Easy Tycoon

Chapter 392 Discovered

Chapter 392 Discovered

The time returned to more than 20 minutes ago, when Yang Jing had just entered the upper floor of the military base through the first steel gate.

Deraj, a small city more than 100 kilometers away from Gudamis, is the second largest city in the province of Gudamis and the only place where Gudamis, the capital of Gudamis, leads to Tripoli.

The dry Tenarut River, a seasonal river originating from the Al Hamra Mountains, crosses this small oasis city after a large circle.At this time, in a room in the city near the Tenarut Dry River, a burst of "beep beep" electronic alarm sounded suddenly.

The three strong men who were eating and drinking immediately jumped up like frightened rabbits. One of them rushed to a workbench near the window and looked at the series of equipment on the workbench in a daze. The black device, which no one has touched for a long time, is now beeping an alarm.

"Kim, why is this device giving an alarm? Isn't this device not working long ago?" The man turned his head and asked another man with beards.

The bearded man walked up to him in two or three steps, spat out a chicken bone, and asked, "Which device is calling the police?"

"Here, it's this one. I've been here for three years, and I've never seen this device activated. I thought this device would be out of use long ago."

When Kerim the beard saw the alarm from the device, he froze for a moment, then jumped up again as if his butt was on fire.

"By Allah, it turned out to be the warning from the Gudamisi base! Could it be that someone has entered that base? This, this is impossible!" A lot of sweat suddenly appeared on the man's forehead, and he spoke in an unconfident tone. Yu said, grabbing the phone in a panic and starting to dial.

"What? You said that the siren representing the Gudamisi base sounded?" A voice also full of disbelief sounded from the phone.

"Yes sir, I'm not mistaken, the siren representing the Gudamisi base did sound just now, and it's still sounding now."

"Okay, you immediately locate according to the siren, and at the same time gather all of us in Daraij. I authorize you to use all armed vehicles, but I ask you to use the shortest time to locate and rush to where!"

"Yes, sir!" said the bearded Kerim, standing to attention.

The other end of the phone was in a building in Tripoli, the capital of Libya, more than 400 kilometers away. On the surface, this building belonged to the Libyan Ministry of Defense, but in fact it was the largest intelligence agency in Libya.

The person who answered the phone was a middle-aged man wearing the rank of major. After putting down the phone, he adjusted his clothes a little bit, opened the door, and trotted all the way to a room at the other end of the corridor.

Knocking on the door, an officer wearing a colonel's uniform asked, "What happened? What made you so anxious?"

"Sir, six years ago we found some equipment left by Gaddafi, and now, the last of those equipment has also issued a warning just now. The people we arranged in Da Raj have confirmed this news."

"What? You said that the last one of the equipment that Gaddafi used to monitor his secret military bases was alarmed? Well, I remember that the equipment in Gudamis Province has not alarmed. Could it be that One alarmed?"

"Yes sir, even the last of the two alarm devices in Gudamis Province also alarmed. Someone entered the mysterious military base."

"When did this happen?" the colonel asked in a deep voice.

"Just now, only 3 minutes from now. I have authorized our people stationed in Daraj to locate and dispatch."

"Okay! You supervise this matter yourself! No, you rush over there by helicopter now. I demand that the base be returned to us intact! We haven't figured out the exact location of the base, and now we can finally It has been located, so I order you to take back that base in its entirety. Because that base was not only the most secretive base for storing weapons of mass destruction during Gaddafi's lifetime, but it is also very likely that Mutashim's kid died before he died. Stored a batch of treasures in that base! You, set off now and rush there, bring more people there!"

"Yes, sir!" The major officer stood at attention and saluted, then turned and walked out of the room.

The colonel officer frowned and shook his head slightly, then sat down in the chair.

Gaddafi and his sons died very quickly, so many secrets disappeared with Gaddafi's death, including the specific location of the secret military bases that Gaddafi established in many southern provinces during his lifetime .

But fortunately, when the troops broke through Gaddafi's old nest Surte, intelligence personnel found some equipment in a secret stronghold of Gaddafi.After analysis by experts, these devices are all connected to a certain satellite in the sky, which is a kind of alarm device. These devices are connected to the other end through satellite signals, and the other end, according to the inference of those experts, is very likely to be Gaddafi in power. At that time, some secret military bases were built at the end of the 90s and the beginning of the new century.

The facts are just as judged by those experts, these devices are indeed connected to those secret military bases through satellite signals, specifically, these devices are some warning devices.Once someone illegally enters those secret military bases without authorization, the alarm equipment using dry batteries as the power source in the base will be activated due to changes in air pressure, and the signal will be transmitted to the satellite, and then transmitted to these alarm terminals by the satellite to remind the monitoring Personnel is that secret military base someone illegally entered.

Through these warning devices, Haftar, who succeeded Gaddafi as the supreme military leader of Libya, has discovered nine secret bases in the past six years.There are names on these alarm terminals, like the Shati base, which refers to a secret military base located in the province of Shati; the Marzug base, which is located in the southernmost province of Libya. Secret military base.

There are a total of ten such alarm terminals, and the secret military bases represented by nine of them have been discovered successively in the past six years. From these secret bases, Haftar discovered a lot of good things, including Gaddafi A large number of treasures hidden during his lifetime, as well as a large number of chemical weapons of mass destruction.

Only the last warning device with the Gudamis No. [-] base on it has been silent for more than six years.

These secret military bases are highly confidential places, and few people themselves know the specific locations of these secret military bases.During the civil war in Libya, all those who knew the exact location of these secret military bases died, even Gaddafi and his son died, so now no one knows the exact location of these secret military bases at all.

Only after the warning equipment gives an alarm, can the base be located through the signal, and finally these secret military bases can be discovered.

Haftar's subordinates used this method to successively discover the nine secret military bases left by Gaddafi.Because the last alarm marked "Gudamis No. [-] Base" has not sounded for more than six years, Hartaf sent people with equipment to station in Dalaij for a long time. And a full company of troops was stationed in Dai Lai Ji, the purpose is that once the location of the last base can be determined, then the elite soldiers of this company can kill it in the shortest time.

It is much more convenient and quicker to go to the base from Deraj than to send troops from Tripoli, which is [-] kilometers away.The most important thing is that sending troops from Dai Lai Ji is much more confidential!
And now, the alarm of the last secret military base has also sounded. How can this not make the colonel officer pay special attention to it?
In a very short period of time, all the soldiers of the company originally stationed in Dalaij gathered, and four personnel carriers plus two Humvee military jeeps were quickly dispatched. According to the specific target determined by the positioning system, they headed towards a Driving to the Hamra Mountains, a hundred kilometers away.

And Yang Jing, who is on the second floor of the secret base, doesn't know that his position has been exposed. He is now on the second floor of this military base, cleaning up those treasures hidden by Somiha Salim back then. .

The second floor of this secret military base has penetrated more than 20 meters underground, and the area is much larger than the upper floor.

On the second floor of this secret base, there are not only storage warehouses for chemical weapons of mass destruction, but also a production line dedicated to the production of chemical weapons, but this production line has long been covered with dust.

In addition to the warehouses for storing chemical weapons of mass destruction, on the second floor of this underground base, there is also a living area, which should be a place for scientific research personnel and production personnel to live, and there are also some warehouses for storing raw materials.

Anyway, this base is not small. Although it is not as good as the secret military base in the movie, it is still an extremely rare military base, not to mention that this base is still built in the desert. The construction cost alone I don't know how high it is.

On the second floor of the underground base, Yang Jing finally saw some boxes stacked in a corner.Judging from the appearance, these boxes are all boxes for weapons or ammunition. These boxes are made of extremely tough special engineering plastics. Each box is about 1.2 meters long and [-] centimeters wide. , fifty centimeters high.

There are eighteen such boxes in total, all of which have combination locks, but this one can't help Yang Jing.With storage space and consciousness, one of the boxes on the top floor was easily opened.

After the box was opened, the light reflected from the contents almost blinded Yang Jing's eyes.
PS: Bow down and thank you for the 500 tip of "Top Secret Flight", and the 002 tip of "King Immodared" and "Xiaoyi 200".Continue to break out today, four chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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