Easy Tycoon

Chapter 429 Alert

Chapter 429 Alert

At this time, the communicator on the ship said loudly: "Captain, we have contacted Alert, and they welcome us very much."

Grid smiled and nodded at Captain Andre, his face full of anticipation.As for Yang Jing, he just shrugged his shoulders. His attention was not on this aspect at the moment, because when he searched for "Alert" on his mobile phone, he suddenly discovered that the location of the northernmost settlement of human beings is actually the same as that of "Sea Serpent". "The position of the black hexagram in the nautical chart drawn by Boardman coincides.

"Chandler, the left rudder is 108, the speed is five knots, we are going to advance along the coastline on the left, and drop anchor after arriving at the designated place."

Chandler is the driver of the ship, and the captain does not personally control the ship more often.

Yang Jing whispered to Ge Ge: "You can play here first, I want to go back to the room, there is something I need to confirm."

Gege was in high spirits and nodded, while Yang Jing turned and walked out of the cockpit, returning to his room.

Back in the room, Yang Jing took out the pirate's nautical chart from the space, and compared it with a map of Canada, it was really the same thing.

Mr. Boardman drew this nautical chart more than 300 years ago. Isn't the position marked with the black hexagram at the northeast end of Ellesmere Island?
Of course, the nautical chart drawn by Bodman is very simple, but no matter how simple it is, some of the most basic things in this nautical chart he drew are relatively accurate, such as the North American continent, Greenland for example, and Greenland for example Smith Strait between Ellesmere Island and Ellesmere Island.

The area covered by the black hexagram on the nautical chart is relatively large. If compared with modern accurate maps, the area covered by this hexagram not only includes Cape Sheldon at the northeast end of Ellesmere Island, but also Coutinil Park. More than half of the national parks are included.

A small six-pointed star is not big, but the area covered on this nautical chart is huge.According to Yang Jing's estimation, the hexagram drawn by Mr. Boardman must cover at least several thousand square kilometers!
Pit father ah!Boardman is really cheating!
You said it’s fine for you to leave such an unclear nautical chart, why do you have to draw such a black six-pointed star?Why don't you mark a point?Why use his sister's six-pointed star to identify it?
You can draw small dots anyway, but is it because you are afraid that people will not see it if you draw it so big?
Yang Jing didn't think about this before, but now that the situation is imminent, he realizes that the nautical chart left by Bodman is really a bit of a scam!

Even with the Sky Eye skill, it is not easy to search such a large area.

There was a knock on the door, and Yang Jing said without looking back, "Please come in, it's unlocked."

The door was pushed open, and Chris Barton and John Bruno walked in together.

"Oh, let me just say, the boss must be here." John Bruno smiled and said to Chris, and Chris explained: "Boss, we didn't see you in the cockpit just now, so we came here."

"It's okay, there's no need to be so nervous on the ship. We are in the Arctic Ocean now, and there is no ship within a few hundred nautical miles around. What are you worried about? By the way, you two are here just in time. I think we have encountered a problem. I need you to help me out."

Chris and John walked over and saw the parchment nautical chart placed with a Canadian map.

"What's wrong with Boss? What's bothering you so much?"

Yang Jing shook his head helplessly, pointed to the black hexagram and said: "The area covered by this hexagram is too large. If converted into the actual area in reality, it would be thousands of square kilometers. How can we find it?" The real location represented by this six-pointed star?"

Yang Jing pointed out the window, "Although it's July, the temperature here is still too low, and there will be a snowstorm from time to time. It's hard for us to find such a large area."

Chris also frowned and stared at the two maps. After a long time, he also shook his head and said, "Boss, this is indeed a difficult problem. If we use crawler snowmobiles, if we want to map such an area After the search is completed, it will take at least 20 days. And with the current weather, it is impossible to use snowmobiles on land.”

The temperature of the land is rising much faster than the ocean, so although there is still nearly half a meter of ice on the Arctic Ocean, but at this time in some lower altitude areas on Ellesmere Island, the tundra has begun to turn green .For most of the coast, the snow has melted.In this case, it is natural that the crawler snowmobile can no longer be used.

Bruno folded his arms and said, "Chris, have you forgotten that we have a big guy? That thing can fly."

Chris said: "I haven't forgotten, but that thing can only fly in the sky, and can't search the ground carefully. It's really fast to do that thing, but it's also impossible to find the exact location represented by this hexagram."

Yang Jing's eyes lit up when he heard Bruno's words, and he slapped his forehead, why did he forget about the helicopter?

For others, it is almost impossible to use a helicopter to search for a hidden place on the ground, but for Yang Jing, with the large-scale search skills such as "Sky Eye", using a helicopter to search for a hidden place at high altitude is almost impossible. Searching for the exact location of what might be a pirate treasure stash is relatively easy.

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Jing stopped the argument between Chris and John, "You two don't need to talk, this matter is settled, we use a helicopter to search. First determine a general location, and then Do a ground search."

Hearing what Yang Jin said, John raised his chin towards Chris, and Chris made a gesture of surrender with both hands, "Well, John, you won this time."

After confirming the search method, Yang Jing's mood became very good.Only at this time did he realize how reliable it is to rent a fully equipped polar scientific research ship.If you rent an ordinary ocean-going freighter, then these ocean-going freighters are usually not equipped with helicopters, so you will be really blind when you encounter this situation.

Not only here, but the search for the treasure of the last tsar is also inseparable from this helicopter.The treasure map of the last tsar drawn by Kuvayevich Antonov only marked a general location. If you want to find the exact treasure hiding place, if you use ordinary methods, it is really It's hard, it's not even uncommon to come home empty-handed.

Now with this helicopter, finding the exact location is almost a certainty.

In a good mood, Yang Jing brought a group of people to the cockpit and watched the operation of the Blue Whale anchoring and stopping the whole process.

The full-load displacement of the Blue Whale is as high as 1.85 tons, and the draft is 8.9 meters. Although the Blue Whale is not fully loaded, the draft is close to 8 meters, so this big ship can only berth in the sea a few kilometers away from the coastline. on flat surface.

Here, the freezing of seawater has disappeared, and the closer the seawater is to the land, the faster the ice melts.

However, because they cannot dock, some vehicles such as off-road vehicles cannot be transported to land. They can only send people to the shore by assault boats and helicopters.

Except for the driver and three crew members, the first assault boat was full of various ingredients.Since they were going to visit Alert, they couldn't go empty-handed.

The second assault boat was full of people. Except for the people left behind on the Blue Whale, the rest of the people could be handled with one assault boat and a helicopter.

In fact, from here with a telescope, you can already see the Canadian flag flying high above Alert, and on the shore, there are more than a dozen people standing there waiting for the arrival of the assault boat.

With the speed of the assault boat, the sea surface of several kilometers will be reached in a few minutes. After the second assault boat that Karl Morris and the others are riding has also landed, Yang Jing, Gege and four bodyguards take the helicopter The plane flew directly to Camp Alert.It is worth mentioning that the helicopter pilot is Chris.He was worried about handing over the helicopter to someone else.

Alert, as the northernmost human settlement on this planet, covers a small area, with a radius of only about a hundred meters, and there are less than twenty buildings of various sizes.In the north of the camp, about 150 meters away from the camp, is the oil storage area of ​​the camp, where eight large oil tanks stand.About 1.5 kilometers further north is the airstrip at Alert.

This airport was opened up from the tundra, and the runway is 500 meters long, enough for a big C-130 transport plane to take off and land.

There is no port in Alert, and if supplies or personnel are usually transported here, except for the plane, only primitive dog sleds remain.However, dog sleds are now mostly used by those who come to take risks, and airplanes are still Alert's main means of supply transportation.

It's just that Alert's location is too far north, and the climate here, especially in the cold season, is very harsh, and it's not so easy to resupply by plane.It is said that since the establishment of this base, two planes have crashed because of transporting supplies for the camp, resulting in a total of 14 deaths.

Therefore, although Alert Airport is the northernmost airport on earth, the utilization rate of this airport is very low.Unless there is something necessary, this airport is almost never used.

Under such circumstances, the ten crew members on the Blue Whale, including the captain Andrei Milakinov, plus Yang Jing and his 15 people, came to the northernmost human settlement in the world!

PS: Bow down and thank "Floating Clouds in the Sky" and "Duckweed syp" for their 100 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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