Easy Tycoon

Chapter 399 Men, I still have to use size to talk about chapters

Chapter 399 Men, still have to speak with size

When Larry Ellison and Paul Allen competed for the size of the yacht, Yang Jing was still in junior high school. He only heard about the competition that made the whole world laugh when he was a little older. , but I don't know the specific situation inside.

"Lin Zi, Larry Ellison's Oracle company is considered a city in the Bay Area, don't you know about that?" Seeing that Lin Dan hadn't spoken, Yang Jing asked curiously.

"Brother, how could I not know about that? I lived with my grandma in Redwood City when I was young, and Oracle is located in Redwood City." Lin Dan was obviously very dissatisfied with Yang Jing's questioning.

"There is a famous yacht construction company in Germany called Luersen Shipyard, which is famous for producing ultra-luxury yachts. Brother Yang, do you know this famous shipyard?"

Yang Jing shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I've never played luxury yachts before, so I don't know much about the places where such luxury toys are made. Sorry, I really didn't know this shipyard before. .”

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. You just need to know that at that time, hundreds of billionaires around the world were customers of this shipyard. Among them, Paul Allen and Larry Ellison belonged to this shipyard. Customer. Mike Brightman, the sales director of the shipyard at the time, was very interesting. He printed the phrase "size determines everything" on his T-shirt, and even when he was doing sales, he still wore it. T-shirts. Mike Brightman's move has won the favor of many billionaires, which has brought many billionaires to the shipyard."

"In 2004, Ellison customized the Rising Sun at the Lursen Shipyard, but the planned length of the yacht was 393 feet, which was the largest yacht in the world at that time. As a result, Paul Allen was also The shipyard placed an order, and the length of the Octopus customized by Paul Allen reached 413 feet. Larry Ellison got the news, so it’s okay? You Microsoft usually overwhelm me, and I already have I feel all kinds of dissatisfaction, and now you, a guy who quit Microsoft, dare to overwhelm my yacht in terms of length, my aunt can bear it, but my uncle can't bear it!"

"Ellison is very clear that if he really completes his yacht according to the original plan, the Octopus will become the number one in the world, and the Rising Sun will become the second child at birth. Ellison absolutely cannot Therefore, he immediately notified the Luersen Shipyard and asked them to change their Rising Sun into a yacht with a length of 452 feet. The Luersen Shipyard also accepted Ellison's request. In the end, when the two yachts After its launch, Ellison’s Rising Sun surpassed the Octopus as he wished and became the number one in the world at that time.”

"At that time, Larry Ellison was very proud to say to the world—man, you still have to use size to speak! Microsoft, although I am not as rich as you, I am bigger than you!"

"Hahahaha." Yang Jing laughed uncontrollably, "Damn, Ellison is such a man? Dare to say such things to the whole world?"

Lin Dan also laughed, "That's right, that's what Ellison said. Although Ellison has a very arrogant personality, these words have also attracted him a lot of fans. Brother Yang, yours This adjective describes it well, man. Ellison is really a man in this matter, and even many people in our Bay Area have begun to like this guy."

Yang Jing nodded, seeming to agree with Lin Dan's statement, "That's right, I wasn't very interested in Larry Ellison in the past, mainly because it was rumored that this guy had a nasty way of speaking, and he always said what he said. , so it seems that his character is extremely arrogant. But after listening to this little story today, I think that even if Ellison is really arrogant, he still has the capital of arrogance. If we remember correctly, last year’s Forbes billionaire On the list, Ellison seems to be ranked seventh, right?"

Lin Dan nodded, "That's right, in fact, since entering 2010, Ellison has been in the top ten of the Forbes rich list for many years in a row."

Yang Jing said with emotion: "Yes, how can it be possible for a rich man who has been on the Forbes rich list for many years to not have his own temper? Arrogance? Hehe, if those who laugh at Ellison can also enter the Forbes rich list In the top ten, let alone arrogance, so what if you want to face the air? This is the privilege of the rich, or in other words, the reason why these rich can become the top rich is directly related to their own personalities. relationship. If Ellison hadn't been so arrogant, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do what he is doing now."

As if responding to Yang Jing's words, or protesting Yang Jing's words, the Rising Sun, which had just passed under the Golden Gate Bridge, suddenly blew its whistle.
"Brother, after you get rid of all the gold and diamonds, you will also build such a yacht?" Lin Dan is obviously very interested in this kind of luxury yacht, even though the luxury yacht in front of him has been built for 14 years, even if This yacht has slipped from No. 14 in the world back then to No.14 in the world now, but it is undeniable that this ultra-luxury yacht built [-] years ago is still an ultra-luxury yacht with a return rate of more than [-]%. A toy is a big guy who can make anyone's heart beat.

It would be a lie for Yang Jing to say that he is not tempted. As long as he is a normal man, after seeing such a big ship with a length of nearly 140 meters, he will probably have a strong desire to possess it.

"How much is a yacht as big as this?" Seeing faint black smoke rising from the chimney of the Rising Sun, and starting to accelerate towards the open sea, Yang Jing turned to ask Lin Dan.

"Uh" Lin Dan scratched his head, "I don't know about this, but I do know the price of the Rising Sun. When Ellison built this super yacht, he spent a total of 2.5 million US dollars. This yacht costs a year. The maintenance cost is as high as $1300 million."

This price made Yang Jing shake his head secretly.

For those top rich people with net worth tens of billions of dollars, it is not a problem to own such a super yacht, but they absolutely cannot afford such a yacht now.Of course, if the Dragon Fund is to be taken over in the future, a yacht like the Rising Sun will not be qualified.

Well, it seems that the 15 billion-dollar Eclipse owned by the Russian billionaire Abramovich is about the same.
Shaking his head, he shook off those temporarily unreliable thoughts, waved his hands at Lin Dan, and the two continued to walk along the trail on the east side of the bridge.

At this time, there were more people on the bridge, some were tourists watching the sunrise, and some were locals exercising.

The Golden Gate Bridge is tolled, but there is a toll booth on the north side of the bridge. Vehicles entering the city from the north of the strait to the south will be charged a bridge toll of six dollars per vehicle.

This price is not low if it is placed in China, and this bridge has been charged for 81 years, and the construction cost has already been recovered.

From this point of view, the bridge tolls in the United States are much better than those in China.
After walking a certain distance, the sun gradually rose, and the temperature also began to rise. Some of the mist on the sea in the distance gradually dispersed, and the two large, one small, and three islands on the sea in the bay area gradually revealed their figures.

Yang Jing pointed to the smallest island and asked, "That's Alcatraz, right? Wasn't the film "Into the Deadly Island" starring Nicolas Cage more than 20 years ago based on this island?"

Lin Dan nodded and said: "That's right, that island is Alcatraz Island. However, this island was not called Alcatraz Island before, and Pelican Island was its original name. However, Philip Grosser refused to perform military service in World War I. He was convicted of a crime. He compiled his experience behind bars and published a book titled "Uncle Sam's Devil's Island", which revealed to the public the horror and darkness of the prison at that time, and gave this Pelican Island the title of "Alcatraz". A resounding name."

After a pause, Lin Dan pointed to the other two relatively large islands and said: "The island in the north is Angel Island, and now that island has become a state park. The island in the south is Treasure Island, but it is an artificial island. The island, next to it is the real island Yerba Buena Island, which is a natural island. But compared to the big name of Treasure Island, Yerba Buena Island is much less famous.”

Seeing that Yang Jing seemed to be very interested in these islands, Lin Dan continued: "Actually speaking of islands, the Ellison we talked about just now also owns the most expensive island in the world."

"You mean the Lanai Island in Hawaii? I've heard about it. It seems that Ellison spent a full $[-] million to buy that island, right?"

"It's not 98 million, but [-] million, and he didn't buy all the ownership of Lanai, he only bought [-]% of the ownership. And after buying Lanai, Ellison continued to invest over half a billion dollars to build that island."

Yang Jing shook his head again and said, "Compared with yachts, this kind of private island is a more expensive big toy."

Lin Dan obviously did not agree with Yang Jing's statement, "Brother Yang, you are wrong if you think so. It is expensive to buy a private island, but once you really buy an island, then you are the king of this island. And At present, there are not many private islands in the world that can exceed [-] million US dollars. There are only two. Most of the private islands cost around [-] million US dollars. Brother, I suggest you buy an island and match it with a super yacht. Tsk tsk, those little days are definitely very comfortable."

Yang Jing chuckled, "Lin Zi, why don't you borrow some money first? Not too much, just borrow one billion to eighty million first, and I promise to buy a super yacht after buying the private island."

Lin Dan's originally sunny face suddenly darkened.
He is probably complaining in his heart at this moment—do you want a Bilian?One billion eight hundred million, Zimbabwean currency?

(End of this chapter)

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