Easy Tycoon

Chapter 431

Chapter 431
"Hey, Doug, come here, let me introduce you to the distinguished guests on the Blue Whale." Old Kyle faced a tall, bearded middle-aged white man who looked like a wild man at first glance. Said with a wave.

The big man trotted over quickly, and before Kyle introduced him, he smiled and shook hands with Yang Jing, "Hey, Albert, and the beautiful Miss Sophia, welcome to Ale Special, I am Douglas Henry, the head of the Alert Observatory of the Canadian Environment Agency, and you can call me Doug."

This big man is far from being as rude as he looks on the outside. On the contrary, Yang Jing thinks that the word polite is very appropriate for him.

Captain Andre obviously didn't know this big man. It is estimated that when he came last time, Douglas hadn't come here to serve as the director of the meteorological station.

After exchanging pleasantries, Old Kyle said with a smile: "Doug, Albert and Sophia have brought us so many delicacies, shouldn't we prepare it? It's past four o'clock now, and there are less than two It's time for us to have dinner in one hour, and I think we should hold a big bonfire party to welcome the friends on the Blue Whale."

"Kyle, as you wish, I'm ready and waiting for your order." The big man saluted old Kyle playfully.

Old Kyle's face was full of smiles, and he clapped his hands vigorously. After attracting everyone's attention, he said: "Guys, let's move and welcome the blue whale with our greatest enthusiasm." Friends from the ship came to visit Alert."

More than 20 people around responded loudly, and the military second lieutenant also said a few words into the walkie-talkie. After a while, the roar of a car motor came from the military base.

Around Alert in mid-July, there is no snow and ice, but in the far west, the towering peaks are still covered with thick glaciers.The glaciers there are all permanent glaciers, even in the hottest July and August, those glaciers will not melt.

The bonfire dinner was indeed a bonfire dinner. After a few strong men removed a few stones in the middle of the square, a large pit more than one meter deep and about two meters in diameter appeared.Then these people pulled out a lot of dry wood from the back of the room as if by magic, and the two strong men took off their vests, and then raised sharp axes and began to split the wood.

Old Kyle explained with a smile on the side: "Although there is fuel and gas in the base, wood is still indispensable. Every summer, when the sea route is opened, there will be a freighter from Churchill Port to give us Bring in enough wood to last a year and a half for the camp. No way, we don't have a single tree for hundreds of miles around here, not even a single tree on the whole of Ellesmere Island. So, what we need Timber for heating or other uses must be transported by ship from the southern mainland."

After a pause, Old Kyle pointed to the wood and continued, "Don't worry about using it boldly. The wood accumulated here is enough for us to use it luxuriously for several years."

Grid asked curiously: "Professor, isn't there no permanent population in Alert now? Why are there so many people here now?"

Old Kyle said with a smile: "Indeed, since the last batch of five permanent residents left here in 2009, Alert is no longer a human settlement in the true sense. Most of the people who live here now are in the cold I flew here just after the end of the season, and then flew back when the warm season is about to end. During the cold season, there are only a limited number of people living here. Because I want to do a research on the polar atmosphere, So it has been more than two years since I stayed here. But in September this year, my study will end, and I can finally go back and reunite with my family. Well, it is not easy for the soldiers. Last year Luo Second Lieutenant Deman led four soldiers and accompanied me through the long cold season and the four-month polar night."

Yang Jing stretched out a thumbs up and praised: "Professor, you are really admirable. If it were me, I would go crazy without seeing the sun for four months."

Alert is located at a high latitude of 82 degrees north latitude. Here, there are four months of night in a year, and likewise, there are four months in day.Just like now, the sun does not set for 24 hours, and it is impossible to see the night coming in a day.

"Hehe, it's fine if you get used to it. The polar night here is actually very beautiful. Although there is no sun, you can see the gorgeous aurora almost every day. It's very beautiful. Albert, Sophia, if you If you have time in winter, you can try to live here for a period of time, not only can you see the beautiful aurora, but also let you experience the loneliness of this planet. Sometimes, the loneliness reaches an extreme, but it is a kind of unstoppable enjoyment."

Yang Jing and Ge Ge glanced at each other and shook their heads involuntarily.Both of them knew very well that this kind of life was not something they could enjoy.

As the saying goes, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and it is also said that life is short, enjoy yourself in time.There are still a lot of good days waiting for me to enjoy the colorful world outside, but I can't spend too much time in this kind of place.

Although the place in Alerte has more than 360 days of snowfall in 100 five days a year, it is actually very arid and belongs to the semi-arid area.So these high-quality pine logs shipped from Canada have already been air-dried and can be split with an axe.

The chopped firewood was put aside, and one of the men, who was sweating dry and wearing a vest, put more than a dozen pieces of smaller firewood into the big pit, then poured some gasoline on it, and lit a match Just throw it in.

"Boom!" Accompanied by the sound of gasoline deflagration, raging flames burst out of the big pit immediately, and the dry firewood made a "crackling" sound under the burning of the flames, as if using this a voice to welcome their splendor in flames.

When the bonfire was completely ignited, nearly fifty people had gathered in the small square, and even the soldiers of the Royal Canadian Army on duty came here under the leadership of the second lieutenant Rodman.As for being on duty, fuck his sister, although I am a soldier, at this time, a soldier is also a normal person, isn't he?It doesn't matter if you listen to the radio for a while or less.

Counting the seven Royal Canadian Army soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Rodman, there are a total of 27 personnel in the entire Alter settlement, and four of them came from far away Los Angeles.

After talking, Yang Jing and Gege agreed that these four adventurers definitely deserve the word "great".The four of them started walking across the entire North American continent in September last year, and then took advantage of the freezing sea in winter to use dog sleds to cross the ice-frozen straits between the Arctic archipelago. Arrived at the small town of Grice Fiord at the southern tip of Ellesmere Island.

After the four of them rested in Grice Firth for a week, they continued to dog sled across the entire Ellesmere Island, and finally arrived in Alert in mid-June, which took nine months. More than 8000 kilometers and 5000 miles traveled!

Although the whole feat is not as far away as the Long March taken by the old Chinese predecessors, but in terms of difficulty, it is definitely worse than the Long March.

You know, when the four of them crossed the entire North American continent, they spent six months in the extremely cold northern part of the North American continent.In the arctic archipelago in the cold season, it can definitely kill people.However, these four people crossed the entire North American continent in such an abrupt manner, almost walking from the southwest corner of the North American continent to the northeast corner.

But when Yang Jing and Gege learned that the four of them risked their lives to complete this trip, each of them would receive a bonus of 100 million US dollars, and they were relieved.

It turned out that the four had participated in a reality show held by Fox Television.The name of this reality show is called "Challenging the Limits".This show is not very popular among ordinary viewers in North America, but it has a high status among some people who love to travel.

According to the requirements of the program, the people participating in this program have to set off from Los Angeles. They cannot rely on mechanical power during the whole process, but can only rely on their legs, horseback riding, dog sledding, and sailing to move forward.

There are many groups of people participating in this program, some of them travel around the world on a sailboat, and some of them travel along the Cordillera Mountains to the southernmost tip of the South American continent.

And the group of four of them is the most difficult group among them. As long as they can reach Alert smoothly, the program group will pay each of them a bonus of 100 million US dollars.

Of course, they have to use tiny digital cameras to record their journey every day, and rely on satellite signals to transmit back to Fox TV.After a little editing of these recorded shots, they are the most authentic content and shots of the show that day.

But even for the prize of 100 million US dollars, the four of them can traverse the entire North American continent in this way, which is definitely worthy of the description of "great".

Yang Jing thought that he could not accomplish such a feat
But he doesn't want to play like this, it doesn't mean the other one doesn't want to play like this.

Gege hugged Yang Jing's arm coquettishly, "Husband, how about we also find a chance to take such a hiking trip? For example, we can cross the entire Antarctic continent during the coldest time in the southern hemisphere in July; well, or we You can also cross the entire Sahara desert during the hottest time in July in the northern hemisphere Wow, just the two of us, Chris and the others don’t bring any of them, I think this is quite a romantic thing.”

Yang Jing wished he could sew the girl's mouth shut.If you want to kill yourself by tricks, you can't take such a method, right?No matter crossing the Sahara or the Antarctic continent in July, it is not much better than touching the switch
This girl must have been poisoned!No, you have to stay away from these four guys!
(End of this chapter)

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