Easy Tycoon

Chapter 424 Nook

Chapter 424 Nook
After leaving St. Johns, the Blue Whale plunged into the blue Labrador Sea and continued to head north.

In this sea area, the temperature during the day is quite suitable, and the highest temperature can climb to about [-] degrees in the afternoon, but once the sun starts to slant west, the temperature will drop soon.At night, the temperature in the Labrador waters can drop to about ten degrees.Even in the ocean, the temperature difference is very large.

The cold Labrador Current, originating in Baffin Bay farther north, must flow through this sea area before entering the Atlantic Ocean southward.The existence of the cold current makes the temperature here much lower than that of the sea to the south.

The Newfoundland fishing ground that the Blue Whale just passed was formed mainly because of the confluence of the cold Labrador current and the warm Mexican current.

Originally, according to Captain Andre's voyage plan, after the Blue Whale departed from Boston, it would conduct a fresh water supply in Nuuk, the largest port city in southwestern Greenland, and then directly enter the Arctic Ocean.The half-day delay at St. Johns last night was nothing at all on such a long voyage.

For example, when the Blue Whale went to Antarctica for scientific research, it often waited for a long time at the Argentine port due to sudden changes in the weather conditions in the Antarctic waters.Although I stayed in St. John's for half a day this time, it was because the employer invited me to eat a seafood feast. It doesn't matter if the crew would rather come a few more times for such a good thing. Who cares about the delay for half a day?
The distance from St. Johns to Nuuk is about 1160 nautical miles. At the speed of the Blue Whale, it takes about [-] hours to travel.

After drifting at sea for three and a half days, the Blue Whale finally approached Nuuk, which is located in southwest Greenland.

Even though it has entered the midsummer season, the temperature in Nuuk is still quite low.The highest temperature here during the day is only about [-] degrees, and the temperature at night will directly drop to about zero degrees.

Nuuk is the largest city and port in Greenland, and of course, the city is also the capital of Greenland.However, even though this city is the largest city in Greenland, the city's permanent population is only about 1.7, which is about the same as an ordinary town in China.
Although Nuuk is close to the Arctic Circle, the port of Nuuk, which is deep at the exit of the Gotthob Strait, is frozen very rarely in a year.So here has become the largest city in Greenland.

There are no agricultural crops around Nuuk, which is not suitable for agricultural development, but fishery is the pillar industry here.Most of the people coming and going in the port are fishing boats.

The Blue Whale is very big. In terms of Nuuk Port, it is a giant ship, and there is only one [-]-ton berth in Nuuk Port, and it is still at the outer pier, so the Blue Whale can only berth at that pier. superior.

The Blue Whale will dock at Nuuk Harbor for two days. In addition to fresh water supplies, it is more important for the crew to relax before entering the Arctic Ocean.

The Blue Whale is a scientific research ship, unlike an ocean-going cargo ship that will not dock until it reaches its destination.In order to take care of the scientific research personnel on board, scientific research ships often create conditions for going ashore as much as possible.If there is no condition to go ashore, there is no way, but as long as you can go ashore, basically you will go ashore.

The port of Nuuk is still far away from the Arctic Ocean. Unfortunately, further north, there is no port where the Blue Whale can dock. This is the last port where the Blue Whale can dock before entering the Arctic Ocean.

After staying on the boat for almost four days, both Yang Jing and Gege felt the ground shaking when they got off the boat.

This is a natural reaction. After staying on the boat for a long time, it is always this kind of beating when you get off the boat.It's like staying in a high-altitude area (more than [-] altitude) for a long time, and once you go down to a low-altitude area (less than [-] altitude), it is easy to get drunk.
After getting used to it for a while, the feeling of shaking everywhere slowly disappeared.

Gege sighed with emotion, and directly expressed Yang Jing's heartfelt opinion - it's better to be Mother Earth!
It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when Yang Jing and the others arrived in Nuuk Port, but the sky here was still bright and the sun had not yet set.The sun will not set until around 10:30 in the evening, and then the sky will light up again after three o'clock in the morning, and the sun will rise around 03:30.

After getting off the boat, they came to the reserved hotel, and after eating a big meal with local characteristics, Yang Jing and the others rested.

As a result, Yang Jing fell asleep and fell asleep, and Yang Jing felt that it was already bright outside.Dazedly patted Ge Ge awake, "Honey, it's already bright outside, don't sleep."

Grid also rubbed his eyes in a daze, looking at the window.The curtains weren't enough to completely block out the sun, so was it really daylight outside?
Gege touched the phone to check the time, and beat Yang Jing twice angrily, "You idiot, this place is close to the Arctic Circle, and the sun will come out after three o'clock in the morning!"

Only then did the bewildered Yang Jing realize that he had made a big oolong.I grabbed the watch on the bedside table and looked at it, and it was only 03:30 in the morning!

Without further ado, continue to lie down and sleep!

This sleep lasted until after seven o'clock in the morning. When the two of them walked out of the room to prepare for dinner, they saw Lin Dan sitting in the dining room with a tired face and two dark circles under his eyes.

Yang Jing leaned forward and stabbed the guy, "What's wrong? Couldn't help but make a big sword last night?"

Lin Dan rolled his eyes helplessly, "I couldn't sleep after three o'clock in the morning. Damn the polar day phenomenon!"

When Yang Jing heard this, he held his stomach and laughed out loud.Lin Dan is a light sleeper, especially sensitive to light, and he will not be able to fall asleep if it is slightly brighter.It’s better on the boat. The curtains on the cabin windows are very tight, basically impenetrable, and there are eye masks available, so you can ignore the early sun.But it’s not good in the hotel. The curtains in this hotel are very ordinary. When the sun comes out, the room can be slightly bright.As a result, Lin Dan was struggling.

Clarke McCann said with a silly smile: "I reminded him when I got off the boat last night and asked him to come down with a blindfold. Who knew he forgot."

Gege was also happy when she found out, everyone in the room was happy, only Lin Dan was left with a sad face.

After breakfast, everyone met to go out to visit this beautiful small city.After all, you have to stay here for two days, so you can relax to your heart's content.

Nuuk in summer is still very beautiful. The snow covered here for eight months has disappeared at this time, but the snow can still be seen on the mountains not far away.Some coniferous trees become lush and green at this time, and flowers are competing to bloom in this rare warm season.

Stand at the door of the hotel and wait for the arrival of the local tour guide that the hotel finds.If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this small city surrounded by greenery is actually a city on the edge of the Arctic Circle.

Because everyone here speaks Danish or Greenlandic, and few speak English, so Yang Jing and Gege must find a tour guide who can speak English.After waiting at the entrance of the hotel for more than ten minutes, an Inuit man drove a Ford pickup and stopped in front of everyone.

Inuit are what we call Eskimos, but in North America, you'd better not say Eskimos, otherwise people will turn their faces.If you call someone an Eskimo, it's like calling a foreigner "little red guy" by Chinese Shanghainese. It's no wonder they don't turn against you.

Although this guy is an authentic Inuit, he has a very western name, "Hey, everyone, I am Jack Atmuk, you can call me Jack, I am here to serve you today Tourist guide."

This Jack is not the Jack played by Xiao Li in "Titanic". This guy is more than 1.9 meters tall, with a beard on his face, and he is very sturdy, comparable to Clark McCann.

After greeting each other for a while, Yang Jing and Ge Ge started to visit the city on foot under the leadership of this Jack.

Nuuk is too small. Although the city governs an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers, the urban area is really too small.Even from the southwesternmost point of the city to the northeasternmost point of the airport, the straight-line distance is only five kilometers. As for the width, it is only about two kilometers.On foot, you can visit the city in less than half a day.

In fact, as the capital of Greenland, Nuuk still receives many tourists from all over the world every year, which has also spawned many local tour guides.However, the best season to come to Nuuk is in winter. Only in that season can you truly experience the polar atmosphere.

Jack is obviously a very qualified tour guide. Along the way, he introduced a lot of famous local buildings and scenery to Yang Jing and Gege, although there are not many beautiful scenery in this city.
"Did you see that mountain?" Jack pointed to the high mountain in the northeast, the top of which was still wearing a "white cap" - the unmelted snow, "That's the last place we got in Gotthob." The famous Mount Sadler. It is located on the island of Sermiziak, which is a small island in the Nup Kangrua Fjord in the north. Mount Sadler is as high as 1210 meters above sea level and is near Gotthob The highest mountain. This mountain often appears in the background of our Gotthob panoramas, and can be seen from most places in the city. It is the most famous natural scenery of our Gotthob.”

As Jack said, he pulled out a travel brochure like a magic trick. On the cover of this brochure, it was indeed that mountain.

As for the Gotthob mentioned by Jack, it is another name for Nuck.Nuuk is the English name for the capital of Greenland by Westerners, but among the locals, they are more accustomed to calling the city Gotthob.Because in Greenlandic, Gotthob means good hope.

"Can you go to see that mountain?" Princess asked, her English is also quite fluent.

Jack smiled and nodded, "Of course, but don't look at this mountain as if it is very close, but in fact it is [-] kilometers away from us in a straight line, and you need to take a boat to go there. If you are sure you want to go there If you want to appreciate Sadler up close, I can arrange a boat for you."

When he heard that he was going to take a boat again, Gege hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head, "Forget it, since I'm going to go by boat, I won't go. I've only been on a boat these days, and I'm almost tired of sitting .”

Jack smiled and didn't think he was disobedient.

(End of this chapter)

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