, will it?"

"Of course not, Dabai is very smart. Come on, try it, I guarantee you will be fine."

Gege approached Dabai tremblingly, and then stretched out his hand, but Dabai also stretched out a front paw, and touched Gege's hand a few times.

"Wow, it's really smart! It even knows how to shake hands." Grid said in surprise.

Chris and the others also looked at each other, are polar bears so smart?Or this guy was trained by the boss since he was a child, and then he was put here, and now he is reunited with the boss
Yang Jing gave Dabai a few orders with his consciousness, such as "This is one of my own, don't hurt her", "Play with her well and listen to her orders", "Accompany her well, I will reward you later" Dabai immediately understood what to do.

Seeing Dabai walking to his feet on all fours, first smelling his feet and legs, and then walking around himself, sticking out his tongue and licking his hands, Gege was completely pleasantly surprised.

Girls are like this. When they are timid, a cockroach can scare them into screaming, but once they are courageous, they will definitely be without borders.
Just like Ge Ge, she was trembling just now, but when Dabai licked her hand, the girl unexpectedly wrapped her arms around Dabai's neck.

Let alone Yang Jing, even Chris and the others were taken aback.

Fortunately, Dabai has completely accepted Yang Jing's order from his consciousness, and he didn't do anything to Gege, but very gentle to cooperate with Gege's movements, as docile as a Labrador Retriever .

Yang Jing patted Dabai's head with a smile, and took advantage of the situation to send in a little energy, which immediately made Dabai hum comfortably.

This bit of energy is nothing to Yang Jing, but to Dabai it is the best reward in the world.

"Daughter-in-law, this cave is likely to be the place where Henry Boardman hid Basalomew Roberts' treasure back then. Come in and look for it together."

Ge Ge shook his head, "You guys go in first, I want to accompany Dabai outside. But the name Dabai couldn't be named by you, right? Tsk tsk, it's quite vulgar."

Being despised by his wife, Yang Jing could only smile helplessly. With a wave of his hand, he took Chris and the others into the cave. Carl Morris and Clark McCann stayed outside the cave to accompany Grid.

Yang Jing already knew about this cave when he conquered Dabai before.This is a naturally formed cave, not too big, only more than ten meters deep.

The smell in the cave can still make people faint. It is estimated that Grid could vaguely smell the smell inside when he was at the entrance of the cave just now, so he didn't follow in.If it weren't for a few people who are quite tolerant, they probably wouldn't be able to stand this smell.

"Boss, are you sure the treasure is hidden in this cave?" George Bruce couldn't help but feel a little puzzled after searching twice, but couldn't find any clues.

Yang Jing nodded, "Believe in my great hope. I'm sure that Basalomew's treasure should indeed be hidden here, but we haven't found the door to that treasure yet."

"Oh Maiga, Boss, this door doesn't need a spell like 'Open Sesame' to open it?" John Bruno joked with a smile.

"Maybe." Yang Jing shrugged his shoulders, "But whether we need a spell or not, the first thing we need to do is to find this door. Guys, you are all elites, can't you even find a hidden door? Are you there?"

Yang Jing's words made several people silent.

In fact, Yang Jing had already discovered the hiding place of the treasure through the Sky Eye skill, but he couldn't tell it.

Chris patted Lin Dan standing beside him, "Man, let's go over there and look for it."

As a result, Lin Dan remained motionless, and Chris looked at him suspiciously, and found that he was shining a flashlight on the top of his head, while looking up at the top of his head.

Chris also looked up subconsciously, but when he saw it, he immediately let out a light snort.

"Boss, James seems to have found a special place, we need to verify it." Chris shouted, and then all the people who were searching in every corner of the cave gathered.

With the help of the flashlight, one can vaguely find that the rock above the head is a little different from the rocks next to it, mainly because there is a nearly circular mark with a diameter of about one and a half meters here.It's as if there was an upward hole there, but it was blocked by something.

This trace is not obvious, if you don't observe carefully, it is difficult to find.However, since there is such a trace, it means that there must be something tricky here.

This cave is not high, the highest point is just over two meters.Chris yelled outside, and Clark McCann ran in immediately.

This guy is 1.9 meters tall, and he can easily touch the top of his head when he reaches up.Clark took out a small hammer and hit that place a few times, and the faces of several people suddenly showed joy.

You don't need to open it to see, just by hearing the sound, you know that the back is hollow.

"Damn it, this Boardman really deserves the nickname 'Sea Serpent'. He's really cunning enough to hide the entrance and exit above his head. If James hadn't found this place, we would really ignore the top of his head." Chris said.

Several people nodded.

Indeed, in such a nearly sealed cave, the most overlooked place is the top of the head, but Boardman put the entrance and exit of the treasure hiding place here, and the rocks blocked it.If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to find here.

"Boss, it seems to be a stone slab. It's not too thick. It's estimated to be about ten centimeters. Do you want to explode it?" Clark asked.

Yang Jing looked at Chris, who nodded and said, "No problem. Although this is limestone, a small amount of C4 can be used for fixed-point blasting, which will not cause any danger to this cave. We have done a lot of this kind of work. "

Yang Jing nodded, turned around and walked out of the cave, followed by several people except Clark.After a while, Clark also ran out, made a few gestures, and then shouted "Fire-in-the-hole!", and pressed the detonator in his hand.

Yang Jing hugged Gege with one arm, and Dabai with the other. The next moment, there was a not-so-violent explosion in the cave. Dabai shivered in fright, but quickly calmed down under Yang Jing's comfort.

Grid put down his hands covering his ears and asked, "Have you found the entrance to the treasure?"

"Well, let's go in together and take a look. That guy Bodman is cunning enough, he put the entrance and exit on the top of the cave, if it wasn't for Lin Zi's sharp eyes to find there, it would be really hard to find."

Several people waited for a short while, and after all the dust inside had settled down, everyone went in again.

The place blocked by a stone slab just now has been completely blasted, and a cave with a diameter of about one and a half meters extends obliquely upward.

Clark took a photo under the cave entrance with his hand power station, then stretched out his hand and grabbed a rope ladder.But Clark only exerted a little force, and the rope ladder immediately fell down.Both the rope of the rope ladder and the sticks tied to it were all rotten.

"Boss, this cave is not deep, and it extends obliquely upwards for a distance of about six or seven meters. But this rope ladder is no longer usable," Clark said.

Karl Morris took out an anchor hook launcher from his back, and took off the static rope on his shoulders, and said with a smile while operating: "Let's do it ourselves!" Reese stood under the hole, and pulled the trigger diagonally upwards. Immediately, the rope connected to the anchor hook extended along the hole.

Morris pulled the rope, made a "safe" gesture, and pushed aside.

Yang Jing asked with a smile, "Who will go in first?"

Chris and the others looked at each other, and Chris smiled and said, "Boss, you should take this honor yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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